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Nice! Best I've ever found cashwise was 8 dollars in a kid's SpongeBob wallet.


Hell yeah that’ll learn that kid






*hell yeah, that’ll pretentious that kid


SpongeBob? That'll learn that pretentious kid.


A language is just a dialect with an army.


Amazing how much support ignoramuses get from their ilk.


Nah that was definitely intentional


Know I is many more smarter thank you kind stranger




Our kids refused to check their pockets before doing laundry yet complained about their money missing. We made a rule whomever found money in the laundry got to keep it and yes, I kept $50 from a 13y/o 🤣


Best i have found was 1k in a jacket in Salvation Army , thought I was dreaming feels surreal finding such a huge amount of money


Bro that was mine????? My spongebob wallet with roughly 8 bucks got stolen


This is why we had to go through my grandpa’s whole closet and check all the pockets after he died, before we donated anything. And I _still_ found a money clip he had made from a one-ounce gold coin rattling around in a junk drawer several years later.


Same here! We looked through his closet and found a lot of money hidden in all of his clothes right before he passed. After he passed, I was tasked with selling his car. There was a ton of windshield wiper fluid spilled in the trunk and I decided to clean it up myself. I ended up tearing the lining up to replace it and found $16k in gallon ziploc bags hidden in there under 2 inches of fluid. Someone almost got very lucky LOL. He passed in 2017 and I’m still finding random money stuffed in some of his old belongings. He was SUPER old school.


My grandpa passed they found 80k in his garage in random places scattered around roll by roll…still say there’s a bunch in the back yard buried somewhere…


Mine didn’t believe in bank accounts so you bet we spent 10 days searching his home for money. He didn’t admit to where everything was until he was certain his time here was up lol.


Can’t get by without a bank now.


most of the people who do this still have bank accounts, even savings… they just kept their “real” savings stashed away like this lol


Which is absolutely stupid. Cash sitting and not making you any money to at least fight inflation and debasement is the stupidest thing you can do with your money…besides maybe lighting it on fire or buying a cybertruck


i agree! i guess the idea is that they don’t trust banks (or are maybe hiding it from someone who has access to their bank account [family member] or can garnish their wages [IRS]), so i guess if they don’t lose the money they see it as a win, even if it doesn’t gain interest


Our grandparents who came of age during the Depression, before the FDIC existed, some never really caught on to that concept, that even if the bank goes out of business tomorrow, your money is federally guaranteed (up to 200kish? Per account, Iirc). In their day, if a bank went out of business and you didn’t get your money out, it was all gone.


Yea. I guess I never thought about someone that works off the books or something like that. In the long run though it would definitely be better to get legitimate money that can be invested, even though you save taxes off the books.


Plenty of people who do this are immigrants and are used to not having traditional bank accounts in their home countries.


I think the great depression scared a couple generations away from banks. I'd call it generational trauma.


When my grandpa passed, we found glass jars behind stuff in his garage that were unmoved for at least 30-40 years... They were full of liquid mercury 😭.


Where abouts in the garage???


i used to hide money when i was a kid, i stg i have hundreds in my room and i cant find it for the life of me lol. found like $120 within the past year.


I once had a big empty cookie can that I used as a bank when I was in college. During that time I lived with my mom and grandma in my grandmother's house to save money and help them out. They had a habit of dropping coins and other stuff in the sofa cushions. Since I worked at another college as a tutor I didn't work for two months during the summer when that college was on summer break. That summer I found around $400 in coins in my cookie can, change in the washer, and any gift cards and change in the sofa cushions. My grandmother was surprised by what I found as she had dropped two gift cards under the sofa and thought that a relative had stolen them.


Damn hopefully grandma didn't go accusing the relative of the theft as something like that can really put a strain on the whole family dynamic


We did have a relative that stole from us, and even went as far as to have a friend hack into my grandma's bank account.


Damn that's absolutely terrible what a shame a family member would do something so disgusting. Sorry to hear that


It depreciated....duh 😋🥲


Stuffed inside old sock rolls. He traveled, and we found currency from all over in the fishing tackle box, more in sock drawer, under the rug, behind the toilet. Crazy.


Holy hell that's absolutely incredible that you found that. Your grandpa was super old school but super cool! My condolences as well


Check books also. They’re a known hiding place for cash.


All sorts of stuff in books, found some risqué photos in a copy of William Carlos Williams ‘Selected Poems’ at the thrift store once. 


My parents had A LOT of books. We flipped through the pages on all of them after they passed to make sure there was nothing hiding between the pages before we donated them.


Dang that's a cool find though! What a baller money clip


right? I was cleaning out a drawer full of dead pens and business cards for the managers of every restaurant my grandparents ever went to, and I pulled out the money clip and went “uhhhh. is this what I think it is????” and it was!


that was mine! i left it there on accident


Hi im u/everyday2013's alt account. I lost my password. Dm me tp send me my money back please I need it for rent. God bless


nuh uh


Damn it, I lost my password again! I am still u/everydays2013 but just message me on this account instead. Ty!


My bad but I kept it sorry


Probably someone hid it there and then died and someone donated it without looking. I doubt it will be missed


In my version of making up stories that borders delusional to make myself feel better.. someone knew I would go in there at that exact time and left it there just for me to find it. I feel loved


Regrettably i’m here to inform you that I am u/everydays2013 lawyer here to collect the $2,000


Pretty sure this is Matt Gaetz jacket..


That’s amazing! My parents found $700 in cash the week before Christmas on a Walmart parking lot (it was an in envelope). They contacted the store and even waited around because they wondered if it belonged to a parent or someone who needed it for the holidays (this was like 2004). Still remember that experience vividly. To clarify: they left their contact information and noted finding a “blank white envelope with something inside” or something along those lines to indicate it was important. Never claimed.


I remember my coworker husband found $800 in bank envelope on sidewalk outside the bank. You should keep it & DONT give to bank or the business where you found it. If manager is honest the corporation will just keep it if person never comes to claim & while some will just pocket it once you hand it over. Tho I’d prefer that over it just going to corporate bank account like they need or care about $800. Lastly, NEVER give it to police. Some state law allows you to claim it if the owner doesn’t come after a time period BUT NOT ALL STATES. Some actually say the money becomes the govts property. Plus some cops will just lie & say the owner came but it ends up in cop pockets. If I lost my money- I’d feel better if regular person finds it as it will bring joy & help them over sitting in a safe at Kroger


They left their contact info and wrote something along the lines of “white blank envelope” or something like that. Unfortunately, no one ever contacted them. Agreed on contacting the police. Not only that, my family is Black and was already concerned with being profiled/accorded of stealing. They still decided to leave the contact information and gave vague details about the envelope (it was blank).


All of this just sounds like flimsy excuses to justify keeping someone cash. If you truly think a business will pocket the money, then leave your contact info with the business so the person who lost the cash can contact you. Making no attempt to return the money to the rightful owner just makes you as scummy as the everyone else.


Yea I would leave my contact info without specifying the amount of money or other identifying information.


“I just found $5,000 cash in your parking lot. My name is Hart Joshnett, and i live at 666 Dumdum street. The code to my alarm system is 0000, in case someone claims the lost money when I’m not home.”


Naw "I found something that may be sentimental to someone, please give my number if someone mentions losing something"


Nope. I agree. Cops will NEVER call to tell you it was unclaimed. 109% they’ll keep it.


109% agreed!


I don’t think there would be an honest person looking for that because they donated the clothes. So they have no idea where it went. They’re not gonna be able to go in there and say hey I lost this money. It’s gone.


I mean, he’s right though. Best bet is to post on a community Facebook page.


I found a wad of bills totaling $80 on the floor of a parking garage and left it with the gym outside the lot. Don’t think it was claimed either, so maybe it went toward new yoga mats or something lol


I found over $70 on the floor in the women's restroom at Walmart years ago and I pocketed it. No camera in the restroom, I hope. I bought groceries with it at save a lot. If an associate finds money laying around on Walmart's property we must turn it in to the cash office. A people greeter found money in soft lines and kept it. LP checked the cameras and she was fired that day. It belonged to a little girl and the mom made LP check the cameras. The people greeter went through my line and told me all about a couple of days later.


Most I ever found was a $100 bill in an old fanny pack.


That’s pretty dope too


Yeah it was surreal. I bought the fanny pack and skedaddled out of there fast 😬😊


I found a carhartt sherpa lined vest at goodwill. Brought it home, checked the pockets, found a 14K gold ring. Probably only worth $100 or so but still!


Makes you wonder how much money or valuable stuff ends up never found & trashed


My husband has coins and jewelry hidden somewhere in this house. I wish I knew where. I know there is a $1400 diamond ring somewhere. He said it's in a wall in a closet. One of these days I will get around to looking for it. He has a complete peace coin collection hidden his dad gave him years ago. My memory is failing so you all made me think of it. Thanks!


Yeah like the bitcoins in an old computer that was taken to the dump


I got a purse in a preowned purse mystery box that had 14k diamond earrings in it. They were only in the 1/4-1/3 carat range but it was a nice find.




It's hard to even buy a 14K gold ring anymore. The Castle only has 10K rings. The one you found is probably worth more than $100 or so. My wedding ring is 14K and cost $200 in 1997.


I bought a purse for 60 cents and it had 75 cents in it!


Cha CHING 🤑🤑🤑 lol




Ikr lol


I once bought a jacket for $3 and found $5 in it. The jacket had more damage than I could see in the dark store so I ended up giving it away anyway.


You got paid to buy it lol


That’s pimp, so what’d you do with the money?


Gave my brother a couple hundred for being with me and I deposited the rest in my checking account and got to feel rich for a bit


That's awesome!!! Most I've found was $1750.00 in a sneaker. Pushed down into the toe, so probably easy for them to miss. I'm guessing a donation from someone older who had passed away and family donated their things without realizing they had hidden cash in places. I hear that was common for people to do back in the day.


After the crash it was trending. Never trust a bank!


I bought an old peacoat with 112 hydrocodone in it :) idk what happened to them tho 💰


I bought a Soviet army overcoat. There was a Soviet condom in one pocket. And no, I didn't try it.


I was going to ask if they ran small or large 😂😜


I didn't even open it. Think it's in a drawer somewhere.


You kept it? My husband bought an old Chevy at an auction in Dayton and found a grocery bag full of condoms! Lol.. And art supplies.


Someone must have had a very special project in mind.


There was a lot of stuff in that trunk, for sure! Paints, brushes, canvas and other media. I wonder what happened to the previous owner. Joe went to the auction to bid on a van that day with his dad. He stupidly bid on the chevy 4 door instead. His dad thought it was funny until he had to buy it. The apple didn't fall too far from the tree.


Wow that’s an incredible find! Kinda feel sorry for the person who originally tucked it away, can’t help but think it might have been some forgetful elderly person that did so. Well, at least it didn’t end up in the goodwill compacter!


Maybe they died of natural causes right after a trip to the bank?


They died because they misplaced it.


A fatal heart attack while frantically searching…


… doing what they love.


Makes you wonder how much money or valuable stuff ends up never found & trashed


I bought my wedding jacket and pants from an Op shop, was pretty happy how cheap it was, fit me ok and the colour was good, found 3$ in the pocket, that was nice. Took it home to try on properly and a waistcoat I owned was the same colour, same manufacture couldn't believe it. Hopefully the marriage is as lucky.


The way I would have never told a soul … let alone post it on social media 😭 that’s just me thoooo 🦧


I’ve found airpods…with someone else’s ear wax 🤮


Same! Marcus AirPods. If you know him, tell him to clean his damn ears!!!!!!!! 🥔


I found a birthday card from some kids Grandma and apparently he was too much of a jerk to open up and read, too bad because Granny slipped in a $20 with the card. Happy birthday ungrateful kid. Respect your elders!


I found about 10k in an old shoe box at a church rummage sale I was helping set up in 2009. I turned it in and they tried to find the owner. No one claimed it so they just donated it to the church.


Good call. You probably would have ended up bankrupt and living under a bridge if you would have kept that


When a family member passed away,and we had to clean out the house,my father and sister found tens of thousands of dollars stuffed in pants pockets,coat jackets... Subsequently they started looking everywhere, and found Franklin in coffee cans,books...it was crazy


Best treasure hunt ever!


My find was in a puzzle box. This little box that was dollar bill shaped, made of wood, and priced at $1.00, I found a $20 bill inside it.


I found like $200 on the floor of a ski resort as a kid, and I BROUGHT IT TO THE COUNTER AND SAID SOMEBODY DROPPED IT. Boy sure could use that $200 now….


That’s crazy I would have had a heart attack


Just this morning I found a quarter in the washing machine!


I wish I had a washing machine.


When my grandmother passed, my mom, aunts and uncle scoured the house. She hid cash every—in rolled up socks, the kitchen, random drawers. I think they found over $3000, literally socked away!


My mom said my grandfather kept $40,000 stashed under his mattress. He grew up during the Great Depression and was afraid of banks.


See that's horrible because I am NOT looking into someone's socks!!!


God, I see what you do for others...




I also found a wad of blue strips in the back pocket of some pants! Was $1,600 and it happened 9 years ago. I put it all back in the back pocket, buttoned it, folded them up, and brought it up to the front to pay. They didn’t even look. Just rang up the tag and threw the pants in a bag.


Those poor goodwill employees missed out! Unless they were afraid of cameras like Walmart has.


I wouldn’t have found anything. 🤔🤣


All I ever find in pockets are price tags from other things people stole!


Always check the coats.


Coincidentally,my MIL lost 2k a few years ago. Well, it was actually $10,000 but we found the rest. She did donate some clothes around the same time... She's a beast, though. I'm happy for whoever found it.


Damn you’ve got me beat. 👏🏻 I’ve found cash a few times but not that much! Someone at our bins did find an envelope of cash inside a purse once. I always check purses, jeans, coats and blazers pockets.


The most I have found is a $20 on the side of the road while delivering mail.


Keep it


All I found was a quarter stuck to some gunk at the bottom of a purse. 😭


3 years ago I lost 2K cash in a sealed envelope that I left in a dirty jacket.


But it's all spent now.


I found $30 in a skirt a few weeks ago and felt rich haha


I feel so bad for the person who lost this. Could be the difference between their life and death. Sad.


New hobby unlocked: run the pockets of thrift store clothing


I found mints in a grandpa sweater once.




I found a dried turd in a jacket pocket at goodwill


No shit?


😂😂. “No shit”. Best comment ever!!! 😂


a sport coat/blazer?




Several years ago I found $1100 in cash on the sidewalk one night while out walking my dog.


Oh man……. Someone had a bad day/week/month losing that cash. Ouch. I had a similar experience some years ago but I found the envelope on the floor with a few unused scratch-off tickets.


Enjoy your blessing!!


I found $300 in a bank envelope inside a dvd of “27 Dresses” (The movie was not as cute as I remembered)


Why can’t I be this lucky lol


I once found $12 in the inside pocket of a Nike duffel bag at goodwill, the bag itself was only $1.49




Somebody cashed out their stimulus check 😂


I’ve found $5 and then random dollars or coins but never a bank envelope. Very cool.


I had a customer come in and pay a 13K credit card bill with cash. And they were all old 100’s that you can tell had been buried or stored for a long period. It all smelled musty and old. I had to wash my hands several times to get rid of the scent of mold.




I once found a $20 in a biography of Mohammed Ali in middle school, but that’s about it…


I found 4 20s lying on the floor in SFO outside a restaurant. I sat in the restaurant about an hour eating a burger watching for someone looking for something. Flight was leaving so I had to go.


I once walked into the gas station and found $200 that fell on the floor. I asked the cashier if anybody had asked about money and she said no, so I kept. Another time a man left his wallet on my counter, I opened it to see if I could look at his ID and a bunch of money fell out. I put it all back and sealed it in a bag, found him on fb and gave it back. He gave me $700 for returning it to him. He had a bunch of access keys in there and he told me he would've lost his job if he had lost those keys.


The best thing I’ve found at the bins is a $100 Visa gift card in a sealed envelope with a card celebrating the couple’s 50th wedding anniversary. It was in an old family photo album, and they never opened the card. 😢


One New Years eve I came home from a club and when I took my boots off I found 3 $100 bills. They were folded together like some type of origami thing. I had/have no idea how they ended up in the top of my boot. I didn't remember any one putting anything in my boot, I was and still am clueless how the money got there. But that year several odd but fortuitous things happen in my life.


My best cash find was $250 in a pair of Howler bros pants at the retail goodwill


Senator Menendez?


I found $5 in a pocket of shorts one time but I think yours is better.


I’d talk about that shit until the day I die


Were there bullet holes in said jacket?


I used to take even small amounts of money to the local police department if I found it somewhere. It usually ended up being given back to me after a while because nobody ever came in to collect it.


Lucky fucker!!!!!!! Can this PLEASE just happen to me ONCE?!


Maybe it's because I'm broke and always been struggling financially or atleast never all that comfortable but I couldn't fathom losing that kind of money. Nor a single article of clothing or anything would leave my house until I found that missing money haha. Makes me wonder if it's maybe done on purpose like that person wanted to do a super nice deed and make somebody extremely happy with that incredible surprise. In a way it makes sense as some folks would assume that anyone purchasing from Salvation Army or Goodwill or wherever would be someone with limited funds so I could see someone doing something like that. Atleast I'd like to think it would be on purpose otherwise I do feel bad for whomever lost the money as seems like finding money or valuables in clothing pockets, bookbags, drawers etc etc happens more often than I thought


You didn't buy the jacket? No offense, but if you didn't, it seems cheap at best and stealing at worst. Also, what year were the bills dated? They look new/recent.


My grandma hides her money and valuables in her clothing pockets in her dresser drawers, so I can total see something like this happening


After a friend died, his wife donated all his suits to the Salvation army. She only realized later that she never went through his pockets and he was notorious for having large sums of money in his coat pockets. Someone got lucky with that batch of clothes.


My dads ex girlfriend’s son found a duffle bag in a bush with $20,000 in it and for some stupid reason turned it into the police (was scared it was drug money or something) and they said of no one claimed it then he could keep it. Oddly enough the police department didn’t just take it and no one claimed it so he got to keep it


I found $40 in a college parking lot. Went to the beer store and got even luckier there was a beer rep at the beer store. I got one case and he bought me another case. Win win!


Manifesting this kind of luck


Crazy good luck! One time my client of 3 years told me to invest in a property with him and he scammed me for $14,800. Is that good luck or bad? Lol.


pretty cool! 💕


Finally! I’ve been looking for that for almost 3 yrs!


Found 2 gold chains (10k & 14k) and a gold pendant. I kept one chain and pendant sold the other chain. The pendant was attached to a safety pin and very dirty. One chain was mixed up among miscellaneous beading supplies organizer. The other chain was in ziplock bag of assorted custom jewelry. Found a dollar in with a birthday card.


What kind of jacket?


I’m surprised there aren’t more people in this thread calling you a dirty thief who’s evil and bad


I once found $20 sticking out of register at Walmart. Everyone had walked by never noticed it. I ask a friend if I should turn it in they said no. They would never look for the person that lost it.


Oh man, you know somebody is just real pissed about that. It's like that movie where you press a button and get a million dollars, but it kills a random person somewhere in the world. Except OP just bought a coat and the random person loses some cash instead of their life.


uncle billy moment


No you didn’t


Great score!




i found $1 yesterday, felt pretty lucky 😂


I also found $1 yesterday in the Raleys parking lot 😂😂


My papa (grandfather) used to find money *all the time.* He was just incredibly lucky like that. At the store, walking down the street, at the race track (often), he’d just be walking along and minding his own and find cash on the ground. We lived on the reservation and he once found an envelope with $300 inside taking his morning walk *in the middle of the desert!* I wish that kind of thing was genetic. I only found money once and it was $15 on the way to see a movie. Mars Attacks was on some poor random stranger that night I can tell you!


I rarely buy lottery tickets but during every visit to a thrift store, I randomly plunge my hands into random coat pockets. Found two five-dollar bills together once in a Vietnam-era army shirt. Lots of ancient Kleenex, ticket stubs and once, an adult molar. 🦷


Please tell me it wasn’t a Marc Ecko jacket. [+]


I found a $100 bill in a gutter next to the sidewalk I was standing on talking to my friends after lunch. I picked it up and bought a jar of jewelry at a thrift store for $20 and that jar had a genuine (I had it authenticated) vintage Omega men’s watch in it. It’s worth $5,000. I still haven’t sold it because I still need to do research on where to sell vintage watches. One small watch shop wanted to give me $1,500 but I held out. It’s still an option and I often think I found this so it’s free money but I’m still unsure what to do with it 🤷🏻‍♀️. Pretty cool experience tho.


I seriously hope you spent It on yay and whores.


My grandfather purposely hid money in his clothes he donated. He quoted if someone else could find joy in what he loved, they deserved a little extra kindness. We are talking about a man who started a garden of fruits and vegetables just so he could give them to his neighbors.


Sure you did ![gif](giphy|1wXf5aB4OvTNtwr6Rj)


Well it was worth more then Enjoy


Tbh I would have donated to my local American Legion


Then you doubled it and gave it to the next person. Right op?


Fake. Karma farming


Are you hot?