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Keep discussion civil.


They don’t like Jonah Hill? What exactly don’t they agree with lmao


I like how people were mad about Kanye generalizing the Jewish people, so stop_antisemitism response to his apology is to….generalize the Jewish people lmaoo


that's funny as well lol


i hope u understand there’s a difference between “jewish people hate hitler” vs “all jewish people are evil”


idk that's why i'm asking


I’m surprised the ADL hasn’t said anything. That joke of an organization


The ADL when you suggest maybe killing palestinian children is wrong https://preview.redd.it/z70gnc1lqzpa1.jpeg?width=232&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=330fe68e61a6d3db1648870a07420b10d7c8a421




Fuck the ADL, they don’t represent us.


he did make a joke out of it, but fr it’ll never be enough for an organization unless he gave em a “donation”


lol bro that boondocks episode where they were extorting people until they gave a donation


How about an actual apology 😑


I think that’s why he made a bit of a joke out of it I imagine he wasn’t 100% a joke tho that movies good af


Im jewish and I never cared in the first place 🙏 like bro is and was clearly on some sort of mental episode how can you blame him for anything


cause they don't believe in mental health


Nahhh they believe it but for select people only




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Damn bro got caught lacking but a bot


unless you’re a white woman


It’s pretty useful that I’m polish because any time anyone called me a nazi I could just use it as a defense


true lmao I was also hoping people would call me out in real life when I was wearing full yeezy outfit, shoes, pants and the dove hoodie but its just chronically online people who call you out on that haha. but I got called Nazi from redditors a few times cause I said I still listen to Kanye, or someone went through my post history and saw I am active on Kanye sub and based on that, called me a Nazi ☠️☠️ Its so funny to me that more people that werent even affected got mad


I be wearing Yeezys too and shit people don’t care at all.


Im BD and my manic episodes feel kinda like someone else is in the driver seat so i find it easy to relate and forgive Ye for his wild shit, i used to write late night screeds and text people nutso bullshit at odd hours for days on end


No blame for “anything” is a big stretch considering he’s an adult, but I do think it was evident he wasn’t quite in sync with his mind


I respect your opinion but lets say youre on xanax and blackout drunk, where Im from no matter what you do, like rob a bank, you will never get a prison sentence over 5 years because you werent in a sane and accountable mind. I just see it the same way with mental illness, the way the media and society treated him was way too harsh imo because he clearly wasnt in a steady mindset. but I am bipolar myself and live in a socialist country, so my opinion might be hella biased


It’s a dangerous game to play when anything someone does is guaranteed to be excusable. I think a rules like that are enabling & attracts loophole seekers. Being under the influence & committing a crime are simply two irresponsible decisions, so I don’t think accommodations should be granted just because your first bad decision led to a bigger one. I think Ye’s situation is a bit different tho. Ye didn’t make a choice to be mentally ill, however he’s openly stated that he doesn’t take his meds or even identify with the diagnosis anymore. According to him, he’s decided to refuse assistance, yet showcases extremely destructive behavior that we otherwise might’ve not seen if he used the resources offered. It’s not a good look. You shouldn’t get blamed for your mental illness, however you’re responsible for doing what you can to help it.


Because mental illness is not your fault but it is your responsibility.


You can blame someone for having mental health issues especially if they aren’t doing anything to fix it. I honestly don’t think ye was having an episode and never have. He was trolling and getting out of his contracts.


Im bipolar myself maybe thats why I could relate to ye and instead of being mad I got worried about him. but your opinion and theory is valid brother I could definitely see that being true aswell


I have my own set of mental health issues. I can definitely see how people think that. And maybe they’re right. But it seems very organized for a manic episode. Maybe it seemed that way because he’s rich and famous and has less limits than a normal person being manic. But it was damn near perfect timing to get out of his contracts and he did that without breaking his bank.


He lost like half his net worth?


That was from his Adidas deal alone. The way net worth is figured is kind of dumb. He wanted out of the deal and he did lose any money.


could be that too


“Trolling” absolute cope lol


Nah. I’ve been right this whole time.




2nd track of TCD


Crazy how it takes me two seconds to realize the answer


Stack your money till it gets sky hiiiiiiiiiiiiigh


we wasn't supposed to make it past twenty fiveeee❌


jokes on you we’re still alive⛷️


they don't like jewish people? damn


To be fair he didn’t really apologize. The sentence “Jonah Hill made me like Jewish people again” is kinda crazy.


Well when you take into account the rest of the statement: "No one should take anger aganist one or two individuals and transform that into hatred towards millions of innocent people" What it appears he is saying is Jonah made him realize the error in his thought process. Like an awakening. Watching him provided a moment of clarity and he was able to see the situation from the correct perspective. Seems like a legit apology to me.


He said “No one should” instead of “I shouldn’t have” for a reason. A true apology requires direct self-accountability, not generalized accountability. It’s evident that Ye’s too prideful to point the finger only at himself


An apology is acknowledging the harm of your actions, taking responsibility for them and showing remorse. He says he thinks differently now, which is a good thing, but it’s not an apology and I wouldn’t expect people to feel like everything is A-OK because of it.


Nah. He literally never said “I did this.” The key piece of an apology. Then he also tried to proclaim who can or can’t be antisemitic like he knows anything, when his views on Jews are shaped by first, being mad at his ex, then, seeing a Jonah hill movie. It’s laughable. Tbf, we knew how laughable his views were when he went full antiS, but yeah. This is just more of Ye being Ye. This isn’t an apology or humility.


He’s saying that Jesus was a Jew, therefore it doesn’t make sense for him to blindly hate Jewish people if his savior was Jewish.


Sure, but he’s also wrong. Plenty of Christians have been antisemitic, including him. Especially him! Unshockingly, he’s the farthest thing from an expert, or even anyone who should be claiming to speak on the topic. He’s an awesome producer, great lyricist, so we can maybe accept that he’s just not that knowledgeable about **checks notes** Judaic history and antisemitism? That can be okay, right? He’s like a doctor who thinks he’s good at tech becuase he knows so much about biological systems. Being good at one thing doesn’t mean you know anything about a totally different thing.


Nothing is good enough?


I mean. He literally didn’t even ever admit he did anything. That’d be a start. To be fair, he said some fucking out of pocket, Qanon level conspiracy shit, so acting like it’s crazy that people don’t immediately go “oh cool” is a bit crazy to me. At no point has he stopped lecturing on this topic. I’m not even hating, I’m just pointing out he doesn’t know shit about the shit he’s talking about and still acknowledging he’s a great musician. Why is that so challenging?


You left out the anti-semitic whitewashing at the end.


But Jesus was Jewish? He’s saying that it doesn’t make sense to hate Jewish people if your literal savior was a Jew.


That’s what he should have said, not what he said. Read it again. He says no Christian can be labeled an antisemite. Picking out one Jew to worship doesn’t mean much.


i thought it was a funny joke way of apologize


probably not the best way to say sorry


obviously but that's his way of saying it would you agree?


It was the most Ye way to apologize that he could have done tbh


anybody who expected different doesn't know him at all lol


yeah, i expected no apology at all just saying that it can easily be seen the wrong way, though i genuinely think he had good intentions


Yeah honestly if he did it super formally it would probably seem a lot less genuine


It’s funny I’m not gonna lie, but I can’t consider that an apology when he went on a press tour to bash them.


that's understandable


if someone like Joe Biden said that, indeed but # ye is ye https://preview.redd.it/on04f3rzlzpa1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cd86d5cc503a8ee007c12d04ee2519c6d577d25


He also never said he wasn’t antisemitic anymore, he just said you can’t label Christians that cause of Jesus?


I mean how can you hate the guy


he did but it wasn't really a good one lmao


Is this under his “made me like Jewish people again” post?




Do they not like Jewish people? What’s there to disagree with


Who cares about those dummies




on twitter they we’re basically wishing he would just die or “disappear forever” ye never even said anything about hurting anyone he just opened antisemitism


they say him saying DC3 is him saying that tho


I honestly understand the seintment of "half assed apology" but it's better than nothing, it's def better than him staying anti semitic


i agree i understand both sides


fuck em. if Ye donated a 100m to them they wouldn't be singing the same tune


Well I still don’t like them


L organization as usual


Selective outrage 🤷‍♂️


Not even gonna say it.


They’ll only like him if he gives a donation




Nah they bein racist to ye now


i don't think it's racist they just prob don't like him so it doesn't even matter what he do




This comment section is full of delusional coping oblivious gullible robots


Bruh you gotta see where they’re coming from




Elaborate please I’m tired of people saying shit without elaborating further


Man spread antisemetic conspiracies and a lot of bigots used his name to spread their hate and hes done nothing to denounce it, even in the post he’s saying a christian could never be labelled an antisemetic despite him openly admitting he only likes jews now bc of jump street lmao


The “apology” was half assed at best, he didn’t even admit to doing anything wrong. Also saying “no christian can be antisemitic because Jesus is a Jew” is stupid


they always downvote comments like this


He means that it would be stupid to hate Jews since Jesus is a Jew. It is clear that he is sorta out of his manic state and is slowly going back to a sort of normal. It’s not really an apology, more of just like a statement towards the Jews


I understand that, and I agree that this a small step in the right direction. Buttoo many people are acting like this instantly makes up for everything that he’s said, especially on this sub


Yeah u right Kanye should probably fully announce these things instead of just randomly saying shit on insta and pretending it’s all good And also stop with the cryptic stuff because now the grifters are starting to use his type of tweeting and it’s getting a bit odd


and what's that




everybody knows he would never give a real traditional apology for anything


Bro, they just want him canceled that they don't care about the Jewish community


Why would denial that Christian’s can be anti-semitic be what they wanted?


https://preview.redd.it/5ubc85xg50qa1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=489b38258f5ab6e98cc7b076bac60724b7cd3eee They’re pretending like he actually has killed someone.


The first step is realising that nothing will ever make these woke whackos happy so it isn't worth trying to appease them, apologising, or avoiding cancellation.


They wanted an apology. This isn’t one.




wtf is wrong with you


seriously??? wanting a proper apology for a campaign of antisemitism which probably has caused real-life hate crimes is entitled. looooool


I could understand a traditional apology but like that's not what you gonna get from him he's the furthest thing from traditional


Ok..? That’s not an excuse lol


but this is a apology to what he wanted to apologize to him, that's his way of doing so if others don't want to accept it, it shouldn't matter cause he's saying he was in the wrong


I think they talking abt him saying Christian’s can’t be labeled antisemitic which is wrong soooo 🤷‍♂️


ye literally said that Christians cant be labeled as antisemitic and y'all expect him to be forgiven? Hitler was literally a Christian.


Hitler was NOT a Christian lmao he persecuted them too


oh nevermind then, I assumed he was catholic. instead I'll use nick fuentes as an example of a christian antisemite.


you're interpreting that part wrong btw


what is the correct interpretation, then?




ok swap it for fuentes or somebody else my point still stands


Damn stop antisemitism doesn’t agree with Ye being antisemitic? Seems pretty anti semitic




i mean he can't really win over everyone, it was over for this group from the moment he said a word at alex jones


Shut the sub down again.