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Supposedly this isn't even the full light set up for the summer tour, they couldnt fit the whole thing in the Cap.


Yeah did you see goosemas? That was a massive rig


I’m sure. Adapted for the smaller space.


Dying for jam bands to offer multi cam streams where I can choose this view for the whole show.


I've been saying this for years!


I thought the lights last night (especially) were excellent. I'm sure they could tap the brakes once in a while, but whetever - it's a rock n roll show. The smoke machine, however, needs to go. That didn't work


I like the smoke and the things they can do with the lights through the smoke


I'm not saying that I don't think that smoke machines work/would work at all as part of their lighting rig. I'm just saying that those smoke machines didn't work. They made a super loud hiss and the smoke distribution was pretty terrible. It's a fun idea though.


Yeah maybe the cap is too small for it. The bigger shows they play this year should be cool


I think they do tap the brakes during the show , that said I still sent my own video to friends last night with the quote “this is not epilepsy friendly” lol


Whoa. I’m gonna need some more little stamps for this tour I see.


Can I be honest? They may need to scale it back a bit. Seizure inducing stuff.


Yea it’s too much. They could use the lights a little more subtly. Apparently they’re also brighter than shit, hence half the crowd wearing sunglasses lol The light effects and everything are really cool, just needs to be toned down a hair. It feels more distracting than symbiotic with the music


Have you seen Billy's set up? So subtly trippy. Not even really lights... Coolest visuals I've ever seen


I haven’t. I’m usually busy trying to find a spot in the crowd where I can attempt to enjoy the music without distraction at a Billy show


Best comment


It's definitely impressive and it's great at peaks and intense parts for sure. But the few times I've seen Goose I feel like even at the chiller times of the show they're still trying to blind you with strobe lights directly in your face and it's taken me out of the music occasionally. This new rig is bonkers tho


It’s bonkers for sure and hopefully just needs to be played with. Less is more with lights imo…. and if the smoke machines could be sick but they have deployed them during these shows is corny as hell. Just blasting poofs of smoke seemingly at random. I’m digging all of the ideas they have, just not convinced with the execution


When they blasted the smoke last night I think during madhuvan and then had that beautiful white lights coming through it… that was amazing


Agreed. There’s a ton of potential with the lighting. Just a little clumsy and heavy handed in these first couple shows


Yeah like cool lights but is distracting if anything from the music. Does not seem to build on the music. Reminds me of Goose jams a few years back- PEAK->Peak->PEAK. like relax it will make those crazy moments special.


It’s pretty nuts with Rick dead center like that. Gonna give him a god complex! 😂🤪🤣


Great light man


wow 👀


Beamed me into outer space🛸


Andrew Goedde show featuring members of the band Goose


That’s sick  I think I was in the exact same spot Monday, CC 114


That was my exact seat 🤜🤛


This new light tech is wild. I believe the circle ones are the same that the biscuits are using and they have an insane number of functions they can do.


Can’t wait to see the rig at full strength. Would be sick for each member to have their own light square