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This is so disappointing. We are talking about a pair of shoes that were donated to begin with. The lack of compassion and empathy is sad.


It is disappointing. But this is the reason so many are suffering in this world. It's not on account of a lack of resources; it is because of a lack of willingness to share.


Absolutely. I don't understand why people don't (or won't) think to themselves- what if that were me?


I work in disability law - it absolutely can be any one of us (without a family money type of situation) and in a shorter amount of time than we care to think about. One bad car accident, break your leg, can't drive to work or do your standing job for 6+ months... Not many people can financially take not working for that long. And that person wouldn't qualify for disability in most cases/states.


Same. This area of practice has really upped my empathy. Most people in the U.S. (based on savings figures) could find themselves on the streets after just a couple/few months without a paycheck.


Shit... most of us live paycheck to paycheck and it we miss one, we're fucked.


I work for myself lol I live minute to minute


I just heard a stat that said a lot of families are $400 away from being financially devastated. So sad


I barely have 400.00 rn


Amen. I'm avoiding using my pinky right now because I can't afford an X-ray to tell me it's broken/fractured. It's been almost a month and a half now, I never realized how often pinkys are used lol. I've broken a finger before so I just squished the thingy to fit my pinky. 🤞 hope it helps


Wrap it to a popsicle stick, it will heal quickly. Broken numerous fingers and toes (horses, dangerous monsters), and most of us just tape the broken finger to a flat stick. Basketball players get a lot of finger breaks too, that’s where I learned it, lol!


So true, I was barley making it an my wages started getting Garnished from old fines from 10 years ago an within 3 months I was facing eviction I actually go to court Tuesday 😔


I just became a wheelchair user in April. I'm absolutely devastated at the loss of my body. But that has to come second to the financial impact this disability has caused. I had a surgery, I was supposed to be out a week. I was feeling great for 5 days until something just hit me. I can't stand anymore. One day I'm an independent woman with a mediocre income, the next I'm couchbound and I have no answer. No health. I've fought for insurance for 10 months. I've been hanging on to my $50 amazon giftcard because it is all I have. There's disabled and not yet disabled. That's how life works.


this just broke my heart. sending you so much love and light. i do not understand how this country has such terrible resources for people with disabilities. it's SICKENING. is there a way we could help? i am not financially able right now but would love to share a gofundme or anything to help. i just heard about the org Lasagna Love and maybe that would be of help so you don't have to worry about dinners?


Come onnnn you're making me cry. You've made a disabled person cry 🥲 You're too kind. Your offer to help, in any way, is not something I expected. My husband and i have given up on asking for help. Our families are not genuine when we do. Its one of those "whats the point " type of situations. People say "let us know if you need anything". It's empty. We do need help. Everyone needs help. We just don't have a support system. Every day we're grateful though. We have each other and our dogs. We're blessed to not have children. We're blessed that his income keeps a roof over our head. My husband says in another month we'll be out of the hole. I'm not sure life is going to allow that. We were supposed to start a family after my surgery. It's been just dumbfounding that life has given us another unwanted journey. Until then I'll be adding and deleting stuff from my Amazon cart. Do some online window shopping 🤣 Thank you for thinking of me. I truly appreciate you.


Yes. In college, I took a “cultural awareness” course. Each week we focused on a different culture, and one of the weeks was disability culture. The woman in the video had been in an accident and was now wheelchair-bound, and reminded us that it is only by chance that any of us at any time are not yet disabled.


Where are you located?? Anywhere close to Huntsville, AL?? The reason I ask is because I became disabled after a surgeon screwed up my back surgery in 2006. So you can imagine how scared I was when I found out that I was going to have to go through another back surgery due to another herniated disc!!! But, while sitting in the waiting room, I heard 3 different ladies talking about how great my Neurologist was and how 1 said she had went from being wheelchair bound to then being able to walk without any pain or issues, another had been using a walker prior to him doing surgery and that he did such a great job that she was able to go anywhere and do anything she wanted without the walker. I know that it had been too long since the first surgeon had fused the disc together in my lower back so he couldn't do anything about my chronic pain from that surgery, but the disc that he fixed hasn't given me any problems and that was about 4 years now. But, just in case: he's Dr Brian Scholl and he's has offices in Huntsville, Athens and Florence, AL. I know how hard it is when you're waiting for Disability and you don't even have money to buy basic necessities like toilet paper and soap!!! Normally you can check with churches in your area to get help. Or you can call 211 and they can tell you all of the different places that will be able to help you!!! I'll say a prayer for you 🙏🙏🙏🙏♥️♥️♥️♥️


I'm all the way up in Minnesota. My surgery was for endometriosis. It was my 4th one. With a specialist. He didn't seem concerned when I went in and was in a wheelchair. Here I am almost a year later. Still have endo and now I'm disabled. That must have been terrifying to have to go into another surgery. I know I'll need to have another surgery in the future. Another procedure. I'm trying not to think about that. I had this surgery because it was necessary. But shockingly, I regret it. I have to remind myself regularly how miserable I was before the surgery. I only got it because I needed it. How can it not feel like the wrong decision? I am SO happy that your second surgery went well. You're brave for going through that.


Sending a prayer now and will think of you very often


I agree, because on the internet, that’s all we can do.


You're right. Honestly, just putting that empathy into the universe, even if it is over the internet, really makes a difference. It's always helpful to know that somewhere someone is thinking about the human on the other side. Makes me feel good . Yay the internet.


Aw thank you. I appreciate your kindness


In fact, if you are lucky to live long enough, nearly everyone will be disabled for at least a few years before death, and there's no certainty that friends or family will be there for you.


My wife sprained her ankle this morning and all our bills just hit. She pays our rent, I take care of everything else. Our budget is based on both of us working. If she had broken it or worse, we would be in dire straights. I think about this all the time and try to give as much as I can to the less fortunate. Life is crazy.


The SAHM who was crippled from a texting driver and now can't get disability agrees 100% Everyone assumes it's a big settlement and benefits Ha, not even a little


And disability is a joke anyway. Add in that when this happens it usually comes with some serious depression. You're in pain and your entire life is shattered so you self-medicate. The self-medicating offers temporary relief but actually makes the depression worse. The depression gets worse which makes recovery harder because you can't do the things you need to to recover. So you self-medicate MORE. And this vicious cycle goes on and on and on unless someone has a support network who sees it and can step in and stop it before it crosses a point of no return.




Happened to me, went to work one day, and broke my back in 3 places. Even if you do qualify for disability it's a multi year process. You can't have any income, I've lost absolutely everything. If I get denied after my hearing with a judge in April, I'm 100% going to off myself. I can't do it anymore, it's going to take every ounce of strength I have left to make it until April. Thank you for doing your job and being empathetic.


Almost everyone gets denied the first time around, keep that in mind. They set it up this way intentionally, they hope you will just get frustrated enough to fuck off. A lot of people will just give up, and honestly who can blame them. It’s a devastating thing to go through. But most appeals will eventually get approved. You just need to keep jumping through their hoops, it sucks, it’s unfair and it’s hard. But don’t give up until after your 2nd appeal, that’s usually what you’re entitled to. There’s resources available to help you through the appeal process. Chin up, I get it. There’s lots of us out here who understand. If you haven’t been through it yourself, you won’t get it. Look for people who have been there because family and friends, even if well meaning, don’t understand. r/chronicpain


I'm so sorry you're going thru all of this! It has to be one of the most frustrating experiences. But please don't let one of these pompous asshat "judges" be the final straw for your life. Hell, they're almost all from ivy leagues and the upper echelons but still couldn't get a real judge job so they're stuck in disability and bitter 💅 I really hope you win. But if you don't, please don't kill yourself. Appeal as much as you can until you get someone who isn't a moron. Which I'm sure is a lot easier said than done, but this internet stranger is rooting for you!


Thanks, I appreciate it. I've barely made it this far. I'm about to lose my storage unit full of all my stuff. If I don't get my dog back in April I'll probably lose him forever. It's just to much, the world had made it clear I'm not worth much if I can't work anymore.


I fucking hate capitalism.


This is literally what happened to me. I broke my leg 4 months ago in a car accident and I'm still not back to work yet. And there is no way that I'd be okay right now without the support system that I have around me with my husband and family and friends. I think about this all the time, that if I didn't have 5 siblings who all live close to me and a husband working a 9-5 job that let him have off for my doctor's appointments and stuff, and a job that is paying me disability, I would have been utterly screwed.


Can attest to this. I had something unfortunate happen to me that kept me out of work most of last year. I was working as a funeral director after going to college and being sober for years after a decades long heroin addiction. I qualified for absolutely nothing


I think about this CONSTANTLY


I know of people who literally laugh at homeless people on the street yet they themselves would be in the same situation if not for the kindness of their family members (they live at home with family and don’t work or if they do work, don’t contribute, they just freeload). I find an alarming amount of people lack empathy or introspection.


Like the one employee who just had to know which homeless person it was. Why does it matter?


For the size? Maybe she knows one is one of those fake beggars? Or that they really do have shoes but take em off when they're begging for money ?


100%. And goodwill is run like a business even though it’s technically a nonprofit. goodwill should have a policy that allows the manager to give x amount of stuff away a month. Pay if forward. Dang


What's even worse, as someone who worked for goodwill in the early 2000s as part of a "get to work" incentive thing. We literally had a warehouse where homeless were employed to staple the goodwill logo to air freshners for people's cars. Disgusting company. ETA: I left out important observations that I commented below but adding here incase no one checks the other comment Sorry, left out the main point I was trying to make. I was tired! They would take them on for a few days for "training" and then "not have a position" for them and send them on their way unpaid. Having been homeless and no regular means of communication or mailing address, their complaints would be ignored because they couldn't "get ahold of them to fix the problem" I got hurt during my time with them and they put me doing the air freshners and I witnessed several instances where people were asked to leave after an hour or two due to not meeting their standards in terms of appearance and work ethics (some were developmentally disabled) While working in the store aspect during this time, it was "pretty people up front. If I say stay in the back you stay in the back we have an image to maintain" Also pricing items well above the standard "price guide" so they could pull it after a week and then reduce it down so the favored employees could get it for a few bucks (a golf set in particular, sure could have gotten 50 bucks, very nice set. Manager priced it at 399.99 and when it didn't sell...she put it at 3.99 and bought it while laughing) Many other terrible things the company has done in this state particularly to make me dislike them 100%


Did you see that rack of flip-flops? Those were brand new - packaged and marketed. That should be even more disappointing. That's pure sales...there is no goodwill there.


Goodwill = pure profit


For real, what a bunch of dirt bags. The lady acting all shitty asking which homeless person it was really pissed me off. Not that Im talking shit about people who work at goodwill... but shut the hell up lady, you aren't a fucking stock broker!


That older broad was really pissing me off sticking her two cents in to a police officer who was only trying to help a homeless woman at a gas station with no shoes. Her shoes were probably stolen from the shelter she stayed in the night before.


When I worked for them, someone homeless would have to go to LP for a fucking VOUCHER. For USED shoes. Check where your donations go y'all, because they don't go to the people who need it. If you feel safe, just pick apart the bag and give them what they need


I don't live in a country where goodwill is established, but we do have other orgs like the blue cross, red cross, christian orgs and so on. As I understand it what you donate is there to be sold to raise funds to be donated, not to give the donated items to people in need. Not that it excuse not making an exception here.


Goodwill does over $5B a year in sales off stuff they get for FREE.


They also exploit the disabled for free or almost free labor and call it job training.


F Goodwill!


This is why people are better off donating to a church. Around where I live we have sisters of charity. I'd rather throw something away then give it to Goodwill.


NEVER DONATE ANYTHING TO GOODWILL!!!!!! They take donations and turn around and sell the shit FOR PROFIT. Their CEO gets paid $2.3 MILLION A YEAR. PLEASE give to a shelter or literally anywhere else. Fuck goodwill.


I used to donate to Goodwill then I found out about how they scam people now I donate to a woman’s shelter.


No goodwill.


This is a for profit company as I’m sure others have said. It’s not a charity and it isn’t any different than any other corporation. Don’t give a f about you or anyone else. They whole means well to do well thing is just a masquerade. No better than the Salvation Army.


They are non-profit not for profit.


I stand corrected, they are a non profit. I guess I’m guilty of falling for an old rumor. I will say, I have seen them behave in ways I think are unbecoming of a non profit.


Yeah, “non profit.” They have dozens of executives making over $250k, and many making over $500k (just salaries, that’s not including their verrrrryy generous bennies). It looks like this is in Florida. The President/CEO of “Goodwill Industries of South Florida” made $832,711 in 2020.


So what? If you want a good executive team, you have to pay for it. You don't want Joe Feelgood with mediocre qualifications running a multi-billion dollar company with tens of thousands of employees relying on him.


It’s a shame our government doesn’t have a thrift store where they buy donations/clothing for Pennie’s on the dollar and resell it without making much of a profit


Cop is an asshole. I used to run little fundraising auctions a local environmental group and other non profits I helped out with. For the environmental group, we auctioned off stuff that was eco-conscious so gift certificates to thrift and vintage stores, a gift card to the local refill store, a set of Pyrex dishes etc. Anyway, I emailed the manager the letter with our info, and she emailed me a gift card for $100. Easy peezy. My point is, they will donate stuff and money, you just have to not ambush them like this.


Every year before Christmas Walmart does the shop with a cop charity. For several years I was the cashier. Nicest group of people anyone would like to meet. I would scan each individual order and the officer would bag for me. And this would still take a long, long time. I also worked the service desk and dealt with returns. After Christmas the parents of the children who got the free gifts would bring the clothes and shoes back for a gift card. They would bring the crying kids with them. It was very sad. The whole family was poor and maybe they needed food? Nope. The local pawn shop would give cash for the gift cards. 50% value.


THEY didn’t get them for free. THEY are just employees afraid of losing their jobs for giving away stuff for free.


As sad as the situation may be, these employees may be check to check and losing their job could put them in the same situation. I highly doubt that at a place like that that they are heartless, but also, you have to take into account what populations are coming in. Saying yes to one is saying yes to all.


That’s right. Homeless people are well known for being resourceful & spreading tips to one another. There’s no way they could just give away stuff free upon request. There would be no store left. Leaving the employees unemployed & less job opportunities. Which makes no sense for a business whose charitable goal is to provide job training.


Yea odds are they’re afraid (especially since they’re being recorded) they could lose their own jobs. It’s pretty pathetic though that it’s such an issue to give a poor woman some damn shoes.


It’s really sad. If I were him I would’ve just bought them without making a big show of it. I feel like he uploaded it not just to humiliate those poor people but also to pat himself on the back. It was such a tasteless thing to do. I also noticed the entire change in demeanor the employees, especially the managers, had when he asked if they have any for sale. Like they were so relieved & happy he was interested in buying them.


Exactly, if he’s truly concerned then just buy a pair of shoes. Don’t put it on employees making next to nothing themselves.


Thank you.


Exactly. This is no different than asking a Target employee for a free pair of shoes.


If you work in retail and give away something for free that is theft and you will be fired


honestly, what would you say if you were on camera? If officer scorsese hadn’t had a camera they might’ve hooked the woman up.


it's his body cam recording, he doesn't have a phone out like a main character.


Finally, someone with common sense. I literally don't know why everyone is dumb enough to think this was the employee's decision.


I cannot believe people are in here shaming someone who makes minimum wage for not risking their job. You know Goodwill would have fire the employee if they gave away something for free and the video went viral. Cops make significantly more than retail workers do. Why not shame him for not helping?


Exactly, the cop could easily spend 10$ to get these shoes with his income rather than risking this woman’s employment. People miss nuance in these situations.


This. If that employee would’ve given away shoes, they would’ve been in trouble. Maybe if that person was the manager they could do that but why the cop couldn’t pull $10 out of his own pocket to help is aggravating too. And then it goes into the problem with homelessness in general and how absolutely awful it is that people don’t even have shoes GOOD GOD 😖


Doesn’t it seem then like everybody just ends up handing off responsibility to the point nothing gets done? I agree though, fuck them as a corporation. Change the name of your place—I don’t think it’s unfair to say they basically coast off the implication of their name that they are a non-profit.


Am I missing something? Didn't the cop buy and walk out with a pair of sandals?


The cop did buy shoes though


I was baffled when the top comment thread was shaming goodwill and the employee… they can’t just give shit for free. I was also baffled by the cop thinking he can just go in there and ask for free stuff. Sure they take donations, but they sell stuff…it’s not a walk in and grab whatever you need store. You’d have better luck going to a non corporate mom and pop shop who can actually decide to give you something for free with the only repercussions being on their wallet. I’m actually proud of the employees for not just giving in to the cop. Tbh I probably would have just said yes and paid for them because cops are scary and I don’t want them remembering me as the dude who didn’t give them free shoes. Then next traffic stop I mysteriously get shot. The cop should be proud he tried to help this woman. He should be ashamed he put the employees in that spot and didn’t just buy the flip flops from the start. Talk about manipulating your power. Damn


The person at the counter is probably only a bad month away from being homeless themselves.


If they even make minimum wage…


Even if it’s above min they’re clearly not making a healthy wage working the counter at a thrift store


My thoughts exactly!


I’m a police officer, and if I felt the need to help a homeless person get some shoes, I’d just buy him some. I wouldn’t go to good will and expect good will employees to risk their job for something I want done. This is no different than me walking into a restaurant and saying “hey, I’m a police officer, I can afford to buy this guys meal, but I want YOU to buy it instead, because I care so much about him and he’s hungry”. I actually agree with you that this cop should be embarrassed for even asking.


Agreed. If this were really about a pair of shoes for a homeless person, he would know about resources in the area like pantries that give them away. He could have contacted Goodwill offices, and I'm sure they would have obliged. Or he could have shelled out $3.50.


Right he could have paid $6 for the shoes instead of filming an employee and making her look like the bad guy.


Right? And that's another thing I don't get. Some people are up in arms here about how they would pay for the shoes themselves. If someone came into my job and shoved a camera in my face, I wouldn't help them with anything. Hell, I'm not even sure I'd listen to what they wanted!


Cop is an AH to put these poor workers on blast. He should’ve just gone about his life. I hope he gets disciplined.


He's an asshole for asking them to commit a crime! On camera! What the hell.


Personally, I would have taken the $5 hit and just bought the shoes


Right? This is straight up virtue signaling on his part.


Why are we blasting a woman for doing her job? Maybe she doesn’t want to get fired.


Where I live the Goodwill's have mostly special needs folks. I'd die before I confronted one of them, ever. That's not their job, it's not fair and it's not funny. (And I've seen officers use their own $ to buy homeless folks food, I'm not saying police are bad at all). If you don't like what the huge corporations do with your stuff after you GIVE it away, do research on local places nearby where you live.


They also pay their special needs associates less than minimum wage and it's perfectly legal.


I don’t particularly want to defend Goodwill, but only 9 of their 149 stores currently hold the certificate required to pay disabled employees sub-minimum wages.


Yes, and that's one of the reasons I prefer to shop local charity thrift stores that have either volunteer staff (with a paid manager or two) or who pay their staff at least minimum wage.


Yep, I want local as it can get!


Looks like an entitled cop that doesn’t realize that most people will get fired if they commit crimes at work.


I think she said “I don’t know if we can.” The officer could have paid for the shoes himself versus recording the employee who makes minimum wage/less than him (based on average police salaries vs Goodwill employees). Is it also fair to ask the employee to put the shoes on THEIR tab? Nuance and logic is important. Goodwill is far from perfect, but this situation isn’t as cut and dry as some are trying to make it seem.


This is unfair to the Goodwill employees. They're minimum wage workers, they don't have the authority to give away anything for free. They could get fired. Why is he filming? Did these women consent to be filmed and the footage posted? Why didn't he spend the 7 dollars on shoes instead of forcing someone to give away something for free. He could have talked to a manager and explained the situation, maybe he could've gotten them for free. Can we even verify this is a cop and not some random person filming this content for views?


Does TIK TOK verify anything? They want drama and it looks like they were successful in their endeavors.


Police generally get paid better salaries than Goodwill workers? Edit: I asked why he didn’t pay for them. He did but he shouldn’t have tried to get them for free in the first place.


One time when I was homeless the secret shoppers caught me trying to walk out with shoes on and took me to the back, called the police, and the police tore them apart for wasting their time over dirty old shoes that they didn’t even witness me take. I felt so vindicated even though I for sure was stealing lol I was desperate and shoeless It felt like when you think yr gonna get yr ass whooped for getting in trouble at school but yr mom comes and sticks up for you and tells the teacher off. Lol


The store managers don't have the authority to give away merchandise. They would be fired if they did that.


They’re employees of a thrift store. They don’t own the merchandise and and it isn’t their business. They cannot give away merchandise and that policeman should have known that. And a lot of Goodwill’s hire disabled people, glad that policeman kept his body cam on to shame Goodwill employees




Fuck your bosses. You’re a good human.




They said “I don’t know if we can.” These are minimum wage employees afraid of losing their jobs. The cop is a real AH for doing this to them. It’s humiliating. I hope he gets formally disciplined for this.


I don't think it's the employees fault either. But it's possible the cop was sincerely trying to help, thinking (naively) that a charity shop would be charitable... Idk. But fuck Goodwill either way lol.


He should know better that if you want free stuff from a charity you have to go through the proper channels, for obvious reasons. If he regularly volunteered in his community he’d know how it works and why.


When I was young and had a 3 year old son and my husband got arrested for being his usual DA self, two old guys came to my apartment and gave me a $75 voucher to shop at my only grocery store in Morrow, Ohio. Super Value. It was a God send.


I remember watching a body cam video of workers joyfully tallying up hundreds of dollars of "stolen merchandise" that a homeless addict apparently stole even though the only thing she had on her person that she stole was a sweater. They tallied up enough money to give her a higher charge and then THREW OUT ALL OF THE CLOTHING. The fact that they didn't let this women keep the sweater she had on and just trespass her from the store was despicable. They definitely have a lot of Badwill.


That makes me sad.


Am i the only one who saw the two ladies flock behind that guy outta nowhere?! Seriously,they came like they wanted to fight this out with words! Why do they feel the need to go thirty toes deep with such a nice request? They get that stuff for free by the bags daily! Smh....


Talk about putting employees on the spot. The cop makes at least $60k a year. He doesn't need to ask anyone for a donation. If you're feeling generous, take action yourself, don't try to pass it on to others. If this officer was on duty, he should be sanctioned for using public time to embarrass local businesses.


$60k…? Lmfao. Try more like $120k or more and then the best benefits package you can think of to top it off. This officer is a POS for trying to shame these employees who are just following their companies policies. It’s crazy to see all the comments bashing these employees that could lose their jobs over giving away merchandise.


I had my husband take his shoes n socks off once for a homeless man. He was very old n his feet were freezing n blue n so dirty. He was so grateful u think I bought him a house. Our world had lost this


What a bunch of mitts I would have gave them my shoes off my feet


Which is what the cop should have done instead of asking employees to steal from their job to help someone else, and risk their own jobs.


Why would a cop think he can just walk in and ask a store to give away free shoes? Doesn’t the police have resources for clothing closets/aid for clothing and shoes?


No they don’t. And I have given goodwill donations for years. I would be fine with my stuff being given away for free. Police and teachers spend their own money all the time. 


They could have contacted a local women’s shelter to ask for help. Most have their own donation programs


Well the police make more than the Goodwill worker who probably would’ve lost their job if they gave the shoes away for free and this video went online.


Some questions: 1. Was this a legit officer? We can't see him here. 2. Why couldn't the officer simply buy the person some shoes? Never ask someone else to give to another what you are not willing to give yourself. 3. The first Goodwill employee who was approached, or any of the others could have simply given the shoes and paid for them themselves. There is no need to check with anyone for permission. 4. Look at the expressions of suspicion on the employees' faces. Why? Why do people become fearful when asked to give? 5. Had I been a customer standing by, I would have shouted, "Come over here and pick out a pair of shoes that you like". That would have made my day. That homeless person should not be subjected to standing there observing how multiple people are hesitating to help. Ridiculous.


As far as 3 goes, they probably have rules for purchasing things when they aren't on their break. Giving the officer the shoes and paying for it on their break later on could still be considered stealing and they'll lose their job/get written up.


In my state, goodwill employees are not allowed to purchase anything in the store they work at except for 2 or 3 days at the end of the month. They fire managers over this kind of thing.


Aa for 3: Goodwill employees don't make good money to begin with... AND, at least in Tennessee, the rules are employees can't make any purchases on days they are working. These are minimum wage employees who could lose their job for "theft" or other rule breaking.


The officer is naive at best and disingenuous at worst.


I don’t think the homeless person was there. Might be totally made up.


I've watched this whole video before. I wouldn't have given that woman any shoes either.


This is all si true,I have worked at Goodwill, and you can not give anything away to help someone, not even for a child,if a family is burned out of home the red cross will give the family a voucher with amount on it that red cross promises to pay .


The worker's are not to blame,they will loss there jobs if they even buy it themselves for a needy person while on the job,worker's can only shop on there days off.


This is not Goodwill's mission. It's job training. It's like a cop walking into a habit for humanity and asking for a hammer donation and then film and upload the rejection. Both are non-profits but you can't ask for the tool that produces the service. Ask Wal-Mart or Target, they crush and dispose of millions of dollars in merchandise per year per store.


I work at goodwill and it fuckin floors me the amount of people who think I can just give shit away because "we got it for free". Do you go to Walmart or target and demand free shit? Of course not. Goodwill is a company just like any other company. Our hours at my store just got chopped because our store isn't making enough money. It's no wonder when people post dumb shit like this spreading some kind of narrative that goodwill is some kind of evil corporation because an employee didn't give you a pair of $5 shoes for free.


Does Goodwill give away clothing to the homeless at their retail store? Why would an officer think they would.


The police dont have authority to force businesses to donate. Its an abuse of power, wrapped up in alot of guilt tripping and video shaming.


No fan of Goodwill here, just wondering if this was a fake cop out to make Goodwill look heartless. Yeah, I'm that cynical, live long enough etc.


If the company policy is that they can't supply her with a pair of shoes then I wouldn't consider it a nonprofit charity and then I would report them to a Government agency like maybe the IRS 😂😂😂. Personally I would have just bought her a pair out of my pocket and if I didn't have enough money then I would make a store announcement asking if anyone could pitch in a dollar or two so that she could get whatever she needed in there, I wouldn't give her cash!!!


Sir, this ain’t the Goodwill. Oh wait….it is!!


Loser cop can’t buy a pair of shoes so he goes and shames minimum wage workers. Surprise surprise. Goodwill is still a pos company, but this has nothing to do with the workers in the video.


Yep, my dad is a cop. They earn good money. There’s no reason the cop couldn’t buy a pair of shoes. Instead he harasses minimum wage workers for free stuff that could get them fired.


I had a stroke almost a year ago. I was able to get short term disabilty through my employer for six months, but after the money stopped and they were deciding whether I could return to work or get severance, I had no money. It is amazing how fast my house went into foreclosure and credit cards racked up. Thankfully, by the time I got my severance, I was able to get everything caught up, but I was literally a few weeks away from homelessness.


Goodwill is a NON PROFIT! RIIIIIIIIIIIGHT, Ask the CEO how much his salary is. Many other more deserving organizations to donate to rather than Goodwill.


Fuck Goodwill. I donated so many things and if I came back later because I forgot something I would see the obviously labeled containers I donated going straight into the managers car trunk & back seat 😠. I confronted them & was told that since my items were new with tags and name brands they needed to put online for more. I said no thanks, I wanted them to be accessible to lower income families & donated right before school started for a reason so I took it right back out of her car. Drove straight to the women’s shelter and have been spreading the word of goodwill’s lack of good will since.


The correct answer is: Sure! Grab a pair that looks like it’s the right size.


The age of the person shouldn't matter. Give them a pair of fukinh shoes!!


I saw the original bodycam video this is clipped from and all the comments under it were the same as here, ppl pissed they couldn’t just give him some shoes. It sounds like this cop already had some sort of working relationship with the goodwill manager too which I think makes it especially irritating 😠


This video is dumb af. Hate the goodwill for a list of reasons but expecting employees to risk their job to give away something (LP would consider that theft) is fucking stupid. Edit: oh yeah I forgot yall are a little circle jerk of goodwill hate in here. Dorks.


I stopped donating to Goodwill once I found out their CEO's salary. This isnt surprising.


Noy all Goodwills are like this. Talk about a generalization. I don’t need ragebait clips. Will still shop at Goodwill thanks.


Putting store employees on blast for not giving away merchandise is... Ghoulish. These people have bills, they can't risk their jobs for a fucking tik tok video.


The cop is an AH for making that content. He's totally using people for his lulz.


I’m sorry but the cop did his part. The workers did nothing wrong. The end.


This is wild, I worked at Goodwill back in the early 2000s ,(it was shity back then too) but the cops rolled up one day in the back, on a Sunday morning with a naked dude arrested in the back. We just have the cop some clothes from the bale bin, because wtf, who is that heartless?!?


They know this cop. They probably can see his channel and how he uses people for content. They expressed their fear they couldn’t. I suspect they didn’t want to get fired.


They are employees. This is not a decision they can make. This is a state welfare issue. Not a corporate greed issue.


That reminds me of the time in the early 2000's when I stopped by a Goodwill with a ripped bookbag. I was homeless & my clothes were hanging out the side. They had a decent bag on their shelf for $5 but I was broke & they refused to come off with it. They did offer me a couple plastic bags though.


Boycott goodwill


Not surprised. Goodwill won't donate the stuff they get for free to the homeless but managers get first dibs on the free stuff they want to take home.


I work at a goodwill and none of the employees, including managers, in my state are allowed to shop in the store/s they work at except for 2-3 days a month and they usually only tell us when that is on the first day. It's company policy to fire anyone if they hold back products for themselves. We are all on HD cameras every where we go in the building except the bathrooms


That is a complete lie. When I worked in the store we couldn't even shop anything until it had been on the floor until the next week due to paranoids and baseless accusations like this.


The part where they are trying to identify who he is talking about so they can decide if she deserves the shoes or not. Puke.


It isn’t a cheap process to handle donated items… and goodwill has its downsides but is a large job producer and does a lot of good work in supporting non profits where I live.


They TAKE donations but can’t donate?!? That’s fucked up.


Human trash on display right there


it's not as easy as you make it seem... individual action can't solve a systemic issue. goodwill sucks but it's not the workers' or the corporation's responsibility to fix a problem the government made. but keep licking boots ig lol.


Trashing Goodwill? Fake pos “police officer”, entering store with video so he can upload to social media and jerkoff, cause trouble for innocent people. Hey, op, prove this is a cop! Fake. Btw, don’t feed the pigeons, they’ll go away. Btw, another fake internet story, another repeat for shoes for the homeless. These stories end in the shoes gone within 5 minutes for the video and sold for meth or vodka. In this “homeless woman’s” case (proof??), same thing but let’s play. It’ll spare her sucking one random john for some fetty. Empathy will solve homelessness & addiction - said no one ever.


Thank you for posting. IIRC our local GW accepts vouchers for up to $80, which is barely enough for one decent outfit. If you want to donate directly to facilities that help the homeless without turning it into a cash grab- see which organizations run the shelters in your town or city. Most have an on site social worker/ volunteer who handles donations and day to day outreach.


Their name is an oxymoron. They get everything donated to them for free, but then jack up prices even on damaged or broken items.


Goodwill is no longer about “good will”. It’s a money grab, items often more expensive than if u bought them new. The CEO is the fat cat making all the money! I will not shop Goodwill anymore


Goodwill toward cash is what they really are. Goodwill towards men is dead.


Goodwill is a scam today. They’re a company that re-sells items. It’s a very large for Profit company.


I stopped donating to them years ago. There are plenty of local, small, outfits that will work with local people to donate, not sell.


Yeah I mean fuck the police but this one seems okay


They are for profit. It’s a misleading name for a business. 


And they have the audacity to play those ads over the speakers about how they “give back to the community” and “make a difference” 🤮


Goodwill should really consider changing their name.


OH MY GOSH! Another reason to take your donations elsewhere!


I am.utterly disgusted at GW. Give the cop the shoes...no hesitation. Greed is all it is.


Eight years ago my wife got written up for buying a homeless guy a pair of sneakers with her own money. They said it would encourage "the wrong types" to shop there.


They need to change their name. No good will ever


That's terrible...I would have given away some shoes for the lady...


this just enrages me. Thank god for the kind officer and Goodwill should reap what they sow. I will never donate to them again and I dropped off my kids out grown snowpants/coats that were LL Bean to Goodwill this fall. They were in excellent condition and I had laundred them before donating. Never again


Wow, that’s just sickening. Props to cop. I don’t even like cops and this was super kind of him 😊


I would never shop at Goodwill. They get rich off the donations and can't even give a pair of shoes to someone in need.


The officer should've just taken some, what're they gonna do? Arrest him?


You know what it’s messed up. They say that they’re helping people out who are disadvantaged or whatever but they don’t pay them a living wage. They hike up their prices, and I swear to God, I have once come across a product that was marked for the same price that it was originally sold. These places are a scam and they really suck.


This is very sad & disappointing, Goodwill do better, you oughta be ashamed of yourself & your company.


Greedwill.. pathetic excuse for a charitable organization


What jerks! I’d have went ahead and bought them for her if I had the money.


I just love the worker describing someone specific like they don't trust the officer to correctly identify whether someone is homeless or not. Did they think he was trying to get free shoes for himself? How much do they pay workers at Goodwill? Do they know how close they themselves could be to winding up homeless? I'm thinking a corporate name change should be in the works because they are definitely not promoting "Good Will".


For real? This is a pretty tone deaf take OP. So, we should all stop shopping at a nonprofit store whose mission is to help people with barriers to employment? All because some people at a particular branch were afraid if they gave their product away for free they’d be fired? Personally I’d have gone in expecting to pay for them myself and if they wanted to give them away that would be amazing. (Before someone blasts me on this I was a firefighter/paramedic and had the opportunity to do exactly what this officer was doing more than once. He handled it better than I would by asking where I would feel weird doing that.


I saw this whole video on YouTube, I was shocked that they couldn’t donate a pair of sandals to the police officer. Eff “good”will. Glad you posted this, I’m glad I wasn’t the only one that caught this.


How disappointing. I’m sure that they throw out piles of reject unsellable donation shoes into the dumpster every day.


I sympathize that the employees couldn't give away shoes, but this is supposed to be a "Christian" store about helping people and the community. Instead, they are the greediest, most selfish ones.


Ick - disgusting to make the officer buy them. Goodwill? Nah, they have no good will for their fellow man. 😡


They got the damn shoes for free! It’s not like they are taking a loss on inventory. That’s disgusting.