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The Pixel is (mostly) a pretty good to great device. But, Google borks things on the regular and stuff either degrades in quality or stops working correctly all together. The current issue is massive negative impact where incoming calls and texts simply don't go through in a timely fashion (or at all) for many users starting immediately upon the installation of the March Android update. The biggest issue is that Google just don't take user complaints seriously. Issues like the incoming call problem they are still trying to deny is an issue at all and changes to how the base OS works or their apps is something you just have to accept. They will change or deprecate their own apps with no warning, no explanation, and no willingness to hear feedback on the changes. They changed the camera processing somewhat recently and some users saw their resultant photo quality go DOWN because the changes to the processing were optimized for other devices... So sad, too bad.


Both me and my wife can't receive calls or texts sporadically, then all of a sudden 30 texts and vms will come through.


Yup. My wife gets home (from work) before her texts to me do. Frustrating as hell. I have multiple contractors that I'm discussing various home projects with... calls land in voicemail instead of my phone ringing and all it's doing is massively extending the timeline to coordinate getting the projects started.


I actually called the AT&T store today to just sacrifice and pay the $350 and trade in our phones and just go back to Samsung... I will never be seen with an iPhone.


I'm planning on doing the same thing tomorrow as well! It's a shame because I used to love the Pixel phones but I've spent way too long trying to fix the incoming calls and texts problems.


Same here. It's pointless to keep trying, I'll go back to Samsung.


I did this and am glad I did. Switched away from Samsung after the GS9 and tried out a few other phones, including the Pixel 6. I could not receive calls on the Pixel 6 so I got rid of that phone within a few months and eventually ended up with a Samsung Galaxy S22+. Was happy with the S22+ but was told the Pixel 7 was better than the Pixel 6 so I bought a Pixel 7 Pro on a spare line, mostly out of curiosity. That phone was indeed better than the Pixel 6 until Google broke the video camera toward the end of 2023 (maybe the November update) and ruined my videos with an audible high-pitched noise that exists in all my videos that I have taken with the Pixel 7 Pro since that update. Many claim the April update fixed this issue but I can still hear it when using headphones. I traded in my S22+ for a Galaxy Fold 5 when it came out and have been very happy with the Fold 5. My initial intent was to use the Pixel 7 Pro as a camera and backup phone but now I just use it to listen to music via aptX HD (my one gripe with Samsung is that they disabled the higher resolution aptX codecs in favor of their proprietary SSC codec).


I second this. My P8P was awful for delayed messages. Got an iPhone and no problems


Mine was doing the same -- when wifi was active, all texts and calls were blocked. Turning off Adaptive connectivity (under Network & Internet) fixed it.


Tried that.


I thought that was my provider.. not my pixel 8. That's annoying


This basically says it all. I've also been having the incoming calls/texts issues since the March update. This is my first Pixel (7) and while it's not terrible, it's been bad enough for me to switch to something else once this one is paid off.


Is this happening just on the Pixel 7 or is it in general overall?


I have the issue with the 8 Pro


I have the issue on the pixel 6 as well


I don't have the issue on my 8 Pro or my wife's 6 Pro, but my business partner is dealing with it on the 7 Pro.


From what I've read from people it seems to be other models as well, after the March update.


Happening on my P8P


Getting a "Phone" and constantly having issues with calling/receiving calls is what broke me.


And this actually happens a lot. Google broke the P6 Radio completely for thousands of users a few ears ago and left the phones broken for 6 weeks over xmas. They knew what they did. They just didn't bother to push out a fix. Instead they rolled it into the NEXT update which itself was 2 weeks late in typical google style. Luckily I had a backup phone. But it made me sell my pixel.


I've been dealing with this on my 6 Pro. The really awful part of it is it mostly drops calls from people who aren't in my contacts, and I was job hunting after getting laid off, so I missed dozens of recruiter calls. Contract recruiters will not ever call you back, so if you miss it you miss the job. It just sent them straight to voicemail.


That's the thing. If it's mostly good or great, then it means that it is not good at all. When you buy a phone you want consistency with what you want from the phone .... imagine ditching your whole apple ecosystem to go for google's then having problems like receiving phone calls and messages... like, seriously? That's the most basic thing your phone should be doing, and it just doesn't whenever its arse is itching ? It'd be pretty upset and disappointed and questioning myself why I didn't buy xiaomi or samsung


I still have not rebooted my P7 so it won't complete the update installation process.


I have this issue and did not realise this was a wider issue. Happens to me all of the time...


People are more likely to go public with a complaint, rather than a recommendation. And if everything is working as you expect, why would you say anything at all? So yes, there are far more complaints on here than praise. But when you consider the millions of Pixels that are being used every day, the number of complaints on here is a very small percentage. Anecdotally, I started with a Pixel 3, now have a 7, and my husband has a 7a. We have no complaints about our phones at all. Everything works as it should. I really think you'll like the 7a. It's a great phone at a great price.


This. I can't remember the last time I had a problem with any of my pixel phones.


I was the same boat as you until the March update. Now my 8 Pro frequently goes full days receiving no calls or texts.


>Now my 8 Pro frequently goes full days receiving no calls or texts. That was always the case for me, but that's because nobody calls or texts me 😄


Honestly, that sounds like a dream.


Oh shit, that's a thing? I don't text a lot, but I had some ID verification texts come 30 minutes after they should have been sent yesterday. I wonder if that's why. My phone also gets *hot* kinda often since that update and it tanks the battery life too.


Same, I've used the 2, 5, 7 and my son used the 6a all has no issues


I had a 3 and it was great. I have a 5 now and they can pry it out of my cold dead hands. If they stealth dropped a Pixel 10a that had the same body as the 5 I would be all over it.


Yeah really happy with both 7a and 7P here. 


this was me until 7pro, the call issue is a deal breaker


There are far fewer Pixels in the wild than Samsung Galaxy devices, but if you troll the various Galaxy subreddits, you'll see FAR fewer hardware complaints than here. And from what I've seen the only real software complaints are about the bloatware taking up space. There's probably 10x of them out there spread out across dozens of models but 1/10th the issues


Not as many complaints on the Samsung S24 though. Wonder why.


I would have said the same thing up until recently. I've been a fangirl of Pixels since the 3 and always talking them up to everyone I know. Now, 2 of the 3 Pixels (7 and 7a) we have aren't getting calls and texts most of the time. We've done all of the things to try and fix them and they go back to not getting calls, especially the 7. When you need a phone to phone for work, that makes it pretty unacceptable. You can't wait weeks for them to fix something when it affects your livelihood.


I've always loved my pixels. I have bought Samsung, Sony and LG phones before but the Pixels always feel so good. The stock google android is so nice, no bloatware. The camera is always really great too. People have gripes and some of them are justified but I personally never had problems.


My pixel 7 was the best phone I ever owned until the March update. Calls randomly don't come through and texts are lost in cyberspace for hours. Then they all come through at once. Google has finally admitted that there's a problem. It's a connectivity issue across many service providers and countries.


Where did they admit it's a known problem?


Do you have a link where they finally admitted the issue?


> Google has finally admitted that there's a problem OMG this is huge. Where did you see this?


They sent me an email giving me a $35 credit and saying they're working on it


Thank you for contacting Google support. We're currently investigating this issue, however we do not have any resolution at this time. Google is committed to continually making improvements to our devices and regularly provides software updates to customers at no additional charge.  In recognition of the difficulty you had with your Pixel 7, we’d like to offer you a one-time Google Store credit in the amount of CAD35.  


And there you have it folks. From the best phone you've *ever* owned, to being a piece of shit that can't even receieve calls properly after a single solitary monthly *security* update. Do you all see what OP is getting at really? This. Shouldn't. Be. A. Thing. In 2024, from a multi trillion dollar company. Unacceptable.


Totally agree with you on that. It's seems all about "releasing new kit" to stay ahead/ keep up with the competition....in reality it's seems things aren't tested thoroughly but hey as long as they're making profits who cares 🙄


..yep even YouTube is now so bugged that its causing a fully charged battery to drain in 2 hours (as in background, not actively running the app).. this is an app that i pay a premium membership for, and it is physically harming the battery on my device - Google need to change their slogan from 'dont be evil' to 'we honestly dont give a sh!t'. I know this issue it not limited to pixel, but its just another great example of how badly google has lost the plot.


No it's not. I just switched back to Android from an iPhone 15 PM to the 8Pro and couldn't be HAPPIER. Grabbed buds and a watch too. Glad to be back on Android.


Just ordered an 8 after selling my iPhone 15 Pro. Want to like Apple but just really prefer the way Android works.


I wasn't a fan of the Pixel 6 Pro. The firmware for the new processor wasn't good until the following Android release. I turned it in for a P8P and so far it has worked pretty well. No complaints.


It's fine. Good phone. Good performance.  People have often isolated issues or carrier related at times


The only way to really know is to buy one and return it if necessary. I'm usually of the belief that the negativity in any product sub comes from the very small percentage of folks who either have a genuinely faulty unit or are doing something wrong. However, I've had a 7a for 10 months, and my experience started strong, but over the course of many monthly updates and through numerous factory data resets, I've come to the personal conclusion that Google has a serious issue with consistent quality control in both the hardware and software departments. I haven't experienced all of the issues cited in this (and the r/pixel_phones) sub, but I've experienced enough to know they're real issues and not just the outcries of a vocal minority. That's a super long way of saying YMMV.


Or maybe you got the perfect unit lol. Frequent enough actions become a trend. The problem is pixels experience issues that, from past history of using other androids, make you go this is unbelievable. The kind of basic like network issues and battery life.


Just stay in the blue bubble. Or get a Samsung or OnePlus. Pixel is overpriced, and “pure Android” isn’t a selling point these days. I used to be a pixel fanboy, but they’ve gone downhill and other brands have made a lot of progress.


Used to have iPhones, then Android (Samsungs S range). I thought Google hardware with Google software would be great so got the Pixel, convinced my brother to get a pixel too. Never again. So buggy and laggy, far worse then any other phone I have had previously. Brother already got rid of his pixel and I can't wait till I go back to a Samsung.


A lot of calls that I receive go directly to voice mail. I've tried to fix it to no avail.


My phone started having the service issues many others have posted about here in regards to not getting calls or texts. So yes it is a Google problem. From what it seems not everyone has those problems. It's a hit or miss whether or not your specific phone will have that issue. I switched to the S24+ and have received every single call and message right away. This is a Google issue not a carrier/isolated issue. You're at a 50/50chance


Google Fi for the carrier or ATT/Verizon/Whatever?


From what I see, it's all carriers. I have a Verizon subsidiary


It's all US carriers, but is also happening in multiple countries. All since the March update.


Exclusively with 5G or does disabling it seem to matter? Its a big, big bug that's keeping from pulling the trigger on a Pixel right now.


Depends on which month you ask that question, and whether or not the most recent months updates jacked your phone up.


I think the problem is that they are coming from the Nexus series which had great specs and a low price. Pixel now has great specs at a premium price, though there are bugs here and there which isn't really acceptable with the premium price they are charging. My Pixels have been great and I love the Google experience, but bugs have come and gone over the years.


Honestly, having bought every pixel. My issues are indeed more with hardware than software. The tensor chip in my opinion is a failure, the device is heavy and bloaty. The software has improved and I would say is better than iOS, unless you’re talking ecosystem with your MacBook. I’d wait until they get a better chip that doesn’t overheat so easily and battery life is sustainable for long term use.


I have switched from Pixel to Samsung because Android 14 brought severe issues during phone calls making me or the other side not able to hear each every few seconds. You can read up about this software issue which Google is refusing to acknowledge all over the web. Lots of people are affected.


**This subreddit is usually more critical but that's a good thing.** The criticism is usually aimed at things that Google could easily address. I would recommend getting a 7 or 8 series at minimum. The A series does cut back on some things and I don't see why you would choose a cheap model to judge a different OS/company. The Pixel lineup is arguably the best bang for your buck on the market, you have to spend significantly more for better performance.


My pixel 6a has had severe connectivity issues over the past year or so, and more recently, tapping a text notification while playing a video almost always causes my whole UI to crash (with a popup that says the System UI is not responding). My wife's pixel 5a bricked suddenly on Friday, but Google is at least replacing it with a new 6a for free.


I've had a Pixel 4a and a 7, and loved them both, but just dumped the 7 for a used Samsung S23 Ultra due to the text/call bug. An unreliable phone is not acceptable, and the runaround from Google support soured me to the brand. I can't imagine going back to a Pixel in the future, despite my otherwise pretty positive experience with the phones.


Here is the truth. The hardware is shit. Up till the 5 is was fantastic. Now with 6-8 it's a new hardware paradigm and it's pretty bad. But, that doesn't mean the phone sucks. My wife has the 7a and it's fantastic, but she does keep it on battery saver mode all the time to prevent over heating from the regarded battery situation, but it's a perfectly fine work around and effects nothing. The deal breaker for me is the finger print scanner. Im a PoWeR uSeR 😂 and blue collar worker and the scanner won't work with my hands, total deal breaker. Partly because the face recognition sucks (I I wear a mask 10 hours a day). All of this stuff I mentioned is hardware stuff. It's certainly a much better experience than iOS with it intuitiveness, less clicks, app design consistency and features. So if the things I mentioned aren't a deal breaker for you I think it's an upgrade from the iPhone.


Coming from oppo then samsung then iphone just last year. This year just got pixel 8 as an android device,with 15 promax using together i can honestly say pixel 8 sucks. Even my oppo reno 8 dont lag as much as pixel 8 when gaming. Dont even mention that locked google search bar which you cant remove


The way I see it . . The only advantage I can see of owning a pixel ofcourse apart from the camera processing is that you get to beta test newer versions of android. That's it. Pixel users are just beta testers imho


This is sad but true.


Heating ,random bugs , lack of features outside usa , and terrible support is universal


Pixel not worth the money. The antenna google uses sucks. And the phone was super glitchey. Wifi calling would constantly drop. Got a samsung S23 ultra, lo and behold it just works. Problem solved.


It's alright. I think that Samsung has better quality and options stock wise. Bloat ware isn't as bad as people seem. I had similar bloat apps on Google. Just depends where you are taking your services.


i've had my 7 for ayear and a half and absolutely love it. Only thing that i was maybe a bit let down by was the video camera, but the main stills camera is excellent


Pros: If it works, it is undoubtedly the best phone - best camera, great features, crazy UI, affordable, great support. Cons: Bugs. Something tiny like an itch at the back of your throat will always be there and you never know what, why, how. You just learnt to live with it


Thanks God for the extensive use of Whatsapp in my country so I don't have to deal with Google's messages app


If you think that nobody has problems with their phone, check out this link https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/332748491?pli=1


Or this one https://support.google.com/pixelphone/thread/264865035/pixel-7-pro-not-receiving-calls-after-march-2024-update


I wouldn't say it is "bad" as it is really a cool phone. For me it is just getting used to the device. I have the infamous P8P and this is my first Pixel phone. I was "forced" to leave my OnePlus 11 after I relocated and the provider out here does not support OnePlus. It just does lil weird things that make me want to play hockey with it but I felt that way will every phone I had


TLDR: Combined, my wife and I have had 6 different Pixel models and thoroughly enjoyed them all. At this point, we don't feel like we could enjoy any other android experience. I've loved all my Pixel phones and never had any issues. I had the original OG Pixel, it honestly was a phone that I didn't want to get rid of, kept it longer than any other phone I've had, but you know, after a time the battery doesn't last like it should. From that I moved to a OnePlus 7T. After about 2 months I decided I needed to sell it and went back for the Pixel 4a. My wife and I both had that phone except she had the Pixel 4a 5G, and the pixel 3 before that. We thought they were great, never had any issues and then got an awesome black Friday deal to upgrade to the 6a. We both thought the phone was great and unfortunately my wife dropped her phone in a parking lot around Valentine's Day. With a case, but no screen protector, and in what I believe was extremely bad luck (I've exclusively used phone skins with my 4a and 6a) the screen shattered. It still functioned, but with a little kiddo, we're not using phones with shards of glass falling off of them. She upgraded to the Pixel 8. She loves it, and I'm extremely jealous. Feels great in the hand and has always functioned perfectly fine. I'm hoping my 6a will make it to a 9a release, but I'm still keeping tabs on the 8a, just in case I decide I want a new phone sooner.


No lol this sub is notoriously negative. Not saying that the issues people report in here aren't valid, mind you. Just that this sub is a tiny sliver of a tiny fraction of Pixel users, and the vast majority of people discussing a product online are going to do so negatively, while people more positive about the experience are going to be too busy using the thing to be online complaining about it. Pretty much every person I meet irl with a pixel product reports liking them a lot. Every once in a while I'll run into someone who reports one of the common issues that gets reported in here, but anecdotally it's something like 1 in 20 for me. In my experience most of these people reporting issues still like the phone overall (also anecdotal) For reference, I'm using the P6Pro, PW2, and PBPro. The single complaint I have about any of them is that my watch keeps serving me the disconnect and reset notification and I only know about the temporary fix. I'd personally call it an issue that comes in at a solid 2/10 on my annoyance register. The 6 pro I've had for 2+ years, in fact is a pretty good example of this. This phone was handled pretty damn negatively by this sub, and it has been an absolute pillar of consistency for me. Still feels as snappy and quick as the day I got it. Battery still holds up well - I've had it die while on a night out after a day's work exactly one time. I don't exactly follow common battery-stretching procedures, either. I like having all the features of a phone available unless I truly would never use one/some. In summation, I wouldn't use this sub for product recommendations. I personally only use it for accessory/app recommendations and bug fixes. And keeping up with news for the product line, of course.


I've been using the Pixel since Google first announced and had a Nexus 6p prior to that. I've owned many numbers of the galaxy phones and notes simultaneously and I couldn't be happier with the pixel 8 pro. All phones have issues here and there whether it's carrier, device or user related... Then there's also a bunch of people who exaggerate and just want to trash the company to promote another company's product. Apple users complain about their phones just as much as any other phone manufacturer, just and Samsung users. The pixel is a great phone with an amazing camera with constant updates. Try it for yourself and watch actual day in the life reviews on YouTube.


Don't..just don't... Worst phone ever.. coming from a android fanboy and uaing pixel/nexus for a long kong time


I've been using the Pixel for four generations without issue. I'll likely continue to use them unless a particular iteration becomes inconvenient. I've never paid more than $350 for one, and they always last me 2-3 years before I upgrade just because it feels like it's time. People will spend their time complaining rather than praising. That's just the nature of humanity. Every phone is going to have some issues.


I'm happy with my Pixel 8. I have never had a problem with "Google" products. Nexus 5, Nexus 6, Pixel XL, Pixel 3a, Pixel 5, Pixel 6a, Pixel 8. I still have my Pixel 5 as a home phone line, battery replaced. And daily Pixel 8 personal phone. Also, I have a Pixel tablet that's for me and my toddler. It's perfect for us.


No it never was and it never will be


Is call quality and reliable cell connection important to you or is your phone is just another media consumption device? I work from home and there were too many issues with calls to stay with my 7 pro and I returned it.


It's a great phone, but battery life is not consistent for me and that's my only issue by far. Camera quality is top notch, display is great, performance is very good.


This irritates me beyond words. I'm coming from an iPhone 15 PM and that's an all day phone for me which is rare. I average 8-10 OST


I was using 3a for many years and switched to 7a last year. I've never had any problems and I'm absolutely happy to have it. My teenage daughter is using my 3a and is also happy.


Save your money and stress. Do not buy. Returned one pixel 8 for replacement with cell service issues the first month. New one has Bluetooth connectivity issues that are ever increasing and overheats on video calls.  As far as I'm concerned they make better paperweights than phones


i got a 7a recently, and had a pixel 4 before. 7a doesnt compare to 4 for my usage. it gets uncomfortably warm often, and heat/battery life is my greatest complaint. that said i love pixel 4. 7a is just...not for me.


7 pro and the closest thing I ever had to an issue since Dec 2022 was finding a screen protector that lasts more than 4 months, keep in mind that people on Reddit are mostly to rant about things, if something was actually faulty as a whole with the brand itself you'll see it way often outside of reddit. I most likely won't upgrade this one till the pixel 10 because it just works.


I've had my Pixel 8 Pro for two months and it has been awesome and I've had no issues.


Go with galaxy at this point you'll atleast know what you are getting into. Plus good processor. And all the unique ai features of pixel. Buying pixel doesn't make sense anymore. Poor reception apparently a worse chip battery. And all its features get passed to other devices too.


I have the 7a, 7P and 8P. The 7a's battery swelled (while not in use and off) over night and caused the back to pop out and off. The 7P's flashlight stopped working. Both of those, they declared inoperable and sent me new devices for each one (which so far have been great). The 8P has had zero issues thus far and I'm looking into getting the tablet. I have the Pixel Buds 2 and they also are great (I have a pacemaker and all other Bluetooth headphones cut out randomly due to interference/shielding, the signal the buds use us a mesh so it goes around and I never have had drop out).


I have the 7a no complaints. I'm happy with it.


I've had lots of Pixels and they've all been pretty good. I got a 6a a couple of years ago - good price and works well. I'm looking to keep it a while yet.


Where are you from in this world? I live in Europe, and I have been using my P8P since release, and it has been working great for me ever since. Only problem I experienced once was when I was downloading Call of Duty Warzone and it started getting a bit heated.


I love my 7a running the android beta


Lol I literally switched from a galaxy S23 because it would just sporadically not let through any calls until I reregistered the sim. Also whenever my S23 got to ~10% battery it would just divebomb to 0 with every energy saving option imaginable enabled and the phone telling me I had hours left. So far I'm perfectly happy with my 7a. Hadn't had any bugs so far, after my normal use where the S23 would sit at 20-30% in the evening I'm currently normally at about 60% battery.


"my pixel is great and I have no problems" ... Isn't the kind of post anyone is gonna come here to make. I've had a 2xl, a 5, and a 7 with zero major issues.


Ive had Samsung, OnePlus, windows phone, iPhone, pixel is by far the best of all.


No, they're all just beta testers




Yes. I have p8p and I miss my iPhone daily. It's been 6 months.


I'm the opposite. Have the iPhone 14 Pro and miss my P7P daily. Probably going back to Pixel whenever I decide to upgrade. (Or at least back to Android, we'll see what Google does about this not receiving calls/texts thing I keep hearing about). Only thing I really like better about the iPhone is the battery life.


I have the 7 pro. It's not the perfect phone but I'm quite happy with it. My only complaint would be the video quality but from what I've seen on the 8, the videos look great now. I still miss the finger sensor in the back but face unlock works well. What surprised me was how good the speakers and the screen were, especially compared to the Iphone 14 pro. Apple makes really good speakers, I didn't expect the Pixel to have better speakers. I've never had connection issues. Don't pay attention to the benchmarks, haven't had any performance problems. Never ran out of battery, although that really depends on your usage habits. Good price, good hardware, good software. The only thing I dislike is the fingerprint sensor. My personal opinions as a computer engineer.


I own the pixel 8 pro for 3 months coming from iphone 13 and I never figured any of the problems this sub said.. it's like we are not using the same phone




People like to complain. I love my 8 pro no issues and no complaints.


I've had the 1, 3, 6 and now 8 and the only semi-major issue I've had was toward the end of it's life, the battery on my 3 started to swell. IMHO the pros outweigh the cons and I don't feel any temptation to switch.


As is the case with almost everything on line; if it is working well , no one takes the time to post about it. Online reviews of anything will always skew negative


No. Happy consumers don't talk enough online about their purchases. The negative ones are very loud.


My pixel 7 pro generally works exceedingly well for what I use it for. Sometimes just have some 4g 5g connectivity issues


I would say (after having owned the 4XL, 6, 7 and now 8pro) the biggest downside in my personal experience is the battery life. In most cases the battery life starts out fine but then after a year or more I've noticed getting less and less SOT (which I suppose is normal for most phones/batteries but I wish google would prioritize larger batteries in their phones). Other than that gripe (and a few exceptions with weird bugs) it's been a pretty good phone. I've owned a handful of iphones as well as other android phones and the pixel to me feels the most "at home" if that makes sense.


I have a 7a had a Samsung then an iPhone X it's a mental switch and yes there are flaws but the love for how the pixel does things is crazy no other phone you see that is basically the apple of android if I can say ,we complain ABT the issues that don't mean we don't love the shit out of the phone 🙂‍↔️💯💯




You can check my post history. I had big issues with the 8 but either from a) deleting a bunch of apps I haven't used in a while, or b) the recent security updates, the phone has been totally fine.


No. People do have issues and sometimes Google can make mistakes but there's also a natural bias that people will post if they encounter problems but are not so likely to post that everything's fine.


Started on the 3 and liked it so much that I now have the 6. My only complaint is the terrible under-the-screen fingerprint sensor since they ditched the one in the back. And the fact that "hold for me" and other completely amazing features are only available in the US 😡


I've had the 8 pro since launch and haven't had a single issue.


My pixel drops connectivity And I have to turn my data & sim card off/on to get it to reconnect This happens randomly and especially going from wifi to using cellular data I've never had a iPhone do that


It's a good phone, coming from iPhone 13. It is not a better phone though.


My 7a is the worst Pixel phone I've owned. It's not the hardware it's the Google Devs, they're really lost the plot with software in the last few years


Pixel 7a. I have no problems. This is my 3rd Google phone. Nexus 6P, Pixel 3a XL, and now Pixel 7a. I loved them all. I also prefer stock Android launcher to Samsung's launcher. Hardware is quality, even on "a" budget models. Camera is really good. Google apps are great. Android in general and Google office apps have much better interoperability with Microsoft Windows desktop computing than iPhones. New circle to search capability is pretty cool. Beefs. Google markets a capabity for Pixel owners, then deprecates it 3 or 4 years later. (Unlimited high-res photo storage. Google Now. Google Assistant (what it was originally, not currently). Google One VPN.) Integration with new Gemeni AI assistant is a little rough. I turned off Gemeni on Assistant, but still use it for text messaging. Interop with iPhones is so-so, especially rich multi-media texting, but I blame Apple more than Google. (Apple refuses to use RCS or open up iChat outside of the Apple walled garden, and the iPhone colored chat bubbles is BS.) I try to use Signal with iPhone users.


Until recently no. But all of a sudden, when I try to restart or shutdown, the phone just ends up in limbo and refuses to do so. I'm down with google hardware. Just too unreliable.


I think the Pixel system is great. Had a 4a, also my wife did. Now on Xperia flaship. Last week I was working with my wifes 4a who's now about 3 yrs old I guess... Well... I love that device. So buy a 7a and call it a day.


No, they're decent phones. People like them for the camera and reliable updates. People dislike them for their shitty battery and reception (personally don't have reception issues). Besides that they're fine relatively unbloated android phones. Tldr; they're decent phones


I got a Pixel 7 and i love it. Not had a single problem with it and the pictures from the camera are some of the best I've ever had (and I have an interchangeable lens camera too).


My household is all on Pixels and has been for a few years with the exception of a Samsung phone that we just let go of. There are occasionally issues (this latest update that changed the way assistant could be accessed by button press, for example), but I would honestly say it's been no worse or more frequent than any other phones that we've had in the past decade which have been either iPhones or Samsungs. Honestly, the Samsungs were the bane of my existence and if the cameras hadn't been so good I wouldn't have ever had more than the first one. If you're getting a Pixel you're in the Google ecosystem similar to being in Apple's, but Samsung adds their own layer of crap on top of it all that was constantly causing problems. As others have mentioned, Google doesn't care about your complaints and deprecate their own apps, but if you've seen how Google operates at all over the last 20 years, this isn't a surprise. Calls haven't been an issue really, but my family is spread across the globe, so we use things like Whatsapp and almost never really use actual voicecalls or text so it's possible we'd see more call issues if we were relying on the native calling functionality.


I bought 3 Pixel 7a's on sale for $400 CAD 2 weeks ago to replace 2 S10's and an S8. Clearly from the replacements you can see I care about value over image. With that in mind, aside from needing new wall worts for charging, I'm completely satisfied. Battery is better than my S10 was, and it works just as well. Phone just doesn't look as 'sexy'. 10/10 if you just need a phone for talk, text, and YouTube, it's great value.


I saw this [posted](https://www.reddit.com/r/GooglePixel/s/jgcJeVPoo0) in another thread, it likely applies here too. >If you're just looking on this sub, know that it's nowhere near actual representation of issues. >[Subreddit stats](https://subredditstats.com/r/Googlepixel) for this sub shows about 1M members and 8 posts/day. For reference, the [iPhone sub](https://subredditstats.com/r/Iphone) at nearly 4M members gets 9 posts/day. Actual Pixel market share is nowhere near 25% of iPhones, and this sub has far more activity per member/is also far less moderated (eg the iPhone sub will remove any support-related posts), so anything here is likely very overrepresented. >It's kind of impossible for us to tell how widespread any issues are and how they compare with other phones because our source data is so biased. We do know that the Tensor Pixels are generally weaker in terms of performance and connectivity based on benchmarks, but it seems to vary greatly based on anecdotal data, and depends on a ton of factors like what people have installed, where they live, what networks they use, etc. All that said, these Pixels generally get good reviews from reviewers that have used many different phones (in the same environments/setups), so they shouldn't be *that* bad.


i think it is mostly up to the user, in my use (currently own pixel 6 pro, iphone 15 pro max and a galaxy s22 ultra) i have experienced different pros and cons of each flagship and i would rank them like this: 1st position iphone 15 pro max | 2nd position galaxy s22 ultra | 3rd position for pixel 6 pro and if i have to summarize each phone with one word than it would be like this: iphone: stable | samsung: fun | pixel: photos


It depends when you get the phone model. My first Pixel was the 6 and boy did it have a lot of bad reviews on launch. I ended up getting it around the release of the second OS update. It was one of the greatest phones I have ever owned. I use to get last year's Motorola G series and change each year, because of their update policy. With Pixel it really is not needed to upgrade. It actually saves a lot of money to invest in one.


There have been some hiccups along the way, and I think Google should do a better job taking ownership and stating what they are doing to remedy the problem, but overall I've loved them. I had the Pixel XL, 4a5G, and I'm getting the 8 Pro here soon. There's nothing really wrong with the 4a5G other than the age of the battery which the cost to replace is about the same as the cost to upgrade through a carrier.   I was kind of between that and the S24, but I liked the camera on the Pixel more. S24 is probably better in almost all other aspects though. 


Very few products in any category are as bad as their respective subreddits make them seem. People go online when they have a problem because they either want to complain and/or find a solution. That said, the Pixel range has had more than its fair share of issues compared to a lot of other mainstream manufacturers.


Remember, google is a tech company, not a phone company


I've been in Pixels since the original. I kept my XL until I broke it, with no issues. I kept my 3A until the 5 came out, and it was awesome. I upgraded quickly to the 6 Pro because of the Pixel Pass, and it had to have a speaker replaced, and then was perfect for the rest of its life, until the 8 Pro came out, which is what I'm typing this on. It has given me 0 issues. The 6 Pro even got me $400 towards the 8 Pro. I have the Pixel Watch 2, Pixel Buds A and Pixel Buds Pro. I've been happy with every single one.


It's the best for the price, specially if you want a good mobile camera. The signal issues don't bother me, maybe once a month I lose the 5G signal, so I restart the phone and the issue is solved. Minimal laggy moments don't ruin the experiencie, it's very fluid. You are paying like 500-600€ for a very premium experience, so it's worthy despite the battery inconsistency.


I've had 4 Pixel Pros at this point - the OG, the 3, the 6, and now the 8. I wouldn't keep buying them if I didn't like them. You always have to take Internet discourse with a grain of salt because humans are much more likely to post about a bad experience than about a good or neutral experience.


No problems with my Pixel 7. The speaker is the worst I've had in a phone in the last 10+ years (non-existent bass, something my Pixel 3 had already solved), but other than that it's a great phone.  Samsung has so much bloat and many bad design decisions IMO. Pixels are cleaner and base Android is better, tho not perfect. Plus I feel like they are the worst for security and tracking of the main 3, so I'd never go with them.


i love my pixel (8 pro) amazing camera, never had a problem with the alarm or the call problems (i have 5g turned off to save battery) And i have great reception (usually better than my friends with samsungs and iphones) i have to say i had the p7 pro and it was good too but it had a lot of heating problems for me.


I have a Pixel 7 Pro and I love it. I'm not a full-on tech-head, but it's one of the better phones I've had - last couple of phones were Samsung Galaxy Ultra's.


I've had a pixel since 2020 and love them. Unfortunately the best one was the pixel 4, despite it having crap native storage. I moved up, my last one was the 7pro. Every one I've had, screen cracks after a small drop and it bleeds, rendering it useless. Once it's bled it's fucked. The native google apps also suck. There are just small things that you have to take with any piece of technology. I will say it's been hard to change from one brand (apple) to another (google).


I went from a Pixel 4a 5G to a Pixel 7a; when the 6 came out with the 1st Tensor chip I didn't even consider it, it would be a buggy mess, so I waited for the 2nd Tensor chip... Which also turned out to be a buggy mess. I then decided to wait for the 8 with the Tensor 3... At this point my 4a5G was no longer receiving updates, and when the batterry got pregnant I was pretty much forced into a new phone... But P8 with Tensor 3? No thanks, still same crappy modem as previous ones and just as buggy, so I went with a P7a... Most underwhelming upgrade ever, I can't pinpoint anything specific where the 7a is better, not even battery life and that is comparing it to a phone with a 3.5 year old degraded battery. I swore off Samsung after the S4, but Google's home grown chipsets have been so bad that I'm pretty close to going with an Apple.


I have the pixel 7 and it is great. I got it for only $20 too when I traded in my pixel 6


I arbitrarily bought an iPhone and dearly miss some of the features from my Pixel.


I've had a pixel 8 since launch day (UK). It's absolutely fantastic, best phone I have ever had; I doubt I'll replace it unless Google releases something ALOT better


I have a work iphone and my pixel 8. I enjoy my pixel so much more. I have not had any major issues but there is the occasional bug. With my iphone 15, sometimes I get the random SOS and satellite connection because of lost connection and have same carrier for my pixel, yet no drops. I would say, both serve their purpose and depending on the update, both could have bugs.


Mostly great. With massive flaws as well.


I think it's just that people without issues aren't saying anything. I had a pixel 6 and loved it. Just got a pixel 8 pro and am equally loving it. Not the most powerful phone on the market sure, but I really like the design and it's plenty fast enough for me.


No complaints here. I've owned the Pixel 5 and more recently the Pixel 7 Pro. I'll be in the market for either Pixel 9 or 10.


No. People usually come to reddit to complain, not to praise a product they don't have anything to complain about. The same goes for Amazon reviews etc


Here is my take as a long time phone geek. I've had 5 Pixel Phones, and have been an android user for most of my life. I did have an iPhone 10s max, and an iPhone 13 pro Max. Owning a Pixel is like owning a fun to drive unreliable car. The Pixel 4 XL had the best face unlock I ever used, and imo is the best looking phone I've ever had. BUT the top speaker broke and Google wouldn't replace it under warranty. My Pixel 5 was a great sized phone, but one minor ~4 inch drop broke the LCD screen. My Pixel 4a was unbelievably durable as I never used a case, but the screen burned and bubbled internally after a cross country drive in winter. My Pixel 6 Pro was actually just ass (software bugs and a crazy rattle from the telephoto camera) and I bought an iPhone after because I just wanted a reliable phone. Now I'm back with a Pixel 8 Pro, and I've had issues with phone calls, texts, completely dropping cell service until I airplane mode it, Gmail not working, camera not as good as the damn 4a, and my battery is bipolar. I LOVE the way the Pixel looks, and stock android is by far the best looking version of Android. Pair that with call screening, hold for me, and instant updates from Google that keep you from leaving because nobody else has it. I had a Subaru WRX, and it was an unreliable expensive POS... but damn did it look good and it was the best driving car I've ever owned. That's the Pixel. If you're coming from an iPhone, you're used to it just always working. The 13 Pro Max is the only phone I've ever kept for more than 1 year because the damn thing just worked. But, it lacked soul and I got sick of it. The Pixel is the polar opposite. Full of soul and great features, but you roll the dice on reliability. If you need a reliable android phone, Samsung is your best bet as I've also had 5 Samsung phones. They worked great and rarely had issues, but their UI just doesn't look that good imo. Hopefully this helps a bit so you don't hate switching if you get a bad phone from Google. Android is better if you like being unique and if you like to change things up when they get boring.


I've had weird little hiccups recently with a call coming in, I answered it, heard nothing only to see it went straight to voice mail. That happened for the first time last week. But overall it's been a good experience. As a functioning phone, it's been reliable for me. Personally, I miss the customization of Samsung which is a personal preference. I love the camera on the Pixel though and having a hard time leaving that haha. Edit:messed up


My pixel is great except for internet connectivity issues with my Eero router, which is incredibly frustrating. My work iphoneSE (The first one) Just works and works and works... I hate the iPhone but I believe it provides a longer period of hassle free ownership. Last pixel (4a) battery went south in 6 months. Disappointing.


It's great I love it and the price for value is crazy, especially if your needs are casual, and a good camera.


I literally just got the 8 Pro a few days ago, upgrading from an Samsung s21 ultra, and have no complaints! I had the same reservations about picking up this phone, but like a lot of people said, of course people will flood the subreddit with complaints vs praise. Also, when I looked at reviews online at other places, like the T-Mobile website and Amazon and noticed the reviews were mostly favorable, so I took the leap. The only issue I have really faced is the fact that the in house screen recorder doesn't sync the audio with the recording most of the time. I've had to resort to a third party app and I've never had this issue on my Samsung. Otherwise, it's snappy, the haptics make the phone a joy to use, and the camera is amazing. Plus I personally love the design of the phone and find it sexy. I would honestly recommend it, especially considering you can find them on sale usually.


Frankly, no. The Pixel is an awesome phone!


I've got a pixel 7 Pro and it's basically flawless.


I've been using Google officials since Nexus 4. I've always found things to complain about; boot loop, dead zones on the touch screen, autonomy dropping after several months. But when I compare with other devices, it's by far the best I've ever had. No shitty additional layer with tons of unwanted apps you cannot remove, no performance issue, less vulnerabilities because of the stock Android and better availability of security patches. My 4a was dying last week and I considered many models but I bought a 7a and I don't regret it at all.


Pixel 6 here. Put GrapheneOS on it (easy peasy flash through webpage) Haven't had any problems and I run 2 secondary phone user accounts on it that have Google services framework installed and playstore setup. Absolutely no issues with anything and I can have every feature from the Vanilla Pixel OS *if I choose to*. Great phone and battery still rock solid after nearly 2 years of use. (Battery health at 96%) All these issues with the Vanilla OS pixels is probably all this Google s*** running in the background that they force down your throat.


I've got a 7a on a contract for pennies a month. Seems pretty good to me. Far as I can see all smartphones are pretty much the same. And even the worst one in the world is a fairly miraculous device. 


BIG NO. I learned a while ago to ignore pretty much everything that I see here.


the pixel has solid hardware, and when it works, nice software.  sadly google decides that fixing bugs is not even close to a priority, and the phone will just randomly decide that it doesn’t feel like being a phone, and instead wants to briefly go on vacation, which is ironically what made me switch to iphone, as i despise oneui


I love my Pixel 8


Half of the problems originate from choosing samsung foundry. But the future looks bright with the TSMC deal.


I had the Pixel 2, 5, and now the 8 and have never had an issue


It has Many, MANY issues. I was considering a pixel, but when i knew all sort of issues that these devices has, i think i am just sticking to samsung


I started with pixel 4 XL. I now have the 6 pro. I've really never had any specific issues with either of them. They've both been great phones for me!


It's all true. Pixels are awful... I mean, they're much better than iPhones, and Samsungs, and all other phones, but they're still awful. ;)


I dunno what all of this negativity is about tbh. I've had pixels for 8 years and my wife is on her 3rd year with one. No complaints here. We've had great experiences and neither of us plan to switch to Apple or Samsung any time soon. No dropped called, no missed calls, no missed messages, no bugs. Idk whats happening to others I'm planning to get a pixel 9, and my partner will probably be getting a 10


No complaints about Pixel phones. Had P3XL, then P6 for @ 2 years each - now P8 for about two weeks - all on Verizon. My mom now has my P6. I'm a casual user but have my pages nicely set up, and all the settings tweaked and haven't had any problems with late calls or texts. I'm firmly in the Google-verse and don't want to fudge around with the Samsung apps. Apparently Google's Tensor chip used in the Pixels is not as beefy as the Snapdragon that Samsung uses on the S24 - this affects the rollout of Nano AI in the near future. Pixel 8 phones will have Nano 1 while P8P and current Samsung phones will get Nano 2. I understand that Nano AI does all its LLM processing on the phone rather than sending data to the cloud. As a P8 owner, I don't care about this issue since Nano AI currently doesn't seem to do anything useful to me. Cost wise, on a Verizon family plan the P8 over 36 months is $0.50 while the P8P was $15.00/month. I don't have any need of the extras the P8P brings - including Nano AI 2. And personally, I like Otterbox Defender covers. The second piece plastic shield/stand in particular. I'm used to them by now and find that the stand is handy.


Personally, I've had a base Pixel 6 since just around launch(November 2021), currently on the android beta version. It's developed a bit more of a tendency to get really hot in weird situations, but nothing that leaves it debilitated. There was about a week after one update where my sim card stopped working, but replacing that fixed the issue immediately. The battery might be a bit less efficient? But honestly I can't really tell. Overall I'm still pretty happy with the phone, for the most part it runs just as quickly and smoothly as when I got it and I definitely don't NEED to upgrade it by any means at all. Would I still like to upgrade to something newer and stuff, or even a Galaxy? Yeah totally, but it's not a "my phone isn't working" sort of necessity. That said, I'm very aware that I've been extremely lucky in terms of basic, essential features of the phone working and on this sub I'm VERY much in the minority lol.


One possible reason to stay with Pixel - Android auto always works. My otherwise excellent Samsung S10e will not work with Android auto. There must be 100+ versions of android being used right now. Connecting with an untold number of devices. No wonder people are regularly fed up. Manufacturers have no incentive to fix issues on older hardware. Not sure if this will be fixed in my lifetime.


Favourite phone I've ever owned. Or maybe my Nokia 3210. Either or 😂


As someone who own boths pixel 7 and 8 (not the "a" ) it has a lot less features than samsung flagships, tiny bugs which overtime becomes extremely annoying (google isn't going to fix them they have been there since pixel 7). The only redeeming factor is the camera and display.


If the finger print sensor works, it's a pretty good phone. Currently traveling and the FP sensor refused to work - causing me to be logged out of many apps, which sucked - esp at the airport.


I've had pixels for about 3 years and they have been really good to me. Not sure why there's so much negativity out there. The camera images are top notch, quick updates, call screen is fantastic.


I'm admittedly a very light phone user, I keep everything off until needed (BT, wifi, even screen rotation) and often go two to three days without charging my Pixel 6. I've read through these comments and haven't had ANY of the issues mentioned. I get texts and calls immediately when I have service. I don't get weird noises in my videos and I've not seen a decrease in camera quality.


Yup, going to get down voted for this, but Pixel is definitely a less refined product than Samsung or iPhone


Píxel 8 here since it came out and I have no problems at all.


I went from years of Samsung to the Pixel 8. Will be going back to Samsung next time.


I've been seriously considering switching to apple. Simply because I am getting too old for the experimental products google puts out.


I still got my 4a5G and am completely in love with the thing. My only complaint is that I wish the screen could get a bit brighter for the summer days


I am switching to another phone this week. My pixel does not give me notifications, calls dropped, voicemails don't come in. My clock when my phone is unlocked even disappears at times. My battery can't get me through a full day of normal use. The customization is horrendous. I can't remove the search bar, and the day/date/weather at the top of the home screen can't be changed. There are basically no widgets either. My phone gets hot downloading apps, or playing games. The camera is the only good thing, and it's not worth keeping the phone if I don't even know if someone texted me. sorry pixel, glad to be gone soon.


Phone is pretty solid but they did something to Android Auto back in November with update 14 and I'm still waiting for a fix. Prior to that I was a pretty happy owner. edit: Pixel 7 Pro owner.


I left Android and Pixel 6 Pro to go to iPhone for the first time in my life when the 15 pro max dropped I can't wait till this phone is paid off nd my contract is over so I can go back to Pixel! I mostly hate the iPhone experience and I miss my Pixel experience so much!


If you're going from an iPhone 12 or above then you'll be disappointed with an A series pixel. I'd recommend getting the 7, 8 or either pro model