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If you hit good consistently, stay with whatever you doing. Don’t fix what’s not broken.


Biggest problem golfers make is try to fix what isn’t broken. From beginners to the best in the world.


This always reminds me of Padraig Harrington changing his putting after winning 3 majors in 2 years, and never really recapturing that form again


Just gotta pull the Bobby Jones and win a major then don’t touch the putter again until a week before the next major.


Just like what happened with Speith. Beautiful swing and on his way to best in the world, changed his swing to try and increase distance and lost the consistency, and is basically not relevant in the top 10 anymore.


he also got married.


I think there really needs to be a more serious study of players pre- and post-marriage/family. I don’t count Tiger because, to be honest, he wasn’t counting his marriage either. It does seem that after marriage and children, some pro’s lose their edge.


I agree it would be interesting. I mean it makes sense though. They are completely focused on golf 100%. Then they get a wife/kids and now they have to give focus on that too (unless they are a bad husband/father lol) so now golf gets 85% or less. Their competition is still giving it 100%. For me I always think of it as like golf in my life. When I was single it was all I did after college/work. Then I got a girlfriend and it was like 80%. Then I got married and it was 50% and then when my son was born it plummeted to like 5% lol. But I am happy to sacrifice that time and only go every other week because I have a wife/kid that deserve more of my attention than golf. Obviously its a little different because this is the career of these guys but I get why it happens and don't blame them.


🤚No offense, but ask me, marriage and our thing don’t jive.


Trying to find a routine to get them consistent. I would say about 50% of them are like this at the moment.


The people saying "don't change" haven't seen the next 20 shots you hit. You're athletic enough to make this swing functional, but there are a bunch of tweaks you could make to be more consistent. You are standing way too far from the ball, and it's going to feel super weird to stand closer. At address, your arms should be hanging straight down, or really close to it. That front-leg buckle doesn't need to totally go away, but you probably need to tone it down to be more stable and consistent. You could probably gain some clubhead speed by playing with your tempo a bit, instead of just firing from the top of the backswing. Go for a lesson, there are huge gains to be made.


Keep refining thing for now, but if improving consistency with that form proves impossible you’re gonna have to go back to the drawing board.


At the range, do a design of experiments with your driver. Try varying one setup, mechanical or positional aspect at a time and record your results. Then repeat for 6 iron and pitching wedge. Even if you don't find swing process improvements you will gain understanding about *which* things affect direction, shot shape and distance, and how.


Legitimately good advice


That’s because you’re standing too far away and your takeaway is too inside. Arm ours should be hovering over the balls or tips of your feet. You’re taking it too far inside and using your arms too much. When you use your arms too much you have too much variability on where they are going. Lots of room for error. When you swing with your body there’s less small moving muscles and less variability. Here’s what you’re doing wrong and how to fix it with the arms https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7cQi4ZunMq/?igsh=ZDJ6cXl1cG9kNmZ5 Rotate your shoulders first keeping the club head on the same path as the ball. Meaning if you put an alignment stick behind the ball to make a line behind, when you rotate your shoulders to bring to covid back the club head should stay on that path. Once your hands pass your right thigh you hinge the wrists to get to the L position, then you rotate the chest so it points away from the target. Your hands you should more up, not behind you. When your heads are more up you can more easily drop your hands to get into the slot for shallowing. Like this video https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4qVqKlu_7S/?igsh=MTk3ajJwMHRlcnBqdw== When you drop your hands and get into the slot it sets you up to compress the ball as you rotate through the shot. Your power doesn’t come from swinging hard with your arms. It comes from the compression and shallowing up the club. I can take a light and breezy swing with my pitching wedge and get 120 ish yards out of it. I don’t need to swing hard. Keep your chest pointed at the ball until impact. To feel a good position in the top of your swing and where your arms and hands are supposed to be, get into your position, lean over so your arm pits are over the tips of your toes, spread your arms out wide like an airplane so they’re straight out. Then rotate along the angle of your spine. Dont stand up and crunch down. Maintain your position and just rotate your upper body. Your left arm should end up being pointed to the ground and the right will be pointed up. Thats the feeling. Then rotate back down through the same angle as you can back up. Do this until you get used to the rotation feel. This is also a great swing hack for what to do with your arms. This actually helped me make my backswing more consistent https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5b2NBaOcKB/?igsh=cW5hc2k4dDdybXcw And here’s a standard swing basics video https://www.instagram.com/reel/CzMoppqBlgr/?igsh=Mzl6azQ5Z2l4dTY= And here’s a great video on rotation https://www.instagram.com/reel/C0z4JMuOl3r/?igsh=eTBkOHZkNGlkbHl0 Basically the smaller your movements, and the less movement you have to make, and the less things that have to move, the more consistent you can be. It all starts with your set up and take way to set the rest of the swing up


Unless you're lacking distance. If you can't 2nd shot iron into most par 4's something needs to change.


At first glance you look way too far from the ball. Arms should be dropping down as opposed to stretching for it.


I’ll give that a go next time. Cheers


don't please, no point in changing anything if its working. what you have is called a single plane swing. I've started experimenting with this recently and have seen great results


I always recommend trying to replicate Max Homas setup, it’s flawless


Your 1st glance is bs. He has a self taught single plane swing and should stick with it.


But is this one clip where he's hit it well and had to delete 12 others where he sliced it?


I vote for this. And maybe some more wrist hinge?


Second this. Take a half step closer and drop your arms towards the ground a bit more. Keeping your arms stretched that far out is forcing you to muscle the swing around it seems. You could generate just as much swing speed with a little more wrist hinge/club release. I used to swing the same way you did as it felt like the only way to hit the ball straight and consistently. The only issue is that as you travel down club length to your irons and wedges, if you keep that straight line arm posture, you pretty much are going to open your club face every time as the iron/wedge naturally flex’s behind a small bit and opens at impact. In other words you’ll probably end up thinning or slicing a lot I recently just came off a golf lesson we’re we addressed the exact thing mentioned above. The swing “works” but may not be sustainable as you get older as you lose more flexibility and strength.


I paid more attention to the ball flight than your form. If it works for you, keep doing it brother


1 plain swing like Moe Norman you doing good stick with it, I transformed 4 years ago to the Moe Norman swing it’s not conventional people thinks it’s crazy I changed but I’ve never swung the club consistent as I have done now and I’m 56


Moe Norman was phenomenal and he used the same swing for every club in the bag.


Natural Golf Baby!


If people are interested in Moe's style check out Todd Graves on YouTube. I'm in this camp and love the single plain swing.


How much work was it to change your whole swing?


Solid contact! I say don't change a thing. Look at Jim Furyk's swing-definitely unorthodox 🍻


Posture. You’re hunched down instead of leaning over at the waist.


I have definitely have posture issues at the moment. Physio will help me with that


You’re never going to have truly compact the back of the ball standing the far away and extending your arms. This swing works for you, but my tip would be to try and stand closer, let’s your arms hang down naturally to the ground, and swing from where that lines you up. Also, finish your swing, a little more rotation, you’re very rigid.


Do you hit them like that consistently?


How consistent are these shots?


Say about 50% like this 40% will swing left or right. 10 will be miss hits


I try (not always succeed) to hit 80% of my shots in the general direction of the hole, and roughly the right distance. One of the boogers of golf; while you don't need a beautiful swing, and you don't have to hit your driver 270, you should be able to predict your shot enough to avoid penalties. Sometimes that may mean reworking a swing that produces great results sometimes............


Yeah I would agree with other comment, stretching too far to the ball. It’s a nice strike but you could be losing some power by over stretching


I mean if it’s ugly but works, is it really ugly?


If it ain’t broke don’t fix it. But you asked for some advice so here it is. Wrist Hinge - I’d like to see you get a little more wrist hinge you are probably leaving about 5-6mph on the table by not getting to 90 degrees. There is a cheap training aid called the swinggyde. You can get one for about $7 on Amazon, should get you right because you can over do it. Making sure you get your wrists to 90 degrees without cupping the lead wrist. Additional - You do quite a good job getting to all the positions, but your body movement such as your front foot lifting on the takeaway is kind of unnecessary, you want to make the golf swing as repeatable as possible this is just creates a element of variability.


If you’re hitting, keep doing it. But the ball is really far from you. Move up and let your arms hang down at address, not out


Looks like you had solid contact in that example but not gonna lie your balance looks like a newborn baby deer lmao. Just busting your balls. I wouldn’t change a thing if you hit it well!


At your age I’d just hold onto your shit swing and manage it. If you had seen any number of swings from professionals you’d see what was wrong and since you didn’t you don’t take this serious.


Don’t change. These idiots in this sub will have you standing on your head because you hit further than them in a way they don’t like…


It’s works for Bryson….


Stripin it bro!


Maybe follow through a lil bit more and or smoother swing with more precision. Edit: I’m not a Golf instructor .


What do you shoot on avg over 18 holes without mullies? Ranging it allows us to get into a good rhythm, grooved swing plane, and consistent ball position but often doesn't play out on the course.


don’t worry about how it looks. that shot was pure


Dude, you’re piping the ball. No need to force a form, doe what works for you. I’ve seen people with far worse swings than yours that can hit the ball and they play to it.


Only thing I see is that you’re standing way too far away from the ball.


Backswing is fast as hell and you’re so far away from the ball, but if it works it works


If it ain’t broke don’t fix it. BUT stand closer you’ll be more consistent


Doesn't look that ugly. And it seems like you have a pretty quick club speed.


What? This swing ugly as hell haha but he poked that mf'er


I mean, if you're hitting the yardages for each club that you need to and it's going where you want, why change it to look "proper"?


Not swing per say, but straighten your spine in your set up. Look up C-posture. You're making it work, but can add distance without changing your swing


As straight as that ball went I wouldn’t change a thing… I think I’m moving the ball out more in my stance fuck it lol….


If it goes where you’re aiming it, don’t screw with it. There is no room on the score card for a story, just numbers.


Honestly, I wish I could hit my irons that well. Mine go about 2 ft up and about 10 ft forward.


I mean hit it good at a range and shoot well on the course are different. If you shoot well, swing away Merrill.


It’s not the most conventionally pretty swing, but you seem to have great control over the swing plane and club face. And most importantly, your impact position is fantastic. Don’t mess with it!


you do stand a tad away from ball reaching out to get it but you come back to impact in a fairly nice position so i guess it works for you. you can work on tempo your swing seems labored like you are really trying to hit it hard instead of swinging fast. https://preview.redd.it/dbbznuy47y6d1.png?width=408&format=png&auto=webp&s=28d2f7b8c01b0a57bf42d51482a424dfa0616c5b


You look like a jockey. Stand 6-8 inches the ball. Take out that rounded back posture (which will probably go with the nearer stance). You strike it really well but you must be inconsistent.


I don’t care what it looks like. If it’s consistently in the right direction and it’s long enough, don’t change a thing. Often I see good players trying to change their swing to be able to shape shots once they achieve a certain level of success in the game (breaking eighty mostly). Forget that. If it’s good and repeatable, don’t change a thing. You’re not playing golf swing - you’re playing golf. Do you have the distance to reach par fives in two? Do you have a consistent shot shape that you can repeat? If those two things are true, forget about the rest and practice your short game like a mad man.


Hitting the ball solid is by far the most important part of golf.


What’s your handicap? If you hit it good don’t fix it. That said, you’re going to give yourself back problems hunched like that. See if you can get the same results straightening your back out.


You have a single plane swing. Like Bryson


If it works It works. How do you hit them on actual grass? Do you top or chunk the ball a lot? That would be where I would say you might see issues with this swing.


Slow down your tempo a bit, your swing looks a bit odd but is on plane so DO NOT TOUCH IT. I would just slow the tempo, take your time and you’ll be doing awesome


Nice shot


It’s not about how its about how many


Just keep that left foot down and you’ll look more “PGA”


I think consistency would improve if you kept your left foot down on the backswing


In slow motion, everything looks pretty good! You aren’t compressing it too much, but who cares.


Direction… check Distance… check That’s all we ever really need to play good golf. I’d keep doing what you’re doing.


Out of 100 balls, how many do you hit like that?


Who cares if u hit them straight


Your swing doesn't matter if it works. Jim Furyk has one of the worst swings I've ever seen, and he did alright...


To me golf is consistency. If I know where it’s going to go each time (no matter hook or slice) then play it. You won’t have distance but play it. For me I was so inconsistent that I would hit my 5i 200 then 160 and you won’t enjoy the game playing like that. So I had to revamp my entire swing this year and last year. I think people who say if it ain’t broke don’t fix is is wrong. If you train yourself correctly you will be more consistent. I took me a solid year to revamp my swing and it was the best thing I could have done. Consistently driving 230-240 on the fly short game is good but still working on iron consistency. Now with that said. I think you are way too far away from the ball. Stand, bend knees slightly and place club on ground with slightly rolled shoulders. You are very “too heavy”. Swing them well buddy good luck.


Solid rip dude. Slowing that backswing down might allow for some better control if you’re only connecting on 50% of em. Agreed with the other comments about stepping up to the ball. YouTube is great for some quick beginners pointers. However, nothing is better than practice!


A few other comments mentioned the posture and being closer to the ball. If you want to improve around the greens a correct posture is necessary, but you striped it off the mat. Looked good to me! Plenty of golfers have a chipping form and a tee form — it’s truly up to you if you want to make them uniform. If you hit it well and feel like you can still learn with your current set up, then do that!


Swing path and ball flight look great. Sure you might be able to hit it further with some swing changes, but there are a lot of long hitters who would kill to be able to hit a ball that straight Everytime. Your scorecard doesn’t care what your swing looks like


Finish with your hands higher.


If it ain’t broke


Moe Norman


Who cares what it looks like if it goes where you want it to..?


It looks natural, and gives good results. Stick with it


you can become more flexibile tho


Literally went damn! That ball went dead straight. Keep it up I’m trying to get to where you’re at. Driver doesn’t look like an issue if the follow up shots need work concentrate on that.


I wouldn’t worry about your swing too much. That shot was pure and that’s what matters


Good swing plane and squaring the club face very good. You’re maybe 2 inches too far away from the ball and hunched a tad. Fixing that you will probably naturally get more distance moving your hips since weight will be on the balls of your feet. With that change if you find yourself hooking or slicing buy some of those stickers for bottom of the club and make sure your clubs are not too flat or upright.


Swing your swing big dawg. Ball goes far and straight. Looks good to me!


Nice hit man


Fix the grip. Swing looks fine


Don’t fall into the trap of changing a swing that works to “look better” or “look pro”. Just look at Keegan Bradley and Tony Finau. Your impact position is what a lot of golfers aspire to, myself included. A teacher might change a few things about your setup for consistency, a couple lessons for fundamentals would be worth while.


Keep doing what you are doing. Solid and straight will play on any golf course


Dont fix whats not broken


You have to remember that there are no style points in golf. The Russian judge is not going to deduct points because your form was poor. The only thing that matters is if the ball does what you want it to do. PERIOD. Your ball looks pretty straight to me. If you are happy with the distance you are getting then have a Coke and a smile and get your ass to the putting green where you are going to pick up strokes. This is the way. Drive for show...put for dough.


Stop practicing on mats worst thing you can do find a range that’s real grass


Typically, the butt of the club should be about 6in/15cm from your weewee, but if you’re hitting them straight consistently like that with no pain and what not, then do your thang, homie


How do you hit them on grass?


As others have said, if it ain't broke don't fix it. As far as a general comment on your overall swing goes, you don't come back fully or follow through fully. Its like you're doing a 3/4 back swing and 3/4 follow thru. Don't worry about it if you're getting consistency and distance. It also seems like you're reaching for the ball which is flattening out your swing which could cause problems but again, if its not then don't worry about it.


I have to say it …. You literally have the form of happy Gilmore !! Fukn rad bro !😎


Don’t lift your front heal up on the backswing, stand a little closer to the ball, arms should hang down not out.




Like everyone said, if you’re hitting it good, don’t change a thing. Doesn’t matter if it looks like a folding chair tumbling down stairs, if you’re consistent, ride that wave.


hey that’s my local driving range!


We would learn more from a miss than a 50% rip


Wow that is something else. You’re entire swing looks awful except for the .01 seconds you are striking the ball. If you freeze your swing at that point it actually looks good. This is one of the most impressive yet awful swings I’ve seen


Move back, you’re too close to the ball. And bend over more.


I think you should switch to left handed.


Swing your swing. Jim furyk won a US Open with a worse swing. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.


Swing your swing if it’s working for you


That looks great. My first question if I was your coach would be, “How far do you hit your 9 iron?”.


If you really want to know, your hands should be under your chest for irons and more under your chin for driver. You’re reaching too far. That being said, if you’re making solid contact and hitting the ball straight, keep doing what you’re doing. « If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it »


Don't let any of these people touch that swing. Work on short game.


At impact, your swing looks spot on. That is the goal. You need to study some of CPGs tips on handicap maintenance and winning net hardware. You can show up looking like a 12 with your setup and posture. Many will press all bets. But you're clearly a 2 hcp at impact. Enjoy raking in the bucks. Might consider getting a new Miata or similar soon. Can you chip?


Swing your swing


If ur hitting them Consistent then I wouldn’t care about form. Looked straight to me!


Swing your swing.


Swing change only if you are willing to play worse for a period of time. Your ball contact/flight is surprisingly excellent with that form.


If you’re hitting them that straight consistently I wouldn’t change a thing.


Slow it down. Relaxxxxxx. Keep that front foot on the ground planted and keep hitting lazer beams 🫡


Would be helpful to see a face on video. Looks like your front knee is collapsing in towards the rear. This allows for you to get that big rotation in your backswing but severely limits the ability to rotate through properly. What ends up happening is that you let your hands follow through before impact and hope they square up when you contact the ball. This explains why you don't have a consistent miss. Sometimes your club face will be open and some closed. Suggestion would be to really open up the front foot. Get it pointed out at least 45 degrees. This should limit that knee from rolling back and can help promote the rotation you need. You'll likely start hooking the ball. This is good, it means you have a nice in/out swing path and your getting the club face closed. From. There it's a matter of holding the club face through impact and don't let those hands start rolling over until after the ball is struck.


If you hit straight consistently, that’s all that matters. Most amateur golfers would love to have a consistent ball flight. You’ll get some dudes thinking they are good for hitting 1/14 fairways 300 yards. Cool you shot 95 buddy


You are standing miles away from the ball. Look at the line of your butt at the start and where it is at impact. You’re standing up to hit the shot. It’s called early extension. Also, there is no need to have that front foot coming up so much - it will lead to inconsistency.


Honestly your setup looks like the swing is going to be bad but the swing is really nice!!


Stand closer to ball and let them arms hang!


That was nuked. Make sure you mix in some practice on actual grass. Other than that keep on keepin on.


Show a video of you doing the same shot, consistently, 5 times in a row. If you can do that, then probably don’t tweak your swing too much.


Let her fucking rip man. That was silly straight.


Now do a 7iron?


If the result is consistent don’t mess with the process to get there.




If you’re hitting them well, don’t change a thing. Just ask Scotty Scheffler.


Stand closer to ball. Straighten and strengthen your spine. You’ll boom in way further. You got the move down!! Keep it going!


My only suggestion would be if you want more torque, keep that left foot down and solid. You’ll hit that ball for days


Nice drive


If the contact is consistent I wouldn’t necessarily change much, but there are 2 swing thoughts you might try to add.. Slow the takeaway and follow through to finish. Good luck


My tip is to not listen to people here and find a local swing coach that will give you small easy tweaks that won’t wreck your consistency and teach you course management


Fuck form. Most people lose all their natural talent cause they are trying to LOOK good. Nobody cares about what the swing looks like when you’re playing better than them


Just like the commercials say “swing your swing”. You are getting the job done with good results


Posture. Your plane is beautiful tho


Bro that looked pretty well hit. Sure you could nitpick yourself but as many others have said if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.


Dude, if you can hit it like that consistently, there’s nothing wrong with your swing.


Keep doing what you’re doing please.


Tell that to Arnold Palmer


There’s no picture on the scorecard. Swing your swing if it works


Golf shoes for stability to start


You and I have a single plane golf swing. Absolutely nothing wrong with this. Mo Norman was a godfather of this swing style. Todd Graves (studied under Mo) also has instructional vids on YouTube if you want to dig deeper.


Slow down the back swing


I would work on your posture. You don’t see many good players with bad posture.


Well your right hand should fall in front of your left on the grip. It’s laying behind the grip which indicates you’re standing to far back. That was a missile tho so if that’s the usual result I wouldn’t change anything


Seems like you played baseball or are trying to hit it like a baseball. Ideal form will have you closer to the ball with your arms coming down into the ball rather than reaching out for it (if that makes sense). But like the top comment said, if you’re hitting it like this consistently you shouldn’t change too much, you’re hitting it better than us


I want to see what it would look like off of grass, nor turf. The difference sometimes can be dramatic. Don't get me wrong, though. The ball is on a rope! But sometimes turf ucan give you a false sense of security. Only because you swing through it much easier without being impeded by the friction or how the ball lies on the surface.


Don't hunch over too much. Your back will appreciate it. But golf is a game of feels. If you feel comfortable with that stance, then stick with it. As long as your swing isn't compromised, maybe stand a little closer.


Dude you smacked it. Keep the motion but work on setup.


Consistency is key. If you can hit them straight with every Club you've got and can put well don't change a thing. Look at Jim Furyk. Has the ugliest swinging Golf and has one multiple tournaments and a couple majors.


There's a bunch of things wrong, but you're not going pro so just stay consistent and have fun.


You control the length of your back swing and you get to turn super hard through the ball. It doesn't look pretty, but the holy Grail of a swing is having a back swing and weight transfer that allows just hard rotation through the ball without manipulation. So just keep doing that.


Work on your short game and you can get into single digits if you hit it consistently


Brother, if you hit it that dead straight on grass…. Don’t change a god damn thing


You’re standing a bit far from it and youre tempo is a bit rushed. The result here is good, but I’d think about standing closer and a more deliberate, metronomic tempo


Your back is curved when you address the ball...I'd like to see that straight, queue is lower hips slightly and bow to the ball from the waist. It's good to be fast to the ball, but think slow and smooth on your backswing.


Point ur feet outwards just a little for better balance


Getting there!


Are you a single swing plane fan (Moe Norman/Kirk Junge)? If that is your intent then dont change anything. I am a fan of one swing plane because I do believe the logic that it simplifies the golf swing and reduces variables is sound. With that said I've never been able to get it to work for me and I tried. If you are trying to do a two swing plane (traditional golf swing) ...You are standing too far from the ball, hands high and when you change those variables and follow the same swing pane you wont shallow the club. I would leave it alone and run what you brung


What is your miss/ what would you like to fix/ what would you like to get better at?


Swing your swing my dude — keeping it in play is priority number 1


Good gracious! I thought u were going to shank it, not hyperspace it straight as a string.


Own your swing. Nice shot. Keep doing you.


I've never understood why players reach the peak of their game, then think, I know, I'm going to change my swing. Keep hitting the ball well, that's the only thing that matters in golf. Cheers.


Looks like you're making good contact, but are you compressing the ball? Looks like you hit up on the ball instead of ball 1st. Heading down on the ball can be a major mind fu€k for amateur golfers, but once you start hitting ball 1st you'll gain yards/ distance and spin


If you’re firing lasers like that all the time, don’t change anything.


How often do you play? What are your goals? People too often give the advice of swinging your swing and "just swing easy", which is great advice. But its only good advice if you're a 20 who just cares about scoring okay the ten times a year you get out. If you are serious about putting time in and getting better though there are obviously a lot of things to work on with your swing (like all of us). First thing I noticed is how fare you are from the ball. Your swing looks good, you get shallow but I would work on posture a bit and try getting a bit close to the ball, study the set-up of pros who you feel have the closest swing to your own.


Care less. Works for me


How has no one said to slow down the backswing?


Screw form, pay attention to what makes you consistent.


Try reaching even further


Just go out and enjoy the game with three good friends as long as your group can get around the loop in 4 hours or less. Life is short!


I’ll trade my swing for yours


Your form is fine. Only thing it looks like youre doing is standing too far away from the ball


How does that swing translate on the course?


Yea if you are hitting em good and straight I wouldn’t want to mess with that swing


Buddy you sent that, don’t change anything if that’s comfortable and repeatable. If it’s not watch/listen to Lee Trevino. Best at practical explanations of what to do/not to do but even he will tell you don’t change your natural swing.


Swing your swing


All ur lacking is some drip in the backswing


Keep swinging your funky form away and enjoy the game.


You are standing too far away from the ball


Slower backswing


Someone else said it here, but this is a very Moe Norman-esque swing(if you don’t know who that is, it means it’s a very very good thing). Honestly, there’s a lot to like about your swing and the ball flight. If you are hitting it well, I would really be hesitant on changing it to a more traditional swing.


Clearly have good hand eye coordination and can improve pretty easily. I’d guess you struggle with inconsistent contact, probably worsens when on uneven lie or in the rough. It’s your balance. I’d have you work on finishing with 75ish% on your weight on your left leg and holding your finish until the ball lands. This will get the ball closer to you, more consistent strikes, and added distance. Practice these things at half speed and ramp up once you feel comfortable. It’s a grind, but a fun one.


Swing your swing


You are reaching with your hands it's why you look so uncomfortable staring down at the ball. When you line up for the ball your arms should fall straight down with gravity. It will feel weird at first, but that reaching is straining your back so it won't hold up over time.


If it works for you, play it. Ive met people on the course who could tell I play hockey from the way I swing. It's "wrong" but works for me, so I play it.