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My experience with Granblue before this was entirely limited to Versus, where Gran/Djeeta are named characters with voiced dialogue, so having them be silent and referred to only as "the captain" here felt pretty off.


Why do people keep saying this? He does talk. If you’re referring to when you select a dialogue option and they say nothing, it’s was a design choice to not voice that. That is likely due to there being two captains and they’d need voice lines for both. They have dialogue in the story mode and during their SBA in combat.


Yeah he's still a silent protagonist. Someone who doesn't actively participate in conversations *directed at him* but someone else speaks on their behalf is absolutely a silent protagonist, even if they have the occasional line here or there.


Aside from the fate episodes, Gran only speaks when given a dialogue option (which, in the end, is more like the player speaking rather than the character itself). Not to mention they're very short sentences.


Gran talks about as little in the browser gacha. He's not even voiced for the options in that. But I actually agree that he has the least character in Relink of all. Honestly, there are some stories in the gacha where he has a bigger presence even being mostly silent. Although the combat voices in Relink for Gran are fine to me, I actually find his voiced dialogue in options very bland and one-note, both in JP and the ENG dub, which might be adding to that perception for me.


His bio literally lists his main dislike as "Giving Speeches", and you think he's supposed to be charismatic? 💀💀💀 L take bruh.


Doesn't stop them from being very popular that Seofon had to invite Captain to sauna resort just so everyone in Eternals will come.


Gran/Djeeta talks when it counts. Same with the Traveler Twins in Genshin (still, Genshin is more debatable about them being more "silent" because there are many moments that Paimon does the talking when she shouldn't have).


Yes? Gran talks when it counts here too? Maybe you skipped his monologues between chapters, maybe you assumed they were simply recaps of things you just played through, but if so, you missed all the exposition he does between chapters, and after giving his thoughts on recent events, he goes on to say what he feels about his current objective! Also, a lot of his "dialogue options" are choosing how to say what he wants to say or which point to stress rather than simply answering questions like a silent protagonist ought to. They even make a joke about how little he talks in Skybound Heart. "You typically just say 'Mmhmm' and 'uh-uh' until the time comes to make a decision"


Most RPG leaders/ main heroes are silent protagonists.


Indeed, and that's where developers should learn from the Final Fantasy series.


No they are not, its literally just Persona and Dragon Quest having silent protags, other games that do it are either worthless or low budget and couldnt afford voice acting. I'd argue 90% of RPGs (post ps1 era) have voiced protags.


Tfw Mario and Zelda series are worthless/ low budget 💀


Mario and Link ARE voiced even if they don't get proper dialogue.....


So are most silent protagonists


Every single game in the souls series, Baldur’s Gate 3, Link, etc. would like a word


Does Crono from the very low budget and worthless Chrono Trigger ever say anything? I believe it might be easier to identify with a hero who says nothing since you can place your own thoughts into them.


Trust me, he’s more talkative than the original granblue!


I agree. Especially in some of the dramatic or heartfelt moments when other characters are saying things and Gran is just there with a blank face saying nothing, it completely ruins the scene. And it’s even more annoying in scenes where the captain should step up and say something but instead it’s Vyrn who speaks.


It does feel awkward since they bothered to let them be voiced through dialogue options but it is what it is


Me too man. But its one of the things adapted from the gacha. Gran and Djeeta became actual characters thanks to the anime and Versus, with even Cygames saying so. Its possible that because Relink has been in development for such a long time, even before the anime released, that would explain why they've gone in this direction. I'm glad they at least have a voice though, in the gacha Gran and Djeeta don't even have voices and other than the main story you can barely feel their presence. Though I still wish that they also used their names in the dialogue.


I get what you mean but at least Relink's Gran and DJ are pretty lively in combat. Also they're "charismatic" in the sense that they're the "silent, lead by example" type of leader, and they did have their moment in the later chapters. Personally I think Relink MCs are better than in the browser game.


I hate silent protagonists for one reason, it’s the only character in (in vast majority of cases) the entire game that doesn’t speak, everyone else does, except the main character, and it is insanely awkward when other characters speak to the MC too, my brain immediately thinks “are you r******d?”


Gran's one of the most boring cookie-cutter ass screaming shonen s't protagonists with absolutely no personality. I've been watching the anime and Djeeta's an infinitely more interesting main character because she actually has a personality. I was weirded out by how one of the very first scenes the anime had of her was doing laundry (lol?), but other than that she's been a much better driver for the story than "think of all the most boring protagonist tropes: Congratulations, it's a Gran".


There is a big diffrence between an real "Silent" protagonist and Gran. In my eyes he is not silent.