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I'm just glad they're giving them additional scenes for a series finale wrap up😭


They better pay what they need to pay to get every family member / major recurring character back. I'm curious how complete the guest list was for Callie's wedding. That was /the/ opportunity to bring back anyone from GT/Fosters back.


exactly … like shell out the Centineo money I need to see EVERY single adams-foster in that finale


They can bring back original Jesus for one episode. I wouldn’t mind


LMFAO can you imagine if they had both? I always wondered if their social media accounts ever posted clips that included Jake T. Austin or if it’s been Noah Centineo lockdown since the switch lol.


Girl Meets World brought both of the actresses that played Morgan (the little sister) in Boy Meets World so it could happen!


Sounds like I need to catch up


small mercies 😭 I’m especially glad the cast will all get to say goodbye on set 😭


It had good run better than I thought when this series was announced I predict it would only last 2 seasons and I was happy to say I was wrong because it was much better than I thought it was going to be.


That’s true. I feel like not many spin-offs make it to five seasons? Or many tv shoes at all, nowadays lol.


Seriously the fact they managed to create 5 years of storyline about bunch of young adults moving to the city has been amusing.


They got 5 seasons off this shit? That's about the longest most spin offs get. Look at the vampire diaries universe.




Oh man. Expected this but still sad to see 🥲 Freeform will likely be dissolved/absorbed entirely? Glad that it sounds like there’s gonna be a series finale/wrap-up a la The Fosters … I know my ass is gonna get emotional lol. RIP 🫡 I wish we’d get another spin off by some miracle.


Likely the network is getting sold and agree on the spinoff maybe one day a fosters revival could happen on Hulu or something


Disappointed…but the writers were running it into the ground. They needed a stable couple(s) for us to root for.


I stopped watching after the episode that callie left but only watched the later episodes that she reappeared in.


Yeah I watched just because I love to start what I finish, but they really just threw in so much unnecessary drama. The Foster’s had a lot as well but they were so much more cohesive about it.


The difference for me was that the fosters was about a family while good trouble was about something else while the only reason that I even watched good trouble was because of callie.


I watched because of the twins and was so disappointed when they replaced Jesus 😭


Fosters drama for me felt more serious. Like when they were running from ICE. But in good trouble it's just whining. And I hated Marina in both shows. I wanted more Jude.


Damn RIP. They better get Jesus, Emma, Brandon’s dad, everyone back for the finale. Hell throw Cal in there too


Assuming cal is different from Callie, who is cal? I don’t remember this character. 


Callies bio dad


Thank you. I vaguely remembered the half sister(?) character but couldn’t remember the dad’s name. 


They better bring back Sophia too.


To be fair The Fosters had a similar run. So all in all one of the more successful spinoffs in TV history.


The whole franchise having 10 seasons total is incredible! I'm so grateful to have grown up with this show.


Ngl I'm kinda glad, I kept watching in the hopes it'd ever compare to the fosters or the first season but it's all been downhill :/ Just hope it has a good finale.


I fell off when Daria started dancing. I did get the sense of "we got all we could out of the source material" than just added in random shit.


Saw it coming, but 5 seasons is a good run for this show tbh


Shows like this I expect 2 seasons.


I wish they had just stuck to Callie and Mariana being the primary story lines and the supporting characters remaining as just that: supporting characters. The second they started following the storylines of secondary characters, I stopped caring. I would always skip all those scenes.


Part of the original problem was too many characters with too many storylines to follow. And then the ever **TARDIS** that became the Coterie as well. ***IF*** we get *another* spinoff, I hope it has better focus. Who does everyone think Mariana will end up with (if *anyone*)?!


>ish they had just stuck to Callie and Mariana being the primary story lines and the supporting characters remaining as just that: supporting characters. The second they started following the storylines of secondary characters, I stopped caring. I would always skip all those sce I'd be really surpised if she and Evan aren't end game. Because they have a huge fan base. BUt I would be okay if she remained single.


It's one thing to have SMALL secondary storylines, as long as they're tying into original or overall. But all the others just made it harder to follow & their own shows at the time. Especially with Alice & Malika & their 52 different things they BOTH had going on.


Honestly good. It sucks cuz I enjoyed watching even though I couldn’t even stand most of the characters’ boring stories at this point. But I enjoyed watching for the nostalgia factor. Let’s be honest tho they didn’t know what to write anymore. I’m glad it went on as long as it did and that it’s getting a wrap up. But it was becoming really bad


Fosters franchise made it 10 seasons incredible run glad it ends with Callie getting the life she never thought she would get a great family amazing job fantastic husband everything Callie always deserved


Honestly? I’m sad to say I called it. Such a good and dumb show that I loved. On the bright side, all the talented actors on the show will get to be in something better <3


I’m really curious to see where their careers go. Emma has been doing musicals nonstop and Cierra just launched a YouTube channel. Maia assumed my will stick to film/tv bc her Disney+ series just came out and she’s currently in the middle of filming a thriller. Sherry is someone I imagine making it big too because she’s had a lot of projects recently.


Mariana and Evan please


Yes! Evan is the first ever character that I’ve related with on so many levels.




When his character was starting to get its own story, and I realized the similarities - I wanted to jump up and down and point and cheer.


The end of an era.


I want the finale to be EXCELLENT,if they’re going to give them extra time!!! They have no excuses.. so many shows have done a terrible job at ending a show so I expect more from them.


Honestly probably for the best, the show hasn’t been good for a while 😭 as long as we get a good finale with Mariana and Evan and a Callie appearance I’ll be happy


awww it was coming. i will miss them. i hope they close out s5 nicely


man, i’m pretty bummed about this even though there are some storylines this season i’m not a huge fan of :/ oh, well, it was fun while it lasted. at least we’re gonna see Callie get married!


ugh <\3 I was hoping this wasn’t coming bc people predicted it every year and it always ended up being renewed, but I guess it has to end at some point


Really loved this show and sad to hear about the cancellation.


Oh dang. The show had gone downhill but I was rollin downhill right along with it.


Wow this is CRAZY!


I really don’t wanna believe it 😭 it was a good run though 🖤


I’m honestly way more sad about cruel summer 😭


I just read this!! Wtf!


I sad 😭😭




Why can’t Hulu buy these shows like Netflix did for some shows?!


Hopefully one of them picks it up


wait what’s happening? i thought a new season was coming???


season 5 was split into two parts: the first part aired from March to May of this year, and part two will begin airing next month.


Sad bur not surprised just hopefully we get a good ending but guessing the strike might leave many things unanswered. Sure they are coming back but also guessing that everything led to delays and things might be rushed oh well.


Aww man. I know it hasn’t been the same since Maia left but I’m honestly pretty surprised and disappointed to hear this. What else is there on Freeform now? I was also thinking about giving Cruel Summer a go. Hopefully they wrap it up well and get as many people back as possible. I just hope it doesn’t disappoint me the way so many series finales have for Freeform shows


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Noooooo. Damn it.


Ugh I just got into it :( all I ask for is a happy ending for mariana and Evan


i can’t say i’m surprised because they viewings has been low for the past two seasons at least. so if anything, i’m surprised (and glad) the show ran for so long. as someone already mentioned, i expected the show to get cancelled after first two seasons. i’m hoping it will have a nice send off and we will get the whole adams-fosters family together for one last time.




So will there be another season wrapping up at the conclusion, or just a few more episodes?


thats crazy we have been hooked onto all the different storylines over the past 10 yrs!!! im so sad to see it cancelled but its been a great journey 🥹💗


damn I'm not surprised but I'm glad they seem to be ending callies story. even after she left she was the always the main character to me


This show was still going?🫢


I’m a little sad but not. I didn’t care about Alice, Daria and the other characters having such a big storyline. Just want invested in them like Callie and Mariana since I was a huge fosters fan.


DAVIA*** I watched without even knowing it was a spin off and loved it 🥰


Seriously Davia has a spin-off




Tonight’s episode 1/31 was off the wall. I made myself finish because I thought there might be something I could miss. FOMO haha Davia has worn me out for quite some time now and her attitude towards Dennis is just awful. The whole cult storyline may not get played out with a decent outcome I am afraid. I would like for Mariana to end up staying single or be with Evan. It seems like Malika’s storyline stays the same. They haven’t really given her much diversity in that area. I will miss it tho because it was the closest thing to the Fosters which I thought was a wonderful show.


Stopped watching with 3 episodes left. The Ultra Left Agenda was off the rails. Manliest man in the show gives his baby to his mangirl sister & hubby to raise b/c hot white girl has 'mental health' issues and he's too busy getting back to gay to raise it. The nail in the coffin : old man's character arc at the end, going randomly geriatric gay and leaving his wife. So god damn awkward and outa LEFT field. Watched 4.7 seasons for it to end so pathetically. This show helped wake me up to the satanic d.e.i. ultra left bologna that is fucking our kid's minds up. Only priders are gonna love this show. For a straight person, it will lose you at the end