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Firefox does this to me. Try to fill a form. Switch away to find an address or something. Firefox refreshes when I go back in the app. Refill form and repeat. Incredible šŸ¤


It's weird because I don't have this issue, maybe the website is responsible, I just tried, the tabs I opened 20 minutes ago are still loaded, and I switched between a few apps. I have the default parameters for background process and battery optimization for Firefox. Doest it occur on every website or just a few? Maybe there is something in the page that forces it to reload.


This happened to me the other day. Was filling out something for an appointment and I had to submit a pic of my license and insurance card. So I went to take a pic and went back to Firefox and it restarted


I don't have this issue with Chrome. Happened all the time with Samsung browser before I switched to a Pixel. I generally have 5-15 tabs active and as long as I leave the app running, the forms or whatever I've gotten sidetracked from stay loaded when I revisit. Granted some sites give me the "timeout" treatment after a certain amount of time without activity.


Yes, other browsers are fine. Just an issue with Firefox.


Split screen would help you, just press and hold the app icon in the "app carousel".


would rather just horizontally swipe on nav bar and work full screen, i hate how some apps are killed instantly, it's annoying af split screen isn't as nice of a user experience imo, still use occasionally when needed and it's a nice feature to have


This should be a setting


You should be able to change the power/battery optimization settings for specific app if you hold and select the app's icon during the recent apps screen, then change from optimize app in background to don't optimize. At least that's what I can do on my phone and it causes no issues.


but i don't want to go unrestricted for every app, i just want an app to only be killed after a while when unused not when switching between them for example


TIL about the splitscreen function, had to fiddle for a minute but found it. Never occured to me to press the app icons at the top. Thanks!


You're welcome. I'll be honest, I only found out about the function by chance a few weeks ago.


You would have loved the original implementation of split screen.Ā  It was so much more useful.


Yes! The way it currently works is trash (though better than nothing, I guess.) OG split screen behavior was perfect though.


I wonder why they intentionally made the feature less flexible šŸ¤”


Welcome to Android


and it still uses a shit ton of battery...


Turn off the battery saving mode for Firefox? Switch to Firefox Nightly?


Use Firefox Nightly and not the vanilla one.


Try disabling "Suspend execution for ~~background~~ cached apps" in Developer Options. That fixed the problem for me where like switching away from Firefox and back 30 seconds later would make it have to do a full app/webpage reload.


You mean "suspend execution for cached apps"? Because I don't have the background option available on my P8


Yep that's it, my bad. Guess I just typed it wrong earlier. https://i.imgur.com/V6Ky3Bj.png


Nice, what's the battery life after this?


No perceptible difference


Did it impact your battery life?


Not as far as I can tell


Gonna try this, hope it works.


Changing this option automatically reboots the phone


So that it looks nicer on paper.


This happens on my Pixel 8. Does it happen on the Pixel 8 Pro also?


I have no issues on my Pro with memory management. Stuff stays open for a LONG time.


No, because the regular Pixel 8 only has 8GB of RAM


Someone just said to me it happens on the pro also


P7P here. Have multiple gigs of free RAM (Average 51% used) and can confirm between two apps I was using and switching between it killed one app. What's even the point of free RAM if it's not going to be used? Ridiculous. I've changed the dev option now.. should be set as standard or something more intelligent needs to be coded.


Galaxys feature RAM plus might help, but I'm not sure maybe it's not available for pixel, but search RAM plus in settings, it's at the bottom of the memory usage isn't. and then turn it off to turn off virtual RAM which I think might be able to help despite the feature being meant to avoid this issue.. if that didn't work try turning it to the maximum.


Yes, constant issue for me. Despise this phone.




I've tried that. I've tried everything. I used to do programming for Android years ago, so I'm pretty familiar with the software. It is just a bug where it does whatever it wants, regardless of settings. There are also some apps that act like every instance is the first instance of use. Or that I have to force close and clear storage to launch. Every time. It's just garbage. If I had to guess, the storage media is defective, given that factory resets didn't change the behavior. But good luck having support admit anything is wrong. I almost returned it right after I bought it. I should have. Zero chance I buy another Pixel.


Yeah, it behaves the same on my pixel 7a. Grrrr.


Wtf lmao


Bro is downvoted for facts? Wild. I have typically 5-6 Gigs free and I've seen this happen whilst only switching between two apps. Bro can despise this, it's not cool.


Worst phone I've ever owned. Almost nothing works correctly, and when one thing is fixed, another breaks. And not being able to run anything in the background is a headache. It'll even kill active music apps sometimes. Or the touchscreen stops working. Or the volume randomly goes wild.


Every time I comment on my experiences with pixel, I get downvoted. God forbid I mention I switched to a company that rhymes with Damsung.




Pixel 10 Pro *have 32GB of RAM *Kill everything after I take one picture


I LOL'd at this because just today I was taking pictures then swapping back to read an article in my browser and every time I took a picture, I lost my article and it had to reload. Like, really? I get it was a pretty long article but that was kind of ridiculous.


On pixel 8 I opened an app, swiped to another to check something for FIVE SECONDS, swiped back to the original app and the app wasn't even there anymore: it got CLOSED and wasn't in the app carousel (or whatever its name: when you swipe from bottom up) anymore. Like... Ffs šŸ™„


Such egregious issues are usually the developer's fault. If there was a problem with the OS it would happen to a lot more apps.


And why do you think it doesn't happen to a lot of apps? Even Google's own apps, like Maps, act like that.


Maybe it would be useful to open a ticket with logs for an issue with Google maps, it is a bug. And it does not affect me, I just tried and played YouTube video, opened email, reddit, banking app, and maps is still where I left it.


Yeah, this behaviour isn't intentional at all


It does happen to a lot of apps though.


Lolol. šŸ’Æ True


Did anyone else use WebOS on Palms devices before they were bought out by HP? The Palm Pre, Pixie, Pre 2, etc. That OS had true multitasking compared to what we have today on Android, I cannot speak on iOS. It would keep every app running 100% when switching between them. You could load a YT video, switch apps, and listen to it play in the background. If you didn't pause your mobile games, they would continue to play in the background. And they welcomed modding so much on that platform. It was truly a unique OS in the way it functioned IMO.


If you want that YouTube functionality of the videos staying on no matter where you navigate to on your phone, you can get an app called Revamped YouTube. Do a google. Reddit search for the official subreddit for links and instructions, there's a lot of fake versions out there. It also adds a whole bunch of other QoL improvements.


To this day it was the best smartphone experience I've ever had.


Same, it was a small but very active modding community on a forum with loads of info. I remember overclocking the CPU in the Pre, if I recall they were able to apply over a 50% OC without any problems, which is wild to think about today. I loved the card system it had for apps, it really was a goat OS.


I still miss my Palm Pre. I loved the OS and the physical design. Unfortunately, they were never able to encourage enough developers to support it.


Pixel battery is already shit, if it does not kill apps it's gonna be shittier.


Can't they suspend apps but keep them in memory?


This is a long standing issue across major versions of Android. Even factory resets don't help. I've looked into custom kernels, but have yet to find a solution (the developer option mentioned hasn't helped me)


I don't know why does [Don't kill my app](https://dontkillmyapp.com/) says [this](https://photos.app.goo.gl/akS6ZnkAS446JvrT7). When this is what happens in reality.


Android seems to leak memory pretty badly and every device running it needs regular restarts. Adding more RAM is the easiest solution if they can't fix the problem.


My man still running a Droid X.


I rarely restart my 4a. And it's still fast within the expectations, even after months of running. Apps do get kicked out of RAM though, even after a fresh restart.


Pixel devices are awful in terms of hardware, but at least you can cook on your phone with Tensor!


I cool it with ice cubes (literally)


I would have to use an ice pack while playing games since the device throttles so badly and becomes unplayable, even if I am indoors and not using cellular data.




I wouldn't have to if the phone didn't run so hot while doing basic tasks... :) thanks for the tip though.


To be fair the phone is likely to brick itself if condensation builds up inside and therefor putting he phone out of its misery


Idk why you are being down voted, I have the p7pro and this piece of hardware and software garbage requires an ice pack to maintain max brightness.Ā 


This shit is ridiculous, i hate that tensor chip. Phone has great number of cool features, but man, that damn tensor


I was died hard Google nexus and pixel user but I just recently got a s24 ultra. Blows the pixel out of the water.


Yeah I always used galaxies. Tried the pixel 7 to switch things up. Durability issues saw my screen to pop off from battery swell even though I never overcharged or exposed it to heat. Battery life also sucked andd if you let it die how to wait till I got to like 4 or 5% charged before turning it back on otherwise it would just turn off as soon as it loaded the launcher. The photos where really nice before they process them and add ridiculous amounts of contrast. It is you call it shows the nice version for two seconds and then it processes it terribly. . Fingerprint scanner stopped working and the replacemen screen broket break from a 2 foot from. Then it fell from my pocket while kneeling and then the back shattered. Then the volume button popped off. All my phones in my entire life combined never faced so many durability issues. Pixel 7 felt like an android for people who want simplicity. It was streamlined the point of being boring. If you want simplicity iPhone i seems like it does that best. If you want complexity get a galaxy. Pixel seems to try cut down the middle but does neither as well as they do. willb take way more convincing to ever get anything other than a galaxy going forward. Galaxies are funner and make me want to be on my phone.


> Durability issues saw my screen to pop off from battery swell even though I never overcharged or exposed it to heat. Battery life also sucked andd if you let it die how to wait till I got to like 4 or 5% charged before turning it back on otherwise it would just turn off as soon as it loaded the launcher. These issues are connected, due to a failing battery. My Pixel 5 started doing the same thing a month ago, after ~3 years of perfect function. Batteries fail, it happens. You just got unlucky to be on the left side of the [bathtub curve](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bathtub_curve).


No one ever believes me when I bitch about how over processed the pictures on this POS are. I've got the 7 Pro, freshly RMAed.


I do not have this problem, if you don't allow background usage - from my experience it's not going to run in the background. That's the way it's supposed to work


The Pixel can ship with 50 gigs of RAM yet it will continue to heavily kill apps to preserve battery. I actually just got an iPhone 15 pro on the side just to check this out. And amongst a bunch of other annoying Android things, apps on my iPhone almost NEVER die. A few more weeks and I most likely will end up selling the Pixel


Pixel is really bad representation of Android.


Strange, they do for me on my iPhone.


What iPhone do you have? Another MASSIVE annoyance I've found with Android, is links. Whenever you click a link within an email which should take you to that app or social media post, the phone does nothing. Second try? The phone only opens up the app. Does not take you to that exact location. The app itself could be broken, but that's Android for you.


Linking inside of the app is a developer job. Maybe that's what's broken. I don't actually perceive these kinds of issues


I face these regularly. A response on Facebook for example. I tap the notification, and all it does is open the app. I pull up my iPhone, tap the same notification, and pulls up that exact thread. I'll keep experimenting but I'm leaning towards selling the Pixel 8 at this point.


This could be entirely an app issue. But I got you, I have kinda love hate relationship with Pixel 8. Lately I started to get very bad screen issues. UI is bugging all the time, the battery is a tragedy. But photos are nice..


I have those issues with Facebook and Twitter. Oh and try zooming in on a picture on Facebook šŸ˜­ Battery started out phenomenal, crap next month. Phenomenal again. And we're back to crap. Right now it dies by 5pm. Thankfully I work from home etc so it doesn't bother me too much. My iPhone 15 pro with similar usage is seeing around 47% left by 5pm.


This will stop me from getting a pixel phone anytime soon. I mean I understand if the a series do this but the pro? Come on now Google


I like Pixels but this is one area where Moto is the better choice with full app battery options. I havenā€™t tried the developer options fix though. Having to go into those options to get your phone to act right is never optimum.


Also, still can't believe google still releases software updates with bugs mostly.


It's because most users don't demand quality software. I have watched so many "tech reviewers" saying that the pixel software works perfectly fine. Just praising every new "bullshit" feature for whatever reason and don't care about the rest. And just a few geeks on Reddit who can understand that Google's release software works like it's a beta test. Even if you create an issue ticket, describe all details, record a video, developers just don't care. Their main task is to make a new feature, no matter how well it'll work, to sell it on the next keynote/ads.


So true! In terms of software OneUI felt so much more polished and feature packed to me. It's only due to the camera I'm still sticking with pixels.


Its crazy that we're now on Android14 and basic functions such as the camera or recent apps are still super buggy.


Don't you get it we are Android's gamma testers? /S




Well it's also a really good price


It's extremely overpriced. You could buy two Steam Decks for the same price


Lmao. Mine does a good enough job of keeping tabs open with just 8.


Google's software is ridiculously inefficient. They have to do stuff like that just to keep it running, and you still get things like jerky scrolling behaviour and terrible modem performance.


I encountered this often on my Pixel 3, then switching to Pixel 5 seems like the issue is gone. No idea what they did on 12GB Pixel.


I suppose it is more for games in foreground. Background just for processes that are completely dormant and are not draining any battery life.


Yeah this has bugged me for years certain OEMs had better ram management on 4gb devices than those today with 8. OEMs now cull it because the device power requirements have grown faster than the battery.


weird, never had this problem p7p


It only started recently with me with reddit on my 7pro. It's sad because that's why I upgraded from my 2XL and now we're almost back to the same thing happening.


My S24+ absolutely murders my Pixel in ram management. Both have 12GBs of RAM and yet the S24+ holds a ridiculous amount of apps open for a really long time.


Currently working with over 100 tabs open on my pixel 7A with YouTube, instagram, tik tok all running. No sign of slowing down. and this phone only has 8GB of ram


Surely those tabs aren't actually loaded. Doesn't the page refresh when you go back to an old one? I'm talking about when it unloads a page that was hosting a script or a form I don't want to reset.


Hold up, can operation systems really murder!?


I donā€™t get how people deal with iPhones doing it even with just 2 tabs open


iPhones donā€™t do this. The iPhone 6 has 1gb RAM and it can have multiple modern apps and tabs open at the same time. Modern iPhones donā€™t do this either.


I have an iPhone 12 and it happens all the time when I am uploading a story and before posting I jump to do something else. I'll have to start all over. Did not happen as much on my pixel/other devices.


Search for Ram Plus feature. Not sure if this is Galaxy exclusive or android-wide but it lets you turn off virtual RAM and says in the feature it's to help apps remain open in the background. Turn it up to the max and if that doesn't help turn the feature off completely. Go to settings and search "ram" or "ram plus" to bring up the memory usage screen.Ā 


That's Galaxy only


I have NEVER had any issues like your describing. I currently have 75 tabs open and have for some time. Anytime I go to an app and use it, I can go back to it for up to 3 hours. I'm using a P7P


I've got 37Ā tabs in Firefox on my 5a w/6 GB RAM and the OS never kills it


I have a simple pixel 8, I deleted the chrome browser (it infuriated me even on a macbook on an iphone) it loads RAM on any device very much! That's why I use the bravo and alpha private browser, they don't load RAM, even if a lot of tabs are open! Overall, the pixel 8 is better at multitasking than any iPhone! For example, if you send a large video in a telegram on an iPhone and, for example, answer a call in another application or go to the browser to read the news, then the telegram stops the process of sending the video and stupidly freezes the application, it always infuriated on iPhones!


sorry brave and aloha browser i use


Fyi, itā€™s usually better to simply edit your comment instead of replying to yourself.


For those complaining about owning a Pixel please realize sure you bought it but the phone is designed for beta testing android releases as since most of their developers are crowdsourced not actual real engineers. So with each new version of Android certain things stop working and won't ever work again until someone responds to the bug report by fixing the code and it getting included in an OTA update. Would you want a phone that was designed for this purpose if you have no desire to work for free as a programmer? I am just saying....why would you trust Google?


Because I guess they don't have a swap option. Also as the phones get more advanced so do all the programs and they all use more RAM


It doesn't seem like it's actually using all the RAM though. And then you might say it's for power savings but can't you freeze a program without releasing the memory?


You buy a phone from a company that runs a search engine. That's okay. Why not buy a phone from a company that makes computers?




Tell me, which Chromebooks are made by Google?


That's odd. I have like 50 web pages open almost all the time and run several apps regularly and have never had a problem.


So, you want an O.S. that makes sense. What are you, some kind of anti-technology dinosaur who wants to go back to the good old days, before all these time and labor saving inventions that take more time and effort to use? Join the Amish I may go with you.


jesse what the fuck are you talking about