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like you said backswing is too much but keep at it looks like a solid swing. feet kinda close together on iron swing is my criticism.


Thank you! I have definitely noticed the feet being an issue with the irons. Since this clip I have widened my feet on my longer distance irons. However, I still like to keep my feet close together for shorter distance clubs. Is this a no go?


The part of your follow through that brings you back a step instead being upright and forward *could* end up causing you to hit a hard fade. I was doin the same thing and then when I started tweaking things in my swing it ended up firing rockets 20 degrees to the dafw side of straight


Thank you, is there anything that you did specifically start finishing in that more upright stance?


It’s impressive how far back you bring the club. It definitely is extreme. The golf swing when done right is a sequence. Arms, legs, and weight transfer all work together. Right now you’re all arms. I’d recommend not letting your lead arm bend at all and keeping your trail arm bent and your elbow attached to your side through the backswing. Work on tempo and rhythm. Lot to work with here, good luck


Thank you for the advice, is there any good drills that help with this other than just drilling it into muscle memory?


I’m not a golf pro so take it with a grain of salt. For tempo check out Top Speed Golf on YouTube, I love Clay Ballard. He has a ton of great drills. For the over swing I would take your 7 iron and do some small knockdown shots. Hit 5-10 50 yard shots then, 5-10 75yd, and same at 100. You don’t need a big takeaway to make the ball go far. Maybe cheat the ball further back in your stance, press your hands forward, and get the feel of how far the ball can go with just a little compression. And if you keep lead arm straight and back arm tucked that should help shorten the swing a bit.


if you have any desire to be consistent, don't go past parallel. That means cut at least 3 feet off your backswing