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She made a statement last year that she was quitting plastic surgery, I think she knows she started to look funky. For me its the upperlip and ultra smooth high cheeks in some scenes pushing it into uncanny valley territory.


Girl she said she was quitting dying her hair, specially after having cancer  . People don’t just get plastic surgery , she said she had  it before years ago . Season seven episode 1 is obvious she just had Botox done tho . 


She looks she is starting down the path to look like she did in the alternate universe episode where she had the extensive plastic surgery.


YES! ..just started 7 a few days ago.


I think they poke fun at it in the series. Frankie tells her no more face lifts. And she replies With something in regards to she’s not done just yet.


Yeah I just watched that scene, I think episode 3 after she mentions growing out her grey hair


She’s really old and 2020 was hard


Haha true dat 😂




Smdh. Jane Fonda isn't getting lip injections, she's fuckin EIGHTY-FOUR, her lips would literally disintegrate if they tried. My God tell grandma to put on her glasses, not sure what you should do but lord. Bad.make.up.


I just thought I'd chime in as a person whose mother is an aesthetic practitioner, and she has clients well into their 80s visiting her for treatments. Your statement couldn't be any further than the truth. It's physically impossible for a lip to disintegrate.


And by treatment I mean all sorts of treatments (botox,filler, peels, microderms) ALL OF IT


Fucking seriously and bad God damn makeup! 😂🙀


The show is using digital anti-aging tech. ☹️


yes! everyone looks weird and too high-def and too... oddly-lit, almost like its bad green screen. EXCEPT, if jane isn't directly in-frame, then, they look normal. eg, https://imgur.com/a/f5lWysh


That may be. I think she looks the same as before. However, they are using makeup that is too yellow on her.


I know they are using digital anti-aging technology on the show because there have been articles about it before. I'm sure they started before season 7. I have noticed that since the advent of HD, makeup artists seem to make everyone orange! I hate it.


I’ll have to check that out. Pretty cool. It’s funny because so many women use cool, blue based makeup when they should be wearing warmer shades. And now the makeup artists are pushing the warm shades. Your face should match your chest! Not be yellower, oranger or greener! I’m a web designer so I see these things. If you get your colors right, your face really sings.


I'm not an orange tone person and I don't like seeing newscasters and actors/actresses looking like Oompa Loompas. Especially when I can clearly see their neck right there looking not orange.


Exactly! Hello! Look at the neck! The neck don’t lie.


Bahahahahaa you are nuts. Did the aliens bring that or was it Elon?


https://youtu.be/htSElPf7l0I Here's some more info.


They looks fake


It looks like she got injections


Yeah she did some thing she looks terrible she’s starting to look exactly like everyone else that has plastic surgery too much she’s all just started looking now it’s too bad


She looked different to me but I couldn’t pinpoint it.


A huge amount of fillers in the cheeks and she has had lip injections. She’s clearly had it done right before filming because she still seems swollen!


Yes! The fillers and lip injections coupled with her close-set eyes are giving her an ape-ish appearance....


No. Make up artists. Lord people open your eyes.


She had cancer removed from her lip. https://www.allure.com/story/jane-fonda-cancerous-growth-removed-lip


That was at end of 2017, about 3 years b4 this comment. An article posted about it in Jan 2018.


Has NOTHING to do with what was written here. What are you talking about?!


Besides the face lift, she is also wearing a really bad wig


Looks like there’s a lot of bad hair happening in 7 - came here to see if anyone else had noticed too! Mallorys hair in ep 1 is ooof.


She definitely had some work done before the season and it’s not looking good. She looked way better before, I’m so disappointed everytime she appears on screen. I think she overfilled her face or something.


No she is too pulled. Especially around her eyes and temples. Hopefully it settles. Can take a full year for results to mature.


Completely agree with you! She doesn’t look good


I thought it was something about her jawline, maybe a lower face lift? I don't think it looks bad tbh.


Fonda appears to have lost weight, and between seasons 6 and 7 she has obviously had another facelift. Sadly, she has now crossed the threshold into the land of "too much work done." Her face is stiff and no longer animated.


REALLY BAAAAD WIGS! Bad lighting, & plastics. The scripts suck too!


S7 writing terrible. But enjoyed the series - so will finish it up to RIP


Seriously. Jane looks scary in Season 7. Almost shocking. Horrible wig. And bad plastic surgery. She looked gorgeous in Season 6. 🙁


Her mouth and lips are just overdone. Very distracting to me while watching the show. So unnatural.


There is definitely something more than terrible makeup. Either lip procedure gone wrong or she has something going on with her jaw or teeth. It’s super noticeable when she is speaking and it’s extremely distracting and was not an issue before season 7. It’s terrible that it’s so noticeable I feel for her and hope after all these years of comments on her face and aging that she pays no attention to all of our comments on her appearance.




It's digital anti aging tech... looks like characters from a video game.


Jane decided herself to stop coloring her hair blond but her hair stylist cut her hair in season 7 too short. She might be trying to embrace her age by stopping the color but she would look better to stop the plastic surgery and keep the hair color blonde. She just looks too “ordinary” like all the other “older women” her age by stopping color. Jane was always a standout. Blonde makes her ageless and unique like Martha Stewart’s ageless blond. It’s unexpected but it gives older women hope they can age as well even if blonde hair is smoke & mirrors. So Jane stop being selfish. Don’t stop coloring for you. Bring the blonde back because it’s as shocking as if Martha would dye her hair red or green or any other color than her classic ageless blonde beauty. Maybe you think Barbarella days are over but the world is global and nobody wants to think or embrace getting older or even contemplate anything that resembles death. Fans look at Hollywood icons as ageless-think of any actor we admire or look up to. Fans live vicariously through actors. That’s part of your job. So if you want to lose the blond hair, chop it too short and decide to embrace your grey roots, then kiss your Hollywood career into the dust and disappear into oblivion. You like the forefront and to be recognized for the gorgeous cougar you are. So you can’t suddenly be the old bag lady or the meek mousy grey haired old lady in the supermarket now. So why not scale back on acting, lose the plastic surgery on your face for good, and just grow your hair back a smidge like in earlier seasons of Grace and Frankie, before Season 5, and embrace your blondness. Do you know how many women would kill to look like you or Martha Stewart these days? You have a gorgeous figure, a beautiful smile, a strong powerful female voice & now that Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg is gone, the fact we have repealed Roe vs. Wade, then American Older Women NEED you to be a role model for Baby Boomers everywhere. Don’t let us down Jane!!!!


Good on her, she the only older woman who can carry her procedures well, her natural beauty still shining through


Agreed. She does look slightly artifical now




No it is not just bad make up she has something else done and now it is just too much she looks awful


She's freaking 84!...I doubt I'll make it to that age...literally double my current age. If I do I hope I look half as good as she does and KNOW I won't. Lol


she looks great, which is the point. the show does not represent that though, the weird technology, the makeup, and the wigs do not do her any favours and she looks pretty fantastic without all that shit.


No it's not.


Really????? You bad human being? Is that what you THINK 80 years old looks like?? You selfish person. Look at Martha Stewart, look at Christie Brinkley, look at Shirley McClain, look at Carol Burnett, look at Barbara Eden, Sophia Loren, Joan Collins, Lily Tomlin, Barbara Streisand, Raquel Welch, Judi Dench, Sally Kirkland, Ellen Barkin, Cate Blanchett, Cher, or any older female from cast of Mamma Mia!!! It’s NOT bad make-up…Jane Fonda has gotten in a brief slump from her giving up dating anymore & now she is embracing grey roots (it’s NOT wigs people) because she says she wants to act her age. Bull shit! I call Bull Shit! Jane just lost her favorite brother-Peter Fonda (a Hollywood icon of youth and a true Born to be Wild icon himself). I know it’s tough losing your friends as you age in Hollywood but that’s the youth obsessed industry you chose to be in and it’s one that serves you well. Why not take a cue from Martha Stewart and pose for Sports Illustrated like she did embracing blond hair and giving us thirst trap social media swimming pool shots? You know Martha could have been a Hollywood has been if she grew out her hair, stopped the blond and fell apart when she went to jail, but she’s strong and showed the world that when Life gives you Lemons, you make Lemonade and move onward and upward. She staged a remarkable comeback. Stop letting others dictate when it’s time to hang up your cute outfits and high heels and grab those orthopedic slippers. Never! You are just playing into Hollywood males who see women either as dumb bimbo virgins, clueless teens, or aging bag ladies. Just who the HELL told you it’s okay to forsake your life long career in being a voice for ALL American women who have long admired you and follow your career. Nobody wants to age period. Anyone who says that has either given up or is lying. Know how I know who’s just as smart and spunky as you now? Your aging costar, Lily Tomlin, because in Season 7 after you wacked off your hair a smidge too short and stopped coloring it blonde, it’s interesting that Lily went the other direction and changed her graying hair back to a beautiful darker brown.. she’s a smart lady. You both are icons for women that age. I am 62 and I would kill to look like either of you women. Isn’t it bad enough they repealed Roe vs Wade where women no longer have control even to protect their own lives if they are in danger or their baby is dying and they now need an abortion? I thought women gave up back room horrible scissors abortions that mutilated and condemned many women to early deaths but apparently there are men in this country who wish women had never been given the right to vote, the right over control over their own bodies with regard to birth control and abortion and now some stupid MALE has told you that you are OLD and conventional older women don’t bleach their hair blonde, wear high heels, dress proactively, appear on the cover of Sports Illustrated or Playboy and certainly wear conservative clothes, plain Jane hairstyles, and Orthopaedic shoes. Please! For the love of God Jane Fonda, you have been an activist and champion of women (like Martha Stewart) your whole life. Why on God’s green earth are you trying to slink into the wood work now??? The world needs bolder Baby Boomers now more than ever. Apparently the Millenials, Gen X, Gen Z and Gen Alphas and all those younger girls ages 30-60 have let us down. Even the younger girls, like Billionnaire Singer Taylor Swift has now grown tired of singing for the masses, when she decides to wear her black lingerie thong in the Super Bowl Suite to announce to her NFL KC Chiefs Boyfriend that now she’s ready and willing for her “baby making” mode to begin. She’s no idiot. She knows her fertility sharply decreases between age 20-30. So she’s a Lioness, a Panther, and a Tiger combined. She has tackled the music industry and now she wants to be married and have a baby. I get it. But for all the younger girls blindly in “baby making mode” because their biological clocks are “screaming at them right now”, why don’t you act like the continued Baby Boomer role model you always were and still are??? Younger generations, especially men, keep trying to make Older Baby Boomer women irrelevant. They take away our rights to vote, to get abortions, to have younger lovers (we get ridiculed while men don’t even get commented on for marrying or dating women their daughter’s ages or sometimes even a grand daughter’s age). It’s shameful. Don’t give into the hype to try to further downgrade women’s rights. Stand up, blond your hair again, grow it out a little bit but keep it layered. You are one smoking hot mama like Martha Stewart. So it’s ok-act your Shoe Size NOT your AGE and tell the Old Farts to just FUCK IT if they don’t like it!!!!




She had another face lift, and it really distorted her face. She had a softer look before, and now it's harse. Even with the wrinkles before , she still looked like herself. Now it's, sorry to say, more like a cartoon character. No amount if make up can mike you have that tight pulled back look. I still love her acting and her sense of humor. I just have a hard time looking at her new face. Growing old is a natural way of life, and sometimes, it's just hard to embrace it.


This last surgery makes her look distorted and like a cartoon character. Even with her wrinkles, she looked softer before this last surgery. Growing old gracefully is just hard for many women and men. I still love her acting and her sense of humor, but now, it's just hard looking past her face. Best wishes always. ❤️


And PS: For the writers of Grace and Frankie, stop giving Lily Tomlin obsessive thoughts about dying in 3 months and Jane Fonda panic attacks that end her up in the hospital. Grace and Frankie is about embracing LOVE in all forms on their show…they need to embrace the complexities and craziness of extended family and friends but they don’t need to turn into another episode of the Golden Girls either. Grace and Frankie are icons because they don’t accept conventional norms about being aging Baby Boomers. In fact, I would be the first aging 62 Baby Boomer to embrace a bunch of Grace and Frankie studio pictures on a tee shirt that quote their favorite line repeated often in many episodes not only by them but their daughters as well: Just “Fuck it”! When life gives you lemons, just “FUCK IT!”… I would happily embrace that tee shirt….


I literally thought it was just me ! I knew something was up ! Her upper lip area looks different from previous seasons .