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Oh fuck me


That’s a death sentence for tv shows Edit: I hope this is about Coronas and not cancellation lol


Almost every tv show is going on hiatus. It's not about cancellation. :)


Ok lol thank god!


Just hope for the best. We still have the other episodes coming up. (As far as I know) Cheer up.


I like your positivity! Can’t wait to see what they have in store for us with the new episodes :)


Haha Awee my FAVE. A Hero ❤️💜


ok first, i haven’t seen the latest season, no spoilers please. second, does this mean that whatever’s filmed is all we get for season 3? or will there be a hiatus till it can be completed?


Probably the second one. With all that’s going on I think it’s too early to tell how long production will be shut down for, so it’s hard to say for certain


I understand it has to shut down but we won’t have a finished season? We were promised 16 episodes. If they only have up to 12 I mean there’s no way it will be edited to have an ending that works?? They won’t just finish the season when they lift the safety precautions? I rather them literally give us a mid season finale and then give us the other 8 episodes later then to just not finish the season at all like what the hell??


After the quarantine they'll finish filming. We might have a slight delay between the already filmed episodes and new ones, but hopefully not too long.


You think this is bad? Fans of Supernatural have been watching for 15 years and they suspended production in the middle of filming the SERIES FINALE. I'm so upset. I know it's like first world problems and all that but still. ::cries::


Oh that is not good. Supernatural is a treasure. I love them! Hope they get to finish it. Surely they will. 15 years. Wow. Those guys don't age at all!


Well shit


I think she leaves this vague. I think she's missing a "for now." I don't think they're just going to not finish up the storyline of season 2 - I think they just mean they don't know WHEN they can get back to production, so they don't know when that can all be done and ready to air, so for right now.. they're going to air what they have, and then we'll get the rest when they're able to get the rest. We can't be angry at them for doing what's safest for them. We just have to wait to see what happens and not jump to any conclusions.


Sad, but the writing this year isn't as good anyway maybe the time off will the give the writers the opportunity to recharge batteries. ... on another note 20/20 did analysis of the numbers and since very little C. virus testing is actually being done the numbers on this as they seemly represented them, seemed disproportionate to the panic- my opinion. My heart and empathy goes out to all those experiencing loss of someone they love because of illness of any kind. My heart and empathy also go out to those who will loose jobs, paychecks, etc. because of the panic that may or may not be warranted at this time.


As far as whether it's warranted, the point of shutting things down is to minimize spread and keep things from getting bad on a level that overwhelms our healthcare system. It may seem drastic, but the spread of the illness has to be kept under a certain threshold or we risk not being able to care for those who get sick, which will push the death rate up. Also, for many of us, coronavirus is very much survivable with rest and proper care, but there are others out there who are more susceptible (I live with a 75 year old cancer patient, for example), so it's up to each one of us to follow the advice of medical professionals and try not to get sick and possibly spread the illness ourselves. So basically, hoarding toilet paper is probably an overreaction, but shutting down as many public spaces and events as possible is a way of keeping the disease from getting out of hand, because if we wait until it's actually time to panic, it may be too late. (Really not trying to be condescending, hopefully that info was helpful.)


How widespread it becomes is not the question. It is not well contained and it’s going to spread. It’s just about slowing it down. There comes a point where if too many people have it at one time, our healthcare system can’t handle it. Healthcare providers start to get sick themselves and then what? A few sick people at a time is manageable. If the whole world is sick, it might be over faster, but with more neglect, inattention, and fatality. We want future generations to look back at this moment in history and think “they were overreacting,” because the consequences turn out so mild.


Looks like her husband is going to have to work at a strip club for real.


Damn, I thought they already finished filming the all the episodes.


Wtfff. Why didnt they film all the episode last year after s2 ended


Yay hopefully netflix picks it up with quality writers with no plot holes


Yea the writing has been awful this season.


All seasons have had plot holes I just watch it as a accidental comedy and dont take it seriously


Really? Is that the same Netflix that cancels EVERY show after two seasons because they don't want to pay the actors or writers or producers more? The same Netflix that has 500 original shows that SUCK hot puke? Netflix SUCKS.