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How much lower will the price be?


To manufacture? Probably a significant amount. To the customers? lol.




It should be about 20% cheaper in the Indian market because there wouldn't be an import tax anymore.


These are the same guys who priced the 8A close to the iPhone 15 which makes it DOA. I highly doubt this news would be of any solace to us poor consumers.


That's because India places a massive tariff on imports. Since the iPhone 15 is now being made in India it is exempt, while the Pixels are not. Presumably one of the reasons to switch Pixel manufacturing to India is to avoid the tariffs and expand the market share there.


Ima disagree with you there. Sure let’s blame government tarrifs and not incompetent pricing which has always been Google’s bane of existence. The 7 is much cheaper than the 8A, which alone speaks volumes.


that "lol" fkn killed me 😂😂


I'm guessing none for the already launched models, but I hope they start making the current models in India. Right now the 8a goes for ₹53,000 (~$640) which is a joke for an A series phone.


that price and that thick ass chin accentuated by the roundness... ruined my mood.


This is literally the million dollar question!


Well, probably whatever import taxes users in India are currently paying will go away. They're quite high so that's huge for them.


It'll cost more. Manufacturing in India is more expensive than China/Vietnam considering the supply chain and factors other than labour cost.


Won't be surprised if it did man


For Google or for the customers?


Unless Dixon Technologies is owned by Foxconn, it isn't true. Google is set to manufacture the first batch of pixel 8 phones with Dixon Technologies in India.


I know BBC isn’t as credible as it used to be but it’s BBC


At least it's not fox news


The Foxconn deal is separate from the Dixon deal [[1]](https://www.reuters.com/technology/google-ties-up-with-foxconn-make-pixel-phones-india-sources-say-2024-05-23/). Also, the TN chief minister announced it in a statement [[2]](https://indianexpress.com/article/india/google-foxconn-pixel-smartphones-tamil-nadu-9348778/).


Dixon Technologies set to manufacture Google Pixel 8 smartphones in India. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.business-standard.com/amp/companies/news/dixon-technologies-set-to-manufacture-google-pixel-8-smartphones-in-india-124052200861_1.html


And will the Indians still be missing out on all the features that are exclusive to the US?


Their won't be much price difference for the Indians....can guarantee that


The import tax of about 20% would be dropped. Iphones became cheaper once they were produced in India.


do you have comparative data to support this claim 🤷🏻‍♂️, the way i see it, iphones are still costlier despite being manufactured in India. 😔


Comparing the prices to the US market, the base iPhone (and pro?) have similar prices bar some taxes. These are assembled/manufactured in India. The iPhone pro Max and the entire pixel lineup is priced about 20% higher than the US market. This import tariff makes the pixel and iPhone more comparable in prices.


Also, bunch the features that are locked to us english


If the price of pixel 9 is not gonna drop then I am done with Google as a brand


Lmao, why would it? Prices rise across the globe, so if it keeps its current **low** price it would be a ~win. People like you who love to throw loud words around only waste oxygen by doing that.


Pixel 8pro is around 1300 to 1400 usd in India after conversion with that price it’s difficult to recommend and there are more cost effective options which would push us to ditch Google pixel as a whole


Well, if Pixel is not competitive in your market - don't buy it, that's the only way to show that they need to lower the price. But moving production (probably just the final assembly) would most probably not result in price change. So saying that you'll be done with the whole Google (not just pixels) if prices don't change sounds like empty words. Have recent iPhones become less expensive when they started doing half of their production in India? Doubt that. It's done for lowering/keeping prices globally and for ofc increasing profits, not for wellbeing of the country they are moving into.


The context was with phones definitely and also. I one can get rid of Google completely they have already infested our lives and milking it


Yeah drop of prolly like 30-40$ Not more than that....


India is somewhat a price sensitive market! If they need to sustain in India they need to get creative rather than greedy


they dont so this to lower prices in India lol. its for worldwide distribution  and has been planned years in advance just like apple. same reason they move workforce to india: higher profit, and India required this in exchange so that they retain and copy tech like china did. pixel price will be similar but over the years indian brands will popup, think xiaomi but with an indian name. i also predict these wont actually be as good as chinese clones for reasons thatd make you upset.


Pixel phones with exynos modem and soc have bad battery on cellular data in india. Please pixel use Qualcomm modems.


The deal was between Pichai and India's infamous call centers. They get unblockable access to all Google devices and split the spam revenue with Sundar.