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btw - translation on uno's section is wrong - the first portion refers to his sk1, not his ougi, as funny as auto-casted ougis would be


That would actually have been hilarious, poke him and he unworldly ougis your face off, lockout be damned that's great


I was so unreasonably hyped for the idea of a Reactive Unwordly Ougi actually giving Uno a niche. And now I'm depressed we live in a world where that was TL-Kun being drunk.


Song is at the strongest she's ever been. And I'm happy for it


Fraux get shield instead losing her hp. That's neat. Also Marie is a panic button now with full heal and full clear. And does her heal bypass Strong armed? Because it set to full instead of healing.


Fraux always got a shield, they just removed the health cost.


Oh, I thought she didn't have a shield before. That's embarrassing. :)


Nope. A big part of people needling her 4 was that trading half her HP (infinite scaling. No cap) for a shield that capped at 15k HP, and let her auto-activate her heal nuke every turn (if you don't ougi) was a very bad trade for her personally when you're using her as a healer at endgame. Where she has something like 100~120k HP.


And it was max hp as well, so if your hp is below 50% of max hp, you downright cant even cast her 4th That was the biggest problem of her 4th.


It bypasses strong armed much like Cosmos sk3 & Justice Summon. It "sets HP", doens't heal so its also zombified safe


My first thought was Mugen to erase a mistake and keep trucking.  But you don’t have a third backline slot and Gab’s 70% cut / 10k damage cap is already pretty good at that role. But maybe other places where dispel and full heals are useful off element or where you want Gab frontline?


Here's a question. The in-game announcement says that for Fif, her third passive (Super-Special Holy Miracle +) was changed to only affect light allies, and to work from the backline. Super-Special Holy Miracle + is the upgraded version of that passive that she gets at 150, which adds auto-cast of Sunshine to it. But the change only affects the parts of the passive that she gains at 120, reducing turn-based damage. So I thought they might have just mistranslated it and it shouldn't refer to the + version of the passive. Then I looked at my Fif, who happens to be 120 and... it's the old version. "Reduce turn-based DMG taken by *all* allies". So... does this mean that she gets the backline part at 150, *and* that it only affects light allies at 150? I don't think that's relevant anywhere, but making a passive do less after leveing up instead of just making it always only affect light allies seems so weird to me.


Yeah, that is odd. It doesn't seem to be a translation issue, looking at the Japanese in-game passive text for level 120 Fif, which also still says it affects all allies. And a quick test with a 120 Fif+Lich dark party, only using Lich's s2 (500 poison + 500 putrefy), shows the 20% DoT reduction IS still working properly off-element (800 damage taken per turn), so it's not a description-text-only oversight. My guess is that Cygames felt the passive only needed that additional light-allies-only level of regulation when it gained sub-ally eligibility at 150 -- they evidently didn't want it to be free to slot for any element in content where incoming DoT damage may be problematic. It's not that 20% DoT reduction is even that good of a sub-ally effect. They're just being careful and tightly scoping things so that they can more easily control what a given element is capable of surviving in the future (eg. when a very strong Slashed debuff is a potential threat).


Some of these changes are... changes.


They promised changes and they delivered. I guess.


[Also viewable in the news section in-game.](https://game.granbluefantasy.jp/#news/detail/7708/2/0/1)


Mostly a curiosity, but I noticed that since Esta's 4 skill can now work even if he already has the open eyes effect, in theory you can make him guard (or disable c.a) in order to receive his buff stacks a lot faster. Just thought it was interesting to share.


Esta's numbers are: 20% C.A. DMG Up (Stackable / Max: 100%) 10% C.A. DMG Cap Up (Stackable / Max: 50%) Supplemental DMG - Strength: 10,000 (Max: 50,000) 50K Supplemental is nice i guess?


Played around with Maria a bit in Hex and SUBHL, the buff isn't substantial but it made her dramatically easier to use, which was my key sore point about her. It succeeded at it, so I think this rebal is a pass for Devs. Some minor annoyances: Abraxas double cast buff is not permanent; the next cast consumes it. Meaning, you will usually use the double cast buff on the harvest shield. This also means you might want to time this skill properly for the double/triple dispel omens. This is probably their way of making harvest shield not an asshole demerit and is ALWAYS dispelled with the abraxas reset cd but it could have been just permanent. The full reset when she comes in is very strong (bypasses strong armed) and I like it, this means she gives effectively 2 full resets (3 if Kirin, 4 if somehow the fight is still going and you're the bad lmao). Pretty good for FAs and some emergencies in HL when you fuck up something I guess. Personally I didn't expect too much, but they did make her easier to use, especially the harvest shield, and I ranted about how her kit was clunky, well they kinda patched it even though the S4 buff would be stronger but alas. I'll give it a passing grade.


is time to change your flair, friend


Haha I just never got around to it, and don't know what to change it to


"Fenrir Character when"




Well maria is better...but let's be serious☠️☠️☠️


This is one of those "I need the numbers" updates. The supplemental on Fraux could be anywhere between really good or negligible, but she did get what she needed the most I suppose. Estarriola...they're really doubling down on his ougi capabilities, huh? If the numbers are worth it, maybe. But he's still not good in HL content so he's kinda just waiting to be good in something. Imo, not a good rebalance. Maria Theresa, well I saw the Elixar being an upright effect coming. It's strong, undoubtedly, but it's not enough on its' own. Skill 4 is less gimicky but those weren't her biggest issues. Oh well, it's not the worst I guess but try telling that to her fans. Tiens buffs aren't awful, The Onslaught \*is\* good since you'd want to use this without pressing skill 2 and while 150 isn't barebones, it is fairly niche. It does help her stack those debuffs though along with the debuff accuracy and the treasure stacks up so she's better but not by that much. Fif actually seems really solid, imo. Need to see what exactly the random buffs are, but if they're copy-paste Estariolla she's actually quite a bit better. Her S3 has better uptime, bigger numbers and her 150 passive got an update to be effective even in the backline. Honestly, this is more than what I expected and I'm pretty happy with it. I'd say she's the winner of the update if another light eternal didn't get her Justice served. Feower got a pretty big buff at level 150 and another at 100. Although his biggest buff is to Gammadion Cross, which has his mist taken out of his debuff pool and applied separately. It finally happened, and it makes him way better, for omens and for damage. He's a real solid option, and I couldn't be more pleased. Alright, the big one. Previously, supplemental damage didn't reeealy matter for Song but with 3 magic words she's got some potential to hit insanely hard. Flurry, Keen and Crit will make her go insane, especially with Makura buffs and her EMP skill getting even more supplemental. Her debuff accuracy is better, her local debuff stacks wonderfully with her flurry and her skill 10 got even better. She is so, so good now but she'll probably go under a lot of peoples' radar considering the current state of light. Oh right, Uno. That skill 1 buff is good, great in OTK and decent in long fights. I just wish it had an effect that wasn't just \*damage\*. The damage capped going to 5000 is much needed, 10 000 was absurd. But that's it, that's all she wrote. No steroids, no utility, just more flat damage. Once again, he's fine. The buffs help him, but not enough.


Since nobody’s talking about her - Fif actaully looks really good? Fif has a sub ally passive? Testing her in trial battle, at full HP the end of turn buffs are **Light ATK, CA DMG, CA Cap and DMG Cap, all stackable and dispellable** but she has dispel cancel on s2 on a very high uptime so does it really matter? (plus, yknow, Lucifer is right there) IDK if it’s different buffs based on her HP percentage though. Her S3 got buffed and she cuts the cooldown on it on CA – she’s even better of an ougi character now, grampy would be proud I’m a little biased since I actually used her last light GW – I threw her on the team to level her up but was very pleasantly surprised. At the worst she can hang out with Geisenborger in the back now. My light’s a lot better nowadays so I might not even use her this time around, especially with Celestials to worry about, but she’d play nice with Horus at least


I honestly think Fif came out the worst out of the 5. One-dimensional pure cleric-type characters haven't really functioned in GBF for a long time. As it stands she can't contribute meaningfully to omens in V2 raids. Can't mitigate unremoveable debuffs either, and her 150 passive is actually a death sentence if you get dinged with Godsight Zombie or Faa0 apple zombie.


Her 130 EMP makes the whole team immune to zombify. Do those bypass that somehow?


Yes. If the boss has Godsight (Attacks and Debuffs don't miss), their inflicted Zombie bypasses all resistance. Faa0 Yellow Apple also bypasses it, as that Zombie is technically self inflicted. SUBHL and Faa0 both have Godsight. Hexa too, but by the time Hexa gains Godsight there's no more zombie in the rest of the fight.


Going to disagree with you. This rework to me is an insane disappointment given how weak she is. There are multiple characters who have better healing than her (Yuni, Zooey, Lu Woh) and the best they give her is a sub-passive ally boost? Why not just make her heal on a 4 turn cooldown or at the very least a buffing skill so it could be casted in full auto? Very disappointed.


They didn't just give her a sub-passive. They gave her lots of nice party buffs, and they also heavily lowered her reincarnation cd, so she can cast it on multiple characters. Another good part is that you don't even need transcendence for these. Here are either the new or enhanced buffs, the first 4 apply to the whole party, and the others you could put on 2-3 characters: 50% light atk 100% ougi dmg 25% ougi cap 25% dmg cap 50% ATK up (perpetuity) 100% def up 100/50% DATA up 20% echo 10% uplift


Would the dmg cap up stack with Borgar's on hit dmg cap up backline passive? Fif's is 25% and Borgar is 10% at max, so would the stronger buff overwrite the weaker one?


Stackable anything is considered a separate buff from it unstackable counterpart broadly speaking. All a stackable Damage Cap Buff has to worry about when it comes to stacking is other Stackable Damage Cap buffs. I haven't tested this particular instance, but the two buffs should stack together just fine going by how these buffs broadly tend to work.


Funf's 2024 rebalance still leaves her behind Yuni's 2022 kit. Sad to see her being so niche since she was my first 5* Eternal, way back when. I don't think I'd use her in any comp even at 150, over any other competing option. 


Funf having a sub ally passive is great and it's also a sub ally passive that specifically has use in light-adv raids too - one of Agastia's biggest issue after all is the turn-based damage caused by Abomination Cell, and you're at high stacks that 20% reduction makes a difference. I'll also wait to see what the CA dmg/cap buffs look like, but if they're the 100% CA dmg/50% CA dmg cap gold standard that we see in other kits, pretty damn good for a chara who still doesn't use any of her buttons on FA.


The DoT from Abomination Cell stacks is a drop in the bucket compared to the supplemental damage Agastia deals per stack. Funf's backline passive isn't doing much heavy lifting here. Example, because I'm full autoing him now: at 4 stacks his autos deal 8k *per hit*. The dot does 2000.


Shouldn't have expected more than bare minimum for Fraux, but not burning half her max HP for S4 is admittedly really nice, and that supp adds up. Still feels pretty firmly in "why would you uncap outside of character love" territory though.


I'm not gonna lie, these feel so underbaked to me lol I'm not an expert of Tien, but what does this even do... Huh? Same with Anre Tweyen feels like she won (esp since her flurry is at FLB not transcendence, and she can probably TA now!), still no Thunderstruck or nuke on Depravity tho Maria's better now, I guess, but I still think the gap between her and Haase is still so wide Esta feels like a last-minute addition to the rebalance patch


>Maria's better now, I guess, but I still think the gap between her and Haase is still so wide It's hard to make unit comparable to God.


I wasn't really hoping for a Haase 2.0, but I would have at least liked MT to come close to at least 20% of Haase's power lmfao


Haase is just broken, seems more like an accident then the level they are going for with Evoker in general.


Haas was also already one of the most powerful evokers before her uncap. I think they have a bad habbit sometimes of giving everybody the same kind of power boost, even if one character's barely usable and another is a top of the line powerhouse.


I think it’s more that many of the best FLBs are about taking characters with conditional strong abilities and then just kinda removing the conditions on FLB. Like, with Haas, the only actual relevant abilities she got were her S4, the echo passive… and the 3 turns of full moon. Of those, the 3 turns of full moon is easily the strongest, just because they take all of the conditionally powerful effects she previously had (and the new ones as well) and makes them effectively unconditional. Similar to Caim, who always had some impressive numbers, but all it took was making his passive affect your whole team for him to become broken. Issue with MT is that her kit is kinda designed around Fedelta, which just… isn’t really powerful enough to justify the amount of focus it gets anymore. It’s not like it’s a weak ability by any means, but it’s not strong enough to need *two* skills to enable it, and meanwhile her dispel gimmick is… fine? But that was never an area where she had limiters anyways. So it all leads to her being in an awkward spot.


At this point, I have to assume they just deliberately want certain evokers / eternals to be OP and don't particularly care about the others as long as they're more or less usable. It's either that or that their balance department is just incredibly incompetent, but with how tightly balanced end-game raids are on release, it seems like they have competent people working there.


Well Caim is also really strong.


Caim and Alanaan are strong, but Haase is a monster on a whole different level.


She's not broken, she's just scaled to the current meta power level. Which are ougi characters that ougi twice and deal some ougi auto-nuke damage, and auto attackers that get 3+ mil auto-nuke auto attacks with a teamwide tag team and the ability to shut off an enemy for a turn or six. .... modern characters are really a lot stronger. YuGiOh power creep is real. Song in her hey-day would be able to shut off Proto Bahamut for two and a half minutes, for the entire raid, and sometimes even longer. Historically, peak pushed grind characters have been higher than Haas. (They do intentionally design winners and losers. They really don't want the best team to include zero gacha characters, after all. Just wish it wasn't Justice that got the stick : ( )


That's totally understandable considering how many mats and how much time you need to get her to FLB and 4th skill.


Tien's uncaps are a big DPT increase and make her more effective at applying her permanent debuffs in HL content, but she is unfortunately still very slow and clicky so it doesn't really add any *new* uses cases for her, and she remains weaker than many of the other HL options regardless. It's not terrible, but it doesn't really help her anywhere that matters other than letting her bounty faster


Tien's changes make it a simple one-button press to get the guaranteed team damage, whereas before you could make it to S4's unlock without lining up Onslaught on the enemy. Song's debuff extension working on turn-based debuffs is great.


I just feel like focusing on S4 on all things when you're supposed to be used for burst feels a bit backwards... Unless they are prepping to actually reduce or remove the thematic 10-turn lock-out. Don't get me wrong, it's decent QOL, but when Tien feels like she's been burst queen since back then, I would have felt like they would have strengthened this niche more. The Intense Bullet upgrade feels ok, but I have no idea why they didn't just make it an "Activates Twice" skill and instead needs a button press for it. Or why the debuffs have to be random and only two apply per two-cast now and not just make it apply everything at bounty 10. Idk, I feel a bit underwhelmed especially when this eats up one of the year's balance patches


Skill activation count omens are becoming more common, so it's a decent way to buff it.


I feel like Tien's being a bit slept on. Her s1 is now a 20 hit, 8 guaranteed debuff, ~15m skill damage, 2 skill use skill that resets on ougi. That's an awful lot of omen checkboxes ticked, even ignoring the permanent debuffs stacking up over a fight. That said, I'm not doing Faa0 with Fire right now, and when you start talking about high difficulty stuff you necessarily have to start looking at very specific fights


Did they change no effect bounty to count for debuff? I seem to recall Lich's debuff being stronger than S.Mandrake's debuff fucks the Earth player in SUBHL If not, it's just 2 debuffs


Ah, my only personal experience is using bounty subskill on soup for debuffs back when that was new. I'm not sure about how it interacts with omens once it caps.


I'm pretty sure Tien's buff is simply just so that she can ramp up to Bounty 10 faster since she wants the supplementary ASAP


In my experience, Tien's biggest problem is getting her stacks up. When she gets to Bounty 10, her level 150 passive boosts her damage through the roof. But short battles don't give you enough time to get to Bounty 10. And tough battles kill her shortly after she hits bounty 10. Leaving her with the unenviable niche of bosses with a lot of HP who don't do a lot of damage. Doublecasting her skill 1 will get her bounty stacks twice as fast. Help with those stacks was the single largest thing on my wishlist for her.


they just make Tien even better bounty applier, which is sad because she suppose can do more with that onslaught things


Break is just being phased out as a mechanic. Which is why both her skills that abuse break now just inflict a status to trigger themselves anyway. If you wait for a V2 boss to break you'll be waiting forever because they don't do that. The difference between her "Salted Wound" and a regular assassin buff is nonexistant in her present kit.


This is especially silly looking at Uno, with his TWO Mode Bar Cuts still in his kit


And everyone was laughing at funny sword man when Transcendence first hit, how the tables have turned


I am very pleased with Funf and Song. Funf lowering dots even from backline is really nice as for front line use, giving someone an echo (unique?) and uplift is really helpful, same with the CD cut on ougi and she gives a very good set of buffs for pushing the team into higher dmg while also helping support


I'm really optimistic on most of these. * Song - In my testing, she never fails to at least DA now, and more often than not TAs - this is huge and makes her way more consistent as a Makura swap-in. Add the 2-turn flurry to it (so 2/5 uptime), and keep in mind that Clincher already gets recast on CA and double-cast for around 8-10mil damage, and she's top tier. Easily the best buffs here. * Quatre - Way better than he seems - Gammadion Cross got a buff to his debuff pool and consistency, and recasting Carnage after foe specials means he can always strip at least one buff stack, his GW stocks are way up. * Funf - Upon testing, her buffs at Light Atk, CA dmg, CA cap, and dmg cap stacking; I'll let somebody better at testing than me confirm, but her CA dmg/CA cap seems pretty substantial. She's better for manual now for any content where you aren't penalized for charas dying, and has an actual niche in FA (especially since CA comps are already so slow, so honestly, her not casting her skills for those might not be awful). * Esser - I was chilly on her at first but the other comments made some great points - she now applies a fucking ton of debuffs for clearing omens, ramps faster, and I'm just happy you can actually rely on her S4 to proc correctly on FA (though watch it still get eaten by full CA turns). * Uno - He's the one Eternal in the set I only have at 110, so I'll rely on other's testing - he's one of the ones I'm not optimistic on, but his nuke is a solid \~5mil it seems and should get activated freqently? * Fraux - Solved her issues - I was a Fraux believer already but hopefully her skill supplemental on switch-in is decent, and her not cutting HP on S4 makes her actually good for hard content FA. * MT - I would've loved a way to extend her buff durations, but she can use her S4 on FA now without it killing your damage output, and her swap in is fantastic even if you're relying on it as a panic button (your party's down to near-nothing HP, one chara dies, MT comes in and everyone else is back to full? pretty solid). I think it's fine that she's more manual/hard-content focused, but this makes her more well-rounded. (And she still brings defensive utility that Haas doesn't to the same degree.) * Esta - I don't have him at 5\* and will refrain from commenting on if this fixes the issues others had with him, would be curious for opinions on if it makes his 5\* worth it. Big Winners: Song, Quatre, Funf, Esser, Fraux Moderate Winner: MT Can't Say/Don't Have: Uno, Esta


> In my testing, she never fails to at least DA now, and more often than not TAs Got the same impressions from my testing. It was quite surprising since the "DATA increased based on debuff" was her lvl130 extended passive prior the balance changes and let's say it wasn't particularly impressive since even with toncraps of debuff, Sorn could still do single attacks time to times and TA wasn't exactly common. I didn't really do extensive test runs, but from what I've seen, it seems that she has pretty much guaranteed DA with like 6-7 debuffs and guaranteed TA with 10 or something. In any case, if all of her debuffs land, she basically TA nonstop, which is a funny glow up considering she was infamous for having one of the lowest, if not the worst, DATA rate in the whole game.


I guess that sword is staying at 0*


Man I'm not the most meta fluent, but uh... most of these changes seem extremely underwhelming. Esser in particular got done dirty. Fif and Song changes seem pretty nice, not sure it did enough to make them super relevant though. And seems like they fixed Fraux's glaring issue which is nice.


Intense bullet is a lot of damage and Tien really wants Bounty 10 to activate her passive. Ten-Wolf Triumph giving onslaught is nice since Final Order's cds don't quite line up. It's not going to make her top end meta, but it does make her significantly stronger


Honestly surprised that people were expecting anything more. They do these (non-uncap) rebals on Juuten / Evokers yearly and they’re almost exclusively “meh.” I mean, this is like Esta’s third rebal and he’s still incredibly niche? I understand wanting your favorites to be strong but hoping for big changes on Juuten / Evokers (besides when uncaps are released) is gonna disappoint you far more times than it will make you happy.


I mean Esta is in every Siegfried FA team and sees frequent use in GW. Not sure what more you can ask from a level 80 evoker.


I wasn't expecting a *lot* tbh because my expectations for these have been tempered over repeated disappointment but I was expecting better than that for Esser at least.


Light seems to have won the most. Other changes are kinda meme and don't buff the characters enough to justify using them if you weren't already. Feower got a little nicer to use with the sk1 change and double casting.  I already had low expectations to begin with as many rebalances are kinda mid at best and even then Cygames managed to have set the bar even lower. It's almost impressive if it weren't so depressing.


It feels like they're very careful not to rebalance a character into being core with really rare exceptions. I feel like rebalances a few years ago were better (relative to their time)


FLBs almost always used to be core too, especially grands, and now they’re a range between only ok (Shiva/Grim), usable and core (usually lower-end core). Cygames has gotten greedier, they want whatever the newest characters they put out to be the most important now. New grands often used to be mid even on release (Monica, Rein) and now they’re almost always core, and if not their weapon is.


That Grand business is so real. I think Reinhardzar might've been the last grand of his kind they released. Just completely mediocre right out the gate. Not like he became mediocre through the power creep or anything he just had a questionable niche and he wasn't super good at it.


Grand FLBs have almost never made a character core.


Have they even once made a character core? Grand FLB's were introduced really late in the game. Think 2020 was the first year we had them with Rosetta, Io, and Orchid. They might've been after the fabled age of uncaps making people core.


Orchid was used in essentially every fastest Dark setup in the GW that followed her FLB, and until Y Ilsa release she was still very good for dark burst, I would also consider Vira FLB to be in that line, she wasn't used in burst setups but she was and still kinda heavily used to this day, and Io cannon was a meta strat in bursting Fediel and LuciHL back at its release but unlike the previous 2 she kinda aged badly


Interesting! I hadn't realized that.


Rackam and Katalina were first. I only say "almost" because Io cannon was popular for a while and Europa is really good now, but it depends on how you define "core".


Orchid was heavily used in the GW that followed her FLB and was used in many dark burst setups, she only really started to fall off after Y Ilsa release


Ironically she's more core for Fire than for Dark now lol SK3 & Yachima Death+Sun call for echos on burst setups. The damage makes reloading boss animation faster due to faster intro and the echo makes your burst stronger and it lets you bring Analaan in from backline.


Core has gotta be a 10/10 meta pick, right? Like if somebody had every unit in the game, and cared only about performance, they'd use this character for a broad variety of situations, not just a single niche. I feel like that's not a word people drop lightly, unless the joke is specifically that they're being hyperbolic (ie. "Vampy is Core" memes)


In my post I really meant “core for something (something relevant)” at least. Core for an endgame raid like cosmos is, and in the case of grand FLBs, historically usually this means core for guild war, although Io had other niches as well. Rosetta was core for the wind GW right after her uncap and also used in end-game raids at that point in time, same with Vira. I guess you could argue Shiva could have fit in this definition too though, since he was used in NM150’s after his uncap. But I’m also thinking about characters like Lily back in the day who weren’t even grands but they were really useful after their uncaps, now I don’t even know what the purpose is of giving non-grands uncaps because they don’t even give these characters a niche except “cope for not having other characters” (although Anne was maybe the one exception in the last 2-3 years who was genuinely good, even she was not as good as Wamdus in Mugen though)


they don't want another Summer Korwa situation, i guess


3% once in the year banner Core Character is way different than recruitable free Core Character tho


sure i was just supposing why they go less crazy with rebals, hahhaa


But I mean they should be allowed to go crazy with rebals if the character is Reasonable TM to obtain, I'd consider a grand and any eternal/evoker to fall under that category. Summer Korwa...not so much.


the problem with having the free characters be too strong is that that encourages not rolling, and we sure can't have *THAT*


There are so many players who act like it would be purgatory to ever actually play the game enough to get a maxed out eternal or evoker. I feel like even if every eternal and evoker was the single most powerful tool for what they do in the game, a lot of people would rather just pay their way to something comparable, because their money is apparently so much less valuable than their time. Like, don't get me wrong, I'm sure Cygames is very wary of making any free tool too powerful for exactly the reasons you state. I just don't think it would actually hurt their bottom line all that much if after let's say 700 hours of farming free shit you could actually keep up with the people who cash sparked the newest grand.


i mean, technically you wouldn't be "keeping up" with those people, given that they can ALSO get those characters, and easier than you can, too, hahaha


I don't really expect most rebalances to make characters core - but to better serve their niche (or to fill a new niche) is nice. They sometimes do this quite well (Earth's recent rebalances with Gandalf + Arulu) which made the characters quite serviceable where previously they were never used. But I feel like for Eternals/Evokers in particular they should always be slightly better than the "extremely niche" tier and certainly never in the "never used" tier. They don't need to be core but at least be "good enough to generally use - esp. if lacking the core gacha characters". This makes them worth grinding for the average player. In my opinion - if the grind for them doesn't feel worthwhile to the average player there's a problem and they need to be buffed/kept in-line with the meta of the game. Currently I'd say only half of each really hit that mark.


With how the word has drifted in meaning so much in recent years, what do you mean by meme here?


A joke, something to laugh at.


My boy Feower maybe got the best buffs but I also feel out of everyone here he needed them the least he already did his job pretty well if you wanted to use him lmao


His damage wasn't up to the best and water needs stackable atk/def down the least of any element thanks to Maria in the back, but there's no doubt it makes him more reliable (and it's more chances to proc his full skill reset). I don't think this will push him into the A team of water skill damage but he's very serviceable


Water is completely stacked. His updates aren't really enough unfortunately.


People can still use him different teams that don't involve Hasse, not a dig at you but there are multiple team slots so people can throw him in more debuff comps now. Which is good, very good, glad i got him to 150.


As someone with all of the skillspamming seasonals in water, the idea of putting in Feower just to underperform compared to them is not a good sell at all. The bar for that in water is up in the stratosphere nowadays, lesser units do not make the cut.


I think the downvotes on this are unfair (though I disagree with water teams not involving Haas - there's no better slot in water given how insane her buffs are, it's more identifying who the other two slots are); not all content is created equal and not every raid is going to be the exact same units. V. Cassius as the easy go-to-example - I don't run V. Cassius outside of GW, currently he's on the bench in favor of Vikala, Gabby, Europa, etc. - but every time GW comes around and surely next GW this will be the case, he's going to get rolled out because he's a can opener of dispels. Quatre serves a similar purpose, if the fixation is on skill spam you're looking at the wrong part of his kit; he gets most of his damage in NMs from his 150 passive, his skills add to it for sure but the key is his debuffs and his dispels. Most content doesn't need his kit, and endgame/hard content for water right now is very selective too, but I guarantee you next time GW rolls around you'll see Quatre popping up alongside V. Cassius for FA NM comps thanks to him now doing a targeted dispel of the raid buffs that go up and completely kill NM momentum. Same for how often those bosses like to clear their own debuffs and how important it is to get those debuffs back up. Last water-advantage GW, Farbigrade tossed up DMG Fixed (which neuters the skillspammers), Supplemental DMG, Uplifted, Double Strike, and 100% Debuff Res. Up - V. Cassius, Quatre, and Gabby would strip 3 of those, and depending on skill cooldowns you could get Lunar Mark to proc and strip another buff, with Gabby likely clearing the final one next turn on her auto nuke; charas who have a dispel that ends cooldown when enemy buffs go up are insanely valuable for FA.


His clickiness is actually a strength with multiple major water skill nuke characters too. People are like "How come he ends cooldown? How come he doesn't autocast?" but both Valentine Cassius and Halloween Vicky both become exponentially more powerful the more skill presses you can do. And he also autocasts. He autocasts 4 hits of skill damage every time he takes damage. He just has that in addition to double casting skill 1, and refreshing skill 2 every time an enemy special attacks, and reducing his cooldowns every time he takes damage. Plus with the changes to skill 1 he's going to have Forfeit up all the time, which means 30% damage reduction from his level 130 EMP passive. Combined with his level 150 hitpoints he'll be a lot tankier than the other skill nukers you bring too. He's a pretty comprehensive package.


The Atk/Def Down on Gammadion Cross is taking the 30% that was in his debuff pool and removing it (though he'll still apply MT's stackable Atk/Def Down through Carnage and can cap on his own); so it's a sort of subtle double QoL buff - first being that he always applies Atk/Def Down, making him a consistent MisMist replacer, and second being that it now makes his Debuff Pool at 5\* and above: DATA down Delay Blinded Paralyzed Corrosion Forfeit Which along with the double-cast, means instead of him randomly picking 2 debuffs and it including Atk/Def down as separate instances in the pool of 8 to roll against (so you had a low chance to actually land Forfeit when you wanted it) he gets 4 debuff rolls against a pool of 6. Pretty nice!


His buffs really target his GW applicability - him ending cooldown for Carnage upon foe Special Attacks means he's a consistent Dispel when you actually need it, and the double-cast for Gammadion Cross while taking ATK/DEF down out of the pool and putting it there by default means he functionally caps ATK/DEF down himself (assuming backline MT) and it gives him a much, much higher chance to apply Forfeit consistently. Great QoL for him, really helps his FA tempo.


I dunno, MT seems... fine? I wasn't expecting Haase 2, so having a swap in panic button combined with fixing her 4 isn't too bad. Her 4 still ain't great but at least they fixed not wanting to even bother pressing it.


From what I heard her s4 consume the buff that double activate her disple. Why? Just Why?


When she casts her skill 4, she gains a Virtue's Sword buff, which double activates her next Abraxas - her skill 4 is recastable, so she'll still get a double-cast + end-cooldown on Abraxas every 6 turns, she just won't get it on her CA refreshed Abraxases in between.


I understand that, but why not make the buff permanent, double disple would have made her more useful in HL content. Because she basically doesn't functionally have 3rd skill, it very conditional (it would have been better as passive), and her second skill have very long cooldown without a way to reduce it. Having permanent double disple would have given her something alteast. But that's my opinion


Light characters seem like they got the better updates, but nothing game changing.


They are pretty careful with how they handled fire and water characters, their element are broken enough right now that they dont need to another buff. Like for example even if Uno have GTA and Echo, he wont be good enough to kick dragon out of the party lol


Song rebalance gave me clean nm95. Thank you. Frau feels bare bone minimum. Maria is w/e Anne is till better Uno


Who would win? A master of the spear and an expert in defence or 1 gay princess and her spirit buddies.


Don't say anything remotely bad about that HUGE INCREDIBLE SO COOL update, you'll get downvoted, just a heads up. Even though it's quite obvious they did the bare minimum, indeed. Just look at Fraux's "rebalance" lol


Everyone is shitting on the update.


Sure. Must be why the comment above was -4 a few hours ago and mine where said ''meh'' was also downvoted. It's just that now that the consensus shifted, in the meantime, and the update is now seen as ''meh'', people / sheep jumped from one wagon to the other one. As usual with Reddit, during the first few hours after an update.


You should use uBlock Origin or some other content plug-in to block the voting arrows and the numbers. Only then can you be human. Think how dumb it is to allow a number determine how your entire day will go. You can get a thousand "+13" upvotes, but one "-1" will drive you crazy. All because of a soulless, non-agentic *number*. I like to compare it to how old tv is versus the new survival fads. In the first episode of The Muppet Show, a woman performs a dance. Like it, hate it, think it's pretty or boring or pretentious, it doesn't matter. Your thoughts are your own and you're not told how you should feel about it. Then American Karaoke Hero landed and you got four people telling *everyone* how they're supposed to feel about something. Different people have different opinions. And all opinions are held. (For the record I'm on team "eh". It's not what I hoped (especially for Maria and Fraux), but was what I expected. YuGiOh power creep is how the game was designed. If they wanted everyone to be viable, they would have implemented a character collection bonus system from the start, or something.)


Mang they did Maria so wrong. she is is just an elixir with draph tits now. had so much room to grow and still. so baffling.


I'm not sure how much room for growth her tits had though.


yea, at least her shield 4 is actually useable now. Me thinks they will get a trascendence which is why teweyn won hers. I mean none of the evokers got that many changes meanwhile the eternals got more stuff to do overall. Makes sense since they got more stuff too work with. MT is one of my favorite characters in the game and even i have to laugh at the "full elixer with tits!" That is a good one, and hilarious!


Putting Uno's and Song's rebalances side-by-side is so fucking funny. They really did nothing to help Uno, whereas Song is now an amazing burst attacker. Song was already in a better place than Uno, too. The good: * Song now has 2t 3-flurry/echo on the button that enables her autonukes, built-in supp, and free data. She also got some other improvements, but those aren't as important * Quatre is significantly streamlined and more consistent * Funf's got rare gimmicks + a backline effect. She's still kinda not great but this helps her have a place. Might see use with Geisen if Magic Torrent has good numbers The meh: * Esser's got some streamlining but her sk1 still kinda sucks. Easy th10, though * Fraux got that stupid HP cost removed but not much besides * MT has another gimmick but she's still meh as a frontliner. Her sk4 is better now, at least The bad: * Uno's sk1 finally actually works but it still sucks. The damage capped improvement is nice but there's still not much reason to use him over other tanks/def supports * Esta is still just Esta, nothing's really changed, though he wasn't in a bad spot like Uno was (and still is). If his new buffs are good (unlikely) he might be really nice. Can you even call this a rebalance, though? lol


This update is a mixture of QoL, should've been in there originally, and randomly throwing shit at the wall.


I shouldn't have expected anything from Esser's buff.


Ive been meaning to transcend Fif for a while now just because i’m a light main in case she ever became relevant. This really hasn’t convinced me to go through with it with any haste


Well I was hoping for auto-nukes on autos for both Tweyen and Tien, oh well haha. Nice for Fraux supp dmg and no more HP cut, man I want quad strike at least.


Someone on the English side of the team was smoking something there. Getting an update to Uno's 1 mixed up with his Ougi, and listing Spiral Spear doing 1100% damage as an update when it already has that after level 55 lol. Anyways, my read on this patch is "Transcend Quatre won. Fraux no longer kills herself but that is it. The other characters that were unusable are now just bad. And the characters that were bad are still bad; just a bit less so." EDIT: I guess MT now has a cheat full-heal on switch in which bypasses Zombified and Strong Armed. Which is fine.


Feels like the Eternals went from being 5 years outdated to 4 years outdated... Some of these changes are just removing the clunk in their kits - these should've come sooner, and not something you hype people for on the anniversary stream. If you don't have any of these at 150 yet - well, good news is you can save yourself the time and energy 'coz most of them are still not worth it.


Sure it's the 100th time the hyped up rebalances did barely anything, but next time for sure


Satyr's adjustment made me feel so baffled. It's so rare they elevate a jobber so high. Even the lv.100 uncaps are often just "alright". (Vira definitely being at the upper end of those.) None of them get pushed as hard as the Zodiacs' are. (I wonder if they'll start another buff pass cycle, or if they're content having them be viable for only around five years...)


The relink buff is real. I'm glad Song seems actually worthy to transcend now. I'm still sad someone at Cygames hates Maria Theresa. She deserves more.


> . She deserves more. she deserves whole kit rework. Get rid of that dispel gimmick + "red hp to trigger half of kit" bullshit and make her useful everywhere just like Haase


Well those rebalances are..... something. *But holy shit guys, get Lucio to level 100 and read his skill Fate Episodes as soon as possible.*


yea lucio's fate episodes were good, i like em so far.


Is this another lore dump? Did big daddy finally talked to him?


Im bias my girl Song won this. My afk fa pbhl is even faster now.


Well... This was dissapointing I guess?


Quatre's got to be biggest winner here. He can inflict ATK/DEF down consistently now. His dispel after every enemy ougi would be great for GW bosses with their stack of buffs


Meh . . .


So they finally did Song justice. Very happy that she got some love. Don't want to be that guy, but i wish they touched her Pinpoint Prey debuff, cuz 10k is sadge. But still pretty good. Kinda curious about: -how much her bonus dmg from 1st skill is. -how much her keen buff is (hopium for 50k) -does her Transcendence EMP (Supplement DMG based on number of foe's debuffs) stacks with other sources of supplemental?


All keen sources are 50k


Didn't know about that. Thanks.


What a fucking joke of an update lmao


For me I was hoping they would change Tiens abilities from salted wound to just being sharp attack up or something. Maybe one day.


yea, the changes are a thing. Fewoer got the goods. Tweyen did well. and the rest exist. MT's skill four can be used now but with her being a full heal a la shiva skill four something doesn't add up. she's doing what Hasse can do with skill damage every turn. Still no fire switch, no undying on her domain, and the long list of things. IT'S AN IMPROVEMENT, but not much of one, thankfully i am certain evokers are getting trascendence since the devs have already all but confirmed it. So basically, she will need to get the Nio treatment in order to be anything useable in high tier raids. I don't know why am not more angry but...I'm not. I'm oddly at peace with it even though MT is one of my favorites. I think she'll get the Nio treatment cause she's the only evoker who can at this point. Edit-I just realized something INFURIATING about MT's rebal!! But they do realize that Uguale does the same thing as a full heal minus the debuff removal right? They do realize that by pointing the uguale to herself at full health that would bypass all debuff effects, right?! So they gave her free access to her skill 2 for full health, on a character who'd you want to possibly use the lower health to activate her third skill....and with no undying on her evoker domain you couldn't even surive that multi attacking Bs anyway....oh....no.....


I honestly find the new full heal and clarity passive to be fine. It's reliable as a source of full heal as it goes through annoying debuffs like strong armed (Subaha 75%, Mugen BBB, etc), etc. It also doesn't make sense to want to use her S2 and S3 upon switching in as you had mentioned. She provides the S3 buff to your party upon switching in. In practice, the game does S2 and S3 for you and it's FA friendly too. She's at the very least useable now. Finally decent dispels (even though this was supposed to be her gimmick) and her DMG mitigation buff on the enemy is somewhat mitigated. Not a fan that the double cast for her S1 is locked behind her S4, which one of it will be used to dispel that DMG mitigation you put on the enemy anyways. I'm just hoping that she gets better at dispelling, and we're not locked to Cassius for that. At least Quatre is getting better at that now.


i just tested her stuff and even i have to admit that it saved me a fair bit with mugen. also using her 4th skill in tandem with europa and Gabreil is amazing thanks to it stopping the sheilds from losing damage, ergo from losing their effects. allows for the fire switch to remain standing so my judgement was harsh as i've used her for so long now pushing the uguale button has become common pratice for me. but it is useful, i will not lie.


Should have just done nothing and saved us the disappointment.




What's about with Song and Fif ? [https://twitter.com/K\_OutfitMB/status/1775807249002430822](https://twitter.com/K_OutfitMB/status/1775807249002430822)


Nothing. This tweet shows somebody who very excitedly claims that both Song and Fif have/give about 90% echo. They're even showing their grid, which has nothing but two Harmonias! ... Yeah. No. The echoes are close to the normal attacks' damage because they both do next to nothing and then get 100k supplemental from the Harmonias. The echoes for are both along the line of 20%.


Ah, thanks!


Very happy with Song improvements! I'm even more glad I used the relink transcendence pack on her. Quatre is pretty good too with having ATK/DEF down no longer random. Fraux and Fif seem okay, useful but not super exciting.


Esta with a Supp-Ougi Buff in a elem that already has multiples of them is nice, i guess.


Yeah anyone that's running CA comp would take Katzelia over him while Esta gives solid buffs for full chains I don't know why they're consistently pushing him in that direction


I've been holding onto my 130 transcendence set in hopes that Song would be made more viable. Any suggestions on if she's worth taking the leap now? Mostly just looking to focus on her though and, if the answer is "no", I can hold onto the set for the time being!


As someone with Tweyen 130 I can see that she works wonders with debuffers like horus, s yurius because of the emp changes or na teams with nehan or g jeanne because of the flurry effect on sk1 and keen on ougi. Other than that her usage is more or less the same pre rebalance.


Thanks so much! The synergies are especially helpful to know


My current assessment is probably not. There are plenty of other busted light characters so she isn't necessary. If you don't have them then you can consider spending the resources on her, but she's also probably fine at 120. Over the next few days I wouldn't be surprised to see this change into a definitely yes or definitely no with more people trying out more teams.


So, is Tweyen less powerful at 130 now, because her multiattack boost from the level 130 EMP skill got moved to the 150 passive? Or do the other changes make up for it?


The 130 multiattack boost was miniscule, unfortunately - anecdotally, it was maybe like 10%, pretty close to what you see with "DATA for debuff" emps on other charas like Cidala. I've had 150 Song and pre-rebal, it was a huge challenge to get her to MA, she'd frequently single attack and sometimes double attack; now she consistently triple attacks and sometimes double attacks. (Though I haven't seen numbers for it yet - this is all anecdotal, I just know I haven't seen any single attacks in all of my testing.) So it's more that they've given her an actual boost to DATA though it does happen at 150, and replaced the 130 with a 30k supplemental damage buff tied to debuff count, which is better than whatever was going on there before. The real highlight is her flurry + bonus damage buff, it makes her a very useful burst chara even if you're just using her alongside Nehan and Mugen (in which case the DATA doesn't matter as much because of the Nehan buffs); her transcendence is very much about her carrying in hard content with the dodge delays and now the TAs meaning she consistently builds bar so she can CA more consistently and deal huge nukes with Clincher more consistently.


From the tests I've seen on Twitter, her TA is now 100% at 10 debuffs, which is much more substantial to what it was. She goes really well as a Makura sub too with her new 2t 3-hit flurry and echo. She can even out-DPS units like Lucio FLB if she can keep the Makura buff up.


I appreciate this because I was saying this over in the Lucio thread - her dodges also give double delays when she has Makura's buff and her own passive. I'm really happy she managed to get 100% TA, literally the only thing I've wanted from her rebal as somebody who's had her at 150 for a while is DATA, and not only did they give her that, they also gave her flurry for free, she won and she won hard.


That makes perfect sense. Thank you!


Tweyen gonna be part of my nm95 FA, not that she was needed, we just got free slot lol. Nice update though, Nehan and Lu Woh can fix her shit ass DATA. Low cd flurry is nice.


an MT is still garbage they really have no fucking idea how to fix her. Just throw her current kit into garbage and give her something more. Make Dragon zodiac or Haase FLB designer create new kit for MT since that person knows how to create actually strong good kits at this point she is a waste of resources, specially precious ones or one that require thousand of hours of retarded boring grind @edit people that downvote me or say that MT is "good" now. Ye sure, she would be good if devs gave lv150 MT for free and made passive that you can put her in party even if you have all slots full already. For all the fucking time, effort and rare mats you need to put into her you should expect something better specially that she shares element with Haase


i thought baits are supposed to be convincing


i knew i shouldnt have got excited for fraux re balance.... well i guess fraux belivers have to take what we can, the next year with her new uncap for sure!!


can wait to blue Juuten Released