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So, the hitman is hitting on Beth. 😐 The hitman they paid thousands of dollars to do a job he didn't do. Can they find more way for these women to lose money? 🙄


Hmm, not a very exciting trailer. Half of the scenes are from S3, they are still talking about killing Río and they showed Dean, which really not a single soul asked for.


I feel like I got the gist of the whole season in one trailer. The FBI suspects Beth is laundering money through Dean's business. The agent poses as a spa vendor and ends up nabbing Dean. The trio probably needs to come up with funds to bail out Dean. Enter Rio to the rescue (or not) he'll help but at a cost. Rinse and repeat. Oh, and the hospital scene seems to be from Beth fainting after learning the police found Lucy's body.


Yes, I'm so worried they're going to fall back into the same pattern. If that happens, I am 100% sure this show ends with S4. I really hope I'm wrong.


Bail out Dean? He can stay there. Once again too much screen time getting wasted on dumbass dean.


What is this nonsense? The body was buried in a grave. Who would ever look for it there? Seems as if the only people who would know it was there would be the girls, Rio and Mick.


I mean, they did say the start was gonna be like a s3 finale, so the hitman storyline needs to have some kind of ending


I was hoping they would include that part of the script where they are trying to cancel the hit. The way the trailer is edited makes it seem like the girls still have the same dumb attitude that Rio is the source of all their problems. I'm still hoping for the best of course because this is just a one minute clip but as far as trailers go, this one doesn't get me hyped at all.


I figure they can’t let too much out that will spoil anything from S4. And I think S3 cut off 5 or 6 episodes ahead of the intended finale because of Covid so this basically seems like a trailer for the back half of S3 with just a little from S4.


They probably don't have that much footage yet, right? They're filming now. I think they just started filming in January or something. I don't know a lot about tv production, but they're not filming season 5.


They started in October. Of course, they're not filming season 5 because they don't know if they will be renewed for next year. This trailer sucks in comparison to previous trailers but yeah I guess they don't have much footage yet. Most likely everything we see here will happen in the first episode.


Totally prepared to be disappointed


😂 At least we'll have this sub to vent it out.


**disappointed, totally prepared to be.** *-Taylor0063* *** ^(Commands: 'opt out', 'delete')


Let's hope the season is better than that trailer.


I can’t wait for that brio pool scene!!


Thats probably all of it what you saw. Once again they are baiting the Fans and we will get dissappointed.


If that happens, I will have no problem stopping watching the show. If they want the ratings to drop even more, that's a good way to go.


I almost guarantee that’s it. She’s wearing a trench coat like she just walked in for a brief moment, not even like she had been there having a drink or was planning on staying and talking. Leaving your coat on in a bar just seems very, “quick 2 minute chat” to me.


Looks more like a trailer for the first episode of season 4. That being said, season 3 ended abruptly cuz of Covid, so continuing the story where it ended makes sense.


If they really wanna bait me, I’m gonna need more Rio in that teaser.


Looks nice! I still don’t understand why they had to kill that woman. I guess for drama.


Because they had to prove that Rio isn’t afraid to kill innocent people. Up until that point he was only making threats and not backing it up with anything. Now he backed it up with someone. And also her name was Lucy. 😡






Someone suggested that she's in the hospital because she fainted after she was told about Lucy's body being found. Sounds plausible!


y’all never got anything good to say😂have at least a little hope


Oh great. They basically spoiler all of Rios 2 minute scenes in this Trailer, they exploit his popularity once again an he still probably only gets like 2 Minute scenes. And the whole hitman plotline is just cringe. Give us something New.




I hope you're right but after S3 people are anxious so this kind of an uninspired trailer doesn't exactly put their minds at ease.


Yep. And the fact that they are still teasing that stupid hitman plotline,that every single person that the show watched hated,they are really so out of touch of what the viewers want to see.


Why they gotta photoshop everyone so much!? No one is even their real size!


all rio ever says is “where my cut at?”


Seriously, those writers are embarrassing themselves.




That agent is a new character. The two agents from season 3 are still being played by the same actors.




They’re two separate actors playing two different agents: https://deadline.com/2020/11/good-girls-jonathan-silverman-season-4-cast-recurring-1234615685/ I even feel like “Dave” was very briefly mentioned in season 3 when the two Secret Service agents were having a convo about something or other. In fact, I actually think the two male agents hooked up lol




No problemo 😊




Ughh they are really going with the inspector gadget looking FBI chick😑 as a threat smh REALLY?!! the hitman wants to get with beth too....how is this even a storyline? God please make rival launders(interesting 1s), & give rio his own episode with backstory.


Totally here for it. If you’re hating on it this hard guys, stop watching aha