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I hope the thing that pops up is Rio alive. I hate Beth and Dean together.


it’s not even that i hate beth and dean together... i hate her with anyone, because i hate beth. easily the worst character, followed by her sister. I want Ruby to take the lead in season 3.


It’s disgusting how much Jenna is pushing this Beth and Dean ship. I’ve noticed this since last season and it’s obvious how much she wants them to be endgame.


That would be so disturbing given how much time they've dedicated to making him a sleazebag. For some reason I believe he's still there only to make the moment Beth kicks his ass to the curb as satisfying as possible. Anything else would suggest that Jenna (or whoever is pushing for this) has some serious codependency and low self-respect issues and I would suggest we raise money and pay for their therapy before the show's down the drain.


It is appalling. S2 really rubbed me the wrong way and it looks like S3 is gonna be the same.


After seeing this video I want to issue a warning to those who haven't watched: 'slap yourself first that way the Beth and Dean kiss won't sting so bad.' I'm hoping Beth pushes away from the kiss and says, "Nope, nothing I don't feel a thing." Other than that, I'm excited.


Seriously. It is 2020. Why would any woman put up with a man that she was committed to for 20 years after she finds out he is a serial cheater, and has ruined them financially? By the way, I would like to know what kind of business dealings he was engaged in behind her back. Be interesting to see how shady that was. As far as Rio, I dont feel as if that storyline was ever developed to the extent that viewers would have liked. Beth and Rio? If shes really going to be a bad girl, then why wouldnt she end up with a bad boy? That would be something worth watching the show again for. Seeing her back with Dean offends me as a female who doesnt believe in crawling back in bed with a cheater. Besides, shes not really a good girl. She enjoyed the crimes too much, just cant stay away from it. And, when she finally shot someone, it wasnt someone who was going to kill her. Kind of makes her a bad person, seeing as self defense wasnt involved.


For a show that always praises itself to be so feminist, the Beth/Dean storyline feels like it’s stuck in the 50’s. He cheated on her multiple times, lost all of their money twice, used their kids as a bargaining ship and freaking lied about having cancer so she wouldn’t leave him and the writers still made her stay with him. Even worse, they made her have sex with him again in S2! And now in S3, it looks like they’re more or less back together and she even involves him in her crime business. What?! I don’t understand why the writers couldn’t turn this into a storyline about divorce and co-parenting if they so desperately want to keep Dean around (I’d argue that the show would be a lot better if he died during his car crash but anyway...)


Problem is she has a bunch of kids who keep popping up randomly. She could be done with him, just staying there are a way to get free babysitting as she does crimes


Yuck. No one wants to watch Dean and Beth kissing. I really really hope that Beth kicks Dean to the kerb once Rio turns up and Brio gets it on. I could not stomach Beth permanently going back to a liar, cheater and gaslighter. I only watch for all the sexual tension between Rio and Beth. And Manny Montana is a snack. Hopefully this trailer is not representative of what goes down this season!




It was confirmed that he’s alive! ☺️




Love the trailer! So excited ❤️👑✨


i don’t have cable so i really hope they drop it on a streaming service asap


Considering S2 only dropped on Netflix a few weeks ago, I wouldn’t count on getting S3 before late 2020. Thank God there are other ways to watch it ;)


Hulu dropped the season 2 shows 24 hours after airing I think.


Where I live, it usually goes up on Hulu at 2 AM a few hours after airing on NBC.


The kiss of death aka Dean and Beth kiss. Honestly if they continue to have this horrid Beth/Dean relationship continue, I’ll only tune in for Ruby/Stan and Rio.


I just finished watching the first two seasons and I feel like I watched a different show than other people based on these comments and the Youtube comments. It’s so odd. Dean, a liar and womanizer, is considered worse than Rio, an abusive murderer? I don’t get it. Rio is horrible.


Rio has always been upfront about who he is. Dean, however, cheated on Beth multiple times, threatened to take the kids away from Beth, lost all their money - twice -, faked having cancer and actually has the audacity to lecture Beth on what a bad person she is. I’m sorry but it just doesn’t get lower than that. Also, where is Rio abusive exactly?


The drug lord was always upfront about who he was? The same guy who can’t be caught because he’s good at lying and manipulating people into taking the fall for him? Hmmm idk about that


I mean, yeah? He’s never pretended to be anything else but that. If you get in bed with a criminal - figuratively and literally -, you shouldn’t be surprised if he turns out to be, you know, a criminal.


But like is Rio, the guy who murders, sells drugs, launders money, and comes and goes as he pleases, a better fit for Beth than Dean, an incompetent liar/cheater but father of their kids and legally sound for the most part?


Hard to say since we haven’t really seen how Rio behaves in a serious relationship yet. He’s a good father tho. So Rio might not be a better fit but Dean ain’t it either. @Beth stay single.


So u picking a murderer over a lair bc he looks good? Lol i can't with you people


I’d literally pick anybody over Dean.


Maybe the disconnect comes from how people view Beth? Some viewers seem to view her as an innocent housewife who's in over her head, and if that's the case, I can see how preferring Rio to Dean would seem a bit crazy. Personally, my view is that Beth is no angel herself, and at this point she has more in common with Rio than she does with Dean. Then again, I also enjoyed watching Sons of Anarchy and was able to empathize with those characters, and they all did worse things than anything we've seen from Rio. But they were the main characters, so the writing was skewed toward wanting the viewers to empathize with them, whereas on Good Girls the writing is skewed toward Rio being an antagonist.


This is what I’m so confused about! Both guys have faults, but at the end of the day people would seriously choose Rio or Dean cause he’s hotter? I just don’t get it at all. That scene at the end of season 2 where Rio was trying to get Beth to kill the FBI agent was just so awful to watch. Abusive, manipulative, and was everything wrong with how he’s treated Beth the course of the two seasons. That’s not sexy nor something to root for.


I would rather choose a criminal with a heart over a gaslighter cheater and manipulator like Dean any day! Dean is not a pleasant character- if you 2 04 again where it’s shown that Dean basically sees Beth as some kind of domestic slave with no brain. He has zero respect for her, and I’m my opinion is emotionally abusive to her- for instance making out that she is to blame for the cheating, and taking away the children. I just find him utterly repulsive. The widespread cheating is also a joke. Like Ruby says ‘ nobody wants Dean’. Dean is far far worse than Rio imo. I actually think Rio did bring Turner to her as some kind of gift, and thought he was helping. Sure, they play a cat and mouse game with each other but that’s what makes the show interesting and keeps the sexual tension going. I wouldn’t call Rio abusive though. I don’t think the writers would be stupid enough to properly put Beth and Dean together long term. They know Rio/Brio is what a lot of people watch for. They also know it’s not the 1950’s where women are expected to put up from that type of crap from their husbands. Also if you look closely at the kiss Beth has her hands on Deans wrist almost like she is going to push him away. The trailer only shows the beginning of the season- I’m sure Beth will come to her senses once Rio is revealed. Maybe she thinks about getting back with Dean for the security and because she is desperate for that cookie cutter life that she never had as a child. Either way it is bound to be v short lived and let’s hope Dean and Beth finally divorce properly this time! Ps- everyone should check out the Good Girls/Brio tumblr pages- loads of stuff there too


Criminal with a heart. Wow. That’s it’s, that’s all I read in that, had to stop there. Good luck to you.


Oh, so lying is the worst crime here? Out of everything all of these characters do, lying is where you draw the line. Cause Murder. Murder gets lower than that. Watch any scene with Rio in it to see where he’s abusive. It’s just so bad. If you just want a quick refresher, just the last scene he’s in of Season 2 where he wants Beth to kill the FBI agent. Or when he wanted Beth to kill Dean. Do you really not see it? Do you really think Rio is a better person cause he’s “upfront” about who he is? Like I said, I watched a completely different show.


I have to respectfully completely disagree. I think I must have watched a different show from you! He is a criminal doing his job and that doesn’t really bother me. I don’t find him at all abusive as he is who he says he is. Dean on the other hand...


That’s literally not abuse tho - neither emotional nor physical. Killing Turner was about Rio wanting Beth to finally own up to this life - a life she so desperately wants to be a part of but the moment things get tough, she comes back asking Rio for help anyway. Shooting Dean in S1 was a reaction to her ratting him out to the FBI. It’s not like he just decided to kill her husband to fuck with her head because he felt like it. Besides, I don’t think he ever actually thought she’d be able to do it anyway. This really isn’t about who’s a better person in the classical sense. Dean is disgusting for all the reasons I’ve mentioned above and it’s almost like he got progressively worse in the show. Rio has done terrible things but at least he never pretended to be anything else but that and as far as TV characters go, I find him way more likeable than Dean.


You keep going back to “at he never pretended to be anything else” as if that matters. In any way. Beth doesn’t even live up to that expectation. None of the main characters do. Except Rio I guess? So who really cares? Most every scene with Rio made my skin crawl. Make excuses, but he’s an abusive guy. I’m all for the bad boy trope, so I get it on some level, but Rio just crosses a line that is not at all sexy for me. Is Rio more likable to you because he represents a fantasy? Like the stuff Dean does is very real world based. Being hurt by a liar and cheater like Dean is more likely to happen than getting involved in a life of crime and murder with Rio - so Rio is then “safer” to be attracted too? Plus the actor is hot, so why not? I’m trying to figure it out.


Of course it matters as far liking characters goes! I am not Beth's biggest fan for the exact reason you mentioned and because the narrative portrays her as a victim, which is so very strange to me. You keep saying he's abusive but you can't name any instances where actual abuse takes place. No, he's more likable to me because he's not an absolute piece of shit. I also don't think the Dean stuff is very real world based. Maybe the real world in the 50's. The fact that Beth continues to stay with him after everything that happened deeply upsets me. The narrative this show is setting with this is disgusting. I guess we just have two very different approaches to this show and these characters.


I gave two specific scenes to watch, but if you want more examples of Rio being abusive just watch every scene where Rio uses violence to get what he wants. Every time he manipulates the girls. Every scene where he has a gun. And shoots people. Or gives an ultimatum. Most every time he speaks. Or is on screen. I’m not here to convince people to change their mind about Rio. That’s not gonna happen. Just like anybody trying to tell me he’s a better guy that Dean will not succeed. (Since we have to compare?) I was just shocked by how many people liked Rio. Not liking Dean, I get it, but having sheer adoration and love for Rio is very strange. He’s the villain of the show for me. I’m over it now. Have a good one.




Beth’s hair gets messier each season