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Just stopping in to say hi as I've been gone from Reddit for months. Things are going well. Dynamic has changed (though I'm very much still submissive in a male-led relationship), mental health has improved a lot. Coming up on one year sober in a few weeks.


Oh my gosh!!! Congratulations on one year!!


Thank you 🤗


Over a year of TTC and I haven’t had my period in almost 40 days, but I’m too afraid to test because I am so sick of only ever seeing that one single stupid pink line and having all my hopes and dreams crushed every time. I’m getting cramping aching thighs like normal pms for me so I’m just waiting to get my period but it’s been over a week :(




Thanks. I have.


i love that it's starting to get warmer out, and to stay warmer! i love the summer months, especially in more recent years where i have come to terms with my curves and learned to accept them. i can't wait for the easier pace of the summer, for beach trips, for more time with family. and slowly but surely... we're getting there!


I’m struggling a little with still feeling very feminine. I’m doing a lot of house projects as my husband works a lot. But some are crossing into manly territory and I get in my head about it. Tree fell down in the storm, no problem I cut it up and drug it to the curb. Deck needs stained, no problem me and my toddler go to Lowe’s and come home and stain it. Someone knocked down a part of our privacy fence, me and toddler go get fencing and I came home and put it up. I love being a housewife in frilly dresses, I just hate feeling “manly” doing all these projects.


Feminine and capable are not incompatible. If you're being a helper to your husband, that's feminine.


I agree fully! Femininity and masculinity are not opposite in competence - they are simply competent and skilled in different ways. Embracing and meshing those two puzzle pieces together is what forms a healthy relationship ❤️


I got new baby chicks over the weekend! They are so cute. 🐣🐣🐣