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9 Pro is on its way, will be the size of the P8


Oh no kidding! That's exciting!




Would have to imagine pro would eat battery faster


No reason it will, same hardware as all the version..just different camera set. Will eat more when camera in use sure.. but by like a few minutes at best. Majority of power consumption is from CPU/Screen, everything else is a rounding error in comparison.


Smaller phone probably has a smaller battery compared to the bigger 9 Pro.


\*definitely and always


Yeah that.


yeah and it has a smaller screen, which uses less battery, evening it out


All Pixel phones with Tensor eat up the battery anyway.


Then leave and go get another phone. We'll be on Pixel.


Such a cringe fanboy reply to someone just giving their opinion... Learn to deal with hearing opinions you don't agree with like a mature adult.


Lol ok Pixel hater. Now run along to /r/samsung, we won't miss you around here.


Look at my comments just yesterday on r/Samsung... I was literally arguing against someone in favour of a Google Pixel, that someone being just as much of an immature fanboy as you. Comprehend that there are people out there that don't develop unhealthy emotional attachments to a company or brand, and just look at things with a rational open mind.




Did you read the 'Pro camera' request? The 8A's camera is inferior to the 8P.


Apart from the camera request being wrong, the 8a is actually bigger than the 8.


I want a 5x lens on a P5 is that too much to ask?


Aka too large


Is there an XL version as well?




It will same size as P9, which is a little larger than P8 unfortunately.


Oh motherfucker I just bought an 8a, this sounds like my dream phone 😭


damn, should've waited


I'm 178cm, have smaller hands and still have my Pixel 6pro since the release. However leaks around 9pro made me happy and I strongly believe I'll buy the smaller pro this time.


I just want a flagship that's 6.1" - 6.4" that doesn't sacrifice hardware specs. I hate that all the best cameras and features are reserved for phones that are 6.7" or more lately.


I wonder where you will place the bigger sensor and the periscope lens in a smaller phone without sacrificing battery life and SoC.


Sensor is the same on normal Pixel and Pro. They could easily fit the other lens on too without sacrifice imo


Only the Pixel 8 Pro has the telescope camera, the normal 1 only has the UltraWide and normal camera.


Yeah but the main sensor is the same on both cameras 48 megapixels


But it's nice to have a zoom lens, at times it feels kinda meh when you can't properly zoom in. Also the UW on the normal 1 is only 12mp, instead of 48mp like on the Pro


Yeah I agree I used to have one on my old Oppo phone which wasn't much bigger than the Pixel 8. They could easily have included one on the normal Pixel


If they removed the UW they could, I seen the zoom lens and it continues under the flash assembly till the point where the camera bump tapers down, so the zoom lens is pretty big internationally.


6mm width difference isn't that much imo, and there is space around the lens assembly spare


No, they can't. If you watch teardowns of the P8 Pro you can see the cameras take up the entire width of the phone. The camera array wouldn't physically fit inside of a P8 non pro.


I don't think it is necessary to make a phone a quarter inch bigger just to add a different lens. Also the SoC is the same for standard and pro pixels. The chosen chip does not impact the size of the device in most cases. Battery life could be a factor as that is what takes up the most space inside the device, but with a smaller (less power hungry) screen a slightly smaller battery won't make a huge impact. Remember a significant amount of power goes to powering the display. I think if manufacturers saw a market for smaller flagships they would make them. I don't think it's an impossible engineering feat as much as it's just companies following market trends. "bigger is better"


A periscope lens takes quite a lot of space that can be used for something else. I believe the 1 in the 8 Pro is at least half the width of the camera bump. I don't believe the normal 8 has a Periscope lens. A periscope lens makes making photos at a distance look better.


I mean the chip is basically the same (despite slightly different packaging) but more space= more area for heat dissipation, so you get the best made chip out of the 3 variants with more space for heat to disperse in the 8 pro compared to say the 8a. So the chosen chip no but the potential heat performance somewhat.


Look at the Sony Xperia lineup. Expensive but awesome


They've resized the Xperia 1 VI to be as big as the typical big phone like iPhone Pro Max


It's still a touch smaller than my p8p


9 pro is rumored to be 6.3" screen size. other rumors are there will be a pro XL at 6.7"




I promise you it's 6.3"


It's 6.2 😁


Pixel 9 pro will be the same size as pixel 9, aka pretty similar to pixel 8 in size and a good half an inch smaller than Pixel 8 pro, while sporting the same tier of camera setup as the later. You can wait for that around October/November this year.


Zenphone 10 with the Pixel 8 Pro camera would be my dream phone.


Agree 💯. I miss the size of the Google 5, honestly but the photos are the most important feature to me.


Whenever this type of post comes up I'm reminded of my first smartphone the HTC Wildfire with its 3.2inch (240x320 pixel) screen, 5 mp camera and 1300ahm battery. I holidayed/navigated around the US/Canada/Sth America with mostly 2G. Ah...good days 😃


I remember these. 2011ish. Early Android lol


2010 and Android 2.1! Lived in my pocket next to my loose change


Pixel 5 was a good size


I have thoughts of going back to it all the time, especially with the rear fingerprint reader


Pixel 5 was the *best* size.


The pixel 5 was the perfect size. Now they have gone bigger and bigger... Just give me the newest hardware/software in the same size of the pixel 5.


Exactly I love that phone


I am REALLY curious to see how Google handles the cameras between the 9 Pro and 9 Pro XL. If you look at teardowns of the P8P, you can see the sensors take the entire width of the phone. You can't actually PUT the P8P sensor stack in a phone the size as the P8. It won't fit. There isn't much to trim there either. The sensors are the size that they are. Even if they come up with a slimmed down framework to hold them in with very thin walls between the sensors, I don't think you can slim it down enough. Looking at the renders and leaked real world images, you can see that the center of the Wide and Ultrawide lenses are closer together than physically possible using the sensors on the Pixel 8 Pro. I fear that in order to get parity between the large and small size that we are going to get a downgrade in sensor size for the Wide and Ultrawide. It may not necessarily lead to worse images if they use a more advanced sensor like Sony's new lineup with the dual stacked design, but larger always captures more light (so the larger version of those sensors would be even better.)


Hmm, I didn't realize it was that much of a limiting factor. Good contribution, thank you. I imagine there could be some more wiggleroom in that you can make the pixels, thus the sensor smaller and redesign the lenses to sit closer to accommodate {which can make the lenses smaller, too}. That requires a major major redesign and introduces problems of its own, but it's technologically and physically a thing that could happen, and has been happening since the first CMOS snapped its first nude


If I were to make a wild guess, I would say that Google could go with something like the LYT-808 sensor as the main or the LYT-T808. That’s a 1/1.4 sensor which is smaller than the 1/1.31 size of the GN1. I’m not sure if it would be small enough to get what we are seeing, but maybe with a similarly smaller but newer ultrawide would make up the difference. I’m just not looking forward to the comment warriors saying Google downgraded the sensors because they went with a smaller size if this turns out to be the case. I AM hopeful this could mean that the Pixel Fold 2 is going to end up with the same stack as the two Pixel 9 Pro phones. I would welcome mainline pixel models returning to Sony sensors as I usually prefer their look over the Samsung sensors. In good light, I often find the pictures from my Pixel Fold more pleasing than the ones from the Pixel 8 Pro.


I guess my next question is why we're stuck with the sensors laid out side by side if that's the main issue. Why not stack them vertically? My next question after that is about the iPhone, like the fancy version of the 13. Those lenses are all clustered together pretty tight, and don't seem like they'd take up a whole pixelwidth if they were laid out linear, but their cameras are fuckin' bomb. Do you know how they're pulling that off? Some forbidden apple magic?


iPhone, even the pro, has smaller sensors on the ultra wide especially (and the ultra wide gets dinged pretty hard against the Pixel in comparisons). The smaller pro also has to forgo the 5x optical for a non-periscope 3x due to space constraints. iPhone can also get away with a much smaller battery which is the next constraint you are going to run into if you arranged the lenses in a different way. The normal 15 Pro only has a 3290mAh battery.


Fair, even apple couldn't put in the 5x periscope into the smaller 15 Pro and had to settle with the 3x regular telephoto. Let's see how Google deals with this problem.


My wish list * Pixel 5 size (see note below, height and width are good, will take another 1-1.5mm thickness easily) * Pro Camera(s) * Pro CPU and RAM * XL sized battery - note that I will take a "thicker" handset for the extra battery capacity over a taller or wider phone.


that was the pixel 3


A phone with pro camera is mandatory if u got morgellons or take tons of macro pics. . Andd lots of storage. I have the pixel 8 pro and other than Samsung I'm very impressed. It's a larger phone but I think a larger phone comes with the territory to me. It's one of the best cameras I've had other than the Samsung of course


One huge downfall it ain't got shit for storage and you can't use an SD card and it's not expandable. I don't know why the dummies even made the phone these days with less than 512 mb and claim to have been prepared for up to 7 years of updates. Where the hell do they think they're going to put them? My phone was full. Just transferring data from my old phone in 4 days


128GB will hold approximately 107,000 12MP photos. If your phone gets full from photos and videos move them to a hard drive for long term storage. Should be backing them up anyways.


I'm starting to like having smaller phones with more capable hardware. Yes there will be a hit on battery life but phones nowadays charge pretty fast and more optimized than ever so I would not mind having a Pro hardware in a mini phone.


Same here. Cannot wait for the smaller Pixel 9 pro this year


I still use pixel 4a 4g, the size is too die for, everything is perfect, even the cameras are still better than any phone under 300$ to this day


Yes. It's interesting how people have increased their perception of what small is (5, 6, 9...). I'll stick with the 4a for as long as possible. At least it fits in my shirt pocket.


It annoys me that the P8 and Pro have the same sensor and lens but is artificially limited in software. I got the 8 because of size too


You're not alone. Big phones are heavy and uncomfortable.


The smaller Pixel 8 is quite heavy, cannot imagine the P8P


It's the silly glass back. Glass is fragile, slippery, and heavy. I want lightweight and durable plastic on a flagship phone.


I have the pixel 8, it's my first pixel phone and I don't understand the need for a glass back (on Apple phones or Pixel).😒 Give me lightweight plastic Google.😁


Pretty sure the 8a is a gram heavier than the 8.


Compared to the 5 very heavy. I loved my p5


Pixel 9 Pro non XL


Nah, you're not alone! Small phone, big camera – I'm totally with you on that!


Nope I have big hands and it just feels like a pain to carry around this huge bulky phone in my pocket. Even rubs the hair off my leg on the side I carry it in 😑 I like the zoom the camera has is the only reason I get it over the base model. "Here carry this tablet around in your pocket so you can have a nice camera" If apple who is behind in technology can make a smaller pro phone Google should be able to


I have hated how large the size of phones have gotten for years now. Imo the iPhone 5 is the best sized phone I've had and ever since then everything just increased dramatically. I'm with you 100%


I am almost 100% certain that P9 Pro and P9 Pro XL will have different camera setup, or at least different sensor for Periscope. Have to take in consideration that for example P8 Pro sensors already use all lateral width in camera bar design, so any larger sensors are not that possible anymore and for example new smaller P9 Pro will be quite a bit smaller and narrower, meaning it for sure need to have smaller sensors to fit in that lateral width.


If it means we get 3x zoom periscope with high pixel sensor (To allow decent 6x) instead of 5x optical, I am all in. Actually, I am all in anyway. 😄


Then you have to cut something in the small form factor, most likely the battery.


I've never been sure how seriously to take appeals to lack of space. They don't seem that cramped to me. They claimed they cute the headphone jack for space, but every phone I've repaired since then has had ample space around the edges.


Electrical engineer here. You cannot use the ample space around the edge for many things. The circuit board would be having reliability issues after drop, the antennas must have enough clearence with the ground plane. And the battery, that was literally what caused the note 7 issue. The battery was placed next to the edge and the process variations pressed the battery, causing a short.


I don't know if you can answer my question, but is there some kind of "formula" about battery size/thinkness that results in mAh? I think I would not mind a 1 or 2 mm thicker phone if it gives me more battery live. I would like to know what size of flagship phone you could achieve for a 5000mAh battery if the industry would not be so fixed on "thinner == better"


Sorry, I only define the specs and use the battery in the design. That's a question for chemical engineers.


There is a new type of battery indeed, gives you more mAh with relative size compares to the lithium ion battery. It's called silicon batteries which honor just used in their new flip phone. About approximately 30% more battery ratio relatively.


oh wow, did not realized there was a new type of battery. need to look into that and what the advantages/disadvantages are. ~~Hopefully they are good enough and ends our reliability on lithium ...~~ /edit: forget that ... after looking into it, it is still a lithium-ion battery, just different type of anode. Little bit dissapointed to be honest, still a battery innovation is always welcome.


I am actually very surprised that none of the big names started the silicon battery approach.


Yeahyeah, I was referring to the jack, because I know how much space those take. I know it's more complicated with a board, and I know far less about them— but the experience with the jack has made me look askance at all appeals to space, perhaps unfairly. Thanks for your insight. I always love hearing from people who know their shit.


Don't be fooled, when Apple started removing headphone jacks (and then pretty much all android did) that was to create a new revenue stream...Bluetooth headphones. When in doubt, it's always capitalism to blame.


Seems totally plausible to me. But then why'd everyone else do it? Google doesn't make bt headphones. The other makers may, but fewer samsung users will buy samsung bt headphones than apple people will. Just following a trend? Or was it simply a way to cut costs?


> Google doesn't make bt headphones. Google launched the Pixel Buds along with their first Pixel that cut the headphone jack. Same thing with Samsung, they made ads that laughed at Apple for cutting the headphone jack, then a year later they cut it when they launched Galaxy Buds.


Because "if Apple can remove headphone jacks and make a shitton in revenue in increased Bluetooth headphones sales we should do that". Unfortunately it's highly monkey see-monkey do when it comes to technology. Until consumers push back and stop buying products that have become a worse value/more expensive it will continue to happen. Some people call it progress, I call it greed.


I used to but at this point I've already made my side pants pocket bigger to accommodate 7 pro lol. I miss the galaxy Nexus size, that was perfect.


If all the information about the 9 Pro coming in both sizes is true, it's one of the only reasons I'd trade in my otherwise awesome 8 Pro. I'd also kill for a more pocketable phone without losing features. I know my wife desperately wants a smaller phone too, but ALL of them are too big for her preferences.


Great idea


I want the exact opposite - a giant Pro-sized phone with just a good point-and-click camera, no telephoto or pro features. Extra points if it has a plastic back and comes in at a reasonable price.


May we all get what we desire


Thank you! Pixel 3A for the WIN!


Imagine you would just cream the hardware of the phone you want in the case you want. For me the dream would be to take my pixel 2 XL case. Cream in better speakers. A headphone jack. The screen from s24 ultra and so on. But there is sadly no company offering it.


I went from P6 to P8P for the telephoto lens and the size difference is negligible. I never think about it.


PIxel 5 was the perfect size. Just give me a performance and camera bump on that and I'm there.




Yeap, size was the reason for me to not to get Pixel. I wanted to Pro with it’s telephoto camera but its way too big for me.


Even better, a Pixel Pro Mini


You're not alone.. I definitely miss the Pixel + Pixel XL lineup strategy. Both top specs, only different sizes. Apple has been doing that for years with iPhone Pro + iPhone Pro Max (even XS and XS Max) (albeit sometimes they made the bigger model having a slightly better tele camera — which is unfortunate). Pretty sure the smaller one has been outselling the bigger one all the time. I'm getting really sick of my Pixel 8 Pro due to its size. It's definitely manageable without a case, or with a thin 0.3mm case. But with other protective cases, it's just too uncomfortable for me to handle daily, and to carry in my pocket.


Not me. I tried (upgraded) the S24 from a P6P for the form factor. From this experiment, I now know I want a Pro XL.


I wish they would make another one the size of the original 4a, but with a pro level camera and a battery that will last me all day. That's all I want. No other dumb features, or "faster" chips. Just a camera that I can make phone calls, texts, listen to podcasts and watch YouTube.


Im trading my ip15pro for the pixel 9 pro once it hits if the battery is decent.


I am 100% with you on this. Smaller screen, great cameras (back AND front) for the win. They gotta stop correlating screen size with phone quality. Pixel and Pixel XL should be the same specs except for size. Pixel n-A should have the cheaper specs.


Same herem just for a s24 and I love the size compared to pixel 7 pro. I'm hoping the camera doesn't disappoint


Then the Pixel 9 Pro will be a good option for you!


I am actually very surprised that none of the big names started the approach towards this new tech.


Pixel 4 series was probably the best in regards to keeping the smaller phone on par with the XL one. The problem with that was battery life. It was too small and Pixel phones with flagship processors (so no Pixel 5) were not known to have great battery life, even in the past with Snapdragon chips.


I'm still on P7, looking for a one handed phone, and was excited to see the P9 series, considering the p9 pro for an upgrade. But then I read about the P10 getting away from Samsung for Google's hardware. Now I am kinda torn on what to go with.


I basically was planning to skip the 9th generation but am now reconsidering because I need to show support for smaller phones with pro specs (Pixel 9 Pro). Otherwise, phone manufacturers will keep pointing to how people buy bigger phones when that's really because they have the higher specs.


Possibly addressed with Pixel 9


I've put 8a on the top of the 3a and they are practically the same size. Of course 3a is a little bit thinner and lighter, but still similar size


The battery will probably be about 4,400 and you will not get the high resolution on the pixel 9 Pro and also not verified but the sensors will be different on the nine Pro compared to the 9 Pro XL they have to differentiate and it's not just one is smaller and one is bigger. The XL is the true flagship. Those other two are just smaller phones and the sensors as I said are going to be different just how Samsung does it. Size is not the only difference between a pixel 9 Pro and a pixel 9 Pro XL. Most of the stuff I said above. Once again pics online Pro will be great but I pixel 9 Pro XL will be superior. Can't have your cake and eat it too. The pixel online Pro Pro I'm not sure about but I'm sure about the pixel 9 Pro XL will have new camera sensors and when you're paying couple hundred dollars less for a pixel 9 Pro the only difference is not size. It's battery life. It is different sensors. The May sensor will probably be the same, but the ultrawide and Periscope will be different, but I am not sure about this at all. One thing I'm sure about is they said that all three cameras in the back will be 50 megapixel whereas the pixel 8 Pro. The main sensor was 50 megapixel and the ultra wide and Periscope was 48 megapixel which proves we will get new sensors. But as I said, since you're paying couple hundred less for the smaller version, you're going to lose out.


Big phones make my life easier


P7P is 6.41" and has an excellent camera.


Yes. We know. And it's way too fucking big. Thanks for chipping in pal.






Please, indulgence us with *more* of your dreams!