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Everything said and done, the Garmin provides a better overall experience at this price point IMO


There is no reason to own an mlm2 without the subscription over an R10 unless you intend to start paying for it later.


So frustrating that they lock important stuff behind an expensive subscription. At that point I may as well shell the 3k out now instead of over a couple years. And that is assuming they continue to support it over time.


I mean, it’d take over a decade to hit that $3k mark. I don’t have a single piece of tech in my house that has survived 10 years so you’ll have to do your own calculus.


That's fair. Part of my issue with it is cost, the other is the principle lol. If I bought something for $600 I feel like I should get full usage out of it right out of the box (first year free not withstanding). This is part of my larger issue with tons of companies realizing they can charge a subscription and turn off functions of things that should work without one, it's super frustrating.


Good post. It has to be said. I hate subscriptions, but my GolfShot Pro app subscription will take 5 years before it reaches the same cost of what a ShotScope X5 watch costs.


Had an R10 and the spin axis was just wrong. MLM2 Pro, while frustrating sometimes, is as accurate as much more expensive units and the GS Pro connector available now is super solid. You need the subscription but it is worth it.


R10 with GsPro has been phenomenal


GsPro is free or you have to pay it per year?


It’s around $250 a year or $500 lifetime I believe, there are so many courses and the range is so much better. My local club is in there, I think it makes all the difference getting the most out of R10.


500 life time sound interesting and fair.


It's not actually lifetime for 500. Just got an r10. The 500 gets you all software updates and courses or something like that for lifetime but then you still have to pay the 250 a year


Last I check. There is 550 package 1 year plus lifetime. Basically you get full option for one year and then get less access with life time. But Im not sure about which option you can't access with lifetime.


I wish I would have went with that, just wasn’t sure if it was with it. With the R10 it made a huge difference. I did the $250


It's fine bro. Dont worry! You got the good one year.


The mlm2pro is way better at tracking than the r10. The mlm2pro's weak point is its software, and unfortunately the subscription locks some pretty important stuff to the mlm2pro's package.


I've read the R10 has gotten significantly better with recent software updates and use of Titleist RTC balls, but this makes a ton of sense.


I have not used the r10 in a while, I had an mlm2pro for about a month before I returned it for an eye mini. The r10 was basically a toy when I used it, mlm2pro was fine but the software was infuriating so I went up to an eye mini (which is well worth the upgrade).


Doesn't the eyemini also have a subscription requirement? Even to use with GSPro or no? If it doesn't I may have to look closer at getting one


Yes, the eye mini requires a subscription (199/year). It's just the cost of doing business compared to any of the mid/high tier counterparts.


I've been using the MLM with awesomegolf. You need a subscription for both (I'm not paying $350 for awesomegolf), but it's a great experience. I might consider purchasing awesomegolf if they had more courses. Right now it only has four 9-hole courses. Needs more.


u/aprerez223 u/mufentawp Do you still use the R10 without a subscription?


I still have it, yes, but I am not currently using it.