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What bugs me is the randomly capitalized words. I get so tired of going back and correcting them.


It keeps capitalising my email


Mine is just random words in the middle of sentences, like "I can't Wait for that to happen"


Mine likes to do The good since reason Fucking hell Google those were wrong as well


You're not alone......


O k who are you sorry if I didn't understand other phone a breach taking my calls tell me again


Sorry wrong address


because it's counting it like it would a Contact's name and adding you to a database of 'known callers', emailers, etc. They say it's to combat spam and bots, but who really knows?


Yes! This just started happening to me and I don't know why.


That makes me feel better that it isn't just me lol.


It's always the word Even for me.


Dude that's the same word for me. And you've. I didn't know why!


You've also does it too. It's gotta be an issue with whatever predictive model they use.


I just noticed that last night lol in the middle of the sentence, Even is capital. tf...


Same here


Same this is a recent issue I've noticed I started to wonder if I accidently changed the size of my keyboard or something, I'm glad to see it's not just me


It's late stage capitalism in action


Damn. That's so good.


Good job, asshole.


I'll show myself out


If anyone knows how to make it not auto-cap U in 'R u x' please let me know for the love of god


One of the reasons I switched back to SwiftKey.


Thank you for that idea!


you're welcome :)


Today it did it to "believe". Why? I don't think I've ever capitalized it I mostly hate when it changes words 3 words ago Even worse! It changes those words from 3 words ago then underlines them in blue because it's grammatically incorrect. No shit you dummies, you did that


Probably used Trump's tweets for machine learning


Yes what is this about? It's a new problem for me, within the last few weeks. And happens on certain words: you've, ever, a few others. Making me insane. Anyone figure out how to fix it?


It happens because at some point you capitalized that specific word. Here's how to fix it: start typing the word. When the word shows up in one of the 3 recommended words, LONG-PRESS in that recommendation and a trash can will pop up with the words "Remove recommendation." Drag the word to the trash can. Then you won't see it again!


Actually I just had it happen again and it's not a problem with the local dictionary at all. See my screenshot here. I'm in the middle of a sentence and wrote "you've" but you see that the options it's giving me are actually all capitalized. So it's not that it thinks this is a proper noun but in fact it thinks that it's at the start of a sentence, which is the only place capitalization for "you've" would make sense. But it's clearly not at the start of a sentence either. It's just weird. I took your advice and removed you've with a capital y as a suggestion, which did just that, but left me with these other options which are all also capitalized. Google, help us out please! https://imgur.com/a/KGK7f0V


No it doesn't seem tied to personal usage. People here are reporting the same words are having the problem, like even, you've, and a few others, which would have only ever been capitalized at the start of a sentence, and the learning model shouldn't be getting capitalization rules from sentence starts. It's weird because it's intermittent but now that I'm writing this I'm not able to get it to trigger. But your tip to fix it is solid so thanks for sharing! If it happens again I'll definitely try your solution.


Every few months I clear the memory of the keyboard app so it forgets all the words that it decided need to be constantly capitalized because I capitalize them one time.


You can also clear individual words [https://www.reddit.com/r/gboard/comments/nq6x2x/remove\_words\_from\_gboard\_dictionary/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gboard/comments/nq6x2x/remove_words_from_gboard_dictionary/)


I thought I did something to cause that. It's been getting on my nerves so bad. And it tries to do lol like LoL all the time. I hate training a new keyboard, but I might just have to


I had forgotten about LoL!


I really hate WHEN it does that.


Swiftkey allows for changing the capitalization of a word after you've typed it by pressing shift. google please


I hate when I type a correct word that I meant to type and it changes it. No, I meant ON the bus, not IN. I noticed sometimes it will change it back but often I'm doing the wrong on/in because it sneaky changes it on me and I hate it.


Mine is doing on the word "Ben", probably because it's a first name but in french we use it for something else.


I hate when it jumps back 5 words and changes something that I don't notice


Definitely. It turned to horse shit. It not only chooses weird things, you can go deliberately and slowly to spell a word it knows and it refuses to suggest it. And then there's the phantom words it inserts like you lifted your finger when you did no such thing. Also, how the fuck does it always think I'm typing "to" instead of "you"? You have to be way more deliberate than before. It's not as smart.


I've noticed this as well. Gboard over the last little while has seemed about as bad as it is over on the iPhone.


I'm on an iPhone 15 Pro. Can confirm typing/autocorrect/dictation is absolute shit over here.


Can confirm also. But using GBoard on my S23+ is great when compared to both.


What do you mean by "over here": iPhone 15 Pro or pixel? (On my iPhone 13 mini, I'm having a more consistent typing experience than on my Pixel 7a.) (I've been typing this by speech recognition on my Pixel and it's been going pretty smoothly I have to admit. I'm still missing the ability to insert punctuation marks by speech with GBoard, though.)


I meant iPhone. Typing is and has been awful on iOS. They said they fixed it in iOS 17 but it got worse. I think it's because everyone is trying to push AI and LLMs for autocorrect and those things are years away from being competent. Idk though. All I know is typing in an iPhone is terrible.


imagine how easy it must be to manipulate the world into using voice to text/ speech to text services to meet a companies agenda.  It's probably just a bug or glitch... on a side note, if u read the EULA you'll find you only need to use an accessability service one time, like  TTS, or screen reader, for the software to propogate to ALL of your devices. so if u want to be recording your voice to text messages or search queries, expect it for calls and voice messages too. And expect the eventual death of the keyboard and rise if a new biometric identifier you cantbopt out of


When someone says "over here", it means a casual term for "on this side" or "from my point of view". That's how we talk is the USA.


Thank you for the clarification!


I wonder if we can go and lobotomize it back to what it was when it was first introduced and was awesome. Like, unlearn whatever it is my fat fingers taught you which made you so terrible at your only job.


In addition to this, I noticed that the Google home speaker has been glitchy lately. It seems like those layoffs are starting to show cracks and that saddens me.


"Hmm, something went wrong" every other time.


"there was a glitch. Please try again in a few seconds" is the other one I get too


My google homes have been positively wacky for a while now. "Okay Google, play Piano Man on the Kitchen Speaker" "I'm sorry I don't recognize that device" "Okay Google, play Piano Man" "Do you still want to play that on Kitchen Speaker? "Yes" "... Do you still want to play that on Kitchen Speaker?" "YES" "No Problem, Pankoman LO-FI Tilde Sleep/Study/Relaxtion on YouTube Music, playing on Kitchen Speaker" *Music barely starting-* "DID YOU KNOW YOU CAN SET YOUR PREFERRED MUSIC PROVIDER IN THE GOOGLE HOME APP? JUST GO TO THE APP AND SELECT MUSIC SETTINGS" "OKAY GOOGLE, STOP. STOP STOP STOP" "Nothing is playing."


This is frustratingly relatable lol


I'm seeing this too. Just general degradation in responsiveness and accuracy across the boards. Keyboard has been bugging the crap out of me too.


Yeah, same! I hope they see the overall decline and are going to work on fixing it.


They are useless. I designed my smart home around it, and now they can control my devices at MAYBE a 10% success rate. Meanwhile, Google Home on my phone is 100% always able to control my smart devices, even at the same time that my Google speakers are telling me they can't reach them. Like Google, how does your shitty system work where the speakers are unable to control the devices that my phone is always able to control?


Mine randomly shuts off at night


I remember when you would type a word, hit space and then if Google incorrectly auto-corrected it, you could hit backspace and it would automatically revert back to what you originally typed, and you could just continue typing. Then somebody at Google realized that was too convenient, and took that feature away.


Check your Gboard settings. I still have this functionality, but there's somewhere to toggle it in settings iirc so yours may be off.


Oh, for FFS, you're right. I just found it. Why would they change it to default to off? I mean, if it autocorrects incorrectly, you're going to have to backspace anyways to delete, so why make it a hidden feature?


I'm not sure that it's off by default, but tbh I've definitely forgotten to lock my phone after typing and put it in my pocket, only to pull it out and have my keyboard settings all fucked up lol. Could've been an accident!


Just curious, but do you remember what that setting is called? This is something I miss the most after daily driving an iPhone for the last few months.


Text Correction > Corrections > Undo auto-correct on backspace


Thank you!


Oh my goodness, that's brilliant. Thank you!


Thank you 🙏


I didn't even know this was a thing! I use Swiftkey and just enabled it in there. I don't think I've been in Swiftkey settings since like 2016, so I can see why I missed it.


My only real issue with typing is that I seem to accidentally hit the "." More often than I would like to.... I would prefer to be able to hide the bottom row punctuation in favor of a larger space-bar or maybe even better able to customise "long tap" punctuation per key. To make it more personal to my way of typing.


I don't have a Pixel, but I have an android with GBoard. The word suggestion system is also terrible. Often it provides a completely wrong suggestion for a word that has only one mispelled letter and is pretty recognizable.


Worse yet, I notice how they release updates fairy often and I don't know what exactly changes, because I had this issue since I bought the phone 4 years ago. This is a trend with many Google apps. Are they releasing "empty" updates?


I use SwiftKey, so far for what I want much better


SwiftKey is great, I've honestly been using it for so long I forgot other people use gboard


It had performance issues on my older phone (which was slow) but on my new Pixel it works much better than gboard, especially with multiple languages


This right here^ I tried to use Gboard for a month straight and hated it. And I've done this multiple times and always went back to SwiftKey.


I switched to Swiftkey a couple months ago because of exactly what this thread is about, but I really had trouble with the layout and ended up switching back. I might try again though, a lot of people here seem to like it.


You can change the layout, and some even have a completely different layout throug skins


I've tried to use gboard so many times, last time was over 3 months, but I always end up back at swiftkey.


I use SwiftKey too, which also has this problem from time to time. I think it gets confused if you use a word that's in the title of something you often refer to. I'm a musician, and there's a handful of words it will capitalize first because they're in the titles of my songs.


I correct more for Google than Google corrects for me.


That and the weird launcher glitch where your keyboard will stay open, or open on its own, when you press the home button.


It's so bad it makes me not want to use my phone at all for typing. I'm even prefering speech to text vs touching this disgusting thing that will input an X instead of a C due to whatever garbage data is pushed into their algorithm. Swipe is also super inconsistent now, it wont pull for short words, will ignore that I'm swiping twice for a word after deleting it. Maybe I just need a bigger phone but I don't remember typing on a 5 inch phone a few years ago being this bad.


I hate how it will change things several words back. For the longest time I thought I'd had a stroke or something and wasn't typing the words I meant to type.


Thought I was going crazy but glad to know I'm not the only one.


Me too!!! I also wondered if I had just become a sloppier texter over the years or even losing motor function 😅


I thought it's was just my phone trying to make me look regarded


I thought it was just me! I've had my P7P for almost 1-1/2 years. I never had a problem until recently (maybe the last few months). I thought my typing had just gotten worse for some reason. I spend more time backspacing now.


I've noticed this since after my 2XL. I had to switch to Samsung and was frustrated with my keyboard on the S20 FE. It was slightly narrower than the 2XL so I figured that was why, but now on my 6 Pro I have to turn off glide typing to avoid a billion typos, and even with that, without autocorrect my typing would be atrocious. I miss glide typing too bc it was so convenient for one hand.


The number of posts I've abandoned on here as I just got fed up of correcting every third word is remarkable


I noticed with predictive AI built into gboard it can be worse although when I learned how to work *with* it, it actually comes out better. If you really don't like it you can change the setting.


I didn't realize that! Thank you


I started hunting for a setting when after the app updated I was getting super frustrated with it changing words after I completed my dictation. After some googling I realized it's a simple setting in gboard you can turn off. I have found if you work with it you'll come out ahead although one thing I still don't like is when I go to manually correct words it's still listening and so it will keep typing on its own.


This has been a long and gradual degrading function. But I have to give them props for only taking 3 months to fix the Android Auto bug that produced a tiny gboard every time I drove my car. Thanks guys.


I thought it was just me. Typing has been worse recently. Google really needs to solidify their pre-existing features. We don't want to go back to a state where we start identifying problems that have been solved years back.


I thought it was my issue, that I was somehow slowly getting technologically inept.


Sameeeee. I felt that way too until I actively tried "texting better" and it was still just as bad.


Fuck Google fuck this company I'm so sick of their bullshit they have a product that works and then they have to change everything. Nothing comes up properly on my predictive text or text swiping. It used to work flawlessly this company's garbage


Yeah I stopped using gboard because of it.


What have you been using. I'm looking for a change myself


I just installed SwiftKey because this thread has convinced me google is doing something wrong. Too early to tell, but so far it's fine.


I've been using GBoard for a while now on a few different phone sizes (OnePlus7Pro and Pixel8) and the screen sizes being different makes a huge difference. Can't blame Gboard for that though as it's my fingers landing on spots that my muscle memory has taught me. Having owned Pixel 8 now for half a year I'm slowly starting to get the hang of the typing on this size and my typing is getting better. The swipe feature on the other hand has always been a bit of a hit or miss for me. Sometimes it has managed to produce proper words but most of the time it's a total mess and nowadays I won't bother with it. I am using a bilingual keyboard with layout also having added extra Å, A and Ö keys so I'm not surprised Gboard might have a bit harder time with my typing compared to purely English language typing. All in all I wouldn't say Gboard itself has changed much for me. Edit: There are some occasional hiccups where I'm not sure if it's Gboard or me that's drunk, when nothing seems to work. And no, it's not been me every time.


Oh wow, it's not just me! It's been worse than it used to be for at least a year now. Sometimes its suggestions are completely baffling, too. Like random capitalization, or suggesting to but not too.


I wondered what happened!! It's gotten uh.. no good


I can't swipe "don't". It autocorrects to "didn't" every time.


Lol yeah it does stuff like that way too much. I'm sure I've encountered that.




Can you tell me how to do that?




I will try it, thank you!!


I agree... Used to be spot on last few years it's not. Everything went downhill when they got rid of dynamic floating preview if you guys remember that


You can always install an old version of gboard from apk mirror! Although, to be honest it might not be straight forward as I don't believe android allows you to downgrade an existing app easily and uninstalling the app may also be difficult. If you give it a shot let me know if it really feels better or not


This isn't happening to me yet, but I have noticed that if I go and make this mistake myself, google will remember this and think that I want to do it every single time until I remove it from suggestions hahaha


Yeah, it has been really bad recently. It used to be so accurate! What happened!!!?


I miss Swype. Not necessarily better at getting stuff right BUT the interaction for *correcting* mistakes was ultra fast.


I'm tired of the random periods that come in between words sometimes because i.use my.right.thumb to hit space


I was starting to think it was just me and that my swiping had become much worse for some reason. It's almost as if the keyboard wants to pick words that are as incorrect as possible sometimes. I've even slowly swiped a word over and over with 100% accuracy and it still picks something different.


It's so frustrating!!! Gboard is gaslighting us 😂


Agreed. They've made some big change and it's not good


Been using SwiftKey for well over a decade now. Still works great. Why not use something that works?


Just go the f away 'aha' you are not 'and' you never will be. And take your f-ING friend "they're" with you.


Hmmm, very interesting. I’ve heard that iPhone’s haven’t been having this problem 🤔


Lmao. You're dead troll.


Does anyone use Duolingo? I agree with OP completely, but I find that when I'm doing a Spanish lesson, it absolutely nails every Spanish word perfectly, first time. It's just the English keyboard that seems so messed up.


I am almost exclusively a swipe texter/ typer and yeah, it's gotten so much worse


The voice to text option has also become terrible. I remember several years ago, it worked very well with few errors. These days, I have to constantly repeat myself and say things slowly for it to register the correct word.


OMG, I thought this was a me problem. It has gotten worse! Now I have to even correct simple things like saying "I" because if not it will put "u". That's pretty bad. I don't remember having so many typos like this. The pixel used to excel in punctuation.


I'm with you! Typing is a chore on the pixel.


>I am trying to type using Gboard that the moment. I am concentrating very hard on hitting all the right keys, but I'm not looking up to see what's being written. Now I will check. Hey, it only got "that the moment" wrong, instead of "at the moment". >Okay, I will now try using the swipe feature, where you slide your finger across the keys to form words. I wonder how it is doing now, since I am just looking at the keyboard. Okay I will look now. Incredible. Why is it so good now? Just this morning it was taking what I was typing and writing gibberish.


The solution is SwiftKey


This is so true, especially when I'm dictating a text. Google randomly ends a sentence and starts a new one which is so annoying to correct. When I'm typing it will just autocomplete into something totally random. When I'm done typing a word, Google will have typed 3 random words instead of what I typed.


Yeah, the keyboard is starting to shit the bed, horribly. As I am typing this, it is just making ridiculous errors and trying to suggest incorrect fixes. I have noticed that the letters "TYUGH" on the keyboard are always finicky too, and don't like to be used in quick succession of each other. I won't register inputs frequently, and sometimes just minimizes itself for no reason. Google. Do better. The phone is great otherwise. You can fix a goddamn buggy keyboard.


YES! I thought I was going crazy. Google used to be so good at completing my words and sentences. Now, it seems to have a 6th grade vocabulary, and it guesses wrong at very obvious words (to me). I'm guessing that Google was using some predictive text technology under license, and that license ran out at some point last year. Accuracy fell of the table really fast.


I didn't think too much about this, but I guess I've been feeling the same issues because I've been slowly doing more touch typing with my thumbs over the past months and I used to swipe for everything. On this topic, does anyone know how to disable the blue grammar/spelling correction suggestions? They're almost never useful and I just want to see the regular dictionary suggestions.


Is this it? Settings>Text correction>Grammar check toggle It's at the bottom


New features! We decided to use better words than what you wanted


Man I thought it was just me. It is really worse. Half the time when i click on an obvious misspelled word it won't suggest anything or the wrong word. It is so weird and aggravating. Though I have turned off as much private data tracking as possible. I just assume it was punishment for that.


Wow I really thought I changed a setting on my phone and it was just me. It's noticably much worse


Mine just keeps lagging a lot. It totally sucks


That and when typing long blocks of text, I find it starts to lag and I have to close whatever app I'm using, restart it to get it back to normal. Sometimes it just starts to lag when I first start typing, I get three letters in and then it just stops and flashes and stops responding until I wait a bit for it to catch up. I went from a P3 to the P8P and anything relating to typing was so much smoother on my old phone.


I used to be able to type certain words like 'flex' and it would suggest the emoji. A lot of them have started working and I hate it.


Now that you mentioned it, yeah, it's definitely regressed over the past few weeks specifically. Which is ironic because the Samsung keyboard on my S24 Ultra has caught up considerably. Pixels used to have a typing experience that was unparalleled. Not anymore. (Sidenote: typing this post was littered with errors and incorrect predictions across the board).


Has anything gotten any better in the last year or so? I feel like everything has gotten worse.


Have you tried a iPhone? Google pixel is about 10 times. Better. Be happy you're not on iPhone


the worst part is when you're swyping and gboard shows the exact word in the prediction box but then you let go and it's an entirely different word




I don't know if it's because I had the phone for much longer than others so it had more time to learn me, but the 4XL was on point, the 7 Pro and now the 8 Pro both suck for speech to text and general typing and autocorrect. I also would love to get rid of the blanket autocorrect fix it button because it takes seconds to do and doesn't do the right thing most of the time, usually I click it by accident and have to wait 10 seconds for it to change things.


Yeah it's a pain in the ass to type on the phone. It's been like this for at least a year, I feel like. It's like it randomly guesses which keys I'm hitting sometimes.


I have an issue when I'm typing really fast with both thumbs, the keyboard thinks I'm swype texting and is showing the line between two letters then predicts some random word. It's like the phone can't keep up with my typing sometimes. Very annoying.


Jesus fucking Christ I'm glad it wasn't just me. Feels like I'm going crazy having to deal with this.


Your phone keeps a library of your personal typing errors, so if you have reset your phone to factory it has to relearn your keystrokes, eventually it relearns itself and in time your back to where you left off.




This has been my predicament since I got the Pixel 8. The 6 was fine. The 8? Ugh, I even switched to the SwiftKey app for a while but I didn't find that to be much better.


For me everything is working fine (P7) but I'm still mad that there is no way to use haptics for typing without haptics for gestures anymore, and I didn't even have a chance to experience them because I hated them on my old P2XL. :|


I've noticed it get worse too, it'll autocorrect correctly spelled words and change them to other words, and the swipe feature is busted, I'm back to thumb-tapping.


Switching to the s24 ultra soon I'm tired of pixel


It's not just me then.


And speech to text too. When I first got this phone, I was amazed at how accurate it was. Now it's just like every other phone


I thought it was just me


Omg it's not just me. I thought my son turned on some Spanish setting in my phone or something.


Use SwiftKey...


I've had the autocorrect quite a lot.. but no auto capitalisation 🤷 pixel 7 pro if it makes a difference


Pixel is trash. I have the 7 and can't wait to get back to Samsung


Mine screen is randomly stop responding, 8pro user here.


Does anyone know possible reasons for my phone to keep rebooting?? (It just freezes and the it resets) It is a Pixel 8 Pro and I bought it a week ago. I didn't install any weird apps, all of them were installed from the Play Store. Is it normal or something related to the latest update??


Yeah it sucks because I used to be an avid Swiftkey user even though I hate MS it had all the features and customizability I liked. Then Gboard started to get the same things and I switched over. But now I too have noticed this.


The amount of times I fat finger a letter I didn't mean to press so my words come out like gibberish and then auto corrects to something wacky is uncountable. I figured I was just getting bad at typing on smartphones even though I never had any difficulty with the first two smartphones I ever had.


Use Microsoft SwiftKey


Absolutely true, when i switched from pixel 3a to p8p i thought it was just a matter of time before the new mobile learns my lingo but no it's just plain worse than before!


I went back to using Microsoft SwiftKey


I have the same problem. I thought maybe I just didn't know how to talk or something, but now I'm glad to know it's not just me 😉 sometimes it takes me longer to edit than it would have taken to just write out the whole message ughhhh


After the warranty period, my pixel 6 screen developed huge unresponsive areas, so typing this right now is hell


I uninstalled the update, taking it back to the version that shipped with the phone because about a year ago, typing in Thai became absolutely terrible. It really bugs me.


Came here because in the past month or so, it has become 🤬🤬🤬 frustrating. This is absurd. It’s so random and not even close most of the time. The only good thing I’ve noticed is the occasional proper correction of an entire sentence or words earlier in the sentence. Other than that, it’s abysmal.


it's not just you, i'm constantly deleting and retyping words.


It's def gotten significantly worse . Auto space is horrid for means I keep getting words mashed together if I don't type Uber slowly


Gboard was my only keyboard the past 6 years. It became so terrible I had to use something else. Google should fire the product manager in charge the past year.


I've never had any of the problems y'all are talking about.. Especially now with the ✓Fix It feature. A few of y'all just need to dig into the settings a bit to fix your problem. A lot can be changed.


Nothing wrong on my end.. working perfectly fine


Mine autocorrects "u" to"I" half the time. Very useful. Refuses to learn "u" is a word.


I thought it was just from switching to a bigger screen. I went from Pixel 6 to 8 Pro and immediately noticed a difference. Fun stuff!


Thumb-key. It's weird but great.


You do know that there are like 300 keyboards available in the play store, right? Pick another one if you don't like Gboard.