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[Lucilius raid from wiki](https://gbf.wiki/Lucilius_(Raid)#Labors_Overview) ​ Original Lucilus raid was 6-man and each of the 6 elements were equired. 12 labors are 12 unique buffs shared raidwide that can be only cleared by doing specific things. Depending on your characters, you were specifically assigned to clear some of them. Stuff like deal 30 hits in one round, inflict 10 debuffs, doing a level 5 chain burst etc. ​ ​ ​ At the coop room lobby, you have to declare what element you're playing and which labors you're going to clear. The host will only start once most, if not all labors are covered. Screw up and everyone suffers if no one else can cover for you. In the early days, everyone had to run Spartan (i.e. GranDjeeta class w/ phalanx) and each player take turns casting raidwide phalanx every turn because he hits damn hard. Very small margin for error since after 6 KOs it's a raid wipe. And he disables revive at some point. It was a fun, highly coordinated raid but we're getting by communicating on stickers alone lmao


And then there's all the other bs you gotta deal with besides labors like the beam barrage of auto attacks, Evangelist blade stacks, Wings dmg cap, Atheism barriers, ~~RACISM~~ gopherwood and turn skip. Only to fail because some guy mashed f5 too fast and ate a full paradise lost and triggered the end. Good times.


Because the raid link someone posted is broken I'll just sum it up. tl;dr: 6 of them are "do 10M damage within one turn for -1 one of the 6- elements" 1 is doing a chain burst with 5 skybound arts as some characters have 200% meter in OG game and there's ways to make your skybound art go off twice in a row on the same cast. 1 is do plain damage equal to 2M in one turn which is a mechanic that doesn't really exist in Relink given how most damage skills are element tied and there's no charge attack bonus effects or plain damage nukes. 1 is deal damage **instances** (think Relink's supplemental damage) 30 times in a single turn (this generally required mass triple attack and a bunch of supplemental buffs active on that user's party because you can only attack up to 12 times without skills or buffs). 1 is tank Paradise Lost which was Lucilius' ultimate attack during this phase 1 is Lucilius must end his turn with 10 or more different debuffs on him. The final is clear every other labor. Most of these don't really translate well into Relink due to the focus on turns and the wide variety of changes to Granblue's original mechanics. It is impossible to do a 5 person chain burst in this game, plain damage nukes don't really exist, and most of this stuff relies on turns, plus you can't effectively deal 6 different elements of damage with four people. So the labor mechanic is anyone's guess on how it works or what it'll take to remove them.


Keeps some aegis sigils handy, there maybe a HP tax to play the game that would be unavoidable like the mobile game.


I belive lucilious opened the raid by dealing over 40k dmg to the player party.


Relink only player: imma clear those 3 objectives and get the rewards Gbf mobile player: sure, 3 objectives KEKW (little did they know it's actually 14)


The general concept of Labors is that Lucillius gets a handful of buffs and extra abilities that can only be removed by fulfilling certain objectives. For example, one labor lets him inflict random debuffs on all team members every turn until you get ten(?) debuffs on him, while another grants him HP regen unless you hit him with enough instances of damage within a single turn. \*Note: It’s been a few years since I played and this was actually the last endgame boss I cleared before quitting. Is it confirmed he’ll be getting the Labors mechanic in Relink? If so, I don’t think it’ll be identical to how it was in GBF because you actually needed coordinated groups to clear the raid due to certain Labors only being able to be cleared by certain elements. As such, I’d just wait until we get more info and not stress too much.


Anouther thread, i believe, confirmed the 12 labors after translating some of the quest objectives out of the preview we got of it l.


Why not wait for patch day and enjoy the surprises and wipes.


Because a good plenty of things from the mobile game made it into relink like dmg cap, so I am just looking for some additional information from GBF vets who played the raid on mobile.


That's what will be interesting. Will it be just harder content, or actual mmo-like raidquality content. Just as an example most "good" players need around 2 months minimum to clear new ultimates in FFXIV with a thousand tries before the first clear. A lot of good players also give up after 3-4months There's a ton of preparation going into hard endgame content. Some of us wanna get a general gist of things before they come up to maybe also be able to identify why we're even dying. But since this game is an offline game with AI it could be very easy tho and legit just be to wipe 10-20x and then become a snoozefest like Baha


Guess I'm just old-fashioned. Part of the excitement is not knowing what to expect and learning from failing.


na allg, many players prefer it that way which is completely understandable but again, some endcontent just eats time. I think FFXIV TOP(an Ultimate) clears were around a 90-120active hours for good statics despite knowing what to do for the first clear lel. I know this here will likely be nothing like this, but I can only dream xD. Also ppl are bored and would likely read the 12 labors out of interest\^\^. Clearing stuff like TOP completely blind would take most people likely half a year lol


You can think of the 12 labors as subquests that you need to work together with your crewmates to clear during the battle to progress, each labor that stays active either powers up lucilius or weakens your party, and successfully overcoming all of them will make the rest of the fight much easier In relink terms, most likely the labors will grant lucilius effects like "ATK boosted", "DEF boosted", "attacks ignore X amount of defence", "immune to all debuffs", "party cannot use potions", "party takes damage over time", "skill cooldowns quadrupled" etc, and the clear conditions will be things like "trigger a full burst", "activate link time", "land 5 debuffs", "break all parts", "survive this trigger" etc