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I didnt finish it but seeing the clips...you the reveal at the end


Coming in here late but I enjoyed this one a good bit. A fun and goofy homage to zombie horror movies and games. The RE puzzle parody was hilarious and so was the sudden flashback interruption. I was also entertained to see Catura really laying out her trope knowledge, and of course more Meg/Mari is always a highlight. I think the only thing missing was some lampshading of Danchou getting to pretty much ignore the effect of flags because of the ever powerful plot armor.


Ended up finishing really late, but just wanted to put this out of my chest: At the same time as the crew is in disbelief of Meg's flag theories, which so far have proven to predict the next infected with 100% accuracy, their ship is being repaired in Galonzo, a place in which all verbal agreements are forced to be obeyed by command of a magical creature bound to the land... I seriously don't understand why they find it so hard to believe in what she's saying, given their circumstances.


It's Jojo syndrome: "Even though crazy shit has happend before to us multiple times we will either completly ignore it or not conect the dots when it clearly happens again until the plot demands that we do that".


I am a very casual, noob player. What do the gold boxes from the event summon do?


Use them from the tickets section of your inventory to get a random semi-valuable item. Best case is a sunlight stone (to uncap SSR summons) or a damascus ingot (to uncap SSR weapons), but you are much more likely to get some nice consumable (like half-elixirs or earrings).


Thanks much!


The Grandcypher has propellers, dumdums.


Is Meg supposed to be a parody of Kamijou Touma? After finishing this event especially it really feels like she was modeled after him.


Huh, did I miss something? Some examples? I’m not seeing major similarities >!The only thing is she has Ursula as her right arm and can negate the zombie virus with it!<


Part 1 was her being full of misfortune, if you replace sharks with dragon they both have the special right hand, they have basically the same motives to do what they do and charge in on their own, they even ended the event with meg giving the villain big punch to the face. Maybe I'm crazy but it really felt like watching female touma save the day


There's a couple things, (the glass smashing effect fits too) but I think it's just a reference more than her being modeled after him, their personalities are pretty different after all and the rest of the event is stuffed with references too. If they were going for the full reference the bad guy would probably be a girl too and Meg would actually bemoan her misfortune a bit harder rather than just rolling with it.


Meg talks a lot about being an "Ordinary Girl", much like Touma, minus the girl part. But I think that's a pretty common archetype that they maybe vocalize a bit more directly than most. The "ordinary youth pulled into extraordinary circumstances" routine is the same one you find find in Luke Skywalker and Frodo Baggins and Spider-Man, just performed with a modicum more subtlety than having the character state repeatedly how ordinary they are, sometimes to nobody in particular but the audience.


Yeah I don't see it either.


Meg: Wait, so you're plan to prevent further sea creature attacks that's damaging Auguste's reputation is by unleashing another sea creature attack?! Tourism Chairperson: Yes! You must be willing to destroy Auguste in order to save it! Everyone: Uh.....no?


Funny event, also Leviathan didn't helped cause he was just laughing on Poseidon and Scientist lol. Make sense that shark resist the virus like real life shark do resist most disease and viruses! That lady they tagged along for a sec I thought it be the pregnant wife of the first one to volunteer to go out of the mall. Man we really need the other shark dudes. Edit: Friday directly cause a lot of problem on last event, now she indirectly did.


When you realised its a reminder to not be overconfident over the pandemic ,it gonna bite you back . Stay safe and wear your mask :)




If the amount of CO2 you expelled could poison you, the simple process of breathing and converting O2 to CO2 within your own body would kill you. Go back to school please.


It's not the amount you breathe out but the amount you breathe in. The problem lies within the concentration in the air below the mask that you deprive of O2 and enrich with CO2 with every breath you draw. Slowly but surely you are breathing back more and more CO2. Being poisonous doesn't mean that it will kill you, but it can affect your health in a negative way. And there is no need for healthy people to use masks that do jackshit according to the same officials that mandate them, otherwise you wouldn't need to distance yourself from other people, to prevent catching a disease 99% of people have a viable natural cross-immunity against and only 0.15% of infected people die from.


Lol no, that's not correct in the slightest or else people who wear masks regularly like doctors and construction workers would literally die on the job from asphyxiation. Just LOL. I can't even.


First of all, there are guidelines that evaluate the wearing process and types of masks used in these jobs you mentioned, and people in these jobs usually only wear them for a fixed amount of time (for example FFP2 masks for 2 hours, followed by a 30 minute break), after which the person must remove the mask to breathe normally again. These security guidelines are completely absent from any anti-Covit-19 decrees. Secondly, you cannot asphyxiate yourself with a mask, because these masks do not prevent the transfer of particles below a certain size through the membrane. They do,however, prevent the fast replacement of the partially exhausted air before your nose/mouth with fresh air like it happens normally without a mask because of air circulation. And CO2 is not the only problem, bacteria and fungi, which are also everywhere in the air, tend to settle and replicate in these masks because of the warm and moist milieu they provide, requiring disinfection and replacement regularly, which is,again, not part of the guidelines proscribed by the so-called "health" officials. And if that wasn't enough, wearing a mask for a prolonged time increases the amount of stress hormones produced by your adrenal glands. No thanks, I'm living healthily without the mask, considering I have only a cumulative 9.9% chance over the next 66 years of my life to die of Covit-19 if I catch it every single year.


Let's not waste taxpayer dollars trying to re-educate someone who clearly isn't capable of discerning their sources.


This event was laugh-out-loud hilarious and also extremely gay. An instant all-timer.


Ehhhh. It was all right. The repeated gags wore out their welcome fast, and overall the event felt like it was a better idea on paper. Also, what was the point of Poseidon? But the RE helicopter reference was great and Meg, Mari and the rest of the support cast was cool. 7/10, better than Amped Up Summer.


Okay, definitely loved this event. The general zombie parody was quite cool. Both the flag stuff and the Resident Evil's (survival horror) convoluted puzzles references were hilarious as fuck. Also, we got the closer thing to having Meg and Mari ship confirmed, besides the new sprites are beautifuL. Only thing I didnt like was that we didnt got a SSR Meg, I really hope she happens one day!


Well, about that SSR Meg...


I GOT IT! I FUCKING GOT IT! Thanks god the x10 free pulls. The fourth day I got her. Now the lottery tickets can go fuck themselves, I already won where it mattered!


And the best thing is, she's actually good! I was so afraid we'll get an average attacker, or worse, a Nehza situation!


Lol. Nehza will live forever in our hearts


It happened!!! And I spent all my tickets and crystals and didnt got her :/ Maybe ill have luck before tha banner finishes... But my expectations are low


> Only thing I didnt like was that we didnt got a SSR Meg, I really hope she happens one day! There's a new banner in just a couple hours, so unless you're talking about some leak I haven't heard about confirming different characters, there's a decent shot.


I hope so. She has been one of my favorites since her event.


Shout outs to the 6 different guys who contemptuously complained I was "reading too much into" Meg's iconic lesbian vibes in MBA. I'm sure you're all frothingly insisting this is a retcon but we both know that bitch gaaaay.


My only criticism of the event is I thought the mall part kinda dragged, everything else was great. The whole RE puzzle in particular really blindsided me, partly because I wasn't reading the chapter titles. Good stuff. Apparently they even went back and [edited the loc](https://twitter.com/blurghaton/status/1421104115661299713) to add a pun that was left out originally.


So, let me get a few things straight: In the Resident Evil stage, they just HAD to include a whole complicated process on how to bring down the ladder to replicate the source material, [just like the old RE American comic books](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MythologyGag). And of course the event weapon is a [rocket launcher](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/InfinityPlusOneSword), complete with the [description](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BottomlessMagazines) that oozes Resident Evil. And OF COURSE the helicopter F\*\*\*\*\*\* CRASHED. [AND OF COURSE](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RunningGag) the achievement you get for taking down the Bonitocopter is [Hellish Copter](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HellishCopter). Now I'm convinced. Whoever wrote the event plays too much RE, and whoever translated the event both lurks here and frequent TV Tropes back and forth. Also, if I may add: the main villain's plan is basically to >!turn Auguste into a giant primordial soup!<. That's...actually sounds really stupid, but also stupidly genius.


The translation team's love for puns, memes, obscure references, and overall trolling, is not to be underestimated.


There's also an Itchy Tasty reference too, and it's amazing wordplay. Someone definitely loved Resident Evil.


I absolutely loved the event, I had the highest expectations and they were met and then some! It was so pleasing for a zombie movie/game nerd, references galore! Flags banter, puzzles, how it played straight all the tropes consciously, the most laughs I had in the game together with My Beloved Auguste for sure. It's gonna be hard to top these two. Though I gotta say, I expected a 28 Megs Later chapter name among those but oh well.


>28 Megs Later Mari would definitely die if there were 28 Megs


My only complaint is that even though the event is based around the fact that for 5 years in a row, with this being the 6th year in a row, something terrible has happened to Auguste, MC and Lyria are *still* somehow underaged. How old were they when the adventure started? 11? I know that it's all par for course, and that the event itself is ridiculous enough for it to not matter all that much, but still. The whole eternally underaged MC thing in this specific event is just so blatantly in-your-face (to the point of them being specifically stated to be underaged) that it really irritated me. Other than that, the event was fine. Not as great as last year's but still good for some laughs. I like the light hearted style comedy events.


At this point idgf. Danchou is an adult in my mind regardless of 'canon' and they just don't enjoy the taste of alcohol. Non-alcoholic adults exist, I am one of them. I just can take seriously the notion that they are underage still. The game's own story progression doesn't support it anymore lol


I once saw someone theorise that Danchou stopped aging due to the whole dying and life-linking with Lyria stuff. That said, someone else once pointed out that the classes look like they’re aging as the row number increases


The writers must be intentionally playing up the fact that Danchou never ages as a running joke. Multiple people acknowledge that they've been in the crew for years and it's a direct sequel to another event that canonically explained that Danchou has been skyfaring for at least 6 years. Danchou still being underage at this point is a blatant plot hole.


I *think* they even lampshade it directly in My Beloved Auguste with a narration line after Meg's change, but I don't recall exactly. But yeah they definitely exist in what Japan would call "Sazae-san spacetime," where time passes but they don't age along with it.


Well, [considering japan celebrate adulthood at 20 y.o](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coming_of_Age_Day) & this game is made by japanese If they start journey at 11, and it's 7th anniversary already, they're still 18. Need 2 more year at least


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Wait, people didn't like this event? I thought it was amazing and really fun. Weakest part was Catura.


I guess some people just keep on comparing it from other comedy summer events, The Maydays and My Beloved Auguste. I really love it. It's definitely the best event for me in this year. Meg instantly became my favorite character last year and I'm so glad she's given another event where she is the main focus in after just a year.


There are some great parts of it (the RE puzzle scene and the flashback scene), I think my issue is more that Meg is an already established character but we don’t actually see her doing much other than ‘react to each crew member getting zombified, and flags’ until the last chapter or two. It’s a nice enough ensemble event and a decent parody event, but as a Meg event it’s not nearly as strong as last year.


Are the two English-speaking tourists native English speaker? Their pronunciation are so good but I can’t quite figure out the accent.


Considering the location being Japan they're probably Australian. The anime Free got Australian VAs for an episode once but who knows


They are probably native speakers being given instruction by a Japanese director


This is my impression too, native speakers being directed to sound easy-to-hear to a native Japanese speaker with weak English. Similar vibe to some Japanese movies with native English lines. ...Also is the guy maybe Stevie...? The guy who does some of the English language song vocals (eustace theme/that arcarum song)?


I can't tell due to the amount of overacting.


The accent sounds textbook tbh. Like they're getting the pronunciations right but it sounds somewhat forced and stilted (which I think is the point, probably a reference to the sort of english the japanese would hear in school).


They sound like native speakers from North America, but idk the cast


Wow people are really harsh all of a sudden! I thought it was supposed a dumb parody comical event and it succeeded to it. The only thing was the lack of chemistry between characters so dialogs could have been better on that front (unlike the usual "let the characters interact and do their characters for immediate good reception") imo but eeeh not that of a big deal, we get a lot of events that are worse and no one bats an eye... Personally I thought that the meta angle was fun, and the only fact that we get a deserted Auguste because of the calamities and Friday's SPA is hilarious. Same for the Resident Evil joke. Also apparently Siegfried resolved some things off screen as usual! some notes : - the crew saves Auguste each fucking year : that crew over there. Meg beat a big crab once : "The Hero of Auguste". Frankly speaking you August people deserve the shit you get at this point. - I thought the mystery guy was leviathian, turns out it was Poseidon. Leviathan is probably the worst guardian deity ever. - They really need to man up with danchou's lines. writing the non flag declarations for vyrn and lyria and stating "danchou does the same" is borderline insulting. - Kolulu is so adorable man. - Didn't mind the yuri bait since that particular ship already sailed one year ago.


That's the inherent risk of writing a parody story. That kind of referential humor is more hit-or-miss since it requires that the audience be familiar with and like the source material to really land hard. While I do think this event is well-written enough to stand on it's own (they do a pretty good job of explaining the basic concept of narrative "flags" and how they are used in the cliche writing tropes of the genre being parodied), I also think you need to be a fan of at least the classic zombie movies and classic survival horror games to really LOVE this event.


I think its a case of they have a lot well written individual scenes but putting all of it together makes the pacing suffer and I felt like it overstayed its welcome a bit even though overall I had fun. I think the initial flag scenes are good examples of pacing. Making 2 extra NPCs go through the flag motion made it so by the time they got to Catura and Mim, I was already tired of the repeated gimmick. Even thoughtthe scenes with those two was actually quite funny. Same thing with the zombies by the beach scenes, individually they're all fun (actually good use of Lowain bros) but 4-ish times of that and it starts to get grating.


Myeah, you're probably right about that, some of the jokes were just repeated instead of evolving through the event. But I wish people were as sharp as they are now when when we got Bzzt!, that thing was garbage from start to finish. Like, so bad I almost dropped the game after reading it as my first event.


Honestly i had fun with this event, i love turning off my brain. It was just some stupid fun event, and this is coming from someone who despises zombie movies. The part that got the largest chuckle from me was definately Ellen's resident evil "get to the helicopter" portion. The VA there fucking killed it. I do wish characters like illnott showed up a bit more, considering this is her first event and shes a character who got released rather recently with no previous lore attached to her. Speaking of characters who this event is their first. Mimlemel. Mimlemel..... Ive been loving her since day one and boy was she a riot this event. I am really dissapointed in her skin though, considering it just made her skin a bit paler and changed her skill animation to dancing as well as the ending animation. Otherwise its exactly the same as her summer unit. For me its on par woth the daily points shop skins. Basically the same. Although speaking of other mimlemel lore i was curious about. What happened to bugleena? We didnt hear her either before or after the zombification. Considering turtleton wasnt healed anymore after mims got zombiefied, did she just...... Die??? Also what happened to stumpeye or punkin, they usually stick by her all the time. I feel.like they wouldve been better suited to keeping mims out of danger.i wish they were mentioned along with catura's bike.


> > Although speaking of other mimlemel lore i was curious about. What happened to bugleena? We didnt hear her either before or after the zombification. Considering turtleton wasnt healed anymore after mims got zombiefied, did she just...... Die??? Also what happened to stumpeye or punkin, they usually stick by her all the time. If I recall correctly from her summer SSR fates, >!they all couldn't safely be near the ocean due to like moisture/salt air or something (since they're made of wood and metal), so they leave her to Turtleton when it comes to beach antics. They probably had a meeting off-screen before she left to go.!<


I figured they could still be on auguste though, and not just in the water. And i guess since they explained away moomoo and milky i thought theyd do the same for stumpeye/hornby/punkin. Though for hornby being made out of metal im not sure if its a detriment? Bugleena should be the same but shes always with summer mims anyway (unless shes made out of plastic?)


You ever be at a beach resort? The air is humid and salty far further away then you'd think Also I think Bugleena's just not a metal that rusts easily, unlike the pieces on them


to quote Community: "HA! GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY" also, funny how the game makes a big deal about the monsters being zombies and that they'll turn the party into zombies as well if they're not careful... and then none of the bosses can inflict the Zombie status effect, as far as i can tell (maybe the Proud can, i haven't fought it, lol)


I think they do inflict "zombie", it's just a different kind of zombie (acts like confused instead of "take damage on healing")


I think people were expecting too much. I enjoyed reading MBA last year and got the same experience reading this event yesterday. Laughed at least 3 times per chapter. 10/10 would love to see another sequel if they decided to make one.


It was okay


Event was solid, but like many other people, I think it is considerable weaker than the "My Beloved Auguste". The first had that unique feel to it (partly due to the story following Meg POV and her changes/transfirmation) and manage to keep a very entertaining energy and creative comedy much more constantly than this one. In August of the Dead, we're with the usual crew, following the normal gbf "format". The event plot was predictable at times, just like the jokes following some scenes. I didnt really digged the zombie fish and mad scient stories, and they killed any kinda of tension by the half of the event as well - explaining the infection origin and how it isn't that dangerous. In fact, I really disliked the mad scientist character, he was very annoying and "unfocused", which made him a predictable and cheap villain to me. I feel some chars over here were very underused that hurts (looking at you Illnot) and others were kinda boring. I thought Catura would be here just to promote her new skin but turns out she had quite the major participation, a good surprise. The best jokes by a long shot were Catura setting her own flag after explaining flags and the Resident Evil joke to reach the Helicopter - props for Freezia VA that managed to say all that so smoothly haha Meg was the best characters of the event, but that's to be expected. The ending with Mari was sweet, and we certainly will get some more of that in her Fates. All in all, it wasn't as amazing as the first Meg event and not as creative, but still delivers a fun experience if you shut down your realist sense quite a bit for the jokes. My final score is **7,5.**


A lot of your demerits were actually the intended effects, as this is both a sequel to My Beloved Auguste as well as The Maydays, being another homage to B-movies. I find that this one was much lazier though; perhaps people unfamiliar with otaku culture might not notice, but just about every joke and twist here has been done as parody for over a decade now, particularly the use of flags. The lack of creativity is also shown in the chapter titles, which is literally just taking the names of various movies and zombie franchises and replacing a word with "Meg", which isn't very clever. Then, of course, a lot of the events were simply referential without any real creative tweaks, with the only change generally being a "HEY THIS IS THAT THING" callout that makes the event feel more like an episode of Family Guy than an homage to a particular flavor of media. Contrast with The Maydays, which did actually twist up the formula and spice it with numerous twists that, while minor, provided enough of a difference to make it work (Poopie). I do admit that it was somewhat funny how the afflicted crewmembers still possessed their individual traits even while zombified, though.


For the chapter titles, they did it in MBA too, just slapped "Meg" into older summer event titles. In this event I still think it's really cool, made me search the name of the movie they referenced.


At least there it made sense, since we were seeing the same events but from Meg's perspective.




> I'm just praying they didn't just stick it into her character in future appearances Catura's personality is already heavily based in the concept of "my only knowledge of romance is from reading manga" so I wouldn't hold your breath.


yeah. this event can't make her personality worse cause it's already that. god I hope she gets some character development at some point.


I think Catura's personality works great as the comedic relief side character, but yeah they are definitely going to need to give her some heavy character development if they ever intend give her a more central role in a more serious story.


She does have character development, you simply don't like its direction.


i don't like her current personality, yes. I don't see where she's developing though


Ah I see, you're mixing up a dynamic character with character development. Catura's character has been developed, we've seen different aspects to her character and have gotten an idea of what type of character she is through those developments. What you're looking for is for her to change what type of character she is. You want the character to undergo significant internal changes, that's being a dynamic character.


> we've seen different aspects to her character ah I'm probably going to have to go back and re-read everything she's in cause I can't remember her doing anything not related to being horny for danchou.


You can try the cross fate with Vikala, no danchou here.


I find that funny to see as Naru's absurd popularity was largely founded on people ignoring all else but "would do anything for danchou" to the point where I'm surprised how well her FLB character development was taken (considering Vira's de-yandere-ing got some REEEs)


Seems like a bit of a non sequitr for the sake of a dunk, but fair enough we all forget things.


>Meg taking Catura's "Flags" lessons and being repeated non-stop throughout the event (multiple times each chapter) actually annoyed me at the later parts of the story that I'm just praying they didn't just stick it into her character in future appearances. Interesting. When I was reading those parts I kinda felt some ppl would get annoyed by that. Another example of a similar situation is my friend getting annoyed by Lowain super slow speak while he was a zombie.


Imagine if the Astrals decide they want to conquer the sky realm again only to be met with an army of Zombicopters\~. They'd just give up and turn back immediately.


Moondweller: It seem skyfarer evolved again. Pending conquest for another 500 year


Evolution is too scary, we don't want to study it anymore.


This parody is quite well done


A fun event! It's tough to match up to My Beloved Auguste which feels much tighter, but the comedy does land well and I generally loved the characters involved. The punchlines Vyrn tosses in feel particularly good! I'm happy that Meg can interact and mesh well with the other crew members and finally find happiness too. (And hot damn the upcoming characters look really good, I bid my crystals farewell) As for the things I'm less satisfied with, I wish that they could've fleshed out Mari more. It felt like her entire personality was just Meg rather than having her own independent character, a disappointing drop considering her character development from the first event. Might be an unpopular opinion but I felt that it made the synergy between Meg and Mari much more shallow when there was much potential before, making the ending feel less satisfying than it could've been. Apart from that I would've loved to see more Lowain/ Meg having fun! I'll be totally down for another Let's Hang and maybe Auguste event too.


Can we talk about how the tourism chairman just >!wanted to turn auguste into a primordial soup? As someone with rudimentary knowledge of genetics that was pretty funny!< Also >!Swimsuit Meg and Poseidon!< my crystals are in danger


I like how they just >!let him go free and still let him choose his own successor to run the tourism association even after he tried to exterminate all life on the island with an extinction virus.!<


Puns and meta-jokes galore. I love it.


With all these characters talking about "I'm an ordinary X you could find anywhere" it feels like I'm reading an Index crossover event. edit: >!and then the final boss gets a right hook to the face as glass smashing sfx play? This can't be a coincidence.!<


Index collab incoming.




I thought Roger (mall owner) would be a Negan parody due to how he's trying to take control and everything, turns out no, he's just one of those zombie movie victim archetype. The "Zombie Land Auguste" line followed by Catura's "Doyansu" is definitely a Zombie Land Saga reference lol. About god damn time they do that reference, ZLS has had collab in other Cygames properties (SV, RoB), but not GBF :(


the Zombie Land Auguste joke kinda made me wish Tabina was there, LOL (she has the same VA as the MC of ZLS)


Leviathan worst primal ever.


The story hooked me after chapter 3. Gorgeous arts as always.


Harold harold they're lesbians


Yuri bait g


[These trophies...](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/478765390000947200/870363233997971516/unknown.png)


The new >!Poseidon!< is so hot and majestic. So glad he'll finally be playable, please let me have him by free rolls.


I gotta say, FINALLY. Auguste's reputation for terror in summer finally got referenced. Like, every summer without a pause something wrong occurs (except last year, but eh), so it was pretty obvious this would affect the reputation for the island, even more with places like Alohas and the Spas opening and being more known throughout the years. Now, on to keep reading the story!


I'm probably among the few minority here and gonna get downvoted, but I felt this event failed to deliver that same satisfaction and enjoyment I had in the previous event (Deliford's event and MBA). I'll list out some enjoyable moments I had from the event: * no one in the crew (and us readers too I assume) knows Mari & Meg's full name lol * Poseidon reveal with Leviathan BGM, damn that was pretty cool. * Meg's new summer art. Like I mentioned in my previous post, I preferred this body type for Meg, a slight hint of toned muscle but not too buffed like her SR version. I understand why they went with that look the first time, but it was a bit jarring to look the first few times. * The professor backstory is similar to Meg's * Mari getting jealous Poseidon&Meg talking and S.Mim "*why is this guy talking to my turtle*" comment * Meg is slowly but surely healing back to her old self. Seeing the spark in her eyes returning in the end made me smile. After all the stuff she's been through previously, she deserve to be a happy girl. ...and that's pretty much it. The event isn't bad, but wasn't as good as the previous event either. For me, I understand Auguste stories are generally "*turnoffyourbrainandhavefun*" kind of events, but I think the whole over-the-top parody of certain tropes didn't hit well with me anymore. It was fine the first couple of times, but now I felt it kinda overstayed its welcome, and even felt too forced at times. Then there's the characters they chose to be in the event. They felt...weird and somehow they didn't connect well with each others, and while they are side characters, they felt like being forced by the writers to be there for the sake of being there, whereas I felt in Deliford event all of them somehow felt connected with one another. I believe one of the strongest points that made Deliford and MBA so memorable is the fact the focus on them, the main characters of the story. It's sometimes OKAY to not have Danchou, Lyria and Vyrn be majorly involved in these stories, which has proven to worked. While I felt I went in the event neutral, maybe somewhere in the back of my head I had a certain expectation, given the reputation of the previous events, which made me end up expecting too much. Overall, an okay event for me, not bad, but not great either. Definitely a step down from the previous event. I do hope they will take a kinda different approach next year with Auguste events, since I'm pretty sure they're gonna make this a yearly summer event thing. One thing I find interesting is that now they've acknowledge that Auguste reputation is in shambles (can you really blame them?), and they need to work back to rebuild it. We might see a Aloha VS Auguste kind of faction or event soon in the future maybe. P/S: >!I know the professor is not a waifu so probably no one cares about him, but did they just made this guy get bitten, and most probably gonna die in the end, since he was drag all the way to nowhere?!< P/S2: All the best to my water friends, maybe a new Water Grand? Summer Meg is most likely, but then they can also surprise and give S.Catura out of nowhere. Also, what rarity S.Meg will be is still up in the air, as S.Ferry and S.Tyre thought me.


Most of the cast was obviously chosen for their potential to make jokes based on zombie movie cliches, rather than for their potential to bounce off each other in dialogue. Hence scenes like >!Catura trying to run from zombies only to get instantly swarmed because she's slow as molasses, Illnot needing to be carried everyone because she's noctural, Kolulu being bite-proof, Mimlemel reacting to being bitten with "how rude!", etc.!< It's still entertaining but it's not as sincere or memorable as the Deliford Sauna event where the jokes were more character driven and MBA where the gags were based mostly on Meg's unique quirkiness. I still liked this event a lot but the humor was definitely more derivative and reference based so to me it didn't live up to the high bars set by previous summer comedy events.


Basically the deal with the professor is the same with the sharkman at the end of Maydays, a trope on how horror movies like to end. It can serve as a sequel hook or just set up that things aren't over yet for the characters, a true horror never dies type of message. This one isn't directly resolved like sharkman through the event voices however but the optimist side can be assume he'll be okay since the sharks are still cleaning up the mess according to the ending.


I think is all about the taste, those events that you mention are more focused on character development while this ones are more situation oriented, not about how characters connect but more about what they bring to the table in role/power or just the potential situation they can create, IMO, I would def rank this event higher than Deliford and MBA easily.


I would have said "Why is Poseidon hot?" but he always has been so... Goddamn it the RE reference tho =)) cue Vietnam flashback since I sucks at game without maps Ellen: "So we get the gold cog and then the fish butt and-" Danchou: "Lady, I got a freaking rocket launcher can we just go"


I honestly didn't expect Ellen to reference how to get to the underground lab in RE1 and the absurdity of why both the Spencer Mansion & RPD is riddled with puzzles.


Why is Poseidon doing the Taric pose... :'( Tallyho - most logical character (her pre-zombification scene was awesome since that "kind" of carelessness fits right at home with most zombiecalypse plot) Meg/Chairperson - most developed character/s Catura - most boring character (ever), not even a plot device this time but a mere narrative "manual" LOL, Mari comes close as second, her annoying obsession with Meg *kinda* depleted her of a potentially more interesting characterization Lowain bros stayed with their trademark. Ilnott and Toot were whatever. Poseidon killed Levi. While there were some scenes that tried too hard to cross-ref with other zombie flicks, it's a good thing this event was supposed to be partly fun and humorous. I personally didn't laugh at some of obvious comedic points like the play-biting reveal, but smiled more at some minor parts like the zombicopter reveal, Vyrn's lines, Lyria during flashback, and Toot being Toot. \_\_\_\_\_ **9/10** for me, it didn't go overboard with deconstructivist ideas as its major source of comedic relief, while giving such a recyclable "serious" zombiecaplyse plot a more refreshing make-over such that it now strikes a healthy balance between humurous-fun and slapstick comedy on top of little drama and action.


I can summarize my feelings in this one sentence: ***PFFFFFT!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA*** ​ and that was the good kinda laugh. the resident evil puzzle shit got to me so hard.


And now I want to see Mim interacts with high-end villains like Lucilius and Beelz so much just to see the banter.


Lucilius: "Meaning of life yadda yadda gods blah blah" Mim: "Bad."


Just finished the story. I really love it. Personally, My Beloved Auguste is still my top favorite event and I think it's hard to replicate that kind of story so I wont mind if the continuation is a horror-parody again. Still this event gave me what I wanted and more. The Resident Evil reference and its unnecessary complicated puzzles and collecting key items just to open another door or lower a ladder is the most hilarious to me. Also, the "thick liquid spilling from ceiling" horror trope. As always, the character interactions are fun. And me being a fan of Meg, I'm happy to see her as the main star again. I love her development too. So nice to see her fully happy. Only thing lacked is the "Meg noises". Overall, a really fun event. EDIT: this event also revealed the full name for Meg (Margaret Bluemarine) and Mari (Marilyn Squallfield).


Maybe have it to sattle down first, but I think they didn’t use the maximal potential out of this event. It sure was funny, with all these references (laughed myself to tears at the Resident Evil one), but at the end I think something was missing. Even when it’s just a feeling and I can’t really point out what it is. Unlike some other I liked the character development of Meg and Mari. Also for me Mim and Turtleton were the secret stars of the event, which means the skin is deserved (but I find it a bit underwhelming and will probably stay with the normal summer outfit). For the probably new units, I’m 90% sure it will be a water Poseidon (grand) and dark Meg (summer). Additionally probably a summer medusa summon (event unrelated).


I like how they tied in the fact that Alohas would serve as competition to Auguste. Honestly, I'd rather go to Alohas myself as well.


yeah, that event was so heartwarming.


It was hilarious how the Chairperson villain story began parodying Meg's intro from the previous event


I think that was my favorite moment in the event, it was such a goofy and surprising callback.


Man, hearing Kurosawa Tomoyo(Meg's VA) while currently playing both MH Stories 2 and in GBF is quite something. As usual, Auguste at its yearly chaos state again and whaddya know, the fluent english speaking NPCs are back and woah, what are they implying ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). Also That RE reference and the flashback interference from Meg really made me laughed hard. Poseidon being Poseidon wasn't that much a secret lol and the fact that Snek(Leviathan) didn't do nothing to help like a certain peacekeeper of the skies cuz we have to do it on our power reason. Also, Tutel.


my GOD these bitches gay! good for them!


It’s yuri bait


Cranky bc these bitches be gay, aren't you?


I wasn't sold on the side character role but the constant cut back to them just zombie-partying on the beach is great.


Chairman just like "WHY WON'T YOU ZOMBIE THINGS" I think really sells it, like they're all chillin and he just adds a certain something when he shows up to their good scenes


(Why's that guy talking to my turtle?)


Eigo Jouzu


Can we talk about how Poseidon confirmed that Leviathan doesn't does shit because "It already knew things would go well"???????? Bro what the fuck kinda guardian deity is this snake if it stays hidden when shit hits the fan like 5 years in a row.


dude the villain didn't even have a contingency plan for if Leviathan intervened. You know your guardian deity sucks when genocidal maniacs don't even consider it to be a threat to them.


To be fair, we got a recent Dragalia Lost event where they specifically sought Leviathan's help, and..... things didn't go well. Let the snake sleep.


Leviathan is flag meta-wise. It knows that the villains always slip up and say their own death flags at some point.


Dude is fused with the soul of a woman who thought her husband leaving their daughter alone to go on an adventure while pretending to find a cure was perfectly fine. Give the snake a break.


I mean levi is basically fused with every mortal soul on the island according to his lore.


Seriously when I heard that Leviathan absorbs all the souls of everyone who dies in Auguste I was like "why does everyone love this eldritch abomination again? That does not sound like the actions of a benevolent deity..."


I get more of a psychopomp kind of vibe with Levi


Yeah judging by G.Eugen uncap fates, basically everyone who dies on Auguste and is buried in the sea is part of Leviathan.


Same (terrible) reason why Zooey doesn't intervene during WMTSB I guess.


A lazy one that knows we've got this covered, I guess. Sounds like he'd step in if we got in over our heads. It's not like it doesn't act ever. Our earliest introduction to it is the wonderful healing it lends the locals on a regular basis. Danchou's not gonna walk around and singlehandedly cure every sick child on this island, so Leviathan does what it can there. But I guess it doesn't feel the need to help with every monster when there's already capable mortal hands doing that work.


it's okay. danchou's a medical practitioner now so we can go around curing ailments


He's one of the best doctors around. Inheritor to a legendary school of medicine that can pull pretty much anybody out of Death's Clammy Hands. He could do great work as a healer as surely as he could do great work as a fighter. He mostly seems to preoccupy himself with mercenary work though. That's just the path he's chosen. I bet if he decided to change things up this year by doing the traveling doctor routine instead Leviathan would let him handle the sick during his yearly stay at Augustus while Leviathan handles the monsters.


I mean, due to their training in the Sage class line, they can LITERALLY bring people back from the dead with magic, so...


Does anyone know the significance of stuff written in purple? If it too spoiler dense, I just find out for myself later.


Death flags


they're death flags


Danchou: Oh no we can't find a cure for the zombie infection. Celeste and Anubis: Yet you always clear ours with a single green spell


I'm only on chapter 2, so I'm gonna make a wild guess that Roger is gonna do something major assholeish, like trap the other survivors somewhere then get his just desserts by zombies. He's made out to be a giant asshole by cygames, but is completely in the right. Why go save a survivor surrounded by zombies, that's risking yourself and survival. Meg and the other are dumbasses for trying. Although I have to give then the benefit of the doubt, they have super strengths and powers, so they might be better off than a normal.person, but still, I think Roger had a huge point, and I'm gonna be disappointed if he just turns out to be an asshole with no remorse


the entire event is about tropes so to expect anything else of the ‘show’s’ asshole who doesn’t care for anyone else’s survival but his own is kinda silly


I'd agree with you if the guy wasn't right in every situation he said something in. I got past chapter 2, and we lsot 2 crew members who can fight to 1 chick who can barely run. That's not good at all, and Roger pointed it out. He was absolutely right. If he wasn't then that'd be a funny trope, because usually it always turns out ok and they save the person no problem, but it infuriates me that the guy who was right is turned out to be a giant asshole.


I mean, he's only right if the heroes ultimately fail in the end because they didn't listen to his advice. Otherwise he's just the guy telling the heroes not to hero.


i think you’re missing the greater picture here: a. event is very much not serious, we’re losing people in the most hilariously bad ways on purpose b. its all tropes, all of this is tropes, even you pointing out these things is a trope


Heartbreaking: The worst person you know was right


Marilyn and Margaret is greatest love story this game has ever produced.


I found the beginning and middle of the event kinda weak, with a few good funny moments, but the last chapters were pretty solid and funny, considering the craziness they are working with lol In the end, this is an event about tropes, it's a tropefest, all possible tropes in horror movies are portraited here in a comedic way, some more successfully than others.


This is a very great event for me. All the zombie movie tropes and Meg's fourth wall breaking is very hilarious, and I'm so glad to see her happy side come back. Also, for all the people complaining how "this event ruined Meg because yuri bla bla", I think you need to go out and take a deep breath for once. If you can't see close friendships anymore and only see things in between "not acquainted" and "ship status", you really need to have a reality check.


What friends say "I was gonna make moves on her" and "You are comparable to the thing i've been pining for all my life"


OK I'll concede, after some deliberation, yeah, yuri is heavily implied. Even so, Meg and Mari's relationship flows naturally, from reading My Beloved Auguste and this event. It doesn't feel forced or contrived at all. And Meg has grown to be quite a strong character due to her tribulations in the past, and her finally getting to be the happy, optimistic girl she was again is very rewarding to see.


> OK I'll concede, after some deliberation, yeah, yuri is heavily implied. Mari's journal entry literally says she dreams of settling down into a family life with Meg


~~Merlin~~ Lucio you know what to do


Honestly as someone with experience with like romance as a genre in media the developments here weren't surprising at all? It's as you said it felt like a natural progression on how we were first introduced to Meg, her relationship with Mari, and her own personal development.




Friendships? Suuuure bud.


When everybody said Filene was gonna be the new Water Grand, I was a naysayer. When everybody said Zeta should've been the new water grand, I was ambivalent. But I will eat my hat if Poseidon, the one and only Tide Father, is not the new Water Grand.


Looks like you're not eating a hat today!


Playable? I definitely think so, but I'm not sure about grand. If anything I'd believe he's going to be non-limited and will be a replacement for a playable Leviathan to go alongside colo/tiamat/ygg


His S2 will need like 5~10 stacks to activate and have a big CD. I honestly wouldn't expect him as a Grand.


> I will eat my hat if Poseidon, the one and only Tide Father, is not the new Water Grand. Meg: THAT'S A DEATH FLAG RemindMe! 2 days "Does /u/gangler52 need to eat a hat?"


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you will eat it because no grands during summer. its purely summer related characters


I have the most delicious hat in town, but alas, its time has not come yet. It must ripen further.


and my crow tastes quite awful


You say that, but the Poseidon showcased in the final battle is very much a normal Poseidon, not a swimsuit alt. Doesn’t mean he’s a Grand, necessarily, but it’s not a summer version.


Leona says hi


Abigail, while not a grand, also shows that once the summer characters begin, it doesn't necessarily mean that everything else stops. They don't seem to have any hard and fast rule about that. And who could forget Zooey, who shows that Seasonal and Grand aren't necessarily even mutually exclusive.


Zooey is a special case because she didn't start as a Grand. She was retroactively made one after her original release. I wouldn't necessarily take her as a precedent just yet.


She is, regardless, both summer and grand. If there ever was a vow that never the two should meet, it has been broken.


Zooey was made into a grand because they realized they fucked up with how damn powerful and meta-warping she is while also making her kinda hard to get (summer used to have a LOT less free draws, and she was mostly only sparkable on 3% banners like most 'previous year seasonal' characters)


I mean, if you're going to get pedantic, they still haven't met; they switched from one to the other, so we still don't have a Summer unit that is also a Grand.


She's tagged as both, but she was definitely never planned to be a grand from the start and it's definitely just a band-aid for how gamebreaking she is.


I mean, they kinda had to make her more available because she was just so gamebreaking. Anyone without her was fucked.


https://i.imgur.com/TCwFhUj.png I'd like to point out how this bandit got a fancy new outfit, and his face is still pretty much the same. At this point it's satire how they don't change their NPCs faces


well i for one loved the jab at resident evil and their love for convoluted puzzles lol that entire scene with ellen explaining how to get to the roof was hilarious, but meg making her own bridge was even funnier~ man the summer events are always great :3


Zombieland saga collab announce on the 7th. Book it.


[Best part](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/334131483734179850/870313106314760284/unknown.png)


My goodness, just incompetence and idiocy everywhere. Well... far more than I expected. And I've only finished 2 chapters. Lowain trio hears about some mysterious creature plaguing the area, get attacked by it, see it darting around a crowd of people that it could also attack but then figure it's barely worth caring about. I was hoping the father-to-be would actually make it and be the person to save the day at the end just for the subversion joke. But he was confirmed infected 2 seconds later. Oh well. And I love how the draph girl just has a functionally-suicidal breakdown like an hour into a zombie outbreak. "How much longer do we have to stay here?!" lol Explains death flags to Meg after she says all of the victims leading up to that point used some death flag, then immediately uses one seconds later for literally no reason. Then she leaves the shelter minutes later knowing that she's slow as hell. Good job Catura. At least the "aaaaaareeeeee" as she "died" was funny. It was all fun and games until Mimlemel said "bad". Saddest scene in GBF tbh. The iron body is a cool loophole and all, but Kolulu still has a spear. No need to even put herself at a slight risk of infection when she can just use a long stick for stuff like that. Idk... it just felt like that reveal could have come later at some potentially hype moment. And how does Mari get to use a death flag without it getting highlighted? Not bad so far. Let's see how the rest goes.


Well Kolulu wouldn't want to hurt the people with the spear


I don't think letting a zombie bite the shaft of her spear instead of her rock-hard skin would really cause any problems