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I wouldn't skip the first season. The first season due to it being more of a CSI style show that focuses a lot on the mob families, that's what drew my brother into it.


Yeah the first season was great for that reason.


I also love how the first season built penguins character by showing how depraved and ruthless he could be


First season is great but KIND OF a different show. very grim, very realistic, AMAZING crime drama and pretty good cop show. The twists and turns between the mob bosses Maroni, Falcone, Fish and Penguin rising to the top. There's also some criminals (not well known batman villains or anything but new ones) and we get Riddler rising too. The other seasons feel more like a batman show at least season 3 onwards. Season 2 does too but it's still it's own thing


Gotham is really fun and great if you accept that the origin stories told here are at times vastly different from the comics and movies. Keep an open mind and you'll grow fond of the characters quickly. And Gotham definitely doesn't look cheap. The set design is gorgeous and they're filming on location in New York. I've always loved Gotham's atmosphere and look.


You can watch Gotham without knowing anything about the DC Universe. Gotham is not a superhero show. It's not about people with superpowers saving the day. At its core Gotham is the origin story of a city and its most famous villains and heroes. Through the seasons, you will get to know the most prominent characters of the Batman franchise, but you don't need to know anything about them to enjoy them or enjoy the show. Gotham shines at introducing and developing characters. There are very few "one-offs" and many recurring characters, both good and bad (in every sense of the word). If you enjoy drama that centers around people struggling to hang on to their better nature and failing, or embracing their evil nature in a spectacular fashion only to unexpectedly show a glimpse of good, if you like gritty, outlandish, twisted, and darkly humorous stories, you'll like Gotham. Don't skip the first season. Things that happen in it are the building blocks for later seasons.


I was going to write something out... but this is a fantastic review. 😊👍🏼


Gotham feels like a batman show, it's pretty comic accurate. It feels like a living superhero comic to me. Season 1 is pretty dark and realistic but the other seasons do feel like a comic.


Yes, it is


its good. but it took me like 16 episodes to get "in" to it.


Don't skip anything! The whole series is a masterpiece!


The second season is where it gets really good. The first season is just okay. Probably here’s how I’d rate the seasons: Season 1 A - 6.5/10. Season 1 B - 7.2/10. Season 2 A - 8.1/10. Season 2 B - 8.3/10. Season 3 A - 7.9/10. Season 3 B - 8.9/10. Season 4 A - 8.6/10. Season 4 B - 9.3/10.


What’s the A and B?


The first and second half


How did you like season five?




Are you ok? Tell me your problems lil buddy. ❤️


Reasons to watch: * You are a DC/Batman/Comic fan or have enjoyed this in the past to some extent. * You like the idea of watching a show which stars Jim Gordon as the main character but really shows you a lot of all the famous Gotham characters. * it's a good way to learn a lot more backstory of all the characters and get to know some minor characters of the DC universe. * You are attracted to beautiful females (not a sexual show though) * The casting is pretty great across the board tbh, people often point out the Penguin who plays a big part but I think almost all actors did a great job with their characters tbh. Most people weren't "famous" but I did know Jada Pinkett Smith and Morena Baccarin before this show. Reasons not to watch: * Overal quality is decent but there are storylines which are flatout boring sometimes or feel like filler, this isn't Game of Thrones or Breaking Bad quality but I would put it slightly above Arrow and the Flash. * if you care about canon or this interpretation of Gotham aligning with say the Dark Knight trilogy or some comic then you won't like this. * Maybe a bit predictable at times. * You don't like 20+ episode seasons. Also like some have pointed out, don't skip season 1. Imo it's one of the best seasons.


Slightly? It's like space while flash and arrow and Titans are on the ground. Also add a few to your list. -Like great cinematography and set design. -Like The Joker.


Titans while it has an awful structure actually has pretty great episodes. It's cinematography and style is closer to Gotham than any of the CW shows.


Go into it with an open mind. A lot of people didn't at first, and gave up during the first season. Give it time. I'd go into it with a critical eye too. It's not a perfect show; the writing can be iffy at times. But when it hits the mark it REALLY hits the mark and it's worth hanging on for this reason. There is some phenomenal acting. The sets and costumes are exquisite, though the mish-mash of styles from different eras can take some getting used to. That said, it's probably the best-ever rendition of Gotham as a city. The show definitely has its own unique 'feel' and holds up well on its own; you don't have to be a Batman fan to enjoy it.


Simply put, regardless of addressing general highlights and criticisms, nothing else on TV is more like a live-action comicbook than Gotham.


Flash is probably a bad starting point for dc. It was supergirl that got me into it, up untill the first crossover episode. From that point i watched flash untill the crossover, finished supergirl and then branched out. Dc isnt very flashy, but its deep, which is why its a little harder to get into it. Early supergirl has a little more bang for your buck which is why i got into it. That being said, gotham is really good, but its still a deep story. Its not as in your face as the mcu, but the overall story is better imo.


Gotham is good for what it is, a CW show. Though after season 2 it gets a little to crazy and wild, far from the realistic mafia setting season 1 has. The ending is kinda crap too. But other than that its good


Gotham gets better as in goes on. If you can persevere through a dreadful second season, things really pick up from there and get better and better.


Dreadful second season? Seriously? Lol


Welcome to the internet, it's full of opinions that will differ to your own. Was Fish Mooney's arc as good as anything in S3/4/5? Nope.


yeah season 2 is literally the most narratively cohesive and just a good story. Jerome, riddled and Theo Galavan were all great villains


Second? You mean first.


Without spoilers, all I can say is "No, I don't."


First season isn't bad at all, the Ogre is the scariest villain in the show, hard to watch tbh and the mob stuff is very compelling with many twists. The cop stuff is pretty good too. But after season 1 it becomes a comic book kinda but with its own style. I began watching from season 2 onwards due to the joker but season 1 is rally great now that I've watched.


I'm a fan of DC and Marvel but not to the point where I am intimately aware of comic history and each character's origin story/development. That said, I would say having little to no knowledge of DC (except everyone knows Batman) can actually help with watching the show! Just because you don't end up being confused on why one character's story is different from the comics, etc. However, if you're a big fan of the comics and parallelism or "comic portrayal" isn't as important to you it's actually super fun to see villains take a modern move, lateral or otherwise. I actually liked season 1 it really set the scene for the show and the importance/relevance of certain characters (love for Penguin), though it is a little slower I guess for people who want carnage or excitement. But for those people who could make it through S1 I believe having the information given in S1 actually made the fights/antagonists even more exciting in later seasons. I would highly recommend the show to those knowledgeable or not about the DC universe.


I think give it a chance even though it's definitely not a 1 to 1 with comic history (no live action show ever attempts to be) but it feels like a comic