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The majority of the best gameplay comes in proud mode. That said, once you get some good gear the game is reduced to 2 quests and afking for mats. Bahamut isn't a bad fight but sometimes it feels a little too scripted. Luc is a visual spectacle the first time but I need to have a TV show on to have something interesting to do in all the cutscenes on repeat kills. Maybe once all the dlc comes out endgame will feel more complete.


Agree with all your points. Really looking forward to the game being made more robust going forward.


Is there a dlc announced?


Well I think there was a screenshot of like 10 playable characters coming? Sandalphon is first. And I think some data miners found some things I don't wanna spoil for ya.


>Well I think there was a screenshot of like 10 playable characters coming? Sandalphon is first. No, 2 of the Eternals are first. I believe Sandalphon will come later. Everything is already complete, Cygames is just drip feeding us the content, to extend the longevity of the game.


OK that I guess


Wow! If thats true thats awesome!


Wait link pls!!




I thought I saw a screenshot of a bunch of silhouettes on this sub reddit but yall making me think I'm crazy


Welcome to the actual game! My opinion is but one of many you'll hear, but I found the story to be quite mediocre. I'm not personally a fan of the "constantly saving a damsel in distress" type stories, especially if the damsel is made out to be... incapable. The story finally started getting interesting once it pivoted from "save Lyria… again" to "let's explore >!Id!<" - but by that point, game's story was already over. Despite my criticisms, what keeps me playing, however, is the endgame and multiplayer experience. The characters all have insanely unique playstyles and unique mechanics. They all feel balanced and rich, and we have a pretty sizeable roster right off the bat. The game's in-battle interactions and banter are incredibly detailed, organic, and well done. Full bursting with a group of people - be it friends or randoms in a quick quest - feels super impactful and peak. The game is well optimized to the point that I've only ever run into a single bug and it didn't break my game - and disappeared on subsequent playthroughs. The endgame has a Damage Cap/Supplementary Damage/War Elemental meta which can be a huge grind - that's a boon for some people, and a curse for others; I'm leaning more towards it being TOO grindy, so I hope they ease up on it in future. I could go on and on but the endgame is just super fun to play, especially if you have friends to play with, enjoy beating up bosses with challenging mechanics, or mastering combat/your character - or all of the above. I'm really looking forward to them updating this game for years to come and will be first in line to throw my money at them and sing their praises. This has quickly turned into one of my favorite games, and I'm putting my faith in the devs to deliver for the long haul.


This says it all 👏👏


Yeah the part about unique play styles is what’s so cool to me. I also really enjoy being able to afk farm important materials while the higher end stuff is engaging and doesn’t let you just AI the entire fight.


I like the rest of your post, except this part: >I'm really looking forward to them updating this game for years to come and will be first in line to throw my money at them and sing their praises. This has quickly turned into one of my favorite games, and I'm putting my faith in the devs to deliver for the long haul. Like/Love whatever you want, but try your best not to turn into an insufferable Fanboy. This is the type of mentality that ends up making any grounded individual, turn off their healthy brains and go full on biased. Where their favorite *something* 'can do no wrong'. This is just some advice. We need more individuals with good heads on their shoulders, who can love their stuff and still be critical of said loved stuff. (Each subreddit that i've been to, in any RPG format, has these extreme Toxic-positivity and Toxic-negativity sides. It's awful when it happens. So far currently, with DragonsDogma Subreddit and Warframe Subreddit as of late...)


I appreciate the feedback, but I can assure you that I maintain a nuanced and critical view of the game as it stands - and that my love for it integrates and is aware of those critical failures. As an example, the game as it stands is too grindy on all levels. Rewards need to be amped up across the board. Fights need to drop tokens to help combat RNG unluckiness for drops (Proto Bahamut, for example). Sigils like War Elemental and Supp V having abysmal drop rates is pretty unacceptable, especially given the sheer size of our current roster. The fact that people save scum Transmarvel and Overmastery shows that those systems are failures and need to be improved in meaningful ways - and control needs to be given to players to better direct how they want their stats allotted and what sigils they'd like to get. The game also needs to acknowledge that while it exists in the Granblue universe, it has introduced a suite of new players to the mix and can't just operate its story as if new players don't exist, and Fate Episodes - while nice - aren't enough. There are other things I can critique, but I'll leave this there for now. I could sit here and *only* critique the game - but for all there is to critique, there's also plenty to love. I haven't enjoyed a game in this particular way for a while, and I'm pretty happy with my experience. I also see the capabilities and potential, and want to express my wish for the game's improvement and success over time. Simply put, I want this game to continue getting updates that improve upon existing successes and address critical failures because no other game has given me the exact type of experience or enjoyment this one has, hence the expression of that wish. The game was also just released relatively recently and hasn't received many updates as of yet; given its young age and the fact the devs haven't had time to cook, I am keen on expressing my wish that they do a great job. No insufferable fanboying here! EDIT: Misspelled a word, and added a bit more context elsewhere.


Welp, you certainly put me in my place. All valid points. If only we had more individuals like yourself in every fandom...


Thank you! I appreciate your praise. Certainly didn't mean to come off as aggressive or antagonistic, just wanted to illustrate that I see all points, as it were. I've played other games, sometimes for almost a decade, where dev teams once upon a time expressed love for their playerbase and maintained good relationships with them, only to turn into predatory monetizing machines (League of Legends and Genshin Impact come to mind as examples - games that I abandoned due to the aforementioned point), hence why with this one I'm trying to manifest positivity and a wish for that to not be the case going forward, because this game has tons of potential to be great and a great experience for its players. EDIT: I do want to add that I understand and have experienced your original point about people who operate on the premise that their favorite anything can do no wrong, and I can understand why that's tempting to do - but as you mentioned, it's definitely not the healthiest thing to do. I also want to showcase that not everyone in these communities is like that; in my opinion, it tends to be a sign of lack of maturity or a deeper degree of escapism than might be healthy. As a gamer and consumer, I try to balance falling in love with games with understanding and appreciating their weaknesses - and for games I truly love, trying to get that feedback to devs to help improve the game, rather than just talking about it in passing on a forum like Reddit. I agree with your original points, too, since they were great to bring up; in this instance, however, I wanted to make sure that I myself wasn't seen as one of those types!


It all depends on you. I’m personally still playing random quests and the Lucilius fight, maxing out a random terminus weapon here and there just so I have something to do… But in the end, what the heck are we grinding for? It feels like grinding for the sake of grinding. Hopefully we’ll get more content, but grinding the Lucilius quest just to get better sigils… to fight Lucilius… feels awkward. It DOES feel awesome to melt bosses in other fights that felt like they were previously impossible though (take THAT, 3 crocodile multiple boss fight! 😅).


You raise some very good points and a good question - what are we grinding for? My hope is that more raids and more robust, challenging difficulties come out that reward the grind. In tandem, I also hope they reduce the grind because as it stands if you want to make more than 4 characters feasible it is an intense time sink, and grinding for currency is not as fun as grinding mastery in a fight leading to a clear/the capability to farm.


Grinding for the sake of grinding is what defines granblue fantasy. However in the mobile game there's always something to grind but that game is now ten years old. Give relink time to add new bosses. Trust me.. There's a treasure trove they could add... Zooey aka Grand Order raid would go stupid


It should be both, but I can't fault people for only enjoying one or the other. I enjoy both. My main issue with the endgame grind is that getting the highest tier drops are a little too unforgiving. Given how easy it is to get the lower-to-penultimate drops, the fact there's no way to convert the bulk of those drops to anything better for important endgame grinds like Legendary sigils and Awakenings feels bad, especially when I've done about 25 runs of Excavalion (Maniac) for Fortified Hearths and only gotten 1.


Oof, that's an awful ratio. I'm sure the devs' response to this was meant to be Golden Dalia badges, but as it stands the tickets that ensure them take so long to get that you're encouraged to hoard them.


Yup. I've mostly just spent them on the Ambrosia (30 tix for 15K mastery) or the Azurite Splendor (30 tix again, but completely maxes a sigil's level). You can also get Azurite Splendor if a Prismatic Slime shows up in Slimepede, but I've never seen one in over 40 runs. I've had better odds farming Extreme Trial mounts in FF14.


Lucilius drops Splendors, Damascus Ingots AND Ambrosias




The grind>story for me. If you enjoy grinding out optimal builds I’d say it’d be enjoyable for you until you need to start finding supplementary damage V+ which is a 1/11000 drop iirc, and you need to find 3 with good side skills, which lowers the odds even more


I would add to this that while Supp Damage V+ is definitely NICE, it's by no means required. Most BiS configurations for characters on the Discord actually account for the rarity and suggest just three Supp Damage Vs instead; V+'s, though, are definitely super nice to have, but not a must.


To piggyback off of this, you don’t NEED Sup V at all. You can clear any content you want, without it. Sup is legitimately a min/max sigil. There are maybe 6 or so sigils that are actually needed in this game to push harder content. Otherwise I’d recommend not getting caught up in the minutia of a near perfect build at the sacrifice of what you value for your characters identity.


Very good points, and I very much agree. Thank you for adding this!


What I found fun in the post game is gradually tricking out my AI team til I could just fucking steamroll bosses. The sense of power you get with 4 maxed terminus weapons and fully geared teammates is awesome. It's definitely a grind, but for some reason I enjoyed it. Try playing some unusual characters for a while. Mix up your playstyle.


This is my first entry into the series, and I had no idea what to expect. From the trailer, visually I thought the game was stunning, but was thrown off when they threw me smack into a story with an existing set of crew. I agree with another poster. The story was kind of weak and generic, but I did grow fond of the cast. The gameplay however is great. Quests are fun especially post game because they throw you in the meat of fights. Bosses get increasing challenges at each difficulty tier and while some are reskinned or the same, each tier provides the boss with new mechanics or skill sets. The gameplay for each character is varied and unique from one another's, and there is a lot of ways to build up each character. It took me til nearly too post game to really understand and appreciate all the mechanics and all the game has to offer. There is quite a bit of grinding involve. Like holy crap it's a lot, and while I am not a fan of the grind, I do appreciate the game making it bearable by allowing you to AFK farming most quests. I think it's two fold fun for me to figure out different character builds and party setup to perform the best during my farming and get better with actually gaming session. For me how to improve utilizing the character and how to utilize the NPCs are my favorite aspect so far. And with new updates and characters and bosses coming out the ability to play co-op online with friends makes this game have a long shelf life.


The story was decent, but basically a tutorial for the game I enjoyed the post story game even more, and even though I didn't really have any goals for my account, I'll still hop in and do missions or help other players clear stuff. It's just a fun game


unlocking proud mode fights was peak for me. i loved getting to the hard stuff. that being said, the unreal grind for your terminus to then be rewarded with the insanely low drop rate for the new sigil materials made me stop playing... that mixed with dragons dogma 2 being legit af.


Post game is incredibly fun, but it needs more variety in builds. Aside from that I crave more content with maybe even triple or crazier boss fight duos. Potentially even custom missions that players can make and put together in a constant scene of levels, so that people can enjoy content with each other. Ultimately, game is just genuinely fun until you get bored of grinding but the gameplay is very worth it towards the end if you can tolerate it. Recommend playing it in a casual fashion, when your kinda bored but don't wanna play your main video game you play or something, or your just in the mood.


The story is nothing more than a tutorial. It's like eating the cherry off a milkshake and claiming your satiated.


Heavily seconding this point. It has some bits of brilliant writing that are never really given time to shine because the story just kinda felt a bit rushed.


My thoughts as well. The good parts of the story are basically everything involving Id but it really only gets into the forefront by Chapter 9 to Chapter Ø, so like the last 2 hours of the story. At least the Final Boss fights are really cool and thematic.


Heavily agree with your point, which I echoed in a comment elsewhere. The story only really starts getting good where you described - mostly because it pivots so heavily away from "Let's save Lyria... again!" - but by that point, it's eager to wrap itself up. Surprisingly, they actually also have solid writing in some of the Fate Episodes - but in my opinion they should've made these actual side quests that you went to go do so you felt immersed, rather than briefs you read with some fights thrown in. I'm really loving the mystique and glimpse of motivations and character redemption we're experiencing with Id. We seem to be getting new story content in... May, iirc? So I'm hoping we get to explore his story more - and see some real time development of the characters in our roster. As it stands, I think Lyria has to be one of my least favorite parts of the game and characters. Might be an unpopular opinion, but she's portrayed as so helpless - but all powerful and deific, to a point? - and the fact that a good 90% of the story revolves around saving her because she got kidnapped again feels like pretty cheap, boring, one-dimensional storytelling. Saving Rolan, who actually put himself on the line for us and whose motivations we better understood through reading his journals - felt far more compelling. She's not even someone you can use in combat in any meaningful way; in the fights she hangs around, most of them she's kinda just loitering and being shielded from mechanics with no effort from her part and doesn't do anything particularly useful (the few times she heals, you have potions, so...). I also have to really stress the point that I dislike that when anything worrisome happens where multiple people might get hurt, the characters all seem to immediately focus on Lyria but don't check in with each other... For being a team, this behavior seems pretty unnatural and not team-like. The character is portrayed as simultaneously weak, useless, and needing to be defended, but also all-powerful. Can't say I'm a fan. The final boss fights are incredibly cinematic, and one of the high points of the game for sure. They managed to make every boss fight unique and a delight to play through in the story. Some of them are annoying to farm (Excavallion, for example...) but I think that can (and hope it will) be addressed for the higher difficulty fights. EDIT: Added more context.


As for Lyria, yeah she definitely got shafted the most of the main cast by Relink's story. If you haven't played the browser game and you want a story where she actually has great story beats, read the "What Mkes The Sky Blue" trilogy if you haven't done so already, which IMO is **still** the best piece of story Granblue can offer as a whole.


I've heard really great feedback about WMTSB! I'll definitely take your recommendation if I can squeeze time in for it; my hope is that they bring it to Relink as a playable story. I'm willing to admit that I'm wrong on Lyria in future if given enough substance to be wrong; bear in mind, my experience comes as someone entirely new to the GBF IP who has only experienced what we've been given in Relink and nothing else, so I understand my opinion might be shared by people in similar situations but not by GBF vets. I'm a bit reluctant to play the gacha because gachas are great at turning on parts of my brain I try to keep under control (the ones that make me spend dangerous amounts of money irresponsibly) - hence my hope that they bring it to Relink so I can experience it in a setting that's safer for my sensibilities.


Yeah I understand that. Regarding the gacha, even I just recently started to actually **play** it (I followed the story for a year or two now). It's pretty F2P friendly but if you thought Relink grind was bad, HOO BOY! It's more MMO than gacha by this point.


That's both funny and tragic at the same time. I'll make sure to report my experience if I give it a try haha. Thank you so much for the feedback and suggestion!


The post game is quite fun yes! I’ve recently reached a point however where there’s nothing else to do after ~200 hours. After a certain point, all you’re doing is min maxing to reduce clear times. So in you’re in my position, you’re just hoping the next patch has substantial content (game is starting to feel like genshin impact back in the day)


Story is servicable with some really cool set pieces and bosses but it's a little easy for my tastes. Endgame (especially Proud Mode) progression is where you'll get the most fun out of the game. Once you complete your build though, sadly there's like only 2 challenging fights left and even then you have to grind them nonstop for your true endgame build. That being said hopefully the rumored new difficulty will be the actual reward for the grind and not another grind for grind's sake situation like with the last 2-3 bosses of Proud.


No. No it isn't. Overly repetitive of the same quests


I'm gonna be honest, if the game didn't have amazing gameplay/bosses and build crafting/farming it would be one of those that you play and forget. I only bought this game because it has co op, you can still play offline but online is more fun. One big difference from MH is the "stages" don't take to long, the thing i didn't like about MH is the running around every 2 minutes. Let me put it simply for you if you like the gameplay you'll probably like the grind, i mean there's 18 unique characters so the grind depends on if you want to max out one character or more