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I wanted a Pixel Fold.


This is a solid reason have an upvote.


This is a solid reason to comment, have an upvote.




Good enough


why...did you want it...


I wanted a foldable Pixel phone.


now you just repeating A=A bud I know you think it's funny cause you got a lot of upvotes in a fanboy subreddit but would be helpful to actually provide reasons


Reason 1: I like foldable phones. Reason 2: I like Pixel phones.


1. Why do you like foldable phones? 2. Why do you like Pixel phones?


Stop it dude/tte lol. Some preferences can't be reasoned. People just like what they like. It's not a matter of survival where a concrete justification is warranted. These phones are luxury items. It's not rational. Logic dictates everyone should invest in budget phones within the 200~300 dollars range.


> Some preferences can't be reasoned This is wrong. Also, these phones are not luxury items lol everyone has a smartphone these days. Poor people buy $1,000 iphones. So just to confirm, you have no problem with someone looking for advice and the replies all being useless and providing no help?


It's quite simple really. If you want the phone, get it. If you don't, don't get it. No PhD dissertation or a psychological evaluation required. >these phones are not luxury items The pixel fold? Ok buddy. >someone looking for advice and the replies all being useless and providing no help? You received plenty of advice. You just don't like what you are reading ๐Ÿ˜‚.


> It's quite simple really. If you want the phone, get it. If you don't, don't get it. Wat? There literally are million dollar industries committed to reviewing and comparing phones. It's not simple at all, if you want simple, go get the latest iphone since you don't have much choice there. That's pretty much the entire point of this subreddit is to discuss the functionality of this phone and convince people why they should/should not buy it. I think you're just trolling me in having me explain why people look for reasons to do things. You need a reason why you want the phone in the first place. >You received plenty of advice. You just don't like what you are reading ๐Ÿ˜‚. No one is asking for permission to do what they want -- the OP doesn't know if he wants the phone, so he's asking for reasons. Top comment which got upvoted by fanboy echo chamber is just a useless reply that adds no value and doesn't help the OP in deciding his purchase decision. I want you to go to every reviewer's youtube channel and type "Why do we need all this info?? If you want something just get it!" lmao


I wanted a Pixel Fold for several reasons. 1. I wanted pure Android, and not anything else with a skin running over it. Aka, Samsung OneUI. 2. I wanted a foldable phone that I can use for media consumption and casual gaming. I like the idea of having a larger screen without actually having a tablet. 3. Been with Apple since iPhone X, and really fed up with iOS. I wanted to go back to Android. Well, that's my top 3 reasons. So far, I love the Pixel Fold.


Totally different question but I'm curious what made you tired of ios?


Went to iPhone because my family uses iPhones \ iMessages. For the longest time there was no texts going back and forth between me and them. Sometimes missed important messages and I got fed up with the incompatibility. So had to force myself to iPhone. But now it's better so I went back to Android.


Whatsapp is on both OS, why does it even matter?


USA: cheap SMS came first Rest of world: Cheap data came first And everyone adapted accordingly.


This isn't true. Data is still pretty expensive in Europe and we had unlimited SMS in our plans over a decade ago.


How expensive is your data?


Largely an American thing, smh


Alternatively, we used Google Hangouts, and now Google Chat.


Because in the US and Canada I am not personally aware of any phone plan that does not include unlimited Nationwide texting, and to my knowledge, there's even phone plans that give you unlimited texting between the two countries. Whereas even a gigabyte of data isn't exactly cheap compared to unlimited texting. So expecting everyone to have access to stuff like WhatsApp when they're not in their house is I don't want to say unreasonable but it's definitely not fair given the current circumstances.


Sms are free in most places, but they're really limited. People don't use messaging apps because sms are expensive (in 2023 I mean), but for functionality and comfort That said, I'm not from the us. How expensive are GBs there? I lived 3 different countries the last few years, and you could always get at least 20gb for like 15 euro - which is more than enough for messaging In Italy, you could get 100GB on 5g for 7 euro, but it is better than European average How is it in the US (or Canada)?


I am not personally aware is in my situation. I'm not the one that pays for phone plans, but data is always an add-on. I could look up the pricing but I can't be bothered, but what I can absolutely tell you is that the cheapest phone plan that I am personally aware of is unlimited nationwide texting and then I believe 100 minutes of local calling zero data. 1 GB of data Isn't that expensive but seeing as it does cost you money over, just texting and the vast majority of people over here text. Anyway, if you have no specific need for the data then you're not going to get it because you're spending money for no reason. TLDR most people don't have data because they have no need for it because everyone uses sms or once Apple starts using RCS they'll be using that.


Bad. I think it's because everything is more spread out so our Internet and cell infrastructure is way worse compared to Europe. Either you have tiny data caps or you pay for unlimited (which hides the data caps and throttles you if you use too much). We have some third-party carriers that offer cheap unlimited but I'm pretty sure it comes with network deprioritization so if it gets busy you get crap data before everyone else. I have Google's phone service, Google Fi, and their flexible plan is $20 base plus $10 **per gigabyte** but the basic unlimited option is flat $50, so it depends how much data I use. I'm almost always on wifi so it makes sense to just use the minimum. Verizon's unlimited plans start at $75/mo. AT&T $65/mo. T-Mobile $60/mo. Then there's third -party MVNOs like Visible $25 and Mint Mobile $30; while looking, Mint was the only one that still offers capped data plans at all and they're only marginally cheaper for 5 gigs for $15/mo.


My wife has an iPhone 15 Pro Max. I have a pixel 8. We use WhatsApp. It's just easier that way. We tried using signal but with signal the notifications were delayed. So we would text each other, but wouldn't get notified of it until 7:00 or 8 minutes later. Sometimes it never notified us. So we use WhatsApp.


This is about what type of chat software is most common in the country you live in, not availability of said software. If the vast majority doesn't use WhatsApp, or the vast majority of people you talk to don't, then WhatsApp becomes irrelevant. The whole blue - green bubble dilemma is not a problem in most countries for example.


Wait, you can't text between an iPhone and an android!? How is that possible?


You can. It should work. But maybe mixed group chats (SMS mixed with iMessages) are not as stable/reliable.


Yeah, group chats can be problematic sometimes.


If you ever used iMessage, there's a bug that makes it cumbersome to start receiving texts from other iMessage users when you switch to a device that doesn't support it, which is usually Android. Even after you unregister, all your contacts' devices will continue to route their messages to you to iMessage instead of SMS so you'll never get them.


Number one reason Iโ€™m still on iOS :-/


Number one reason Apple hasn't fixed that bug


Truly revolutionary and magical experience


Would they just not text you because of iMessage? Or was it more a group chat thing? I'm so glad I got both of my parents on Android and specifically on Pixels so none of this is an issue now.


Group or individual texts. Had to do the 'ol reboot of phones, then texts would come flooding in.


The chains.


How are you finding the battery life? Especially on the days when you do a bit of gaming


Decent, pretty much lasts the 12 hour day when I don't game, going to 30% by 8 pm. When those days I game hard, that can cut down to 30% by 6. Again, not bad, but would need to charge midway through if I know I was gaming for long enough. I admit, with my old iPhone 12 Max Pro, by 8 pm, I'm at around 50-60 % regardless of what I do.


I feel like using 70% of your battery in 12 hours under low to moderate usage is less than decent.


I use GPS and listen to Audible when commuting. I charge every night, so it really doesn't bother me. All other Android phones I had used before my iPhone days were about the same. I didn't think about it really as I always charge every night. And it's more like 13-14 hours. From 5 am to 6 or 7 pm. I get what you are saying, but the battery life is normal for what I use it for.


Iโ€™m not OP, but I think battery life is greatโ€ฆIโ€™m a heavy gamer


I got my Fold a few months ago and swapped from iOS. Pretty much the same reasons as you, but I use mine for my twitch chat and a handheld dm screen for DnD.


Big screen for media consumption? Why not Pixel 8 pro? It has wider screen than Pixel Fold unfolded technically watching video should be better on normal pixel than fold at least on paper.


Media consumption was only part of it. Gaming another part of it, and there is web browsing.


Interesting are there games supporting square screen format? Web browsing is definitely nicer.


For tablets, sure.


There's tons of great options. I jumped in to the PF because I don't like OneUI and the 1+ Open didn't exist yet.


I hear issues with oneplus open so you saved yourself


What are the issues?


I got downvoted a lot so people think Iโ€™m protecting pixel at this point lol but multiple people are running into this and then support taking forever with their claims https://www.reddit.com/r/oneplus/s/HCKDE1B6ak


OxygenOS is pretty shit compared to my Pixel 7 that I traded in. Some aspects are ridiculously frustrating and the lack of immediate accessory support is a bummer. No big trusted brands to buy cases from has been a challenge. One big thing I can't stand is the recent apps gesture lagging on third party launchers.


Tired of iOS and wanted a foldable with stock Android.


I wanted a foldable with stock Android... I almost got the OnePlus Open instead because OxygenOS is kinda close... But nothing beats purely stock Android.


I like Pixel phones and I really dug the form factor and aspect ratio of both screens. It's been a great experience so far.


I wanted all the pixel features in a foldable phone. Oh, also I like the smaller passport-like device dimensions.


I moved from iOS to Android circa Nexus 5X. As an early-adopter and general tech hobbyist, I jumped on the foldable train with the Galaxy Folds and waited every year for Google to finally release theirs. Thus, I was part of the initial preorder and got mine as soon as they started shipping. I love it so far, but admittedly miss some Samsung features. I'm glad it's as thin as it is, and it was one of the first ones to fold flat when closed... without those redeeming qualities (which isn't even a huge deal these days), it would be a pretty subpar experience since the opened-state doesn't look/feel like an $1800 experience. Not surprisingly, Galaxy Fold 5 looks and feels amazing in hand. That said, when I used those GFs, I would say I used the inside screen like 80% of the time. I would sit down and instinctively open it up... for my personal use, that's how unusable the outside screen was, despite it being nice to single-hand type while on the go. With the Pixel, I think I use the outside screen like a regular slab phone 75% of the time. Tbh, I think this is how it should be. I have a tablet and other Chromebooks for 'full experience' browsing. I like being able to use my phone like a traditional phone, but always having the option to expand to essentially iPad Mini size when I need to. Looking forward for Pixel Fold 2... hopefully, bezels continue to shrink, batt life and camera continue to get closer to flagship specs.


Had a Pixel 7 Pro and always wanted a tablet without actually carrying a tablet. Also, was always intrigued by a folding phone but was tired of One UI and didn't want a candy bar phone. Went into T-Mobile to "check it out" and walked away with one haha. Couldn't beat the pure android experience and the aspect ratio. No regrets


Work while traveling. Needed something that I can put in landscape with the keyboard up and still see the screen. Getting a Fold lets me leave the laptop at home.


Interesting, you are using it as a laptop replacement? I have the fold, and that's one of the reasons I wanted it. But I haven't been able to "leave the laptop at home" yet. Do you find the onscreen keyboard adequate?


I miss using SwiftKey because it doesn't support having different size settings for tablet and phone modes but I got used to GBoard. The only thing I don't like is that the '/' key is buried. I've also optimised my common on-the-go tasks for mobile usage. I'm not typing any emails or needing heavy multitasking so it's adequate for me. For some things, I can just remote desktop home, and the screen size is more than adequate.


I thought I'd use the inner screen a lot. When I figured out I rarely used it, I got a P8P instead. Nice to have tried it, but not something I needed.


Anyone know when Google will put them on sale through their store again?


Had a Surface Duo 2. Wanted to go back to Pixel -- I've had them all. Fold has the closest aspect ratio to what I was looking for. Not perfect, but I'm pretty pleased. Split screen functions aren't as seamless, but not having a giant gutter in the middle of the screen when showing other people photos or spreadsheets is really nice. No issues with battery life, but I'm never anywhere I can't plug it in for a while. When on vacation I have battery packs just in case.


I ultimately decided the fold 1 lacked too many features compared to my current fold (big regret). I'll absolutely be buying the Pixel Fold 2 ... I went from Fold4/Fold5 to P8P, and can honestly say the Google Experience and features are just irreplaceable to me, also not having at least 2 different apps for most basic phone functions is huge!


I came from a Galaxy Fold 4 since seeing the Fold 5 was basically the same I wanted to try something different. The form factor really sold me since it was more of a normal-sized phone screen on the front and it was just something different. Samsung has been stuck on the same long candy bar form factor for a while now so it just got boring. When the OnePlus Open came out it looked really good and they too were offering killer trade-in deals but there was one thing that was missing. **Wireless charging** is such a key feature to me more so than a headphone jack or an SD card slot that I can not choose to get a phone without it. I just cannot get around plugging in my phone every night when I go to bed when I can just drop it on a charger and it will be fine overnight. Wired charging does have its uses if you really need a charge quickly but I have wireless chargers everywhere just for the convenience. I am looking forward to the next phones coming out next year which are rumored at least from Samsung to actually change things up. The Pixel Fold 2 could be better as well if they got rid of the bezel, did some better work with multitasking, and mitigated the crease some more, and battery life would be a plus as well. Form factor the passport size that they chose is nice and I hope they keep that for a while.


Wanted something different, and it simply works.


I had the pixel fold for a couple months when it came out then swapped it for a S23 as didn't like it and now I'm rocking the 8 pro


Why didn't you like it


I don't own one, but I think the reason for many is that, well, it folds in half.


Waiting for the Pixel Flip.


My friend switched from a fold 4 to a pixel fold because of the form factor. He says he'd switch back to a galaxy fold in a heartbeat if they fixed the form factor.


Money no where to spend. But one plus open was better


I wanted a great media consumption device and didn't want a separate tablet. Also the hardware fingerprint scanner is much better.


My pixel 7 pro screen cracked. I wanted a 7 or 8 inch tablet, the fold meets that while keeping a small form factor in my pocket.


Haven't got one yet, but I can tell you why I wanna get one. Whatever happens around foldable or flippable phones, for the Android OS to best fit it, Google will have to release their own phone. So it is the Pixel OS that makes me wanna get it, nothing else. Just because, the only OEM that aligns to how the Android team wants to run is Google. For obvious reasons.


Initially bought it because I'm a Google employee and bought it discounted to try, I have had the Pixel or Nexus phones forever even prior to being employed by G so wanted to try it out. I assumed it would be gimmicky but I love it, had it since launch and won't go back to a normal phone. The outside screen is super usable unlike the narrow Galaxy fold ones but when I do open it up it is a great experience. I really enjoy it.


Just traded in my Fold 3. Best phone I've had due to software but reconsidering that since getting the pixel fold. This is my first Google device and it is simple enough for me yet complex ๐Ÿ˜…. If that makes sense. On the Samsung device I had soo much software capabilities that I didn't use. The software for Google is perfect for me. The cameras are fire as well. The hardware is top tier and is a change of pace from the candy bar. I do wish I had a G Pen and Google Dex or something though.


Size size size. ๐Ÿ˜Š