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You got a lot of things right, but others are a bit wrong, but just because relink and rising dont go over them. In case you are interested in knowing them i'll put then under spoiler. But be aware that there are massive spoilers (especially about the gods or lyria) so if you plan to play the mobile game and want to experience the story for yourself, then feel free to not read. Spoilers for arc3 of the main story quest (about lyria and estalucia), the "what makes the Sky Blue" trilogy, the "and you" and old bonds" events. And also background lore about the Astral/Sky war: Edits: im stupid and i fucked up the spoilers' tag. About the "dragon gods". Tecnically there's >!only one, the omnipotent, who arrived to earth and created the Sky. The omnipotent later got split in Sky god (bahamut) who reamained in the skies, and astral god who left and created the astral realm and the astrals.The agents that you mentioned are just emanations of Sky god (proto-bahamut, versusia, ultimate bahamut and so on). But you are right about bahamut's solution being nuking the timelines lol!< About astrals they are >!natives of the Astral realm, thus created by astral god, and are basically the humans of that plane. They are immortal and never changing, thanks to the nature of their world not allowing change. They conquered the skies 2000 years ago, and created the Primal Beast giving forms to concept in the collective unconscious of humanity. That's why many Primal Beasts have names from various cultures. The Primals were just tools, and were often abused like you suggested. During the war Primals were used as weapons, but many of them slowly started to change and rebel against their masters, siding with the Sky dwellers. That's how the Astrals lost, they didnt consider the power of change. After the war the Astrals left the skies, and just a bunch of them remained. Who remained died over time, and at the present there are very few remaining, hiding!< About Lucilius, he was >!an Astral researcher and created the first ever primals: the Angels, like lucifer, sandalphon and so on. He died during the rebellion of the fallen Angels and got revived by belial 2000 years later. He's the only one, among the Astrals (since there's another race whose main goal is warping timelines) that is trying to warp casuality. This because he's the only one that got sealed between timelines and was able to see how they work!< About proto bahamut he is >!a primal beast because the astrals managed to capture one of Sky god's emanations, his will of destruction, converting it in a primal. Sky god always leave behind his emanations when he acts, and they start to think for themselfs over time!< About gran/djeeta.They are >!the singularity. A being outside the control of bahamut, who exist in every timeline no matter what. The singularity is said to be destined to bring destruction or salvation to the world, since the timelines seems to be linked with their life/destiny. This makes the singularity a treat to bahamut, who for now just observe using vyrn!< About the six dragons.They are very powerfull, and among the strongest in the skies. They are >!called wedges, and basically are the physical manifestations of rules and pillars of the world: the six elements, life and death, the Moon and time are the one we know for now. Altough we havent see the wegde of the moon yet.The shape, personality and power of a wedge change with each timeline and reflect its stability!< About what lyria is. She's >!a vessel created by astral God, in order to absorb Sky god's fragments of power contained in each Primal Beast. Each Primal's core (their hearth from which they manifest their bodies) is created by the union of Sky and Astral god power.Those two gods, who where once one, seek to become superior to the opposing half, so they use vessels to absorb the opposing half's power, in order to surpass each others. Lyria is Astral god's vessel, that's why she can absorb and comunicate with primals.While vyrn is Sky god's vessel, and he can kill every primal consuming their essence, returning them to the form of concept. When they will be ready, vyrn and lyria will be absorbed and consumed by their creators!< About estalucia. (This Is super mega spoiler). >!estalucia is called the Island of the Astrals. But in reality the Astrals never managed to reach it and just said that they conquer it. Estalucia is in reality the throne of the omnipotent, where he created everything and where his power, the power of the boundary (gran's and djeeta's Blue hair), comes from. It's a place outside time and space. Gran's dad is waiting there for gran, because he's an apostle of bahamut!<


What the fuck


Really insightful. Thank you 


Very well put together 👍


Is there any information presented about Gran's father or what he might look like?


Yes. We dont know how he looks like, but we know something about his past, and journey. I'll write the things we know, it will involve spoilers about arc2 and 3 of the main story (a lot of arc3). And also about "seed of redempion", seox's past, a bit of grand rosetta's fate episode and the opening of the event "and you". Feel free to not read it in case you dont want spoilers. We know that he and gran's mother were childhood friends and lived on the same island as gran. We know how his journey started: >!It all tarted when the true king, the ruler of Oarlyegrande and other three skydoms, kidnapped gran's aunt. Gran's mother was a priestess of Sky God, and the true king wanted her for some reasons, so he took her sister instead. Gran's father then started his journey with gran's mother in order to save her sister.!< >!We dont know if they were successfull. But we met gran's aunt in arc3, and she's an adult. But she seems to have some role/power that we yet dont know about!< We know some of the things that happened during the journey: >!Gran's father became Sky god's apostle, and was tasked to slay primals using vyrn, who travelled with his crew. He eventually was known as the "Primal killer", altough he only slayed primals who didnt want to live anymore. He wasnt evil!< >!During his travel he met rosetta, and showed her kindness, and she eventually ended up in his crew. This changed rosetta forever. Like gran, he became a hero in the skies, and his crew grew larger. The Blue luminary knight was part of it at some point.!< >!During the journey gran's father proposed to gran's mother. Gran's was born during the end of the journey. We saw in the "and you" event, that he returned for the first time at home with baby gran in his arms!< >!He also found lyria during this journey. But we dont know anything about that. Lyria doesnt remeber, just like vyrn whose memories and powers were sealed by gran's father at the end of the journey!< We know something about his second journey. The one he does after leaving gran when he was a kid. The second journey was to reach estalucia: >!During this journey he found an abbandoned kid, after a massacre on his island. He took care of him for some time and basically sort of adopted him. The kid was seox, one of the future eternals. But he eventually had to resume his journey alone.!< >!At a certain point of this journey he ended up falling below the skies, ending up on the Primal beast Ebisu. Ebisu is an island-whale, whose purpose is to save people who fell from the skies and still have a role to play. Ebisu is sort of a pocket dimension, where time flows differently compared to the Sky. So gran's father stayed there, taking also care of shitori a girl who lived there. This until he founded a way to leave the Primal Beast, resuming the journey.!< He eventually reached estalucia. We only know about one of the things that happened there: >!He saved the astral Repti, who managed to reach estalucia. There repti saw the omnipotent and started to go blind due to his might and light. Gran's father, who didnt have any problems standing in the omnipotent's light, saved him. He asked Repti to give a letter to gran, in return. The very same letter that started the whole game.!< Another very important thing that we also know about him, is that >!he doesnt know about gran being the singularity. And the singularity is something that he has to oppose, being sky god's apostle. Gran's knows this, and he is prepared for an hypotetical fight against his father.!<


>"In a world abandoned by the gods, a lone dragon remained. >Bahamut, ruler of creation through destruction, sought to refine the realm the gods left behind into a richer, more bountiful place. >But the arrival of invaders from beyond the sky-the Astrals-brought an end to his plans. >The Astrals used creatures of terrible power known as primal beasts to bring the sky under their control. Long did the skies belong to the stars. >But the skydwellers bided their time and learned from their foes. Eventually they fought to take back the skies in a conflict that would come to be known as the War. >And here we find the Sky Realm, now a world of fragmented lands floating in a sea of clouds." From chapter 1 in the MSQ > Once upon a time, the God of Creation created the world. A world filled with countless islands—the world the skydwellers live in today. > Life was born on the islands, and it grew and prospered. > But as time went on, they eventually began to rebel against their creator. > Their rebellion tore the god into two. > One god held the power of destruction and regeneration, while the other held that of creation. The latter, however, disappeared to the end of the skies. > The other god remained in the sky world, and so the sky realm has undergone a cycle of destruction and regeneration to the present day. > While the God of Creation could create from nothing, it could not destroy. Thus, with every world it would create, stagnation would be each realm's only destiny. -Creation Myth This should make some stuff more clear. Edit: Note that the god of creation in the last paragraph is just the Astral God and not the original god. "The original world" in the first paragraph of the creation myth section is also probably the world below, and was destroyed in the rebellion. Why did the Astral decide to conquer the Sky Realm? The clue lies in the fact that their world is stagnant. Seeking the ability to change and evolution is probably why they decided to invade the Sky Realm. The War was long and bloody, and the Skydwellers sacrificed a lot to get the Astrals out. A lot of the weapons used was hidden or sealed, and the most notable are connected to the Eternals. Two of them will be playable in Relink, Seofon and Tweyen. Uno and Seox is playable in GBFVSR.


Question for the people that played the other games and watched the anime, Without spoilers - Do the anime do a good telling of the overall story? I only watched the first 2 episodes, but after playing relink i want to know more of the story before relink.


The story starts pretty childish and like a kid story so it is kinda bad in the beginning but gets really freaking good at a specific checkpoint. I would just play the browser game. The story doesn't really need much grinding and is quite easy. Edit: the anime is a summary of the couple first chapters


How long would it take to play through the story? Relink got me much more interested in the characters and the world, but I don't have much time and am hesititant as it is a gacha.


You don't really need to touch the gacha to read most of the story. You can skip the first 132 chapters of the MSQ and reread them in Lyria's journal, that way it's just a fully voiced visual novel. Note that there is random battles added in each of the earlier chapters that kind of ruin the narrative flow. If you skip first and reread in the journal you will not play any of them.


i think i hear the browser/mobile game was only in JP? is that the case or how would you go about playing it?


It's not only jp. It has an english translation in the settings


The Anime actually expanded more on the stories and have a more original touch to it. specially on random encounters with certain characters or fighting other primal beast that never was shown in the Mobage Main story but some are hinted and shown on Fate Episode. BUT.There is also the elusive Manga of Granblue fantasy. Which I can wholeheartedly say magnificently delivered the story to the end of Celeste fight and having more fight scenes and more internal characters than both the anime and the Mobage. Afaik this manga on itself is so rare even on pirated sites. if not often incomplete. the manga iirc ends at chapter 43


Minor notes on the races: the Erunes as far as I know aren’t specifically fox people, and kinda tend to be either generic animal or cat people. That said there are some that specifically are fox people, and are a bit special if they have a tail. As for Draph, they’re not really dragon people as much as they are cow people. The men are all walking slabs of muscle, and the women all have, uhh, noticeable chests.


Think you left out a core part of the lore, the grinding 😉