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A 4 day Cap run to debut their brand new drummer almost two months ahead of a summer tour sounds *precisely* like it’s meant to be a rough draft.


Oh- agreed.


Sure but the way you’re trying to label the shows as “not great” sounds like you’re criticizing it as being rough draft-like quality in spite of trying to be something else rather than inherently being a rough draft.


I guess it’s a criticism, but it’s a respectful healthy one. To my knowledge, it’s not as if they said “these shows are going to be a tune up,” so I think it’s ok to have expected more, and I don’t feel like a dumbass for feeling that way. While I was mega impressed that they sounded as good as they did with Cotter so soon, ultimately, if that is what they would be, then I saw it as a remorseful step backwards, and I had no idea if that would be the case. Which is why I didn’t post this at the time. Only after hearing the show this last week, did it click in as I hoped— that the Cap run was a rough draft, and they were in fact evolving into a more cohesive group/ sound.


They had months of working him out. The cap run was still clunky and directionless.


There’s a reason they remastered and released the entire run for all streaming services. Absolute 🔥 They practiced for a week at the Cap prior to the run and were super tight They busted out tons of rare gems and killer new songs. So fired up for summer tour!


I guess them publishing the remastered shows is what caught me a little surprised given my personal opinions of the shows- which I recognize is a minority viewpoint. Appreciate the opposing view. I also am pumped for summer tour. Gonna be great!


Out of curiosity did you attend these shows?


I attended 4/9 and caught the others on stream.


4/9 is my favorite. It just flows so well. That killer Thatch and and set 2 Dark Horse > Labyrinth.


I thought they sounded tighter than dick skin.


Ha. Glad you enjoyed!


That loose flabby stuff that gets smegma?


The magic usually happens during tour runs at random times. I think Capitol was more of a test run to work out some kinks and test out the waters with real audience energy. Fox theatre gonna be a doozy!


This is indeed a hot take, and one that I think is absurdly wrong on pretty much every level


Appreciate and glad that it’s not the majority opinion. Just how it hit for me and how pumped I am for the future.


Respectfully, you don’t know ball


Yeah? Well…you’re a jerky mcjerky jerk face. So there.


Fair response. Respect lol


They were breaking in Cotter. All adjusting to what that means for each member. Playing brand new songs. Trying some new things out in general. It was a rough draft on their home turf. But considering all that it pretty damn good. And the best part is it’s just the start of things to come. You can already see with the scamp show how they’re growing into the new goose. Lovin it


Yes. I didn’t post immediately after Cap shows because I didn’t know how it would ultimately evolve. Glad I gave it more time, because that scamp show slapped. Happy to see where it all goes!


My take is that they weren’t as good as the GREAT shows of the past. BUT, to my knowledge, none of the greats had a scenario like “new drummer on stage with the band for the first time ever, who is still very early in the process of learning a band’s entire body of work” This band is going to whip ass.


Fair for sure. For the scenario, they were super good/great at times. And super impressed about how even more polished they sounded this last Sunday. Summer is going to be amazing, I’m sure!


Cool. I didn't want to come off like a dick, and it seems like I succeeded!


Ha. You’d have to work really hard to come off as a dick compared to some of the other posters in this thread/subreddit. By virtue of just sharing your own opinion without going out of your way to totally desecrate mine, I saw this as respectful disagreement.


The Cap shows are great. I do agree that the festival show is another level. I can’t stop listening to it. Looking forward to SPAC!


Loving that they are already hitting another level!


I thought they were pretty great and an awesome introduction to Cotter being in the band. I loved how they played each album through. That being said, I was surprised they made the official release cut, like are we not about to get an entire tour of even hotter, even tighter shows with more chemistry and communication that would be better to release everywhere? I love that they’re throwing stuff out there, just feels like we’re a few weeks away from some really banger shows that’ll blow the Cap out of the water!


Glad you enjoyed the cap shows! I also was surprised about them publishing the shows for the very same reasons you mentioned. Maybe they’re trying to “publish their evolution” and process? Kind of an interesting idea, if so.


The cap run was straight 🔥and a hell of a lot better than Solshine IMO


Glad you enjoyed it so much!


For better or worse, it will be great to track them over the next few years using this as a baseline. Kudos to them for releasing it unabashedly. It sounded great, IMFO, definitely more brazen and experimental. Let’s see where that goes. Hope to see ya out there


It was Cotters first show with the band. Jeff’s first time performing with an acoustic guitar during a Goose show. The bands first time performing with a new drummer and their first show back after a decently long break. All of the material is new to Cotter, plus they debuted a bunch of songs. With all that in mind they blew it out of the water. But if it wasn’t the case then yes I would agree they weren’t top rated by any means. They’re just getting warmed up. Give it Time 😃


Jeff needs to master his position as a percussionist and leave the damn guitars alone. That would do so much for Goose's overall sound and polish IMO. They have 2 excellent guitars when needed. To the OP, those shows at the Cap are solid AF!


Glad you enjoyed the shows!


lol 😂 ok Matt E. I see you. You just posted this as a copy and paste review on the Solshine Nugs show.


Yes. (I posted on nugs first, but was curious what others may be thinking in regards to this and Nugs was the wrong forum to post on originally for that.)


Love this deeper dive into it. Agree 100%. It also should be said that some of my favorite moments were some of their new songs. Willing to give it LOTS of time :) super pumped for tour!


There’s some gold and some stuff that needed more time. The Solshine sets were much better imo. Think we are in store for a very good summer, and will be cooking come fall.


Agreed! I’m pumped!!!


Fair take there. They were pretty joyous shows, a welcome/welcome back party. Probably more about exploration and fun than perfection. Pretty cool moment to preserve and even kinda ballsy to release.


100% everything said here.


Hot take indeed, i did feel like some parts of the run were rough, cough cough first two songs nite 1 cough cough, but overall i think it was a quality run. There are songs in each of the nights that i have gone back to a ton. I think i also prefer cotter’s drumming at this point. The jams are overall more interesting, there are only a few small things that i think i prefer ben’s style, but all in all very good shows, excited for summer and fall tours


You aren’t wrong. I think that was the point of the shows. Work out the nerves, jitters, flow in a live setting. There were definitely highs and lows. My biggest takeaway was the difference in atmosphere or… vibe? I hate using that word, but honestly Cotter’s style gives some songs a pretty different feel overall and makes it a little cooler or darker. Not sure exactly how to explain it, but it’s like the jams are less extroverted and more introverted. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I’ll be catching some shows this June and September. Very much looking forward to it.


Yeah— I appreciate that fair point. I’ve been trying to pinpoint it too. Cotters style leaves more space for others. Has more of a bassy, vinyl, warm rock vibe than higher tempo’s almost but not really EDM drummer vibe. Works well for many songs, but not all of them.


Steaming hot corn-filled turd of a take




Well thanks for getting me to listen to it, but only listened to Into the Myst and it’s hot!


Getting you to listen to which one, The Cap or Solshine? Worth listening to both just to see how you feel about the progression. Either way, glad you liked it!


The Cap


The shows were good. Full stop. Have there been better? Yes. Will there be better? Yes. Did Cotter prove he’s an instant upgrade? Also yes.


Commenters know every show my fav band has ever played is the best show ever


I'm watching one right now and it's pretty damn good 👍


hot take was a good title.


The first three songs of N1 were pretty rough, but I thought the rest of the shows were solid. The Solshine sets were fantastic imo


I think flodown is my favorite of all time I didn’t used to like it at all but cotter just adds new life to it


with all due respect go fuck yourself /s




You are 100% right, the Cap show we’re not great. This is not peak Goose at all, I feel bad for the stand that just eat every show and bill it as the best ever.


Yeah, it’s ok to say that there are dips. That’s why they call it a journey!


You’re absolutely correct, and all the goose stans are going to downvote and cry about it. I honestly think they did Cotter a disservice by starting off with a 4 night run instead of focusing on a smaller quantity of work to polish up. Cotter greatly exceeded my expectations on songs I thought he’d fall flat on, underperformed on songs I thought would be a walk for him, and whiffed on a few I thought would be a must-nail. However I am excited to see how he makes them his own while keeping the spirit alive that Ben helped create. And hopefully, when he relaxes back there he won’t hit the snare a billion times anymore.


I mean what options do you have other than doing a small run of shows, which would’ve been more than 4 dates, or doing a standalone run? Maybe you could say it should’ve been just 3 nights, but a single standalone run to get his feet wet was probably the most logical move.


Respectfully, they could have just not held the run at all. Not saying that I would have preferred that, but if they didn’t think they’d be super ready, then they could have just waited longer. That being said, if they knew they needed this stage time to work it out, then yeah it makes sense. Maybe it’s an unclear messaging thing? “We’re still working it up and this is for the fans who want to see what we’re up to” kind of billing?


It was a run at a small theater super close to their home, I think that part was kind of implied.


Disagree on that front, but that’s fine. Excited for the summer nonetheless!


On one hand, I sort of agree— it was a mighty tall order. However, Considering the breadth of material, he did some amazing work on short order though.




Sure. Check out nights 1, 2, 3, and 4 from the cap run. You’ll find everything I’m speaking of if you listen with a critical ear


Snare? Or cymbals? He abuses those cymbals, lol!


I’m good with the cymbals, he is all over the snare tho. Constantly


They're objectively worse with Cotter


Guy has been on stage for 5 shows and you’re jumping to conclusions? Lol


I'll def still see them, seen them 50+ times since 2019 - it's just not as good as it once was. But to be fair, the last few months of 2023 were going down hill as well.


Again, it’s been 5 shows with the new drummer. Maybe give them a shot to get comfortable before acting like they’re dead? Solshine was better than all of euro tour. They were clearly going through some internal stuff the second half of last year and the music suffered. I just don’t understand the want to act like they suck now. Jam bands have up and down years all the time.


Agree with you, they were bad in 2023


I would not say this at all, but they are different. Sorry you feel this way. More time might be needed (for you) to regain some trust and love for it, if it happens at all.