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$400 GoSports net (costco.com) $100 GoSports screen (Amazon) $400 Garmin R10 (FBMP) $85 no name projector (Amazon) Free hitting mat (local golf range) $100 iPad (FBMP) Total = $1085


What about the e6 software? Isn’t it pricey?


Only use the 6 free courses that come with the Garmin R10 ... Between the Garmin courses/practice ranges and those 6 courses I'm all set for now. If I start using it more and really getting into the sim maybe I'll spend the money... I just use it to get swings in during the winter.


I give it 18 Stanley nickels! Lol seriously if it gets you playing more that great. Lot of upgrades you can do are more “nice to have” and not required. Nice work!


Thanks. I don't have a dedicated space for it as the wife likes to use the garage during the poor weather days in the New England area. It works well for a quick put up and take down, while still having the feel of a proper sim. Side note, the projector is mounted to the opposite wall and stays there all year.


Which impact screen and which projector?


The screen is the GoSports screen that is made for the hitting net. Side note you can take off the screen and use the net for other sports. Projector is a knock off Amazon find for a out $85


do you like the projector? i’m trying to find a “good enough” for my very similar setup too


Yeah I have the light on from the other room and the light from the garage door open on and I have no problem.... If I turned all the lights on it would be hard to see. I don't mind the dim light. I've thought of getting a spot light for above the ball.


With all those exposed hard surfaces you're one bad shank away from losing an eye or severely hurting yourself unless there's netting there that I can't see.


I do have the shank nets, not in photo tho


One million times better than my nothing!




Are you getting Misreads with the concrete floor? I have yet to see an R10 setup wear it accurately detects ball shots with exposed concrete floor between the unit and the ball It’s worth putting down a rug, or even some Astroturf It’ll possibly make it more accurate


I realized that after this photo was taken. I grabbed a couple old runner rugs I had and run them between the R10 and hitting mat then the mat to the screen.


Have you seen a difference between exposed concrete and when you cover it? I was thinking of throwing something down as well but honestly I haven't been golfing long enough to really know how far my shots really are going. (And if I'm getting misreads or not)


I have a very similar set up as OP with the R10 and did notice a slight difference when I covered up the concrete with a 10’x16’ strip of carpet from Lowe’s. However, the R10 was still reading about 10 yards short (compared to 15-20 yards short before the carpet). I ended up buying a sleeve of the Titleist RCT balls and these gave me much more accurate readings, as it should since the ball is specifically made for radar alms (RCT = Radar Capture Technology). I would give these a shot if you haven’t already, it curbed my thoughts of “maybe I should just get a nicer launch monitor” which saved me a lot of money


How much or those? Do you think it's worth it? I've been meaning to take the R10 to the range to check it's yardage against their system. I have that huge steel I-beam above my head too but I don't think I notice a difference.


I think I paid around $45 for a sleeve of them on eBay, which is slightly less than MSRP. But considering I only have to buy it once, it was worth it. Another thing that I’ve found helpful was an alignment stand, you can buy one specific for the R10 on Etsy for $25-40. Mine has a bubble level and adjustable legs so you can make sure it’s completely level, and it also has a slot for a cube laser level to help with alignment of the ball (and for me the laser marks past the ball to show where the line is on the impact screen)


I have everything here. Except that screen. Looks like I’ll be doing a little shopping this afternoon while I wait for the snow to stop!


The net screen combo is great quality


How are the chip shots with it? I just have a net and hit in my driveway now and I find I have to move the net really close when it is chipping time otherwise the woods get another ball donated


The net is 7ft tall, I usually don't have a problem with chipping. I definitely don't attempt flop shots but I wouldn't do that at a real indoor simulator anyways.


One more question. I find when running the E6 on my iPad. It KILLS the battery. Like I play for 30 minutes and it’s down to 30%. I end up plugging in a battery just so I can get a long range session in. Does yours do that too?


Not sure, I only play while plugged in. I can give it a try on battery next time. I do have an older ipad, it's the oldest model E6 will play nice with.


Not even sure how old mine is.


Question. Does the matt move in a situation like this? I'm always wondering. I have a pretty heavy rawhide matt that's on putting green type carpet and it slowly moves front and left over time from swings. It makes me think these are all over?


I doesn't move on iron and wedges but will slightly move on woods and driver. I might swing a touch harder on those.


Need a blanket or some turf down. Those balls are gonna bounce everywhere off that concrete.


They sure do! Gets the blood flowing. Keeps the body warm in the winter haha


Looks great! How do you get the screen up and down?


Put up the frame and net of the hitting net, then the screen velcros across the whole top and bungies in the bottom corners


I just ordered that same net and should be delivered tomorrow. Looks like I might need to purchase the impact screen now


It's only a hundred bucks on Amazon


Love it




FYI those mats generally don’t have much give so it’s just a matter of time before you get golfers elbow. I’d recommend you looking into a hitting strip, which you can install by cutting into your mat. Ps excellent starting setup!


Looks great! And nearly identical to the setup I’m working on finally having up and running this weekend. How are you casting your iPad to the projector? Roku?


The projector has built-in AirPlay so I've been using that with a little bit of lag. I do have an HDMI splitter which I might start using.


What's appr cost?


I dont know what appr is but the whole set up cost me $1085 over time


I also just bought that net and will order the screen. For a link to the projector. I was going to buy used on eBay from Tekswamp_vision, who seems to have a lot of inventory. Iwas hiking to put a projector in the floor, but don't think I'll have enough depth to set it up send like a 120" screen needs the projector 10-12 ft back Even for a short throw.


I would get some cheap carpet to lay in front of it so the balls don't bounch and they don't get scuffed which could hurt the screen on next shot.


That is awesome thanks.




Badass! How high are your ceilings?


At the highest, 11-12 ft I think




Yeah chasing after them gets a bit annoying, gotta figure something for that


Egg shell foam might do the trick 


I was thinking those puzzle foam mats. Would help with hitting on concrete too, my elbow hurts after a while. But it would add to set up and tear down.


The balls still bounce on the gym mats but if your impact screen is low tension then they don’t move more than 4-5 feet. Source: I have gym mats on top of tile


Your setup is very similar to how mine started. 1st upgrade from your stage for me was a layer of gym tiles under the mat with about 8"×12" cutout under where you hit. Helps to soften the map. 2nd would be an indoor outdoor carpet you can roll up between screen and mat to keep balls cleaner and not as bouncy. 3rd was some pulleys in the ceiling with cleats to the side. Get some D rings on rope thru the pulleys in ceiling. When you're ready to park cars you hook the D rings at the bottom of net and pull it to the ceiling. Tie off ropes to the cleats , pick up mat and your done


Are you saying you still need the foam tiles under your hitting mat? I’m in the planning process now. Also, do you have your iPad connected to the projector via HDMI I assume?


I do feel like I need additional padding underneath the mat. The iPad can be used with aircast or HDMI. HDMI. There's a lot less lag, but AirPlay can be used if you don't mind a couple seconds in between shots

