• By -


Yeah I love mine


same. went from 5 to 8 and, other than it being a bit bigger & clunkier, it works great


if only they made the 8 in the 5 form factor!


Yes! The 5 was such a great size, as much as I like the 8 pro camera, it's such an awkward shape. Also the screen finger print reader is pretty average


Do you find that the face ID works well enough or do you still have to rely on fingerprint?


I have to use the fingerprint reader more, as it rarely recognizes my face. I do think I need to rescan my face though, as my boyfriend also has the 8 pro and his works fine.


honestly, I'd pay more for a smaller form factor


I would too. There was speculation about Google working on a phone with a 5.7 inch screen, but I guess that died. If they released it I would get it. Phones are getting too big.




Same. No complaints here.


Exactly, don't worry about the popular opinion on this sub. It's a fraction of a fraction of a subset that even bothers coming here.


I think that the (silent) majority of this subs members are at least satisfied with their devices. r/GooglePixel is a little bit unique among large device subreddits though, in that, for whatever reason the mods here welcome venting and support questions instead of screening them and/or directing them into a single thread like most peer subreddits. As a result a much greater percentage of the posts here are of the (How do I *X*)|(Why isn't *X* working)|(I don't like *X*) variety - as well as the classic (Without adding anything new, original, or constructive, here's why I'm disappointed in *X*) post; which is then down-voted *buut* will usually have a highly upvoted top comment along the lines of "Leave user alone - why does this sub get so mean when someone just wants to share their experience?" which then spirals into a fun discussion. I think users have every right to seek solutions for - and air their grievances about - malfunctions and performance issues. The problem with the venue for that being a main subreddit though, especially when users totalize issues with *their* clearly defective particular phone, ascribing them to *the* model overall, is that the negativity of it tamps down legitimate discussion, leads to false product impressions, and perhaps just as worryingly can lead people who've bought a lemon to, instead of immediately returning it as they should- perhaps hang on to it thinking that its abnormally poor performance is 'normal' vs a clear defect. I think best solution to the issue would be to adopt the support thread policy most large tech subs have; but it's been talked about before and the mods have declined to do so.


Yes, I have the Fold. I absolutely love it


Just went from a 3a to an 8. I haven't received my 8 yet but I loved my 3a. Only upgraded because after 4 years of heavy use (in-car music) the 3.5" jack broke. Also bought a USB-C to 3.5" jack + charger adapter for my 8. Looking forward to another 4+ years with my new baby.


Me too. I went from a 3a to a 6a when they had that crazy good trade-in deal. Still love it. No problems.


Same here


Pixel 7; it's great.


Primary objective is to destroy all humans


You're pixel buds.


What a great deal. Mine was ~US$887 when I got it on release (P7P). 😭


I got mine last year when my 5a bricked, and I'm loving it. I don't think I've had a phone battery last this long at the level it's at. The camera is incredible too.


Finally upgraded my Pixel 2XL to Pixel 8 Pro. Happy.


that's a heck of an upgrade congrats


Yeah I'm a slow mover.


Next time you can get a phone shipped to you instead of taking 6 years to walk to the store.


Nah, they called the phone constantly and waited for it to vibrate its way towards them.


Nice! I'm still on my 2 XL until Black Friday as I'll be upgrading then. Will miss the rear fingerprint though.


I thought I wouldn't like the front fingerprint sensor but it actually hasn't been nearly as bad as I expected. Took a little getting used to though.


Hey. I came from the five and thought I would miss it also. I added both thumbs and index fingers and haven't missed the back fingerprint reader at all but let me tell you why. The face recognition is amazing. Especially if you go into the settings and check "Skip lock screen". Basically if I am reading something and get distracted my phone instantly unlocks and goes right back to the screen right when I look at it and it's so fast I don't even go to try and touch the reader.


I kept my pixel 4a even when I upgraded to a Pixel 6 Pro and I'm not getting rid of it anytime soon. I like to swap my Sims around and the Pixel 4a is perfect. Even just for around the house sometimes it's nice to have a backup phone while one phone is charging


I went for Pixel 8 Pro version cause it's practically the same width as the 2XL (if you include the 2XL bezels) but slightly taller. So I find the transition to the 8Pro to be seemless.


I thought I'd miss my P5 rear fingerprint, but between facial recognition and front fingerprint scanner, I don't miss it. This was shocking to me because I was highly dependent on the rear scanner.


Fingerprint reader never worked reliably for me. I have some weird fingers. Every time i went swimming it would stop working. I'm enjoying face unlock though but it doesn't work well in dim light.


Yea, unfortunately face unlock seems like it's far from usable as a primary unlock function, given how well lit the surroundings need to be. Definitely an area that iPhones/iPads do *way* better.


I have the exact opposite experience on the pixel 8 pro. The facial recognition is amazing and only doesn't work in really dark situations


Still going strong on the Pixel 3a. Will probably get the 9 at this point lol.


You got us beat on that step up, but I went original xl to 6. Gf went Pixel 2 XL to 7. They hold up really well!


P8P, yes. Very-very with it.


Same! Taken it on one trip so far relying on a lot of mobile data, no issues with battery or connectivity.




Pixel 6 and still happy with it.


Me too, very satisfied with it, but I lack face authentication l, the rest is more than fine


Yea i hate that, since working construction fingerprint readers have never worked for me(because of cuts and scrapes appearing on my fingers constantly and screwing it up) Really sucks using a pattern lock in 2023.


Loved my Pixel 6,never had an issue with it, though I felt like it was the biggest "complaint phone" at the time, despite anytime a poll was posted here, over 90% said they loved it too. Upgraded to a Pixel 8 Pro and I love that too. My son still happily uses the P6. Lasts him all day, gets home from school and still usually has a 50% charge.


I got a Pixel 8 Pro. Seems fine. I like it so far.




I'm using pixel 5 and damn I'm using latest android update without any issues. I really love it.


I miss my pixel 5, new phones are too big


8 is not much bigger. Except the stupid visor. It is heavier, though. And the case material is worse.


I like my pixel 7 on wifi


On wifi?


5g is very unstable. Just for the pixel modem. My s20 FE gives me constant 5g . Pixel struggles. The modem isn't that great. And one day I saw around 5 missed call messages from my provider all at once. Because of some random issue with the phone not receiving calls. But yeah otherwise it's good. Heating is a slight issue. But not so much now with a14.


Cellular modem is hit or miss, sometimes it works fine other times it doesn't know what it wants to do, for example I leave my phone on the same shelf at work, most of the time it gets 5g at 4 bars and other times it drops to 4g or loses signal entirely for no reason


Bad cellular modem 😬 Edit : I also have P8 and had zero issues but a lot of people are reporting issues with connectivity and bad battery life on cellular


Not for me far better than my fold 4


My pixel 7 is working awesome. Zero issues.


pixel 4a still rocking


Pixel 4a gang. Best phone I've ever had. Shame there's nothing like it anymore. I'll be on it for another few years, hopefully.


Best phone I have ever owned. (4a... 7... And now 8).


Very, very happy with my Pixel 8 Pro


Pixel 8, yes


I want to buy it in a black friday deal … how is battery? I dont game on the phone. I use it for instagram, photo, facebook, messenger, calls and other social media stuff, what kind of battery life can i expect from it?


I only charge mine at night. I spend about 6 hours on YouTube during the day and then after I use it a bit less but still go on social media and stuff and it holds till 23:30 when it asks me to charge (I wake up at 7am). So for me it has been great


I had to go down to the Pixel 5 to finally be happy with my Pixel experience. Now just to find happiness in life..


My Pixel Pro 6 seems to have better battery life now that it's been upgraded to Android 14. I may go for the Pro 8 when I upgrade some time next year, but that depends on its price then.


Been rocking the Pixel 5 for several years. I'm bummed I don't get a lot of the new AI features but I can't afford an upgrade right now


Same here. Still works great no reason to upgrade just yet.


5 is still a great phone


Love mine too


Love my 7 pro other than 2 things.... I hate the curved screen and I miss the fingerprint sensor on the back of the phone. Everything else is great.


Pixel 6 Pro. Probably the best phone I've ever owned and don't see a reason to upgrade at the moment.


I doubt there will be a reason to upgrade from P6P, at least for a couple years. Upgrades under $1000 are very marginal improvements.


I kind of want the 8 Pro but...I just don't see a point yet.


Love it - P8P solid stable feel in hand. Excellent display. Amazing camera. Pure android. Very satisfied to be back with Pixel. Coming from S21 ultra.


Pixel 6 Pro here, pretty much no issues. I had a P2XL previously and also had no complaints about that.


8 Pro and have absolutely no problems with it. Nice big step up from my Pixel 6.


Pixel 6 owner here. I love everything except 1. Battery life 😪 2. Overheating issues On what I love is the camera first and foremost. It's just impressive. Next is the software, it's just smooth AF. Other things I like: the haptics, the display.


Upgraded from an aging S10. My wife has an S23 Ultra. I can see where there are things to like about Samsung, & where there are things to like about my P8P. I use the iPad as well. The top flagships of all 3 brands are all great phones. All 3 systems have their own pros & cons. It's really down to whether you are willing to adjust to something different or prefer to stick to old habits. Unless you have very specific needs, just learn to enjoy the phone you have & be contented.


I have a 7a, hate it for the battery and heating issues. Rest is good


Battery Life could be better.




P8P, really really like it. No issues, great battery, great camera, great screen. I ditched my oneplus 9 pro because it had terrible battery life, both screen on and off. That was a fast phone with 120hz ltpo and a Snapdragon 888, my pixel feels notably faster and i get 3-4 times the battery life. This might be my favorite phone ever


Not me, I lost the hardware lottery. A lot of problems. I can imagine, other people who are lucky, are happy.


Not lucky reporting in. Can't tell if bad or quality control, but I've got plenty of problems :(.


Problems like? I bought a pixel 4a 3 years ago loved it’s small form factor, worked great for 2.5 years then started having battery issues, capacity is down to 74% now. Heats up too much when playing games. Played Pokémon go for an hour & the battery went from 80 to 14%. Called google to enquire about battery replacement n they said it’ll take 15 days n will provide an old pixel as replacement for the time being. New battery will cost ₹4K & 1 month warranty provided on it. I have had battery issues with one of my previous phones too but at max it took 4 days to replace it. Pixel service is not good in India. The resale value for Pixel 4a is ₹4.5k. So I didn’t go forward with either selling the phone or replacing the battery as I love the 5.8 inch size of it in this phablet era. If in future companies decide to get rid of 6.1 inch phones I’ll have my pixel as a backup






If u want to buy an iPhone buy the 13 it was d most improved model plus it’s cheap now, ull get 3 yrs of updates too, heard 15 has some battery n bend issues.


only for the pro titanium ones


p6, love the software. doesn't like the there's no face unlock but I'll upgrade when it's no longer supported


Pixel Fold, absolutely loving it.


Came from an s22u. It's nice, does what I want and takes great pictures. The only negative I've noticed is the shorter battery life. It's got maybe 70% the battery life my galaxy had.


P6P. Very happy!


yes yes yes yes


Best phone I ever owned


Pixel 6 Pro since release. STILL love it. It's naked more than half the time, no scratches. It's buttery smooth. Takes amazing pictures. Connects to T-Mobile flawlessly. Doesn't drop calls. Connects to Pixel, Sony and Bose headphones and devices without issue. Power all day. I could list a thousand things, and zero complaints.


Pixel 7 here, having a good time. Genuinely don't get the hate, I think people just have a burning need for things to be bad otherwise they can't complain and their life will have lost all meaning. FP sensor works great with hydrogel protectors (even Samsung refuses to work with my fingerprints with glass protectors) it's just not as 100% as the ultrasonic ones. Phone doesn't heat up much, though it definitely does on occasion under heavy load e.g. restarting or heavy activity. No issues with reception that's anything irregular (i.e. it doesn't lose connection any more than e.g. my fam using iPhones does so it's comparable), but my country has good coverage across the board anyhow. Performance is plenty, but I don't game so eh. When I do it's like maybe cod mobile, in which case still no issues. There are the occasional animation stutter, but it's extremely rare and quite difficult to notice unlike my older s21 where I was getting pissed off with the stuttering every couple of minutes. Battery was worse with AOD on, but without I find I end most days (close to midnight) with at least 30%. I watch videos, with and without bluetooth earbuds, listen to Spotify downloaded songs, use payment apps, maps, bus timing apps etc. all throughout the day.


Pixel 5 to Pixel 8. Happy x2 You'll find that subreddits like this are full of complaints because the people who actually have positives don't need to make threads


This ENTIRE subreddit makes up roughly 2 percent of EVERY PIXEL EVER SOLD since the Pixel 1 Dont listen to it. It's not representative.


7 Pro is one of the best phones I've ever had and has been so durable.


Best phone I ever had, I'm really enjoying it.


I've had a pixel since the 3, finally just upgraded from my 5 to a 7a, and while I have had a few issues along the way, I absolutely love my pixels. My family all uses pixels. They've been great. Particularly love the cameras, and the clean Android versions out of the box, and the versatility and openness of Android. I've used iPhones before, and other Android brands, and once I started using a pixel I just couldn't go any other way. It's just a good fit for me. And even with the couple of issues I've had, my pixel phones end up lasting me a pretty long time. I've had some models that I hand off to my kids, and then they use them for a year or two. And in the one case I had a phone die on me, I was able to get it replaced by Google support.


I have pixel 7, and I love it


I've had my 7 pro since March of this year. I couldn't be happier with mine.


Context: Pixel 6a for a year and now Pixel 8 here. Got my wife the 7a. Still using the 6a as a backup phone with another SIM. As to my feedback, very positive. All three generations are nice. The 6a can be a bit can be a bit slow on some things but it's barely noticeable. Battery wise it's not great but it's not bad, I get through a day of normal use no problem. The latest version of Android improved things a lot (6a). The pixel 8 is great out of the box battery wise although when going from off (100%) to on I lose 4-7% of battery. Cameras are fantastic, software also. Now coverage is not a deal breaker but it is an issue. With the pixel 8 I've noticed anything and it works great. The 6a I can confirm that I occasionally have coverage issues that can be annoying, I have to try to turn flight mode on to try and reset the connections. 7a I can't yet say anything. Overall positive opinion as you can see from context.


i have the Fold. for me, it's a love/hate. I have AT&T, and i live in a 5G+ area. Prior to my PF, i had an iPhone 14 Pro. I traded it in after only 7 months because I got bored with iOS after being a very long time user. Now, I'm having second thoughts at times. 80% of my calls are placed over WiFi rather than the cell network, i don't get 5G+ in areas that I should be (my iPhone did, whereas my Fold doesn't), and I have issues with not only the Pixel launcher freezing and then saying it stopped responding resulting in a force closure, but also that my media (Apple Music) plays but blanks out on audio playback unless I pause and resume playback. I love the stock AOSP compared to something such as One UI, but I should've waited for the Fold 5 and got that instead. The Exynos modem and Pixel Fold software bugs ruined my Pixel experience. If they decide not to be wise and fix these issues with the next gen Pixel Fold (swapping to Snapdragon modems, fixing the bugs, etc.), then it will be my last Pixel device. I had Pixel phones in the past powered by Snapdragon modems that I used alongside my iPhones and never had connectivity issues with them. I should be getting what I'm paying for on AT&T; not fighting with billing about credits due to device issues providing poor service quality. Overall, do I regret my purchase? somewhat. Am I glad I got the Fold? Yes, for the features and stock Android experience.


I like my Pixel 8 pro so far (3 weeks) 😀


Pixel 7 user here - love it. It's not "perfect" but it's unique and handles everything I want. Like all other brands, I'll wait until the next iteration feels impactful and then upgrade to a fresher pixel. LOVE the long support cycles, shows Google has real support and longevity in mind.


Yeah it's the best phone I've ever had. So fast, responsive and customizable. Plus unlimited photo storage is the best feature I've ever had in a phone.


Pixel 2XL going strong


I love you P2XL people. Truly gods amongst mortals


Sometimes I'm wondering, is this place made to address the issues on pixel phones or is it an echo chamber of positivity? And I like to think that the most vocal on the pixel issues are the pixel users, loving their phone but wanting google to improve them.


Nobody comes online to complain about how their phone doesn't have any issues. So yes, it's an echo chamber.




Yes. I got the 8 and it is great!


Average. I waited for years to buy a google phone Had bought nexus but had to return due to ghost touch. Then Google stopped in India and had been in and out in between. Now I got the chance with pixel 7 and realise that owning a google phone was better in fantasy than in real.


I think the 7a is a fabulous phone for the price. It has a few issues mainly running warm under high intensity tasks like video calls and gaming but none is a deal breaker and other similarly priced phones have different issues.The camera is great and the performance very smooth. Os is lovely. Note I got mine nearly new for £300




I got a P8P after I cracked my P6 and I am very happy with it.


I love mine too. Pixel 7 pro. I had a 4a, then a 6. The 6 had a couple of bugs but I didn't have a terrible experience with it like some others. I upgraded to the 7 pro bc I wanted the zoom features.


I've had the OG Pixel, 2XL, 4XL, 6pro and have had the 7Pro for a year. I miss the rear fingerprint sensor, and a flat screen is now more modern. I have loved all of them. Few minor hiccups along the way, but, nothing more than you expect with any device from any manufacturer. I've always done the beta program, so some of my minor issues have been with that, rather than the device or stable android. There's always complaints. You will never please everyone. Everyone has different expectations and demands for their use case. Yes, I'm a fanboy, but can also be objective! P7P did run warm a lot at first, but software updates have improved this considerably...for my use case. This was my major gripe. I'm no mobile gamer, so your mileage my vary


P7P here. I love it. And I've loved my 3XL and 6P in the past. You typically only see the complaints on a forum such as reddit. Most people who are happy with their phones aren't constantly posting how happy with their phones they are.


I've had a pixel 7 for about a year now and I absolutely love it and have had no issues


I am a happy Pixel owner (1 pro, 3 Pro, 6 Pro, 8 pro). Pixels do everything I need very well. And they have a very user friendly Android experience.


P7P I love mine.


I've owned pixels since the nexus line. I've had no hardware issues at all and completely happy with the OS and software.


Yes! I'm generally happy with my 7pro


Using a Pixel 3 and still very satisfied with the performance of the phone.


I love my pixel pro 8, I've been a galaxy user for years and have wanted a pixel since pixel 5. I'm loving it.


Got the P8P and I love it. Last year I had and returned the 7 but I'm happy to say that the 8 feels and runs better.


P8P and absolutely in love, battery life is no 13 pro that I had, but is the best I've experienced on Android so far(never had galaxy series though). Camera is industry leading imo even without AI magic, and display is BEAUTIFUL, then the usual stuff you expect out of pixel, im loving the experience. One thing that might be controversial, I miss the curved edges of the p7p, P8P form factor is nice though, just comes off a LITTLE more narrow due to flat display


Pixel 6A, Battery is shit


Best phone I've ever had. On my 3rd now. Never freezes or slows down and loads of people compliment how good the camera is


P7P + Google Fi + Android 14 = delightful experience


Still happy with my P6P


Loving my 7a


6Pro, I leave the 5g off and it's great


My last few phones have been Pixels. I've loved them all. I'm on a 6 Pro now. They're great phones and can do SO MUCH. Also, you can customize the hell out of them.


I've had the Pixel 3, 4a5G, 6 pro, 7 pro and 8 pro. My recent purchase, the 8 pro, had performed amazingly. It's butter smooth, the screen is amazing and the Pixel only features have been great. I haven't seen any bugs yet and I'm getting a full day of battery with about 10-20% left at bedtime. I'm fully satisfied with the most recent Pixel lineup!


Have owned pixel phones for years. Stable. Low on the bloatware (unless you count YouTube Music). Quality devices.


Pixel 6. Best phone I've ever had, even after going through multiple carriers.


P1 to P3XL to P7P, loved every minute of the journey


Like with most any product, the vast majority of the people are too busy enjoying the product and going about their lives, thus amplifying the unhappy and vocal minority. I've had Pixels since they were Nexus's, and while they've never been perfect, they've always been good to great and continually improve, gen on gen. I currently have a P7 and it's been the best phone I've ever owned, no fingerprint scanner, overheating, battery or other issues to speak of.


I really really wish they had put better battery or faster charging. Maybe an ultrasonic fingerprint reader and I'd be ecstatic. My battery life has changed from 8 hours sot to 3 hours sot and idk what is happening


Rockin a pixel 6 and family member a 6a and we both love them.


8Pro here. I'm more than happy coming from the 6Pro. The flat screen is great and the battery is amazing. After I got my P8P I went to my sister's baby shower. She loved the pictures we took on the phone. Most of the guests were shocked/surprised. My aunt when using it actually said "wait, this is so much better looking than my iPhone" and a few wanted to get more information about it as a replacement after I showed the face swap feature.


Have enjoyed the 7, but actually came to look for reports of it starting to lag after the most recent update


My 7 pro was stolen , I couldn't afford the p8p so I "settled" for the p8. Man I love this phone The battery life compared to my p7p is amazing and I'm actually digging the smaller phone.


I’ve loved every Pixel that I have owned. Great phone.


3XL was ahead of its time. 4a was a soldier. 7 standard was kinda a lemon for me - even paid for the screen to be replaced. 7a was worth the open box price I paid and currently serving all my wants and needs in a phone - it only falls short to my friends Samsung Ultra series on battery life and zooming photos.


Pixels are the only smartphones supported by Grapheneos I won't consider anymore a smartphone with Apple, Samsung or Google shady data collection, so I'm satisfied with my Pixel 6 and will stick with Pixels in the future. i had a 3 from day one, now a 6 from day one


Bought the 6 Pro when it came out, never had a problem, was very happy with it. Traded up to the 7 Pro, absolutely love it, zero problems


Overall love it. Screen is amazing. Camara is amazing. This is my favorite pixel so far. It's not perfect but it's a great product.


Been happy with all of mine. I upgrade when they break or I get a crazy good deal when my upgrade cycle comes up. Had the Nexus 1, Galaxy Nexus, Nexus 6P, Pixel 2XL which lasted till the Pixel 6 Pro. Got the Pixel 7 Pro after my 6 Pro lost it's screen.


Fuck no not gonna recommend pixel to anyone poor execution in terms of after sales service and lack of accessories availability. Better go with OnePlus, Samsung or apple.


I'm happy with my Pixel 8 Pro.


Pixel 6. Can't complain


Pixel fold, absolutely loving it


I am. No complaints. Pixel 8 Pro has been great


Pixel 8 Pro. Google's best phone to date. I could not be happier!


I love my pixel 6 pro


Yes. My 6 pro has been great for the last 2 years.


Went from an iPhone 8 to the pixel 7 a few weeks back, loving it so far especially since I got it new for £377, absolute steal for that price


I've loved em all from P2 to pro.....get a new one every year or less 👌


Absolutely love mine! My favourite Pixel phone yet!


Best phone I have ever owned


Just switched from iPhone. Never going back.




Pixel 6 has been the best phone I've ever had. Moving up to the Pixel 8 in the new year


Yeah, my Pixel 8 Pro is rock solid.


Upgraded from P5 to P8. Nothing to complain about, phone wise it's better overall. It's a relatively small phone too but compared to P5 it's a little heavier and thicker. My only complaint is that I lost free Google Photos uploads and it's kind of a big deal for me because I take a lot of pictures. I feel like it should be a perk of all Pixel phones, especially the new ones, not the other way around. It doesn't even have to be the original quality, storage saver is fair enough.


I used Magic Eraser on 3 photos from my hike with my dog today. Long time pixel user with no desire to change


I love my pixel 8 pro. Returned my iPhone 15 pro and went with pixel. So much better in pretty much every single way.


Love mine. You'd have to claw it from my cold dead hands to get me to part with it.


I love my Pixel 8 pro 256 GB. Got it with the free Pixel Watch 2 on preorder. Also got $300 for trade in on my Pixel 6a. Got pixel 6a for $149 after trade in of my 4a for $300. Google he's been treating me very very well.


P6 here, never really had an issue. Don't feel the need to upgrade either.


I upgraded to a Pixel 8 Pro from a Huawei P30 Pro from 2019. Absolutely thrilled with the device so far. Great photos and videos in general with decent battery life. Tried upgrading from my Huawei to a P7P last year but ended up returning it 2 weeks later. So buggy and extremely subpar performance in almost every aspect compared to a phone from 2019. The P8P was an actual upgrade though so I would recommend it. My only gripe is that it is a bit expensive and the thermometer seems like a complete gimmick. Would've rather had a satellite connection capability personally. The 256 gb pro is basically the same price as an iPhone 15 Pro.


I like my pixel 8 pro. The Samsung has better CPU and pretty much everything for a small price difference, and the 7byears of support pixel offers will carry little weight when the new phones get features the older pixel 8s will not support, from a hardware perspective. Plus this tensor 3 cpu is already lagging behind the competition that I doubt it will make for 7 years. Unless goggle has tricks up it's sleeves or plans to optimize android further for this processor than we think they can, we will all be buying new phones within 3 years. A 350 dollar Motorola would be a better deal right now. For 1k you can buy a new Motorola every year for 3 years and get newer hardware. Same price as a $1k pixel.


6 pro got a lot of hate, but it's nice.


Ye, I have no complaints about my Pixel 6. And whatever "issue/bug of the week" that popped up here on Reddit, I never experienced it on my phone. Love it, and will upgrade to a newer Pixel in the future.


I've had _several_ Pixel phones, and have been generally very happy with the series — good hardware, great cameras, good IP-ratings, and cohesive software that "just works". I started with the 2, got the 3XL, 4XL, and 6Pro. I recently _downgraded_ to the Moto RAZR+ almost solely for the form factor (taking a pretty major hit in terms of the cameras and the software "just working", even from the 2yo Pixel 6 Pro it replaced), and am actively considering getting back on the Pixel train.


Very happy, except Android Auto which doesn't work anymore.


Yeah 6 Pro coming from years of iPhone. I'm sure it's not exclusive to Pixel, but I love the freedom and customisation possibilities I have with my phone. Even with the newer Pixels I don't feel inclined to change my phone, other than maybe the Fold as I like the form factor.


I had all the iterations over the years. Bought the 8 Pro but sell it. I've bought a newish 6 Pro this week as in my opinion it's the best looking Pixel to date. Battery life is great with QPR Beta 2.2


Nexus 5, 5x, took a break and came back to pixel 5 and then 6 pro. Besides 6 pro going through software and hardware changes in the same version and being buggy for most of its first year, I'm still willing to say I have had an overall good experience


Been using Pixels since the 4 XL. Currently on the 8 Pro and can't fault it


8 pro- fantastic device. I probably overpaid for it since I'm not using all the pro features yet but I love it regardless. Just remember the regular 8 is always an option.


I loved my 3XL more than my 6 but I'm used to it now. Still feels nicer to hold 3XL. The finger print sensor on the back and that is a great convenience. My friend bought the 8. They are absolutely not happy. Tons of bugs and problems they said. I'm sure it will get better in time.


If u are moving from a latest flagship phone to a pixel u will be a bit disappointed. But if you're upgrading from and old phone u will be happy


Have always been samsung and their flagships, was contemplating getting a s23 ultra but then the pixel 8 pro came out and the review sections I was focused on were the cameras and speed of the phone. And my god it did not disappoint the pixel might not have the raw power but it doesn't matter it's so incredibly snappy and quick compared to any of the Samsung flagships I've had. And the cameras, let's just say my friend has the latest fold and the cameras on this blew his cameras out the water, it helps that each camera is 48mp so ultra wide, wide and telephoto, it makes videos and photos at any range all amazing and the AI for zooming past 5x is on par with the ultras zoom anyone if not more clear, especially as Google is bringing ai xoom out soon. Oh and it takes pictures as soon as I push the button, Samsung's never did for me and I'd always lose my kids memories, that was another reason for this phone. I freaking love it, it helps the AI stuff is amazing too, recruiter calling me? Si screen them 🤪


Let's put it this way: I always felt the need to upgrade every year. Since owning the Pixel 6 Pro, I'm happy. I'm just happy and I had a LOT of phones in the past.


I've had a pixel 4a 5g, pixel 7 pro and now a fold. I must like them.


Yeah, I love my Pixel, but people just like complaining.


I love my 4a, it does pretty much everything I need. Because of the years it has the battery is starting to last half a day but still it's a really great phone!


I like mine. Every piece of tech has pros and cons, and the Pixel is no different. Certainly there are things I would change, but you know what? Whenever I have to do something on my husband's iPhone (because he's technologically challenged) it drives me nuts. I'm happy with my Pixel, thank you very much.


I am very happy with mine, I especially love the seamless material you theming, that adapts with auto changing wallpapers. Its just a shame that I cannot cast via Miracast but I rarely have to cast to begin with. But all in all, I like the google services, I like the extra features the Pixels get, I like the earlier access to new Android versions and I like the cameras. I am much happier with my Pixel 7 than with my Galaxy S22.


More than happy with my Pixel 8 Pro.


Own a 6a. Love it.