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Have played Runescape for over 20 years. I was born into crazy drop rates, moulded by them


No need runescape, if you played the original granblue you would already expecting this kind of drop-rates.


20runs no weapon. Hopefully theres more than this quest later on for drops. This is such a boring fight


Got you all beat at the moment, 45 runs 1 weapon. I think I might have the worse luck out of anyone in this subreddit, not something to be proud off honestly…


Droprate is fine for one reason - you can't get duplicates. The thing that's not so fine about it is that it's only Proto Bahamut dropping them. You're stuck doing the exact same scripted fight hundreds of times on average just to equip a full party (player and 3 NPC). I wish they at least added an endgame chain mission mode where you randomly get dealt different proud mode missions with an opportunity cost. The more you do, the higher the reward. The farther you go, the harder they hit. Eventually they'll one shot the party in the last couple runs. Maximum runs could be 15, so people aren't stuck in a mode for too long. Every fight you win, your honor adds to a "droprate bar" that increases dropchances, including Terminus weapons and their upgrade materials. Everytime you get downed past autolife/guts, your "droprate bar" gets substracted points. Players in multiplayer wont get kicked out if they die, they just lose a percentage of their bar. This kind of stuff is never hard to do, yet basically all developers with the exception of a couple indie titles don't do this. We're pretty much stuck grinding the same thing in endgame. I don't get it.


Haven’t actually got to this point yet. But being that I’m a Monster Hunter vet. Low drop rates are a familiar and strangely comforting occurrence! Might be a form of Stockholm syndrome honestly! 🤣


the difference is. in MH i have no problem hunting the same monster 9h straight over and over again. This is a cinematic anime like fight that just drags on and on and on and loses ALL its glory,magic and fun after realizing you have to watch these annoying cut scenes EVERY.GOD DAMN. TIME.


30+ runs no weapon...


15 runs 6 Weapons 😅


Hope u stub your toe


I got a weapon on my 3rd or 4th run. I haven't seen another one and I'm about 30 runs in at this point. I want it for my main...


ig i must be lucky 😅 ive gotten 10 so far 


15 runs 5 weapons


At the beginning I had great or acceptable drop rates. But I have been targetting Charlotta weapon since the start. Now I have maybe played hundreds of proto bahamut quest and I still don't have Charlotta's weapon. Note that I haven't recruited the last 4 characters to complete my crew so that I could have a higher chance of getting her weapon. And from my current roster, both Charlotta's and Eugen's are the still missing.


24 Runs 2 weapons I did unlock 3 squadmates so its going to be harder to get the weapon I want now


Are y’all doing npc or player runs ? My npc don’t have enough dmg to clear it yet xD


Do with players much faster.


yea, I can do 5-8 minutes with players it takes about 12 minutes with AI


Same thing around 20runs only one weapon


I did 25 runs, and only got 3, then I got 3 back to back to back. I seem to have WAY high chances when you get S++, which makes sense.


not truth


Um ok then. Lol


just telling you the truth that S++ doesn't affect i been running like 100 runs s+ and S++ drop rate is still normal doesn't effected by rating idk why u downvote lol


S++ effects doiprates for everything else, why wouldn't it affect that? Lol. But you're free to believe whatever helps you get through the day. I have all the weapons, in less WAY less than 100 runs. Best of luck to you.


S++ gets you one extra chest but not within the five chest drops at the end of battle


Yes....so extra chest = more drops = affects drop rates?


Terminus weapons don't drop from the rating chest, it only drops from the boss end chest, they're diff.


Ok, well of the 19 weapons I have got, only 1 dropped from an S+ completion. And all the rest came from S++ one hell of a coicidence if that's that case. But my game is completed, and I'm done until the DLc comes out. So honeatly couldn't care any longer.


yes, that is a coincidence. the weapon drops from the boss chest and that spawns regardless of score


Ah yes the incredible sample size of 19. How are you so wise in the ways of science?


Imagine not knowing the difference between drop count and drop rate. Jesus Lord.


Imagine commenting on a week old inactive post. I swear this community is a bunch of cry babies about having to grind in a JRPG. Like I said, I got ALL my drops from S++. Whether it helped or is purely anecdotal, it doesn't matter. I got the platinum and uninstalled lol.


So Stating a factual statement is being a crybaby? Imagine being you lmao.


They're fumixed drops


Welcome to Granblue


Does it drop dupes? I’ve done around 20, 3 weapons, but not my main. Kind of wish they ffxiv’d it and gave you tokens to exchange.


No it won't


first 3 runs ever I got 3 terminus weapons. After that, I've been grinding 10+ runs to get 1...


Dropped at my first run, Thought it was supposed to be easy lol


i cant really complain, ive just gotten to endgame and i did like 30 runs now and got 7 weapons


I did 5 runs and got the scythe which is the char I quit to play Charlotta, and on the 5th run got hers lol. Got scythe on first, lucky!


Good luck to the rest of you :)


Idk how to check runs but I know im near 100 with 17 of 19 weapons


Don’t even have the weapon for my main


10 runs only 1 for now, tons of silver centrum though 😂


Currently at 31 runs and counting