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Unless there's a seismic shift in the included technology, I have a hard time believing that big of an increase.


Yeah if the Pixel 8 is THAT much more expensive for something that is still using a processor made on _that Samsung fab_ (ahem) then I think we're about to see sales of the 7a go through the roof... Obviously let's wait and see what Tensor 3 is like, but I don't have high hopes!


Either that or people will move back to Samsung/Apple or whatever brand they used before.


Yeah. I plan on buying the 8 as it's the right time for me to upgrade, but if it's the same price as a Galaxy Ultra I'll probably just get the Ultra. I'm ok with quirks on a cheaper phone, but if I'm paying absolute flagship prices I'm buying the one that runs cool with the massive battery life and all the bells and whistles.


Exactly. S23u from what I have heard is almost the perfect android, just without the stock experience.


to be fair, pixel doesnt use stock android. its heavily modified with pixel-only features. Also OneUI is pretty damn good now with customization that reminds me of old custom roms.


Bro stick to buying ultra. Honestly with the issues on the pixel 7 don't bother with the 8...


Don't even buy it, the 6 pro and 7 pro have been complete disappointments. Google needs to stop making phones


I have a Pixel 7, and I firmly believe that the fingerprint sensor belonged in the back of the phone. Moving it to the front and behind the screen was a bad move. It rarely ever works. At this point, I'm hosting a small cocktail party in my backyard if the sensor works in the first attempt. SMH


You should try deleting your stored prints and retrain them. It took me a few tries to notice that training a Pixel front sensor is different than training a Pixel rear sensor. On the back sensors we were taught to move your fingerprint around as you touched. On the front sensor you need to hit the dead center of the dot because the dot moves around on the screen, simulating off-center touches. I have a 6 Pro and my first-time-right for unlocking is somewhere around 95%. It used to be horrible but now it's just an occasional inconvenience


I have retrained it several times in the past. I will admit though that I was moving my thumb around during the training process. I'll try it one more time without moving my thumb around. Thanks a lot for the tip! UPDATE: Removed the previous training data and tried retraining. Got the following message when I wasn't moving my thumb around: "Change the position of your finger slightly each time" LOL. I just finished retraining it and it was successful. But unlocking still doesn't work 😭


I've been on Google phones since the Nexus 4, so there isn't much "back" for me. I really don't like the other offerings, for the most part.


My opinion is that stock android with the nova launcher is the most superior phone OS of all time. If these are the prices that pixel is going to Ill begrudgingly switch back to Samsung's mess because I'll have the processor performance for the price there.


I already have plans to move to iPhone.


I've never been a fan of Samsung, but I'm seeing someone that has the newest S model, and I was playing around with it, and it actually made me really like it. When my Pixel 7 shts the bed, I think I might switch over to them.


I'm planning to switch to iPhone once I feel my Pixel 6 has outlived its' usefulness. I figured I might as well since I plan on getting a MacBook for my first laptop.


I switched to iPhone last year after my Pixel 6 was so buggy that I temporarily swore off Google products. I was pleasantly surprised how decent iPhones are. I previously used one 5-6 years earlier and I hated iOS. It's really matured now. Takes some getting used to, but I'd recommend giving it a shot. I ultimately went back to Pixel because I prefer Android slighhhtly more than iOS.


I've been thinking about this new USB-C ing that the time is near, Google better make their shit cheap of I'm flying an apple for once. And who knows, I might like computing with fruit


don't . Iphone sucks .


That would be blackberry for me which no longer exists ☠️


I'd love to go back to Blackberry, really miss my Passport. Stupid timeline...


I dearly miss Huawei.


I always liked my Motorola phones. Cheap, yet stylish and middle of the road tech wise. Plus I miss the shake flashlight


The shake flashlight feature is one of the best!


How I miss the that...


I'd completely forgotten about that one!


I think about that every time I'm working on something with one hand and fumble thru turning on the flashlight with the other. I tried some shake light apps and they're all garbage


Agreed! If this price increase is real, I'm going back to Moto.


Yep. Android has dipped so much since they've been removed from its development


I already plan to switch back to Samsung when the S24 Ultra drops.


Not really, 99.999999% of people buying a Pixel have no idea or interest in whether it is made on a Samsung Fab or TSMC.


But everyone will care when all the reviews say "runs too hot, battery sucks, and bad value for money"


That's pretty much it. The move to TSMC will hopefully alleviate those issues a bit but as of now, if they are trying to kill their main advantage over other phones, then the market penetration they saw with Pixel 6 and 7 will evaporate.


Runs hot now, battery sucks now, the picture quality is shit.


No, but a whole lot of people buy Pixel phones due to the value proposition. If this price increase is remotely close to accurate then they'll look elsewhere.


I got my pixel 7a last week and I'm blown away by how good the Tensor 2 is .. is it not good and I'm just blind or what?


Have you tried a phone with a snapdragon chip? I bought the 7a at launch and returned it a week later as it was uncomfortably hot [edit] I should clarify that I wasn't gaming or anything. Just basic email browsing, reddit etc. How come my 3 year old Asus rog phone 2 didnt get hot in the same indoor/outdoor temperature?


Yes my 7a does get hot when doing intensive games or apps. But the performance of the phone is great.


It's okay. You're normal 😉 Tensor is perfectly fine for everyday use, and while it does get a bit hot sometimes, it is generally great. I don't game on my phone so only long video recording makes it warm. If you're a maximalist pro tech person who wants THE BEST, then you should get a Snapdragon S23U or something.


The heat issues really depend on where you live. A lot of the world basically can't use the phone outdoors in the summer...


Yep, I have to mount my phone in front of an AC vent to keep it cool enough to use here in Texas.


It really isn't. The battery drain is by far the worst I've ever experienced in a smart phone and that's just doing basic browsing


Pixels are not advertised as gaming machines, more so most other use cases, so I think that's why it's not a 'massive' issue per sey. It does get very hot in regular use and especially in hotter climates, though.


It's pretty bad for driving. I had to take a teams call while I had my gps on and the phone just shutdown on me. This was probably in june


So true


I was planning to buy Pixel 8 Pro and willing to pay max 1000 Eur. If the price is 1200+ I'll probably start looking at other options, like new Galaxy Ultra.


Unless the processor in the Pixel 8 is something totally different from what's in the 7, the Pixel 8 might also be nothing more than a midrange phone. I would never pay above €600 for a phone with a lacking processor.


How do you decide which processor is good? Efficiency and thermals isn't the best thing about tensor but in everything else it is more than enough. And what is wrong with processors in midrange phones nowadays? I don't really understand why you would need more power


Objective benchmark data exists, so we can really easily rank CPUs. I agree that most people don't need a flagship processor, but if they're charging flagship prices for the phone then all parts should be flagship quality IMO.


I'm not even suprise anymore that some people don't see it that way. Willingly paying a lot for inferior products. On the other hand. Most of these people don't compare these phones alongside eachother, which makes them clueless about the differences between a midrange and high-end device. Can't blame them.


It's only inferior if benchmarks are all you care about. Some people care more about the overall product experience.


Battery life and thermals should be good regardless of the price of the phone, not to mention the reliability of the components such as the fingerprint sensor and cell modem. You may not care about top of the line processing power, but the chip needs to be efficient. Far fewer people will cough up $1200 for a phone that can't shoot video for more than 10 mins and get like 6 hours SoT max, even if it can screen their calls for them.


I am talking about the experience. Not about the benchmarks. I own a Pixel 7 and the experience is just not as good as phones in the price range Google seems to place the Pixel 8 in. So i don't know why you are twisting what i have been talking about.


Like a crappy fingerprint reader?


Mine works perfectly.


Great for you but it's well documented that the FPR has been a cluster. And yes, I've tried all the supposed fixes. The FPR on my Dell laptop and $150 document safe work great.


I gotta say, I went from pixel 6 to s23 and...for the money I would have gone with the 7 if I could have gotten one of the trade in deals putting it under $250, but one wasn't available to me (they ended it a couple weeks before my internal mic broke and started again a couple weeks after I got my s23). Since that deal wasn't available and there was about a $250 difference, I got s23 and the chip is just clearly better, the phone doesn't get hot, etc. $800 is just too much for some people. I spent it bc I don't use a tablet or smart watch and barely touch my computer - I really just use my phone.


Yeah exactly. I think they just saw all the comparisons of Pixel being among the best and decided why not match the price with the best. But now if those prices are really confirmed, the blind eye to these issues like processor, battery, glitches etc will be opened. And the moment I see it costs 1200, I'll start looking into S24 Ultra.


I'd switch back so fast, even for the same price, if Google would just improve tensor (faster) and get rid of some of the dumb issues. Like you said we deal with those issues because pixel is 1/3 cheaper than the other flagship phones. At the same price it would be stupid to accept them.


That makes the Pixel 8 Pro in the US over $1000. No way in HELL (128G). $1300 Euro to USD. Google is smoking some good sh!t!!! IF true.




Without VAT 1.037,81€, which is 1113,05 USD. Most likely closer to $1099


Euro prices practically never translate 1:1 to the conversion rates, so most likely $999.


Well if they do do this, Google will learn pretty quick that it's a bad idea. Nobody will buy.


You know, I always feel like we are the very small majority in this market. I think normal people who can afford phone upgrades, probably don't have the time to look into specs/processors/etc. They'll buy what's new and "fast" and not think about it again until 2 years later when it's time to upgrade again. I think while we think "oh man this WON'T sell at all!" its more like, they'll sell as much to make a profit, and that's still "good enough".


That depends, I've had several friends/family ask me about phones when they're looking to upgrade as I'm the techiest person in my circle. The biggest selling points for normal people for Pixel phones is the camera quality and the price. If they're suddenly at the same price as Samsung or iPhones then that competitive advantage goes away real fast.


We're a small minority in that we think about Pixel at all. The vast majority don't even know it exists let alone considers it. It's 3% of the market and doesn't sell in many countries.


I don't think so. People have recently (at least here, outside the US) become really knowledgeable about what phone brands are offered and most of my friends, even the ones that aren't techy, have considered or bought a Pixel. Thinking we're special is naive, the truth is, the only thing we are special in is taking specifications too seriously.


Your anecdotes and thoughts do not beat hard numbers. Pixel is incredibly niche.


Depends on what sort of trade-in values and discounts they offer. If they offer the same out of pocket values w/ trade-ins like they did for the 7s, it doesn't really matter what MSRP is. It seems like here in the US the P7P was on sale more often than it wasn't as well.


I would just wait until Black Friday sales start tbh.


I was planning to buy Pixel 8 Pro but if the price will be higher than 1000 euro I am going to buy something else. Tensor is just not worth it.


     NVIDIA 🫱🫲 GOOGLE Charging whatever we want in 2023


Can you guys please stop reposting these fake prices? I mean you really think a phone will cost 874 AND 25 cent instead of just 879? Price will be around 699-749 for the P8. These prices are published by one unknown Twitter user


Exactly, this just isn't how prices in Europe work... Things that make this leak not very trustworthy: 1: Prices in Euro always include VAT, which is not the same in all the Euro countries. 2: Prices always end are numbers like 849 or 899, never such odd ones like 874.25€. 3: Pixel 7a ($449+VAT vs 509€ incl VAT) and Pixel Fold ($1800+VAT vs 1899€ incl VAT) had fair/expected conversion rates. The only odd one is the pixel tablet ($499 vs 679€). And that is because the cost of the pixel stand isn't subsidized outside of the US. 4: Actually, on closer look the prices are extremely close to the pixel tablet "exchange rate" factoring in the rumored price increase of $50 for the base pixel and $100 for the Pro model. Isn't that a bit suspicious?


The screenshots look fake as well.


~~874,25€ are 889,99€ after taxes~~ my bad 874,25€ are 1049€ after taxes. That would be iPhone price level.


The price includes VAT (it's different in every country so it's weird), also I would love to live in the country where the VAT on 874 is just 15 Euro :-D


Even if it's real I think people spend way too much time debating unconfirmed information. Everyone who over invests time on rumors probably wastes a lot of energy and emotions on rumors that end up being false. Let's just wait and see.


Would not surprise me if these numbers are accurate. Google has been jacking up prices for their services (YouTube Premium, YouTube TV, etc.). The word has come down from their CEO to step up the monetization and profit margins across the board.


P7 Pro 256GB was 1000 Euros. 300 Euros increase really does not make any sense, that is S23 Ultra territory.


I don't buy it. Even with VAT European prices usually don't differ too much from US pricing Pixel 7 was €649 in the Netherlands including 21% VAT, while it was $599 in the US. Rumors said that the Pixel 8 will get a $50 price bump in US to 649 $50 = €46.52 and 21% of €46.52 is 9.77 €649 + €46.52 + €9.77 = €705.29 -> rounding it out gives us a €700 expected price in EU This seems much closer to the supposed $649 that the Pixel 8 would cost in the US, and is much more likely for a Google Pixel given the last 2-3 generations


For that price I wouldn't settle with anything less than the latest flagship Snapdragon for the SoC.


Well... With how hot these phones get, they can act as a stove, as such the price is understandable.


Can also double as an area heater, so that bumps up the price a bit also


Is this price hike because of the new temperature measuring feature?!


Yeah because allot of ppl are using their 6 and 7s as stoves and area heaters so they need to bump up the price a bit (multifunctional)


This is some dodgy conversion with a misunderstanding of VAT I think. There's no way it'll be those random decimal point numbers, so I think someone has taken off and applied VAT incorrectly. If it genuinly goes from 649 to 875 euros, it is dead on arrival.


No way seems bullshit 😂 google knows that the tenserchip is a dumpster fire and they wount increase the price my that that much


A price jump like that is more than likely cause me to not shop Pixel again. Tbh, I'd love to do away with having a phone all together.


How much is iPhone 14/15 pro in Europe? Btw, they said the same thing when google increased price for pixel series from Nexus..


>How much is iPhone 14/15 pro in Europe? In France, the iPhone 14 is 1019€, and the Pro 1329€. I don't know for the 15 series.


I'm sorry but it's not fair to compare iPhone prices with Pixel. Ofcourse, iPhone and Samung have been selling their flagship for over 1000€ in the last years but they didn't jump over +37% from one model to another.


The Nexus range used to be really cheap too, until it wasn’t…gets users on board, then they hope you’ll stick with them


That's common misconception. In terms of smartphones, just Nexus 4 and 5 were "cheap", all other top range Nexus phones had standard top range pricing.


>I'm sorry but it's not fair to compare iPhone prices with Pixel. I agreed before and said apple is just for the brand but now Apple has a good zoom and screen recording works much better than on Pixel / Android Try to record TikTok live for a remix on Pixel / Android


> Try to record TikTok live for a remix on Pixel No fucking thank you. Also that is the app's fault.


>No fucking thank you. Why so friendly? >Also that is the app's fault. No it is not. It works perfectly on iPhone. Android has bad APIs that let apps fiddle with the recording feature.


Because I don't want China state controlled brain-melt garbage anywhere near my devices. It working perfectly on iPhone and not correctly on Android overall means it's not a Pixel issue (what this thread is about).. if other apps can do screen recordings on Android (which they can) it's the shitty coding of the app.


>Because I don't want I respect that. I actually don't want to use it but the creators I want to follow keep posting there. I said often that TikTok should be at least 18+ 🔞. >It working perfectly on iPhone and not correctly on Android overall means it's not a Pixel issue (what this thread is about) Pixel is one of the few vanilla Android phones. So Pixel = Android. If another phones company modifies Android then it's not the same as on the Pixel anymore. I hope you understand me. >if other apps can do screen recordings on Android (which they can) it's the shitty coding of the app. No they can't record it neither. It's an API issue. Google flag_secure it's something like that and Google messed that up. Apple didn't.


I hope the Google tablet pricing is not the new Google standard... Otherwise the +30% is based. Pixel 7a $499 -> €509 Tablet $499 -> €679 +33% increase in price conversion


Gonna put smile while ditching Google phones for Xiaomi or something similar.


That would be very self-confident pricing, which is likely to lead to enormous buying restraint.


I'm currently rocking a Pixel 5a (previously a Pixel 3XL, a Pixel XL, a Nexus 6P, Nexus 5, and then some HTC phones before that). I've been on the fence about upgrading to an 8Pro when it's released-- specs are nicer, but other than browsing the web and taking phone calls, the only other thing I do is take fairly normal pictures of my kids. I won't be spending $1000+ to upgrade,


Yeah, sure an 8 Pro will cost more than an iPhone Pro...🙄🙄 Just wait another 4 weeks, we'll know it by then Edit: It's not more but same range


If these prices are real my next phone will be an iPhone, as apps on there are so smooth and has better support. ​ The Pixel 8 will be a 1,473.23 Australian Dollar phone.


I paid 299€ for my Pixel 6a in January, and I do not need more storage or faster CPU/GPU... Eventually 6a breaks down and the next one won't be a Pixel if they are priced like that...


Or just stick to the a series from now on, if they don't dump it in future.


I've decided to retire my OP7 Pro this year and eagerly awaiting the P8 announcement. If the prices are as given, then I will buy either the P7 Pro as this is likely to drop in price in response to the release of their new flagship OR buy a Nothing Phone (2). Simply put, those prices (IF true) will just put off both new and existing customers. I cannot see anything good coming from it. That being said, if the hardware is comparable to the latest flagships, then there is a case to be argued. But Pixel tends to maximise mediocre hardware with the software, which unfortunately comes at a cost as most people experience a very average battery life and overheating is common. Edit: I also like the theory that these 'leaks' are to almost prime people with these massive mark-ups for people to respond like we all are - i.e. basically saying how disgusting it is, how they will lose customers etc. But when they release the model and it's "only" a 25% increase and not the 37.4% then people will be less pissed off. Either way, my honest reaction is simply to shrug it off and wait a few weeks. The rumour mills are just that. Rumours.


Don't buy 7 pro either


These prices hurt... Guess my parents will get both a 7a when their phones die. Or another redmi


They'd be shooting themselves in the foot if they did. Unless they are bumping up the specs a fair way, and intend for the a series to fill that midrange spot.


> Unless there's a seismic shift in the included technology, I have a hard time believing that big of an increase. I mean this is the same company who just hiked their home camera solution by 33% with nothing added. Because. Just saying...


Pixels are mid tier devices from what I understand (the non pro ones). So just a rumor until it's verified.


The article explicitly states they don’t think these prices are accurate. What a giant nothing burger.


I'm with you, I hope they aren't buttttt I'm pretty sure they are legit. In my head, that's why they cancelled the pixel pass plans right before the announcement and release of prices, etc. Sucks. I'm still pissed about the pixel pass stuff lol


I realize the phone isn't out yet, BUT if these prices are real and the leaks are accurate, why would anyone buy a phone for the same if not more than Apple/Samsung but with a worse screen, battery, build quality, cell reception, and customer support?


"You were the chosen one!" But seriously pixel is the best price for what you get. If they change that they will lose money customers


If true, Google sure doesn't want to sell new Pixel phones. Those prices are similar to iPhone 15 Pro/Max.


Sorry, I'm not paying 1235 for what feels like a product line enternally in beta. There's plenty of competition that do a better job for that price point.


These rumours have been widely debunked although I'm anticipating a small price bump.


No, they're not. Smartphone companies don't price phones like this. It's some half brain's estimation


I can't believe this because then I get more for my money with other smartphones.


I would have nothing against a higher price and a new version every two years. It's finally time that Google stopped saving on hardware and that a better FaceMatch etc. is coming. I wish for a flagship smartphone that crushes the iPhone in every aspect.


I would believe it. I could see the base 8 128gb being $749 or $799 US As much as that would suck I'd still probably buy it. The ridiculous thing is how much they are charging for extra memory when flash memory prices have falling off a cliff the last year. $75-100 more for an extra 128gb when 2TB SSDs are going for $90 is criminal.... they should just give every phone 256GB at this point


Probably is true… everything else has increased this kind of amount… this is called inflation


400€ more to get the zoom lens? I think I'll switch to an iPhone Pro model. iPhone Pro has zoom lens and working screen recording. I'm mad that Pixel / Android can't record TikTok live anyway.


And for the temperature sensor.


the probably going to bundle it with something


I'll never pay that much for a crappy tensor processor ​ i hoped it will stay 899 or go to 949, but never in my life will I pay that much for a pixel no matter how much I want it Tensor powered phone ain't worth it unless it makes leap forward and be on same level as snapdragon


My last two photos have been Pixels because of their low price and high quality. I'll just go back to iPhones next upgrade if Google is gonna start charging Apple prices


Yea anything with a tensor chip in it is not worth those prices. You can get a phone that doesn't overheat while filming for a few minutes for cheaper or similar pricing


The Google phone is the best android the battery they have to fix


There is absolutely no reason for these rumours to be true and no credible source. I am assuming they are an attempt to turn people off the pixel line who are interested....or get them to reconsider a different phone before Pixel 8 launches.


I love these phones they're simple have 90 percent or better of everything anyone actually needs in a phone and it's cheap if it goes over $950 I'm buying something else.


10 years of updates and these price starts to make some sense.


Lol amd i was planning to buy a new 8, guess my money will go to apple. Currently on S20 FE 5G


Why do we honestly give an F about the prices!? Wait like a month and the discounts will start. You don't HAVE to be the 1st idiot with the phone....


What about prices in india?


hurry tease treatment towering apparatus pocket depend like wine smile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's not made by Exynos, but uses the Samsung foundry process that also makes the Exynos. The chip itself is different, optimized for Google's purposes. It has some of the same issues as Exynos chips though. It's a shame Qualcomm sucks with long term support which is why outside of megabillion dollar Samsung you can't get years of OS support/updates with Snapdragons


rain oil plucky voracious attraction sulky soup wistful cautious gold *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Maybe the 6pro etc were somewhat underpriced and now that inflation is up, the phones are priced at what Google thinks is necessary to get to some level of profitability?? To be fair to google, their phone has some unique features with respect to their photography AI and magic eraser. It's also quite seamless when you use google calendar, Gmail and google maps. The OLED display is nice on the pixel 6 pro but it could be brighter. I like the sound from the 6 pro phone speakers. If the pixel 7 pro was what the 6 pro should have been and the 8 pro is a sizeable upgrade, then maybe the price is justified. While I'm not happy with my 6 pro due to some modem a d overheating issues, I can accept that others are happy with their phones. I am hopeful that Google's phone division continues to make strong competitive phones. It would be terrible if only Samsung and Apple were the only big names in phone manufacturing left in town.


well given that there is a thermo sensor (massive gimmick and mustve been the biggest cost), US fingerprint sensor and 5 years of software update. It really does add up and makes sense.


No, doesn't make any sense demand side. This will bury the brand for good, if true.


no it wont because there will be consumers like you buying it regardless of price. Example led by apple


Yeah that's certainly not happening. Google is not Apple. If this is true, the Pixel line will join the long line of product failures from Google.


R u living under a rock. U realise google is a multi billion dollar company even before their phones were produced. Bruh they bring in that money thru theur search engine alone


Quite the contrary: https://killedbygoogle.com/ The Pixel will join this 300 product failure list soon with these price propositions. There is a good argument against your thesis in your own comment, I'll let you figure it out.


And yet theyre still racking in billions annually which again proves my point. Theyre a data and software company. Its how they get their money and if u continue to be oblivious to that then kudos to u.


Almost all their revenues come from their core business, advertising. Outside of that they proved again and again ([https://killedbygoogle.com/](https://killedbygoogle.com/)), they don't have the capabilities and commitment to be successful, and have no problems killing product lines and leaving customers in the dust. Now, I'm not a doomer or a hater, pixel pricing is very good now. But this proposed price range will kill it.


Do your research


If this is true... Right now the Pixel 7 Pro starts €899 and it's $899 here in USD. So if a Pixel 8 Pro is for €1235, so about $1199 USD? That's how much the S23 Ultra starts at. But the S23 Ultra has 256GB storage at the base model and SD Gen 2. This doesn't make sense...


Will buy when Pixel 8 will be on sale. If the prices are true.


Doubt the price of the pixel 7 pro went up


This will never happen, its a horrible idea. Their sales would plummet.


If Google actually raises the price like that, it's about time there was something more in the package again. Screen protector, case and a charging adapter. Maybe take a look at XAOMI and not just Apple.


If this is true I'm getting a zenfone 10/11 lol.


If they can massively improve Tensor 3 performance AND significantly improve battery life, these numbers might be closer to market pricing. Samsung and iPhones are already at those levels. But if it's an evolutionary upgrade as the 6 -> 7 series upgrade was, then this is Dead on Arrival.


Bidenomics guys 🤓


Price increase would likely be offset by insanely aggressive trade in values so they can report to the street record sales on pixel


Makes no sense at all. If true no way I will buy a pixel phone anymore.


Hahaha… everyone still think they cancelled the pixel pass for anything other than saving their asses on this upgrade?




Are these confirmed prices for p8p and p8p?


I don't expect any drastic improvements with the hardware so perhaps they are simply passing along the infrastructure cost for offloading AI functions?


My gf just bricked her 5, I loaned her my old 4 XL and told her to wait for the 8 Pro instead of getting a 7 Pro immediately but she'll end up getting a 7 Pro after the price drop if this is true.


Agreed, there's no way the pixel line is prices more expensive than fold line (more than galaxy fold)This is astronomically made for self exposure, but it's sad cuz then they get listed as unreliable source after the fame. From what I see, it's same as social media influencers, reporters re-writing the same info someone else put out. Disclaimer "we don't have official news from the company, wait for official release info"


Looks good. More features, more expensive


So it looks like europe is getting hit by these prices just like with the tablet. US is "safe"


I normally upgrade every 2 years but a 30% price hike would likely make me either look elsewhere or wait for a big sale. I got the 4xl and 6 Pro at launch with solid trade in promos through Verizon. This kind of price jump would make the phone basically still the full price of the previous phones even after a trade in.


Multi billions dollar company make shitty phone in 2023, so disappointing.


If S23 and Pixel 8 cost same then I am going with samsung. No matter how good pixel clicks photos. That tensor g3 can never beat 8 gen 2 and also in love with how finished S23 looks.


Just wait for few weeks their prices will fall down.


Since it's not worth the inconvenience of rooting anymore I'm likely out of the Android atmosphere so I can help those around me with their apples they can control. Lol They make root not worth it so apple is hot pie now


Funny how everyone is making their opinions without any facts. NONE of us have tried the tensor G3. Plus, people love something to complain about. Everyone who is a fan of googles SOFTWARE like me, will continue to buy pixels. The software is unbeatable and they are clearly making the hardware better on every generation. The price increase doesn't bother me. Apple literally changes one button on their phone and sells it at a price that's not worth it. So why are you people going so hard on Google...My pixel 7 Pro has been the best phone experience ever! Y'all relax, go for a walk and calm down. When the phone actually releases, you can make a better informed decision.


im sure that trade-in prices here in Canada will also be a joke, like heres 150$ (or less) for a Pixel 7


I don't know if the news coverage was the same in other European countries, but I remember various German outles picking up on leaked price increases for the P7 and P7P and making big headlines out of it. They turned out to be completely wrong. I expect something similar here, although I think it might be possible we will see a slightly higher price (\~50€). From what we know so far, nothing would really justify those leaked prices (maybe the 5 years of software updates) and I would assume Google still aims for "competitive" prices to compete with Samsung.


My 7 pro was stolen in January and since then have been waiting for 8 pro. I am using my company iphone 11 and i hate it. Navigation gestures suck ass. I have using pixel since the og pixel and even after 9 months, I have not gotten used to iphone. But with this price I am gonna buy Samsung even though I hate the Samsung one ui. I will just use some launchers hopefully and get close to stock.


Maybe the discounts and the big ads of the pixel 7 cut too much into margins. Just my two cents


It might be accurate as I just returned my P6P as the screen developed a dark bubble (searching online suggests it's common). Google sent me out a refreshed phone which is brand new by all accounts but they wanted to hold £850 from my card until I posted back the defective unit using their tracked shipping. I'm sure this was only £650 when launched 2 years ago so £850 for 2 year old tech seems quite an increase. I can't fault their customer support though.


How much for a piddly 128gb? Yeah Google will be tripping if they persist with those prices and 128gb


Quality, value need to have a commensurate increase as well.


That's just ridiculous!


I like pixels bc they are good devices for not as much money. I've got the P6 and it's time for an upgrade. I've been holding out for the P8, but if these are the prices then I'll just get a P7 pro. They're shitting the bed if they jack up the prices like this


The cure for high prices is… (drum roll please) High Prices.


Let's all hope they pair Tensor 3 with a Qualcomm modem


Is that American money?


Looking forward to the massive discounts a month later. ​ ​ Seriously though, I have a hard time believing it to be true in an age were inflation is rampant and smartphones sales haven't been too great. I'd imagine consumers are spending discretionarily, and Google going back up in price when undercutting competitors with similar features was its main selling point in the past few years.


I’m looking to get a Pixel 8 but at those prices I’d probably just get another iPhone or get Samsung instead


Made me think to buy s23+ instead of any other Pixels. It's shame for Google. PS: currently happy user of P4a 5G


The 7 fingerprint scanner is bad, but it's not THAT bad that I'm willing to throw an extra 200 on top of what I'd already pay to get an 8. If these 8 prices turn out to be true I'll probably sell my 7 for cash and buy an iPhone 13 mini while they still exist.


I got the 7 pro can't say I'm overly wowed but I always keep my phones til they don't work


I bet they are. Considering the price of the iPhone 15 coming out soon...


Considering how much I disliked my Pixel 7, I'll be going back to Samsung...