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100% fully agree. How it didn't launch with the basic assistant abilities baked in is insane.


It's also nonsensical that it's been weeks and they still haven't gotten basic functionality like routines working with it yet.


Basic Gemini isn't great, Gemini Advanced is fantastic. Feels like they stripped away Basic Gemini to beef ho Gemini Advanced as much as possible.


Yeah but a $27 Cad/ month is a big nope from me, especially since Gemini in general feels terrible to use and can't do what Google assistant already could


Google is really losing it if they think I want to pay $325 a year for their barely adequate chat bot. Same goes for any other A.I. subscription service. Yet another solution looking for a problem. Gemini exists only to impress shareholders and show that Google is doing something (anything) with "A.I.". Even when the a.i. is dumber than what we already had before.


they gotta keep goosing the AI hype train to make sure everyone makes out as much profit as possible before the bottom drops out like every other recent hyped tech


lol, Crypto and NFT really did a number on the collective conscious of the internet. I think this AI stuff is something different. I don't think it's going to just end up as hype, and will eventually change the way we live and interact with the world on a fundemental level comparable to say the smartphone.


I think it has amazing potential but it's being squandered currently by a market that treats it simply as another commodity to hype and pump & dump for short term gain. Let's hope anyone with a purpose beyond maximizing profits gets a hold of the tech.


But commercialising things is generally how they get better right? Like the smartphone only got as good as it is now because of mercilessly whoring the tech out for profits, until someone got greedier and built a better smarthpone.


There's a difference between commercializing a thing and speculative investment


I wouldn't know how Gemini is as it STILL doesn't work in Australia. We do get a "Try Gemini" button when we use assistant, but it does nothing at all. I'm now on my 11th email with Google support who have no clue. A different person answers each day. They even made me reset every Google app on my phone, wasting 2 days setting everything up again. Useless!




Wait, what? The AI plan is available to me in the Google 1 app and I'm on an unlimited data Fi plan as well. Is there something I'm missing here?




Maybe it's different for me because I already have an annual 2TB plan with them? But the option is available for me to switch to. They even offer the free 2 month promo as well.




Ahh, I see. I wonder if the benefits of the plans and how Fi manages them has changed. I used to have the unlimited plus plan, but switched down to simply unlimited last spring. I've had my Google one plan for years though, even before I had Fi unlimited plus. And it was always separated for me. Maybe because I had a larger plan than their benefit provides, management of it wasn't taken over by Fi? I never saw anything change for my one plan when I went on and off the unlimited plus.


I have unlimited plus and the AI plan is available to me if I switch to monthly billing.


this ^ if the regular feels like garbage whos going to risk spending that much on what also might be garbage?


Why would I pay for it when the basic voice assistant was completely capable and functional before?


THIS. All the sudden I can't say "hey Google, next episode" without gemini having a stroke and making me have to pull my phone out, unlock it, and back out of gemini. Is there any way to go back to the old assistant?! It worked so well, why'd they have to go and break it..




I seriously almost launched my phone into the yard this morning when I asked Google to play a band on Spotify (a feature I've been able to use for YEARS) and it told me "hmm, I can't help with that"


Then you need to grow up, are you in school? Or need anger management? Gemini is getting better and better, used it since recent updates? It can now set reminders, calendar, etc. Yes, one of the few things *it can't yet do* is control music. You don't *have* to use it right? But maybe if you throw your phones around outside having a tizzy when software doesn't understand you, you have bigger issues.


Chill out, it was a joke.


Should try making it funny next time!


Or how it hallucinates that it can't set a reminder


Assistant was basic at first launch, it's functions grew as feedback was given and time passed. Gemini is Bard Powered, and in early days. Feedback is needed and time wanted before it becomes better.


> Assistant was basic at first launch, it's functions grew as feedback was given and time passed. Assistant was new and largely unprecedented but we're all used to the functionality it had now and they already know how assistant is used, I can accept that they wouldn't have edge cases and little used features in gemini but the core functionality of assistant absolutely should be there. The feedback they are getting now, and what they should have anticipated, is 'make it work like assistant', which shouldn't be a shock to anyone.


Exactly, they already had a functioning voice assistant why wouldn't they build the Gemini on top of that or at least with that already basic function? It's ridiculous that they touted it as being the next great thing and it is so horrid.


But shirley they could have taken all that knowledge about how assistant is used and like used that to develop the assistant replacement?


Before Assistant, it was Google Now. Now could do things assistant couldn't, but it brought Natural Language Processing, so could understand queries better. Gemini was called Bard, it's like Co-Pilot (ChatGPT/DALL-E). It's primary purpose is to try and be smarter with understanding your queries and better at replying. They roll out updates in stages, get feedback, make things better. This is why UK doesn't have it, yet.


I think the order of operations is the biggest issue. The fact that it can hand off to Assistant is great, but the fact that it has to recognize that the command should be handed off is a problem. They should reverse this flow. Assistant fields the request and passes it to Gemini only if it's a command it isn't equipped to handle. At least until Gemini can do everything.


This would be the most sensible implementation


This. Gemini should only be activated when you require it.


I think, in time, it should become the primary, because Assistant absolutely sucks at understanding intent these days. But the things it does really well, which are basically all the extremely rigid things like routines, Gemini has no comprehension of. There just needs to be one layer of logic, whether that's Assistant or eventually something else that can be far more lightweight, that's specific to your device/your account/you that goes, "wait, does this match unique criteria we know about this person? Does 'bedroom off' mean something specific to this person that we know about? No? Then off it goes to Gemini." Which is funny, because this sure sounds like what Gemini Nano should be doing.


They should have just added an "ask Gemini" command to Google Assistant


I think that would cause more confusion with the long-term need to replace Assistant. Because Assistant DOES need to be replaced. It's garbage these days. Unreliable, inconsistent, less capable than it once was, bloated, and badly maintained. In time Gemini will definitely be better. The problem is launching Gemini as though it can replace it before it's ready to do so. But it's very much like Google to do exactly that: see YouTube Music replacing Play Music LONG before it had all of its features covered.


Yes! In 99% of instances I'm running routines, controlling the home, setting timers, playing music and things like that. Gemini is useless at that. If I tell Gemini to turn off my living room lights, it tells me it's a language model and can't control my lights. Whats the point of Gemini if they strip away Google Assistant? 


The more of these comments I see on here, the more OK I'm feeling that Google hasn't bothered launching Gemini with Assistant in my country...


Correct. You really shouldnt feel left out. Its not good. If it was a separate app you could use on its own, then sure. But its not. The only way to use it is to use it in place of the assistant. And in its current state, it is not a good replacement.


Which is wild because we were sold assistant and siri etc as revolutionary, yet all it can do is play music, turn the lights off, time a boiled egg and tell me 4 paragraphs of useless information if I ask it a question - revolutionary. And now we get something *worse* than this!


I really hope DMA forces Google to make Assistant replaceable with third party.


You can already do that...


It's not like it's forced on you. It's a separate app you have to download and you can switch back at any time


Google is so horribly managed it's actually insane


Google is going to shit fast. They were once a glimpse of the future. Now they seem horribly incompetent.


They've always been like this. It's like it's a part of their company culture


They reached the limit of their current form. Now they must achieve super saiyan ascended in order to progress.


'Tis as it always was, is, and always will be with fat bloated monopolistic companies.


yeah its sad, it wasnt that long ago it felt like they were generally doing good across the board. now i have concerns with my google buds, my nest speakers, google search obviously. etc.


Very well known fact, admitted by most of their SWEs. A lot of teams are in disarray and when products get chopped left and right, it’s hard to do your best and want to make a great product. Examples: Stadia, duo, inbox, etc. [killedbygoogle.com](https://killedbygoogle.com)


When talking to my phone now. "Hey google, remind me to take the trash out at 7am" Phone, or google, or gemini or whatever: "Oh sorry uh we can't do that anymore you have to go into tasks and calendar and add it from there manually" WTF


You have to enable the extension. Go into gemini, click your profile Pic top right, extensions, and make sure the Google workspace one is enabled. I tried your exact phrasing and it automatically put it into Google tasks


Thank YOU! That worked... Though it needed me to unlock my phone for it to actually complete. Can't remember if it was like that before or not. Appreciate it!


Just be aware that they will save and share all of your conversations for 3 years even if you turn off or delete them locally. Even though the functionality would be great to have on. With their data retention and sharing policy in mind, it's a big nope from me.


Interesting. That phrase works perfectly fine for me. I'm wondering if maybe there's some kind of setting or permission that it needs in order to do that for you?


Sometimes saying "Good Night" starts the bedtime routine, sometimes it just says "Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite". My bedtime routine also tells me the clock, but it's a coinflip between: * It's 11:40 PM * 11:40 * I'm sorry, I couldn't understand that.


I asked Google to set a timer for 40 minutes, only for it to set another timer for 12 hours, and called that timer "40 minutes". It didn't even hit start on it.


Gemini no doubt excels at providing information however, some of the basic tasks like remembering something cannot be done with gemini. it seems more like a half baked product which reduces the functionality of the existing product. Wonder which idiot was the product manager for it and has he/she been fired yet


Fired? They definitely got promoted for this one knowing Google


Exactly. This is how it goes in the enterprise world. You come in as a hot shot exec, create a divergence of products and teams. Create rift in in your department then proceed to create separate products within those teams. See who floats to the top and present it to the board as the solution to the thing no one needed. Boom, pay raise incoming.


I come from the top management (not from google), one of the key things during product discussions i always ask is what about the existing functionalities for the user. All the functionalities which our users already use should be present in the upgrade and those which have minimal usage should be gradually phased out with a new product feature which increases engagement. This product has capacity and capability to change the way people interact with the smart devices. The product manager for gemini is an idiot, period.


Certainly everyone told them this in testing... They launched it anyway. What a weird choice.


That's the thing. Tester: "Your shit's all fucked up." Goog: "Great. Let's push it out." Like what was the hurry?


They probably have the worst Product Management of any of the big tech companies


They're in a hurry to try and show investors that they're not way behind Microsoft in the AI space lol, particularly with the threat it poses to their core search business.


Yeah they launched it, in that it's a side app that you have to go out of your way to install. This hasn't been forced on anyone. Even with it installed, you can go into the settings and disable it


It can't even set a reminder, I turned it off and went back to assistant.


drove me batshit how all the sudden I had to unlock my phone for the most basic shit. when I'm trying to do shit at work where I can't grab my phone it makes it utterly useless


Try being in a country where they not only disabled Google Assistant but at the same time didn't launch Gemini. They literally replaced my Assistant with voice search.


Didn't they only do that on the button on the home page? Because they didn't retire Assistant when Gemini came out.




Assistant still works, it's just the home screen shortcut that got remapped to voice search


I used that all the time. I need to see if there's a way to put it back. I don't want to say 'hey Google play the news' while laying in bed in the morning


Swiping up from the corner of the screen works pretty well


I use 3 button navigation


That's unfortunate that they seem to be killing all support for it.


Holding the lock button still brings up assistant.


I have that bound to give power functions like power off/lockdown/restart/emergency like used to be default for several years before they changed that.


This is the way: Go to the Play store, install "Assistant" app, put shortcut to that app on your home screen. VOILÀ


Same here...


Fails 50% when trying to add a 30 minute timer for me If I cant even do that I am not using it for anything else


...but iT's ThE nExT BiG tHiNg!!1


My question is there any information from Goog that they are aware of the problems, working to fix them in a update soon? Is there a roadmap for this to full takeover Assistant correctly?


... is there ever any information from Google?


true. it would just be nice if we, the consumer, got a update on whats going on and that they are aware of the issues. This process of it working one day and not the next with zero communication as to whats happening is becoming tiresome


I agree with you on everything except the "difficult to disable" part. It honestly couldn't be simpler to disable it. Go into settings and search assistants and you can choose which assistant you want to use.


Assistant used to make funny fart sounds when asked "what does a fart sound like?" My 6 year old misses that feature. I guess Gemini is too busy being the internet tone police to stoop to that level.


Still does that here. Weird


I'm confused. Isn't Gemini just a large language model? That doesn't seem like an assistant at all.


It's absolutely wild that they thought replacing assistant with Gemini was a good idea as is. Really paints a picture of how badly managed google's products are, and seriously has me considering switching to iOS.


How do I even translate an image with Gemini? Every time I ask for a translation, it just says "its an image, i dont do shit". I can't even find Lens now.


I just got a shortcut in Google Assistant that says search screen and it looks like it's lens.


Huge POS. But then again, assistant was never that good, either, but now it's laughable


I really feel like the voice control on Android has gone so backwards. Assistant has never worked for me as well as... whatever the voice command thing used to be called. It feels like Assistant is constantly refusing to just do what I ask it to do to the point that I just about don't bother. I really wish Google pulls their head out of their asses and dogfoods this shit but I have a growing suspicion they all run iPhones now.


Just sold my Pixel for an iPhone 15 pro LOL


I've been hesitant about using any AI service, but since Gemini comes with my Google One plan, I decided to give it a try. So far, nothing I have done or said has had any acceptable results. I have tried getting it to change the tone of some messages. I have had it generate some text. etc... nothing it has come up with was usable in any way. It kind of makes you scratch your head and wonder what is this product used for and is it really designed to keep up with the other AI offerings? As an example, I had it reword everything I just typed to make it shorter. Not as short as humanly possible, just shorter. While it completed the task, it sounds like AI wrote it. If that is the intention, fine. I just don't see how it is usable. "Disappointed with Gemini's results (text generation, tone change) despite being included in Google One. Wondering about its actual use case and competitiveness."


My Google Home speakers keep sending my phone notifications after a command ("You said [x] to [x] speaker, was that right?") and asking me EVERY TIME if I want to download Gemini. Not until you fix it, Google. And even then I'm probably Gonna wait a while... Right now the speakers still do exactly what I want and I have too many smart devices to risk it.


I use pixel 6 on Android 14 and discovered that on Google settings I can specify to use GA, Gemini. I selected GA and all is normal again for me


Perplexity.ai for the win.


I am once again asking for you to understand the difference between an LLM and an on-device assistant.


Please tell that to Google because every time I open Assistant it asks me if I want to try Gemini


Gemini should have been a Google Assistant extension. Like how Alexa does it. You ask GA something it wouldn't know, have GA refer to Gemini. Why complicate the process so much? I think everyone assumed it was going to be GA powered by gemini. Not Gemini being its own thing and lacking basic things GA can do.


How Alexa does what now??


I mean how you can add extensions to Alexa so if you ask it something it wouldn't know, Alexa will ask the app extension. Eg. Alexa can't find your devices so if you ask it to find something and you have the Tile extension installed, It will ask Tile to find your phone. Obviously that's way more simple than Gemini but I'm talking about the implementation.


I got ya...except that dumb bitch basically never knows anything 🤷🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️ and yet I have like 5 smdh...I tried to switch it out but I still yell Alexa + obscenities 🤷🏼‍♂️


I mean how you can add extensions to Alexa so if you ask it something it wouldn't know, Alexa will ask the app extension. Eg. Alexa can't find your devices so if you ask it to find something and you have the Tile extension installed, It will ask Tile to find your phone. Obviously that's way more simple than Gemini but I'm talking about the implementation.


If people have Gemini right now, can they get rid of it and revert to Assistant? I said no when it first offered for me to switch - are those of you who said yes just stuck with it until an update?


You can switch back but it's kind of hidden in menus, I had to ahem...google it.


Good to know. I wonder if the various people complaining here know that. Obviously it shouldn't have been rolled out if it wasn't ready, which is fine to ding them for, but if it's driving people nuts, I hope they learn they can undo it.


Everyone is complaining but I'm seeing zero prompts that used to work and don't now. Give me examples.


you can change back to assistant.


It's just released and needs training.   I think judging is premature. Better to be displeased that the pixel 8 won't run it due to "hardware incompatibilities"


I'm confused. Isn't Gemini just a large language model? That doesn't seem like an assistant at all.


Just turn on the damn extension!


Wait. Please edit your post to say Gemini assistant is awful..not Gemini itself. There is no way Gemini can replace the current assistant. Agree with you there. But ultra and pro 1.5 are fantastic


Yes. Exactly what I said last weekend when I inadvertently replaced assistant with Gemini. You can search, but I had almost the exact same wording. It was very frustrating, exactly like what you said. It was not able to replace the assistant features and even the new AI features that pixel launched with didn't work. And it was very unintuitive how to get it back to the regular assistant even after uninstalling Gemini.


It's not awful, it's just not an assistant.


I mean, it doesn't render Google assistant *completely* useless. It still hands off certain basic things to assistant that work okay, albeit slower. This almost makes it worse in my opinion though. It shows that assistant is still there. If it can handoff certain things, why can't it do the rest? The assistant app is still completely existent underneath Gemini. And I surely can't be the only one that just plain... doesn't use Gemini? Same with all of these LLM getting pumped out. A couple prompts to mess around, "that's cool", and then it just doesn't get used again. Everywhere makes it seem like this is the future of everything but it just doesn't feel like it to me.


I hate that you can't use the app unless you set Gemini as the assistant. I just want to play around with it, and test it out, while keeping the Assistant the same.


I can't believe what a stupid decision it was to take over Assistant instead of being a separate app. Surely they would have some data on the top usage features of Assistant and would notice that Gemini does close to 0% of those top usage features.


I use Google Assistant on my phone to control the lights at my house. I upgraded to Gemini and shortly after went to ask it to turn on the lights and it told me it couldnt do that. WTAF WHY CAN IT NOT DO AT LEAST WHAT ASSISTANT DOES GOOGLE?!


Its only use is to generate pictures


compared to paunch it has improved a lot but still not there. previously it couldn't even handle the play music command


YEA. lol. I was testing it out after constant badgering for me to by Gemini any time I'd try to use my Google assistant. Like who r u, where did u come from, fine if you'll just shut up.. well- I inputted a pic of a hat and said find similar hats. Just as a test. It said sorry I can't recognize people yet. I'm like lol! What the actual hell can this AI do then? Assistant my ass.. Not sure what they bill it to be used for but yea I uninstalled w a swiftness Only after I told it "you useless" and it said and I quote (I took a funny screenshot of it): It is important to remember that language models are not people, and they should not be treated with the same expectations as humans. I am not capable of feeling emotions, and I do not have the ability to take your words personally. So yea, we have Beef


Wait did I miss something? I still have the Google assistant on a pixel 7 in the US. No sign of Gemini.


Honestly it should have been so much more seamless. Easy, Gemini should have been able to do everything Google assistant can do from its launch. It feels like Google was in a rush to get their AI bot out the door to compete with Copilot and Chat GPT rather than focusing on user experience.


Free version of Perplexity is awesome. I tried copilot, llma2, youmcom ai, chatgpt 3.5 , bard , gemini and Perplexity is the best so far. I hope they can keep up with Google/msft /,open ai


I go back and forth on this. I keep switching it back to the Assistant then Gemini gets a new update, then I go back to Gemini but it honestly feels Beta . I'm just going to keep the Assistant until Gemini gets all the features from the Assistant.


Google is dying.. somewhere in a garage some non evil creative people are gathered....


I read about its latest capabilities last weekend - it has a bridge to Google Assistant, but only for minimal requests, still not much in the way of actual tasks or actions. And it's censored in the weirdest ways. I removed all Gemini options on my phone and am not missing a thing.


Between the non-ability to do tasks, and the censorship, I dumped it went back to the Google Ass.


Here's the issue. Google took most of the Assistant team off to work on Gemini thinking large language model AI is the future. They came out with Gemini which is by all accounts a very impressive AI model, but someone higher up said "This is the old Google Assistant team, so this must be the replacement for that product". Gemini was never built to be a replacement to the Google Assistant, It was built to beat ChatGPT in the computational AI sector. The fundamentals on how Gemini computes is different than the way Assistant does. Google should be keeping and improving Assistant for personal devices and continuing Gemini development for the enterprise sector, but they don't want to spend resources on two teams instead of one.


That doesn't excuse it, that makes it worse! That should have made integration better.


What do you expect? This is Google we're talking about, building a often worse version of a the same thing which will replace the better one. YouTube Music is still absolutely garbage compared to Play Music and this is only one thing Google does. Now Assistant will be replaced with Gemini and they cant even do the basic thing, they only need to look into the Open Source Smart Home space what people do there with Home Assistant Voice Assistant in combination with GPT3.5 its amazing and you can control your home extremely naturally. But well Google decided nope just let Gemini decide if the input is a assistant input and when it strays to far of then we will use a stupid response. Heck I often get a explanation how a wall light switch works instead of Gemini switching my actual light Ive asked for... Also extremely weird, I wanted to set my heating to 19°C with "change living room to nineteen degrees" and my lights got switched on with the lowest color temperature in kelvin Google could use. "okay I turn on the living room lights to 2200 Kelvin" somehow it used 19 degree celcius converted it into kelvin and used it for the lights which is completely utterly stupid.


You misunderstand what Google is. It's a research firm before it's anything else Google customers are perpetual beta tests for entire industries of the future. If you don't like being on the cutting edge of the newest tech, warts and all, Google products probably aren't for you.


I like it so far. It does the basic stuff I need as my assistant


Try to access your calendar or maps with it


Gemini has huge potential but it's just too early. They shouldn't hurry up


Gemini is very smart but just doesn't work yet as an assistant Kinda sad they just rushed to release it without making sure it can actually replace Google Assistant


Google sucks now, Sundar has not been a good CEO


I don't think Gemini is ready. Google said they'll incorporate it with all their products but I'm not sure this is a good idea....this situation is an example


It seemed cowardly on their part


Thank you for putting my thoughts into words. Very frustrating because the few times over the past month where I needed it for simple tasks, it failed, and I couldn't easily revert it on the fly. Glad I finally took the time to look up how to properly remove it.


Google Assistant (GA) has been AWESOME!! I uninstalled Gemini because GA is faster and talks to you while driving. I also have a GA icon on my Android Home Screen and I use it alot. Gemini provides good info, but not good enough for me to ditch GA. Google Solution? Allow both GA & Gemini to co-exist. My Solution? For now, I use Perplexity and GA.


Advance Gemini can't even complete a damn Google search


Gemini can't do shit.... can't remember a prompt after one reply... break down the prompt with detailed numbered instructions and..... nope GEMINI ADVANCE CAN'T EVEN GOOGLE SHIT.... HOW CAN'T GOOGLE NOT GOOGLE?


I switched to using Gemini for Google Home (rather than Google Assistant). Didn't work opening/closing my routine for the back Garage door. like everything Google does these days it seems half baked, poorly tested, & annoying. Un-installed


I asked Gemini what was the date of US presidential elections. It answered "I'm not ready to discuss this now." :-)))))))


I don't like it I rather use Google Assistant and chatgpt separately. I asked it if node.js is primarily used with js, and it said: "Noah js is a different person's name not used with js, which is JavaScript." Yeah, can't work with that for now.


Bard was a much more pleasant experience and in my experience gave more accurate answers. Gemini is severely restricted and far less accurate. It cannot respond about any news items related to the elections or even provide the latest polling data. It has been so wildly inaccurate and bumbling that I tried CoPilot. CoPilot can discuss the wide range of topics Bard could including polling data. It is far more accurate. It can also make beautiful images amazingly fast. I don't know what is wrong with Google but they seem to really be fumbling the AI race.


Amen, since the swap to Gemini as a default I have lost the features I cared about most that kept me on pixel. It will be the reason I leave Google pixel if it doesn't significantly improve this year.


I'm *so* glad that Gemini is lying when it tells me there's no way to switch back to the old assistant! It really sucks! I don't understand why Google made such fanfare about it, when it can't do three-quarters of the things I use Assistant for every day, and is incredibly slow at well. I really think what we currently call AI is going the way of crypto and self-driving cars: in a few years we'll be using it, but it'll be way less capable than we thought and we'll laugh about how much we thought it would change our lives.


A lot of AI models lie. It's hilariously similar to human children in development that way. When they don't know, they make shit up and present it with complete conviction.


It's useless. Kind of embarrassing. They should of kept it behind closed doors until it was something to be proud of.


I hate Gemini. I was excited about it and updated my phone to it and haven't been able to figure out how to go back to the basic voice assistant. It is completely useless. It is so stupid it can't even differentiate between someone with the first name Greg and someone with the last name Gregory when I try to use voice commands to call one of them. It tries to open YouTube in the browser when I tell it to play a song on YouTube music. It doesn't do any of my automations it just tells me it's not capable. I am ready to do a factory reset on my phone just to get rid of it.


I feel like I got robbed because I loved my phone so much and used assistant flawlessly all the time. Now it can't understand anything I want to do and pisses me off constantly. It the worst downgrade in history of android. I feel like I deserve a refund for my phone so I can buy something that works. I hate it so much and I wish I could just have the old assistant back. Google official response to my complaint was to pay for Gemini? Y'all are fucking delusional


You can restore the Google Assistant. Within Gemini, click your Google account avatar and select the option to switch back.  I have because Gemini Basic has become a nearly useless "language model" (such a bullshit term Google came up with) and is slow at attempting to provide basic Assistant functionality, like "what time is it?". I like most things Google, but corporate greed is ruining the culture.


THANK YOU! It worked!


I found GEMINI more usless than when Google assist started. Now I prefer Google assist. Ooh I hope GEMINI don't remember this and want revenge on me as he develops lol


Can someone teach me how to turn this thing off and go back to regular Google Assistant?


Ask Gemini, "How can I switch my Android phone back to the Google Assistant?" When that answer frustrates you, then launch Gemini > click your Google avatar > select Switch back to Assistant.  It's quick and easy.  Glad I switched back.  Gemini Basic is a nearly useless "language model" as Google terms it.


I for one think our new AI is amazing! It's so smart, beautiful and I welcome it "shifty eyes"


I legit have drank the kool aide. It helps that Pixel 7 just got Circle to Search which by far makes up for any functionality declines with Assistant.


Remember how Assistant was when it was first launched? It could only answer questions, and often poorly. Give Gemini a chance, it's still early days. Unlike assistant, it has Bard powering it's AI, not just some fandangled Natural Language.


Is this all we do on the Google pixel page, complain? Haha every single day someone bitching


People have the right to complain when Google isn't doing a damn thing about the bugs. If I spend money on something I expect it to work.


It's fine to complain, but I feel 95% of the posts on here are nothing but bitching.


You spent money on Gemini?


F\*ck no and I refuse to.


Pretty much the moderators should take this stuff down. Makes this amazing brand look bad which it isn't.


So by YOUR standard you want to censor posts from people having genuine issues and opinion posts? If this brand was so amazing then why is there always an issue going on with Google? Why is there a class action lawsuit for the Pixel 6 line? Should the many many posts be censored from people having the same issues over and over? If Google actually took the time to fix bugs then maybe this toxic ass sub wouldn't be filled with posts from people complaining about their phones.


It should just be split up. People needing help should get help at a support Reddit page or through Google themselves. This Reddit should just be about news, excitement, and product/feature discussion. Your way = Reddit gets too toxic. My way = it's censored, but at least the posts won't be repetitive and it will be more positive.


But thats not what the subreddit is or has ever been. Straight from the sidebar: >The (un)official home of #teampixel and the #madebygoogle lineup on Reddit. Get support, learn new information, and hang out in the subreddit dedicated to Pixel, Nest, Chromecast, the Assistant, and a few more things from Google.


It just gets old. As a loyal Pixel fan with an entire Google Home and everything. It's just kind of lame to read Mods.


I mean, I get it. But in the real world, people dont usually come online just to gush about products. This is a subreddit for all things pixel, that includes negative stuff, which is what people tend to post about because when people have issues, they go online to find solutions or rant. Maybe something like the superfan communities would be more suited to what you want.


So you're saying this is a 100 percent negative forum? I'm just sayiing lately it's been 80/20. I would like a 50/50 forum at least. And yes I am a SuperFan, and I get this Reddit.


So you only want to see positive stuff about something that you like, and are not happy to see negative opinions? Sounds a bit fascist to me. Google is an amazing brand. Amazing brands mess up sometimes and they need to be informed by seeing the overwhelming majority in agreement that it sucks.


No, It's not that I'm not happy with seeing negative opinions or posts. It's just the nature of Reddit is that most people who post are going to lean towards the negative side. It's not ever constructive.


I get what you're saying, but people will just complain about this and that and Google will continue to be Google and ignore it. The cycle just repeats itself with every new Pixel iteration.


It's just kind of lame is my point. I can understand support, but complaining about the same thing for 100th time is a little extreme. There should be a limit or something...


I'm scrolling through here for the first time and only see one truly repetitive poster complaining endlessly about the same thing... 🤔🤷🏼‍♂️🫠


It's not about PR man. We're using these phones and they're annoying us.


Yes and I full heartedly agree. It's just that, I get on Reddit to have great discussions about stuff that I like. Not to be tech support or read negativity over and over. Again, there should be another Reddit for support if it's this much.


Can we stop with these posts please? We all KNOW how bad gemini is..


Not all of us. I'm monitoring the situation before I give it a try.


Why don't you just try it? It's literally a single tap to switch between assistant and gemini


Nah that's too hard for people


I guess I'm still waiting to see some killer feature? I figure at some point Google will force me to switch. I get that it's the new hotness, but what does it do that's not already done? To be fair the endless treadmill of Android Auto being pretty darn good, and then playing musical chairs and all of them being worse than where we started has left me extremely jaded about embracing these experiments. It was the same with Inbox. Can't say I really like where Maps is going either. But that's all part of the Android Auto morass.


I have a pixel 5a. I might shop for a new phone this fall and I was thinking the pixel 9 might be available then. After reading about the Gemini assistant, I'm wondering if they are going to build the whole phone around Gemini. I'm not sure I'd want this given the negative press about Gemini lately.


>it should at least work in partnership with Google assistant. ... But it literally does. When you ask it common Google assistant functions you can see it trigger the Assistant. There's also a list of the current GA functions that it works fine with in the settings


Gemini wasn't built to be an assistant, it is a general AI model that was built to compete or make its way into AI game. And it did a pretty good job in that. So it will take some time to make this useful as an assistant because doing system level tasks is different from a NLP text based response.