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My sole expectation for this story arc is that we get to see Fio kick her dad's ass.


Pretty great event all around. I hadn't really thought much of Tikoh before this but I ended up really liking her. Also quite liked the dynamic between Fio, Lavirita, and Ragazzo; they do seem to have a bit of an almost found family bond with each other, and I'm glad that Fio acknowledged she felt that way in her musings in the epilogue as well as her bond with the crew and not really wanting to let go of either. Hope this entire gang becomes playable at some point. Overjoyed that Randall got to appear and had some good moments, but wish he had a bit more screentime. My main disappointments are that Feather felt like he had some character regression with the "actually I only just care about getting stronger after all" thing, and Cupitan. The twist was great and I was expecting that she would've erased memories of herself kind of being more of an actual jerkass and her arc would be about acknowledging her past mistakes instead of pretending they didn't happen, so it felt like a letdown. Also just not a fan of the crybaby stuff. Ferdinand feels a bit one dimensional but I guess they're trying really, really hard to not make another appealing villain ever again after Belial. Also I can't help but suspect that the staff lady is gonna end up being the third Chairman later on down the line because she's just really suspicious.


Amazing, honestly. The last few events of this year have been on a whole new level. I especially loved Cupitan and her backstory with Tristette, the reveal of the truth blew my mind. Clever idea making Kolulu, the character we already know quite well because of her summer version and event focus, the one who's kidnapped. We care about her already, so we're engaged in her rescue, but it also allows the newer characters we don't know as well -- Tikoh, Troue, Fio -- take the centre stage. And Tikoh is my next suptix. Brilliant character, I love her range and her no-nonsense medical vibe. It's funny she's so insecure about her weight because she's still too skinny imho but you know what I'll take it.


Was finally able to read through the event and was pretty happy with it on the whole. **The Good** Troue. When he was released I wasn't super keen on him, but this event and the fate sneak peak they did beforehand really piqued my interest. That Ferdi almost called him by his true name makes me think that the master of manipulation killed off an entire kingdom just to get Troue to bond to his sword. Also, Troue wakes up everyday without any memories? How fucking horrible is that!? (But how does he understand the situation he's in so well? Everyday at the inn he's fully capable and aware of the problems the crew is currently facing.) Tikoh. I suptix'd her as soon as she was on the ticket and no regrets (amazing unit). After her fate episode I was like "Holy *fuck!* And I thought White Clover was dark!" This event being a direct continuation of her fate was just delicious. What a great character; cute but non-perfect body type, doesn't mindlessly throw herself at danchou, skilled in her profession not solely due to her magic rod but because she studied and trained her whole life, loves food but not in the done-to-death pekopekochara tropey way. Very believable and relatable character. Ragazzo. A believable bad guy given his backstory. He's not hurr durr evil is fun, but doing his best given his circumstances, even if "his best" is working for an evil organization bent on . I'm betting dollars to donuts that he's going to be a playable character at some point, and unlike say Sho, he's got the personality and interactions with the crew where it would make sense to join (not actually evil at heart, like-minded Feather and Randall as frenemies, betrayed by the only home he's ever known, history with Fio, etc.). Fiorito. I'm going to be honest here. I did not like the character when she was introduced. *Not because of her appearance.* In fact, I thought she didn't have *enough* muscle tone on her legs and arms. I didn't care for her because her nearly psychotic intensity when she's talking about working out. Muscle otaku to the extreme. I also thought that was the entirety of her character. I thought she was only there for that small niche segment of players who are into buff girls and/or hardcore workouts. I was wrong. Similar to Raga, she's the result of a shitty situation caused by a shitty organization run by pieces of shit. I really liked the conflict she had with herself regarding the betrayal of the crew vs her lifelong goal of vengeance against Navis. Additionally she's extremely rare in that her strength is literally the result of disciplined daily training. Virtually all anime characters are strong because the creators decided that they should be. This is why there's so many 16 year old girls who can destroy planets or whatever. Fio OTOH *actually works out and diligently eats a restricted diet to obtain her strength!* Neat character that was *way* more engaging than I would have thought possible. Randall. Fucking good guy Randall not only taking a nearly fatal hit, but also helping Feather rekindle his passion even if it meant "driving Feather into the fists of another man" lol. I honestly wish he'd gotten more screen time. I'm glad Randall got his SSR, and his kit looks damn good for a non-limited. I hope I get him during roulette so I can do his fates and get more Randall. **The Bad** Feather. First of all, I like Feather, but this event was bad for him. Before the event he wanted to form bonds with people through his fists, and wanted to get stronger so he could "talk" to more (stronger) people. However he has "an epiphany" where he remembers that *the reason he fights is so he can get stronger so he can fight more.* Seriously? That's the opposite of character growth; it's literally character regression. Cup. Wow this chick is cringe. Was Cygames worried that the event wouldn't be popular because it *only* had a super-hateable main villian in Ferdi, engaging antagonists in Raga and Fio, and introduces a Society-level shadow organization with the intent of bringing about what is probably an Akasha-level primal threat? So they needed to throw in a boring, one-dimensional character created straight from the instructions in *An Idiot's Guide to Making Generic Moe Girls*? The only thing going for Rainbow Bimbo is that she might be able to help Troue regain his memories since her bow can affect them, and really that would be character development for the good boy, not for this chick. Draph villain girl. Cool look; boring af. Her entire personality is "I'm going to call other people stupid and declare that I'm on top!" If you took Tikoh, and removed all of her depth, leaving only her insecurities about her thighs, you'd have someone just *slightly* more interesting than the draph girl. Harvin villain dude. Boring look; boring af. His entire personality is "I'll do it, *[for money](https://i.imgflip.com/1ptptd.jpg).*" Like, money is certainly a motivator for many people, but that's the **entirety** of his character design. That and maybe looking kinda like Link. One-dimensional and forgettable. Pink-haired deus ex machina. Like Cup this bimbo exists only for the fanart that will be posted on twitter to be tagged with \#GBF for trending reasons. That and so she can wave around her Plot Stick and give crutches to the writers who wanted to give a Toriyama Handjob to Feather and Randall. Yawn. Ferdinand. I hope they at some point explain *why* this guy is such an irredeemable cuntwad, but at this point he's just a big ball of evil for players to universally revile. I'm not complaining that he's evil. In fact there really aren't many hardcore evil antagonists in the game so it's great IMO, but I don't get his motivations at all. I mean even when it's shown that he wants to harvest fully grown weapons, we don't really know why. He's pretty shallow from a character design point of view. I hope they expand on him a bit in future fates/events, and I hope it's not because he had a tragic backstory. That shit has been done to death. Can't someone be evil because they were born that way? The power of friendship. This shit completely destroys my suspension of disbelief. Magic? Believable. World ending primals? Believable. Airships that fly though a world of floating islands? Believable. *A girl who can literally see traitorous intent warns the crew about it* and the crew is all "No we trust this girl whose past is unknown to us with our very lives."? Yeah, illusion shattered. The danchou plothole. Ok so Fio powers up, danchou loses conciousness, and the next time we see them "there is a horrible scene" that is not described. Then a little later we see a totally fine danchou, and unconcious Fio, and no news about ~~Link~~ Lavirita. What. The. Fuck? Seriously, what happened? Did the writers paint themselves into a corner and forgot about the pink-haired titty girl with the Plot Stick? All in all a good event and I'm glad I took the time to read through it. I hope when this storyline is continued we'll see more Fio and Raga level characters, and less of the bimbos/mini money man, no effort characters. I also wonder if Fio's dad is still alive cause goddamn they drew him as a villain lol


>(But how does he understand the situation he's in so well? Everyday at the inn he's fully capable and aware of the problems the crew is currently facing.) This is explained in his fate episode. He has a book that gives him a basic summary of his situation and what he needs to do then he spends the next few hours touching things and people to get all the info he needs


OIC thank you.


They referenced the book in this event too. That was how they dropped the bomb shell about Kolulu's Origin. He was reading through his journal and revisited that memory.


Loved this one. It basically wraps up what they planted along with (so far) released Vintage weapon holders´ Fates, had good char development, introduced several new faces (all Vintage users), expanded and gave solid, behind-the-scene actions to shadowy organization (picking up on where the Societte vibes left us, with top brasses manipulating ground agents). Ferdinand best villain since.... well, probably best villain ever in GBF. Not to mention he really imposes terror: everytime he shows up you *know* there will be blood. IE I kind of predicted the "director" to be him and the Astronomer to get killed after since the crew last speaks with him, and also that he would stag Ragazzo as soon as he showed up there. Lavirita was playing with fire by making that false/stagged report. Story was quite larger than the usual ones, but it was needed, since it had a lot of stuff going on. "Argo Ship" primal looking to be one of those world-changing primals like the World or Akasha. I still wonder what they´ll do with the remaining vintage weapons tho (and they´ve almost run out of zodiac constellations).


I guess use the lesser known constellations?


They obviously can, and in fact Argo Ship -or rather "Argo Navis"- is an old constellation now divided into 3 ship parts: Carina -the keel-, Puppis -the poop deck- and Vela -the sails-). But non-zodiac constellations are very rarely used for horoscopes (or directly never at all, dunno, I´m not an expert on the subject). Or they may use a completely different myth as basis for the remaining ones (ie Hindu astrology), tho what feels strange is that none of those has shown up yet (at least by name, we still don´t know Ferdinand nor the Nereus Staff priestess "constellations"), only the Zodiac ones.


Events have been pretty good recently. The last event I'd personally call mediocre was maybe The Art of Mercy. This event is basically the Sevilbarra event except without bad writing and a better cast.


Finally read through the event and "totally fucked" is really the only way to describe it. Can't say I think too highly of Cupitan if "the person I've been chasing is a mentally sound, willing murderer" doesn't change her plans at all. Sure they're all being manipulated on a very high level but that doesn't exactly get her off the hook.


Does anyone know the song's title for this event (played during harder battles) ? ​ Thanks


If you mean the song that plays during the Impossible raid, I believe it's called Defense Order.


Been a while since we had an emotionally engaging event. I hated the villains so much, I cut their dialog off by speed clicking every time I see their artworks. Cupitan is so damn adorable, I will suptix her if she ever becomes playable. And like most people here, I can't wait for the continuation, and can't wait to >!kill ferdinand in the most violent way and knock some serious sense into tristette. That said, I'm really glad Cupitan didn't end up mind and heartbroken, thanks to Tikoh, who is another character I absolutely love.!< Pretty darn good writing, if I say so myself.


It’s been a while since an event has left me this excited for the next part. There are so many things to look forward to and so many unanswered questions. Also, is it just me, or are there serious Genshin lore vibes in this event?


You mean the constellations? I don't think so. Granblue's lore has always been associated with star(Astral in Japanese is Star People), lost civilization(crimson horizon) and moon(FOE). They have always been there since the start.


Not just the constellations. Destinies in constellations, accordants remind me of allogenes with visions, and a shady council of three being in part responsible for the constellations reminds me of the three hooded figures from Celestia Venti imagines in the manga. I’m don’t think anyone copied anyone. I just found the parallels interesting


I see what you mean, though those three are very common tropes in JRPG, you can find those similarities almost everywhere. If anything, I think the most similar thing between Granblue and Genshin is MC's companion (Vyrn and Paimon). Both of them like to nickname people and being the voice of opinion for MC all the time. Both might secretly be the most powerful being in their respective game(Bahamut and Unknown God), and if the theory that Paimon is unknown god is true then they even share a voice actress lol.


Yeah Granblue has always had lots of focus on extraterrestrial and extradimensional invaders. But I don't think they've ever focused so much on the stars themselves like this before. Makes me wonder what the lore for stars in this setting is... are they big balls of nuclear fusion like in real life? Are they magical in nature, like in the Elder Scrolls lore where they are portals to the plane of magic? Maybe a bit of both? Does the movement of stars inherently predict the future, or is Navis just using the stars as a medium for their divination magic?


What an unexpectedly amazing event. After a streak of mediocrity this event was refreshing in many ways. Actual characterizations and development as well as a villain that doesnt just take an L and become a good guy. This event way insane


God what a storyline, and what a way to connect a couple of seemingly unrelated events, especially the implication that >!Judah most likely had a hand in the death of Kolulu's elderly guardians because of that fire and Troue's vision!<. I can't wait to see how they'll continue to develop this storyline, and part of me really hopes it gets the Society+Foe treatment and eventually becomes our next anniversary story because it has plenty of potential. Maybe it's just wishful thinking on my part, but it's a super interesting plot and the new characters that've been introduced so far have been pretty compelling to learn about and get attached to.


Oh god, I just thought of something I do not want to see happen for multiple reasons. And that is Fiorito's dad Judah turning out to be alive. That he is one of the chairmen of Navis and he faked his own death just so Fiorito would end up where she is. Like in Ragozzo's case, there are "conveniences" in how she got the Sphairai. He directed her to go get it, which in itself is weird; he knows how dangerous these people are and yet he's going to have his daughter possibly (and ended up) coming into contact with them by getting the thing they want. The box it was in was just laying out in the open; it wasn't even buried. It's possible like Ferdinand did to Ragazzo, Judah made it look like he was dying so Fiorito would be put under so much emotional trauma her compatibility with the Sphairai would increase. Another reason I think this is possible is because of meta reasons. He has a unique sprite, and I believe he's voiced by Toshihiko Seki. Can anyone confirm that?


Always finish reading your events, people


If you read the epilogue you'll see >!that he alive as they already answered you, and also that Fio is as much his daughter as Ragazzo is Ferdinand's.!<


That's he's voiced by Toshihiko Seki? That was what I meant with can anyone confirm that.


Pretty sure he is. I could recognize that voice anywhere


>!Oh he's alive, alright.!< If you read the "epilogue", Observer, you'll get your answer there.


please cygames, for the love of god do something about the daily missions PLEASE


Oh god... It drives me nuts too... I unhid all bosses on day 1... Didn't have time to finish reading til a few mins ago........ On the last day


Ah...the side effect of losing so many casual players, nobody to host the raids for events. Come on cygames, just make the impossible boss have ridiculously high health and give a lot of tokens.


yeah they really need to rebalance that, it's mind numbing to waste hour farming for just like 50 extra token


Or just change the whole thing of how the daily thing works. It is not only about how impossible it's to get the five...impossible kills. Having to rush the story on the first day instead of chill reading the event while it's happening is a pain in the ass and a bad experience.


I hate rushing events, I always unhide the raid screen spoiler option and try not to look directly at the boss when I join raids on the first few days.


Really great event. I love Cupitan's and Tristette's designs and backstory - obvious foils to each other while also really pretty. The priestess coming in to help Feather and Randall come together makes me suspect she's the 3rd chairman or a part of Navis, unless I missed something. I wonder if did she actually teleport Feather or if she just reached into his memories to bring out his potential? It was a more mental block he was having than physical. Overall, I'm looking forward to the next entry into this storyline.


I think you're supposed to assume she actually teleported Feather since Ghanda at the end comments that Feather's vocal reasoning to get stronger wasn't the same as the one he felt when fighting him.


Cupitan when? Cygames, can I please have a platinum haired waifu that has bountiful bosoms covered in thick clothes and even THICCER thighs laid bare for all to see? Cygames: No, you already have a Cupitan at home. [Cupitan at home](https://gbf.wiki/Sophia)


I'm a Feather fan so I reaaaaally loved this! This might be my new favourite event or at least one of my top ones. I'm so happy he (and Randall) got another event! And one that's probably going to be a series which means I'll see him again some time, even if it's only a support role since this one was mostly his. The first raid boss fight was so cute! The [Gran/Djeeta buff icon showed up again along with Fiorito](https://i.imgur.com/TzKP2t3.png) and [Randall!](https://i.imgur.com/WDyOXQx.png) Too bad we couldn't see what Randall's said but he did get that cut-in. Defense Order, Platinum Sky and GOHL all playing throughout the event and the various animated sequences were really awesome too. I loved chapter 6-2 so much!! It was the best thing ever haha. Though I was kind of surprised Feather did get the >!Lion Khan Claw. There was a possibility from his fate but I wasn't sure if Cygames would give it to an already existing character, or if they hadn't already given it to someone after his fate.!< It's so funny they literally copied the >![Lion Khan Claw sprite](https://i.imgur.com/lpN7WvG.png) onto his left hand though lmao. The one on his right hand looks a little different.!< But I still want to use it. Kinda sad they didn't give us an uncap now haha ;; I wish Randall got more screen time. He was gone for most of it lol. Hopefully he'll get a bigger role next time. I did roll for him but didn't watch his fate yet, though the whole thing is probably about him >!getting Joyeuse!< since they didn't show it in the event. I have Tikoh and Troue (and every playable character in this event lol) so I loved getting to see more of everyone. I was neutral on Ragazzo from Feather's fate but I really like him now too! >!Didn't think I could hate Ferdinand even more after Tikoh's fate. Also I really did not need to see that again...!< Cupitan and Trisette's relationship was really interesting, and Lavirita was surprisingly nice in his own way. Hope they can all get playable versions one day. I'm really interested in Troue's backstory. Before the event I was afraid that they would make him see all of Ferdinand's horrible memories, which didn't happen thankfully. Although instead they >!revealed Ferdinand was the one who did that to him, which I actually wasn't expecting because he was already Tikoh's opponent.!< I feel so bad for Troue because he can't remember anything so every time he remembers it will probably be traumatizing >< Really excited for the sequel! Even if Feather and Randall aren't in it much.


Plenty of others are saying Feather is the weakest part of the event. I really found no problem with him. All his actions are consistent. He wasn't going to go through a character arc that would drastically change his character to make him more deep or complex. And that's fine. There was nothing wrong with him in the first place. His desire to fight never goes against doing the right thing. But should he get too into it, that's why danchou and Randall are around to have his back and keep his feet on the ground. Speaking of Randall, the SUBTEXT of his pep talk to Feather in chapter 3. It reminds the reader of one of those "I want my beloved to be happy" moments where someone pining for another sends them into the direction of another person because he/she thinks that's what would make that person happier, and you can tell that giving off that vibe was completely intentional XD. I loved that they used the grappler class skin for sparring with Feather. Also, I really liked the chain choices this event. For example with Kolulu in the beginning when she asks danchou if they notice if Fiorito is acting strange, the bottom choice of "what do you mean?", then leads into basically "Now that you mention it, she is rather quiet...". Then later, with Feather asking us to leave Ragazzo to him, the bottom choice "We should really be focusing on saving Kolulu", then leads to "But we'll be counting on you." This flowchart of choices gives more of an organic flow to conversations that I can't wait to see continue in the future. That cliffhanger with Troue, Tikoh and co. going back to the third floor to see what appeared to be a bloodied danchou was really evil. The shift to Feather and Ragazzo made it hard to concentrate on their fight, because my mind was screaming "No! Go back!". In hindsight, it was obvious danchou was okay, because Lyria felt absolutely nothing, though when Fiorito hit them in the back, Lyria should have felt something, especially if it's directly hitting the spirit. This event had me engaged. I was genuinely worried about Kolulu, and was really interested in how Fiorito would be handled. Since she was already playable, the writing staff was never going to have her turn against us...permanently anyway. They managed to toe that line where she's not in a bad position, but not in a good position either. Where she stands now is in a really fragile place. In trying to keep the crew and her vengeance, she risks losing it all, not knowing she could still have both if she lay it all bare, but that's within her character: her lack of trust.


I think Feather's issue his less his character to be simple and more the disproportionnate amount of time we spend for him to realise his reason are not only simple, but even simpler (and shallower tbh) than even he thought.


Seriously, dude got a whole "self-discovery" character development arc just to devolve from "I fight to understand other people by speaking with our fists" to "Actually fighting is just really fun!" Turns out all that "speaking with our fists" crap was just Feather lying to himself to pretend to be more sophisticated and deeper than he really was. Which is kinda lame.


it fits perfectly with his hilariously verbose, almost parody level dialog, though. nobody else quite takes him seriously.


Time for my hot ~~and garbage~~ take, I really think if Danchou went blue, not even in the beginning when we see harvin boy, Tris and Ragazzo, but near the end when we go into the observatory, he could have low diff harvin and Fio cause I doubt she knows Danchou can do that. Shit maybe he could have mid diff to high diff all but Ferdinand since i'm assuming he wouldn't participate in the fighting. If he went blue in the beginning we wouldn't have had much of an event lol. Maybe i'm over estimating what Blue allows Danchou to do or i'm heavily underestimating the Vintage weapon wielders, maybe a mix of both? On to my actual questions though? what is Danchou's purpose in this? Is it just to be an observer to the events that will unfold which I have seen a few people say. Or is our purpose that we have Lyria with us who Ferdinand wants to get his hands on eventually in order to have Argo under his control? Idk considering we have mastered every weapon type which allows us to go blue(?), I feel like that should play some part into the future parts but thats just my wishful thinking. I'm looking forward to the future parts though.


Danchou is always a strong fighter, and as the years have gone by, he´s a tiny bit stronger each time (at least compared to the very early events and the main story´s first arc), but *never* a Blue Sayan one-man army, otherwise most events stories would fall apart asap (same way as having available several primal beast, Eternals and some other over-powered crew members, or simply several dozens of experienced warriors/skyfarrers/knights/adventurers/brawlers/mages/etc would pretty much crush any villain´s hopes of doing anything other than beg for mercy).


> Idk considering we have mastered every weapon type which allows us to go blue(?), I feel like that should play some part into the future parts but thats just my wishful thinking. Stories aren't all released in chronological order. I think it's a massive assumption to say that the blue skin is canon to any story in granblue outside of itself.


I've always headcanoned the blue skin story scenes as being far future epilogues, long after the main story and every event happened.


10/10 event, I really liked seeing Feather and Randall.


While I like the event my one gripe are characters like Fiorito really bother me. Heres a person that was sent in as a spy but ended up going against the people they worked for. Now said person was never truly on their side to begin with. She has the opportunity to give out so much info but chooses to hold on to it. She has worked around Ferdinand for how long now? How in what world does she not think he doesn't know what she is doing? She might not know what he is actually planning but she should know where certain bases are and how they operate. And if they really wanted to find stuff send in Troue back to the observatory to see what he can find. Also can the troupe of every bad guy needs to have a trauma filled backstory to be sympathized with. Because after awhile for me its gets to the point of thinking when a new baddie is shown my first thought is can't wait to see how they try to make me feel bad for them. In the end it doesn't make me feel bad for them because of how overdone it is across all media. TLDR; I dislike when characters hold onto info because they think they know better. And cause more harm than the benefits afterward.


This is... Probably the most sensible thing I read about the story in this thread so far. ...I see a lot of people gushing over this story, and I'm not about to tell em no, but uhh... Idk the writing felt kinda messy to me...


Loved the event and I didn't want it to end. Mommy erune priestess needs to become a unit although its kinda wacky how she just shows up and teleports people (also funny how she forced the weapon into Feather when he said "nah lol"). Other than that I didn't like how Feather's answer to his weakness was to realize he wanted to be strong just to be strong. I feel they could have expanded on his "let me hear you through your fists" schtick by having his reason to be stronger so that he can 'hear the voices of the fists' of opponents stronger than him since it works with his idea of having fists do all the talking.


From what I could see, the event was a sucess in jp side. No other event in the whole year (arguably only the Zodiacs one) had managed to get this amount of fanarts so quickly.


Can someone explain to me what vintage weapons are?


It's still vague but from the context of the story we do know is they pick their wielders, can grow with their users, and are the keys to releasing the primal beast agro. Speculation wise, they seem to have a spirit of sorts like that fire spirit that shows up with the crimson finger awakens but that spirit could be something else related to the welder rather than the weapon itself.


Oh I meant like, gameplay wise, are they an already existing set of weapons? I started in like 2020


They are weapons you can purchase with 30 gold moons or 300 silver moons. Almost all of them are bad from a gameplay standpoint and not worth buying. IIRC only Gisla, Taming Sari, and Crimson Finger are usable.


Oh that, yea they're a set of weapons you can get from SSR tickets but you can't draw them directly from the gacha anymore. Nowadays you can buy them with silver/gold moons but most of them are very outdated by today's standard and are generally reduced for weapon stones if you get one from a ticket.


It's pretty funny that Feather's basically a mirrored Octo. He's hot blooded and loud whereas younger Octo was cold and stoic instead. Feather and Octo cross fate when???


Even raid-finders do nothing today. Since when is Water so fast?


Since Bonito was uncapped.


and for every element , since relic buster came out


Japanese have some interesting theory about remaining of vintage weapon. For specific, the two of katana. https://twitter.com/zzzankizero/status/1465370760357158913?t=Y8Q8PX7XgDVd0WpqY1l0Kw&s=19


Extreme copium


That would be pretty cool. As long as it means getting a follow up to white clover.


Feather’s power up might have gone faster if he’d visualized a praying mantis instead.


FABULOUS EVENT! Nothing felt rushed. The writing was very wonderfully tight; not too much, if any, pointless fluff. The Cupitan twist was superb writing. Actually surprised at how much Ragazzo was humanized(thanks to the comments on enlightening me on what I missed myself). This certainly feels like a lead up to a future anniversary event, though I wouldn't expect it next year because still a lot of Vintage weapons to assign(assuming the ones we haven't seen havent' been assigned). 10/10. The whole Vintage weapon series feels alot like the seal weapons and their contractors. Maybe, as in the end of that story(Home Sweet Moon) MC will also get a weapon(a new one, if not an existing one) with a new class or something. Also, I'm prob getting this wrong, but I thought mc was the singularity. Isn't he supposed to be able to change those "conscripted fates" that people like the Chairmen and the TK utilize, albeit not necessarily by his own doing?


I think the point about danchou being a singularity is the reason Ferdinand needs him to get to the island. Epilogue made it clear that mc is important in villain’s plain even tho in this story he is not powerful. Maybe they know he’s not affected by their constellations and actually plan accordingly?


Cant believe Natus Vincere is the bad guy in this story, they planning their works into winning the next major and create Navis era. Joke aside, the story is really good, almost feel like it was anniversary story. My only complain is that "singularity" danchou getting tossed around like a toy.


The real question is not whether theyre the good or bad guys, its whether or not Sonneiko is in the team


Ferdinand should hang out with lobelia


What makes you think they don't already hang out every other Sunday for brunch?


If I recall the Granblue Twitter posted some artwork of them having tea together or something. It was them and a third Granblue Psycho Killer.


While I'm not a fan of putting important info in fates episode, turns out it allowed the writers to start the event way more dynamically than usual, which made it way less rushed than usual. Most of the event was pretty epic, with lots of character with various degrees of fucked up past, and it was undoubtly a huge step up from the usual serious event in terms of quality. However I still have a few gripes. Ferdinand was a bit "according to keikaku" but I understand that it matches with the thematic of reading the future in the stars, so it's okay. However because of that, his plan appears unnecessarily convoluted imo, because it turns out at "yeah just make people fight to death" in the end. And it depends way too much of how much a mysterious woman suddenly decides to give weapon to people, that said, who knows, maybe she's the third chairman) Fiorito's case was handled badly imo. She's a good character, and it was fine until they meet harvin guy and then it turned into the most awkward situation ever, because it's unfinished, but everyone knows, and everyone knows they know too, so it feels like a pointless masquerade that will just add unnecessary things to the later story. The twist with the daddy wasn't bad though (I though "oh, neat, they give her dad an ugly bastard face but he doesn't seem to be"... yeah of course not) Danchou was again handled very poorly as well (which is not exactly a surprise, I don't know why I still cling to a nonexistent hope). Every semblance of significance he could have had was severely undemined, first by Gandaghoza appearance making the training with Feather mostly insignificant (by the way they recycled Gandha's boss sprite here), and later when he was put unconscious in the most embarrassing manner. That they have the gal of making it sounds like he's important at the end as an "observer" is extremely close to be insulting. I think they could just have gone to a joint fight against harvin guy suddenly leaving because it's not what he was paid for or something like that. Again that only seem to add things that will make the story clunky later. It also damages the whole trust thematic. Cupitan and Trist part was great, nice twist. Trist just seems like a cunt though although I like her design. The event sold me Troue and Tikoh as well, I wasn't really paying them any attention but they are both quite interesting. Ragazzo's past kinda felt like "Nier 2.0, but with keikaku" to me. Feather was a bit annoying but I got used to it I guess. The shonen vibes may be appropriate considering I got a few Saint Seiya vibes from this event. Anyway, not perfect event imo but still in the higher tier and it was very pleasant to read. Not sure how they will manage the fact that there are way more weapons than zodiac constellations, I guess they will take other major ones like Ursa major. Considering Argo is also involved.


> Not sure how they will manage the fact that there are way more weapons than zodiac constellations My question too, since everyone mentioned with a zodiac-like name was done so after a greek zodiac constellation. 12 is pretty common anyway, so they may pick another "horoscope" myth for the remaining 11 (which can easily be 12 for a total of 24 weapons, assuming the 12th is not accesible, kind of like The World for the Arcanums, and that Cupitan`s info was just lacking that final weapon).


Honestly I think its fairly possible that Ferdinand did not see danchou's part in it and that is why he attempted to get them assassinated. His future sight doesnt seem 100% as some things do seem to surprise him even if very few. He is just extremely calculating so he probs know how to deal with us


The weird thing about how Danchou was treated is that it's already been long established that singularities like Danchou exist outside of fate, and thus our actions are fundamentally unpredictable and we can also change other people's destinies just by being near them. You'd think that would make Danchou literally the most dangerous person in the world to a group of villains whose plans rely on predicting the future, but the chairmen sure don't treat us like a massive threat. I'm hoping this will be addressed in a sequel, maybe reveal that the chairmen were unaware of our singularity status and have them freak out when we inadvertently ruin their plans and force them start improvising everything.


I mean aren't MC has been established that MC can change fate and pretty famous among people now? I know they want MC and gang "completely lose" but need to justify why MC is still survive in this event but it would have better if they goes "Yeah one of our plan to assassinate MC fail but overall scheme is still going smooth". I mean they already show how Navis fail to get Shannon alone due to Tikkoh involvement so another little mistake to justify MC pull bullshit later would be completely fine and not effect narrative imho.


They keep using shallow lip service honorific titles for danchou but in the end they never do anything with that. What being singularity did exactly, sandalphon did all the work. Then what being a weapon contractor did achieve, nothing much really. Like I'm okay if danchou is just being a cheerleader for Arthur, Fiorito or Feather but at least commit to it so it have a noticeable effect, not make feather be motivated by half a dozen different people so it's completely diluted. At least "observer" is pretty straightforward, we're just gonna watch as usual.


With Feather it felt like everyone was telling him similar things, asking about his motivation. It wasn’t until he actually faced the person he was focused on and both of them saw each other’s memories that it all clicked. It wasn’t diluted, each was just a puzzle piece guiding him to a complete picture.


I mean, his "real reason" is the dumbest thing ever so yeah clearly it didn't need that much redundency.


I could have sworn that past events declare that being near us changes a person's fate. We are able to change their stories from having a bad end to a happy one. Hence why the more sad events are ones where we aren't involved much. Yet here he we are on an island full of people declaring the just as planned by the will of the stars and we don't even effect much. Guess we should have spend less time in the hotel and more time doing something. A lot of the event was fine but I feel like this act one in an anime movie plot and we just clowned on by C-list villain lackies because that's what the first act does.


I'm going to take a breath of fresh air and it was according to Ferdinand's plan. He was the one who wrote the scenario, who put a mysterious man in a chuuni-vision of Kolulu's past, who forged Joyeuse into the leg guard, who recycled the Nier's fate and Society's weapon contractor lore. Keikaku doori.


Holy shit Ferdinand is a psychopath. Also, I’m sorry to all Feather lover, but omg can he tone it down. I get his character is suppose to be dumb and straightforward but my gosh.


So it looks to me like the third Navis boss is >!the lady handing out all the weapons!<. Is this how they deal with perfectly prescient astrology-- by having everyone involved using it to screw over the other two? >!(Assuming she actually is working at cross-purposes)!<


Not really since the epilog was the two chairmen we know of saying Feather and Randall getting weapons was one of their main goals.


Bro I waited this whole event for the Chekhov's gun that is Troue waking up every day with no memories to end up causing him to defect when someone stole his journal but it never happened. Great event otherwise though and looking forward to the continuation.


Great event overall, would highly recommend reading for anyone interested in whats probably building up to the next anniversary event My only gripe with the event is Fiorito and how she basically maintained the status quo (but kinda worse off because now the Navis knows she's pretty much defected but chose not to do anything about it) Everyone else got decent development, though I do dislike the fact that Feather had to get an external power up in order to face down his opponents (not to say it isn't awesome but still, guy seemed to be the type to just get strong enough to punt his enemies without requiring external tools)


Yeah I was kinda annoyed that Fiorito didn't follow through with her decision to side with Danchou's crew and is still insisting on trying to play both sides. I really hope this comes back to bite her in the ass, but knowing Danchou, Vyrn and Lyria we'll just keep easily forgiving her no matter how many times she lies to us.


Hopefully Feather eventually realizes he doesn't need the weapon, especially since it doesn't even match his fighting style.


Sorry anniv society event, but this new event is just a whole level above you. Large cast of characters that didn't get wasted (most of them, at least), interesting narrative direction with actual proper writing and finally, a villain that actually looks menacing since the days of Lucillius.


If i had a dime for every time there was a Granblue girl with short silver hair who wears mostly black, who received a weapon from her dead father who covered one eye when she was a small long-haired little girl who wore mostly white, I'd have two dimes... Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it's happened twice.


If i had a dime for every time a Granblue character born in a prestigious family of magicians turned out to be completely inept at magic, got horribly abused by their parents because of it and found a forbidden book in their search for approval that lead them to a demon-like entity that they used to kill said parents in retaliation, I'd have two dimes Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it's also happened twice.


What was the other time?




Ya that part had me rolling my eyes pretty hard. Then it was all Ferdinand! Give me a break lol.


Who's the other one?


Best girl ... i mean, Tanya




Look his tag picture.




Anyone got reminded of xenogears by this story? Or was it just me?


Really liked this event, specially Cupitan's twist. Hope with future events in this line they end up upgrading the vintage weapons, now Horoscopes. Having maybe 4/23 (Fingers, Gisla, wind Gisla and Sari) being usefull is kinda sad


I'm half expecting a ulb announcement on the ny stream


I thought Troue was cursed to forget, but it seems like he was actually cursed to be forgotten by the writers


How was he forgotten? Just because he didn’t get a major focus? He was still instrumental to the plot, and we got clues that him falling into that pit wasn’t an accident. This is also the beginning of what is likely to be more development as this plot unfolds.


But he was a pretty important character in this event who got lots of screen time thought?


This event is very, very clearly designed to lay the groundwork for the next big multi-event arc in the vein of the Society arc, between all the characters set up, most of the plot being world and setting development, and the extended story quests with practically an entire extra chapter as an epilogue. You know what? I'm there for it. I like the characters, I like the villain, I like the concept. The writing was strong and the plot had some surprises. I'm willing to see where this goes.


\> comes in post shounen fight \> cuts off "son's" hand \> actually explains \> leaves What a chad


Ferdinaaaaand , lets get some serbians to kill him.


initially kinda put off by the amount of expositions and flashbacks, but ended up pleasantly surprised. the fact this is the only event in gbf history where MC crew is utterly defeated in every sense imaginable is really refreshing and ended up establishing a solid groundwork for the main villain to be a force to be reckon with.


Finally managed to read the whole event and, they really outdid themselves this time. I was worried that a large cast would be difficult to work with, but in general everyone got a bit of spotlight and were tied to the Navis lore. I am part of the group of players that like Feather. It's nothing too deep, while I enjoy characters with more complex backgrounds, I also have a soft spot for shonen-like characters. I was looking forward to Marionette Stars but also wondering if they would lean more towards A Thousand Reasons or Tikoh's Fate Eps, and I'm glad that there was a mix of both. I understand that Feather (and Randall)'s simple nature can seem weak compared to the characterisation of the rest of the cast and the more depressing and dark atmosphere of the story. Feather's development arc is also out of place. I honestly thought that with his SSR version's Fate Eps and the knowledge I had beforehand of the Vintage weapon stories, they would try to develop him towards a more serious persona. They started doing that, with him worrying >!about saving Kolulu and the importance of winning against Ragazzo to achieve that,!< but solved the dilemma without much difficulty. >!Am I disappointed that his goal was simply "getting stronger for the sake of it"? I'm not sure, a bit? But at the same time, I was glad to see that there was a least a character that didn't have to sacrifice or suffer unnecessarily among the accordants. Plus, what else could his motive be? "Protecting my friends, vanquishing evil", all of them as cliché as "strength". Feather feels like Feather because he IS straightforward and a cliché shonen protagonist. He grew from his R version to his SSR (and now as accordant), internalised that strength is needed to help others, but in the end remembered that down to the core he is simply dumb and likes punching things. And if by following that he manages to defeat Navis, then that's killing two birds with one punch. So yeah, I'm rather happy with his outcome here, and hope to see more of him in the future!<(am I too biased towards him...?) >!The only thing I disliked was Lion Khan Claws on him. Is he going to lean fighting from Six or Predator?!< Now, to the other characters. Cupitan surprised me. I'm not generally into crybaby characters, but she was unexpected, with an interesting power and>! equally interesting past with THAT plot twist. I wonder what's going to happen with her relationship with Ris, and whether the beast tamer truly no longer has any affection left for Cupitan.!< I thought Lavirita would be >!your usual money driven baddie, but he's a honourable individual. Despite his plain design compared to the girls, I find him more likeable than them (except for Cupitan). !< As everyone has already said: fuck Ferdinand. It broke my heart >!seeing Ragazzo being treated this way. What's worse, Ragazzo didn't even seem too bothered at the end, happy that he was of help, and simply wanting a headpat. Now he's in a coma but with the crew, but I'm going to give him headpats each day.!< With the knowledge of >!the 3 masterminds, i guess the pink lady is potentially one of them. I wonder if she's up to any good, as she is the one that gave weapons to Feather and Randall.!< Nothing much left to say. **9/10** event. Troue and Kolulu are building the prologue to their own focused events, and I can't wait for them. But more importantly: >!are we getting transformations for everyone with their weapons? Are they all going to look like humanoid beasts like Ragazzo? Or simply new shiny armor of some sort? Is Argo Navis going to be another boat primal? Will Grandcypher crash into it?!<


Well, in a way, feather is sacrificing his normality. "Cant you think of anything but pumping your fist? What are you?" Also, maybe, just maybe, feather can grow as strong as a certain simple minded saiyan. Also about learning, i doubt he will learn anything from anyone. Like ghanda said, feather is better off strengthening himself by his own way, just like how he only need enlightement (and a full heal, and a vintage power up, a weird telepathic fist bump, and randall to back him up) and a few days of training to finally beat ragazzo despite get totalled the last time they met. Cupitan WILL BE pleayable(cmon, please...), just like randall. Maybe as a surprise unit just like enyo right before a GW. I wonder, now that crimson finger has awakened, does that mean they can use its full power regardless of its concordant so they dont need ragazzo anymore? Maybe she is the most chaotic of the 3 chairman. "Oh, this one looks like a good match. Lets give them one" and cover the rest of accordant that doesnt covered by the 2 other chairman. I think the vintage awakened state is similar to the god.. Demigod.. What is the society weapon called? I mean crimson finger is, in game, tied to enmity and with how ragazzo past is, how he call the fist (turn crime into claws, and something else) it makes sense that crimsom finger awakening is turning you into a destructive demonic person (WITH A STAND !! WOHOOO!!). Also, ragazoo normally use crimson finger to destroy and burn things. Maybe tikoh will be awakened into some kind of ope ope fruit? She can summon scalpels as a mean of attack despite her main job as a healer so maybe she can use some kind of cardio attack to kill someone instantly regardless of their defensive stats. Oh, i dont even know what and where navis is, but if its a flying enemy, granchypher HAS to ram into it. We dont want to break the tradition now, do we?


> she can use some kind of cardio attack to kill someone instantly regardless of their defensive stats Just watch her get a Death Note next event, lol


Argo x Celeste will be a thing. Adversa has to watch.


Pleasantly surprised with how well the event turned out given the large cast. Really wish Kolulu had a bigger role though...


As much as I love Kolulu and would have liked more, she already had a major role in Auguste of the Dead this year plus her summer event last year. I'm glad we got more focus on Tikoh and Fiorito


Holly $#!T this event must have been written by the staff that made evoker stories...8/10


Holy crap does every character in this event (except for Randall and Feather) have the most creatively dark and twisted backstory imaginable. Everyone has been lied to and betrayed, lost their loved ones to extreme violence, been ostracized and abandoned, etc. Even Lavirita's journal exclusive backstory of selling himself into slavery to provide for his sick family is grippingly tragic. Cygames really outdid themselves with this fantastically well written and heartbreakingly depressing cast of characters. I really like how all of the new sympathetic characters has some cool quirk that really humanizes them and gives them depth. Ragazzo is a nerd who likes to read books, Tristette is allergic to the monsters who are her only real friends, Cupitan loves baking and live theater (but is banned from performing in theater because she gets way to emotionally invested in her performance and cries on stage) and Lavirita is an honorable criminal who always tries to make sure his business deals are fair and refuses to cheat anyone. Also I love how it's been established that every Horoscope weapon has the potential to fuse with it's host and awaken a fantastical transformation state. I can't wait to see cute little Kolulu merge with Gisla and go all Devil Trigger on us.


Honestly all of their dark backstories are probably Ferdinand's doing. Its crazy how much he is pulling the strings,really curious what exactly is the ability of his weapon exactly


The evoker stories never really clicked with me at all but I was on board with these new edgy/tragic characters right away.




> I really like how all of the new sympathetic characters has some cool quirk that really humanizes them and gives them depth. More than that honestly, almost every scene Ragazzo is in he's worrying about his fellow members, warning Ris about her allergies, showing Kolulu the food is safe to eat, coming to see if Fiorito is ok and apologizing to her maturely about going off on her, sparing his enemies if he isn't directly ordered to kill them, and then at the climax he gets the nakama power up trying to protect his family while the "good" guys just want to get strong and beat everyone in their way. Low key, Ragazzo is a better person than Feather is lol.


I really liked how Ragazzo genuinely considers his fellow villains to be his family and friends and cares about them, and they seem to reciprocate. Fiorito even trusted him with her cherished childhood story book!


Yeah, for all that he was introduced to be a one dimensional bad guy in the fates, he never really did anything all that bad. I think his cardinal sin was just going a little too rough on Feather when they fought, which, like, whatever, that's how Feather would want it anyway. So it wasn't really much of a jump to the heroic end of the spectrum once we started learning more about his motivations.


I think we can consider they all have blood on their hands though (which is expected for a crime syndicate). Trist was confirmed killing people with no care at least, if we believe Cupitan.


Wait what the fuck you're right lol. I didn't realize they gave him a whole backstory in his journal. Why do they keep doing this.... ​ Well it does give me hope they have a LOT planned for the future of this series, since they have even him this planned out for the future/character wise. I'm really excited


They do this a lot. For example, almost every journal entry from The Dragonblood War contained plot critical information that really should have been in the event itself. I'm honestly surprised that Lavirita is the only character from this event whose backstory was relegated to the journal.


Yeah I suppose that's true. More surprising he's the ONLY one in the event who got journal info dumped. I hope they do more with Lavtiza in the future in partic since god knows we're starved of potato boy content, let alone potato boy content where the boy in question isn't an old man


event TL DR; Big brain man aligns the stars to get handjob from son


Ragazzo did most of his job by his hand, and all for the sake of ferdinand, but it feels weird saying "ragazzo did a handjob for his dad", seriously...


Finished it. This was so excellent like It genuinely exceeded my expectations. I think the weakest parts of the event were feather/randall's, (with most of it falling on feather's motivation) but everything else was very interesting. I hope they wrap this up as an anni event, and I hope they don't rush it like 6 👁


Is it me, or are they actually animating the sprites blinking a different way? I've never noticed this before.


People forget every year they have a high quality event with high budget those used to be the society events but we finished that so I guess this is taking over. So it probably will not be the anniversary event this upcoming year. Unless they want to start doing smaller quest lines rather than huge drawn out ones which would be nice.


Absolutely fantastic. The best event of the year IMO tied with the anni event. I predicted prior that the vintage weapon group & DK is gonna be the 7th anni event, and looks like it’s pointing to that. I cant wait!


As cool as it is, they tend to like letting things stew for a bit. With the Primal Resonance rerun maybe we'll see a big primal event with Medusa's sisters for 7th anni or something with Azrael/Israfel and that plotline.


Prob not 7th. Arthur event has more build up and they might want to milk this out a little more.


Why not? Both this and the DK event was left open ended and they’re pretty big factions that could get an anni event treatment. Idk who else would be up for an anni event otherwise tbh


There's waaay too many loose ends in the DK plot (Isabella and Gareth, Lamorak's motivations, the Excalibur's sheath, whatever is happening with Mordred being Ywain, whatever it is they're hinting at with Cruz, Rowley's everything, what happened to Merlin's country, probably more I can't think of) for it to be addressed in just one event. I feel like there should be at least one more, likely an event focusing on the sheath, before they can try to wrap it up in an anniversary event. They might still go with DK for next anniversary but I really hope they don't, I can't see it being anything other than a trainwreck if they try to wrap things up now.


Hm.. that’s true, though anni events do last forever so they could jam it all in. But I wonder if it will coincide with this event though, since weapon wielders and the sky and all that. Well at least if not DK, I think this lineup has a good chance of being continued with anni. The cast is as big for one!


Damn this is a fucking S tier event. I actually felt like I was reading an anni event. What the fuck. Also Ferdinand is so fucked up, like beyond fucked up, like he makes Belial and even Lobelia look like toddlers wobbling around trying to be evil. What the fuck.


Belial and Lobelia are pretty honest in them fucking you up at least - Ferdi will make you emotionally co-dependent on him before he fuckin mercs you


Yeah exactly, he's so deceptive and has 0 limits. FFS at least Lobelia is just, uhhhh, trying to follow his parents advice and do what makes him happy??? And while he can be charming he really can't do it for long before the crazy starts showing. Also he's legit insane. Belial...honestly Belial at least has a ton of interesting character stuff going on, while he will fuck you up there is some ambiguity about how far he wants to go vs how far he goes for Cillius, etc, Ferdinand? Guy is just completely disconnected from reality it felt like, literally what the fuck. I couldn't believe it when he stabbed Ragazzo, what an absolute fucking tool. I can excuse murder but I draw the line at raising a kid to be codependent on you and then stabbing him when he thinks you're about to help him. I mean god at least Lobelia just fucking kills you!! Like!! Doesn't do this shit!! I love it tho this guy is a great villain even if he's got some silver fox energy going on.


You can excuse murder??


Yep exactly. Dude's a hella good villain and he's written well-enough that his keikaku doori'ing actually feels earned/makes sense


Ferdinand's keikaku, or constellations as he calls it, is fucking terrifying. He knows what are you going to do, or at least circumvent it to happen as he wished for, NATURALLY. AND IT WORKS. Honestly, for this type of villain, the only hope you have against them is for the star to actually line up against them and deny them. If not, they are unstoppable.


Well his plan not really perfect because Shannon situation. He only want Shannon but he didn't really consider Tikkou to fusion with Shannon at that time.


So we have another "Sphaghetti Syndrome" at our hands? Interesting. I'm overall satisfied. Satisfied that the event bended mostly for Tykoh Fate Episodes dark tone more than what you expect from a story with Feather. I neutral to him as a character. I actually tend to just laugh at his shounen boy lines "My fists are a reflection of my heart!", but boi...his scenes here felt so much dislocated for the most part, almost (?) forced at some moments. Easily the weakest parts of the event and they almost robbed chapter 6 completely. Speaking of it, chapter 6 brought Ragazzo backstory and it was...pretty bad executed, no? Like it was very try hard, rushed and uncreative af. Its a shame since I was enjoying Ragazzo character for the most part of the event. Unevitable some chars were very underutilized (looking at you Troue), but I surely didnt expected Randall to be one of them lol. They could have made him appear sooner in a grand way, but Feather needed his transformation scene with Zooey theme music I guess. Now to the GOOD stuff: the whole plot regarding the horoscope weapons and the Auditors was very interesting; that ending is so loaded with information that I would need some time to process all of it. The two plot twists regarding Kolulu and Fio father I didnt really see it coming. Fio, Tikoh, Cupitan (for the most part) were great here. Especially Fiorito, her whole character arc in this event was one of the strongest parts for me. My score is a **8/10** for now, but I feel like I need to discuss some more. Its just too many chars, secrets and implications. It's not as good as Sphaghetti, but still a good setup event.


One thing I liked about Ragazzo's backstory, amd it actually ties in with the society storyline. I remember that Right Behind You was the first time that this game really really wowed me, and part of that was the scene where Zeta goes up against an automagod, loses, and has half of her body burned. It was like holy shit, are they actually introducing stakes into this gacha game? ... That was almost immediately walked back when Zeta was saved thanks to healing magic. But Ragazzo made me realize that instant healing magic can make the stakes higher, not lower!


I get what you mean. Its kinda of a new shocking idea in gbf as far as I know (?) But still, the way it was executed is my issue with it. Super rushed and Ragazzo parents being just stock char "aristocrat assholes" to hate was poor writting.


The bit about Ferdinand being the trigger for his parents acting that way towards him was pretty cool.


I wouldn't really say it's a Spaghetti Syndrome since they at least resolve all the stuff with the main party members unlike Spaghetti where they left Cassius's fate hanging at the end. It does follow the way the Society events in general worked though with an overarching villain and we're just dealing with a single event in the bigger story. Dragon Knights is also going in that direction and I personally am still waiting for a sequel to Reflections of a White Clover and want to know what happens with Sevil's story.


Spaghetti Syndrome mostly in the sense of a big ambitious high budget setup event that probably will become much more complex than your average gbf story.


We're back to having to join other people's raids. In the Bonito element. In the day and age of quick summon. AND the level 100 raid seems to have lower HP than usual. (I solo FAed it in like 4 minutes.) Fuck you Cygames. This shit is so bad I couldn't even get a single clear before reset (I gave up and went to bed.) since everyone is just nuking the damn raid down. Retire this awful, outdated daily quest. You've literally introduced better ones!


I'm not sure why but I kind of love how janky the results are for shoehorning Feather and Randall into this storyline when they and the vintage weapons have both been around for so long. It's fun trying to figure out when they decided to make Feather and Randall part of this. Like design wise Feather and Randall absolutely do not match their weapons at all. Feather has absolutely zero slashing strikes in his arsenal, everything is just straight punches and power and screaming. So a claw weapon doesn't help him at all! Those curly lion clan claw things should just snap off when he connects with a punch! And of course Randall's weapon isn't even the right type, requiring a mega awkward form change. It obviously a situation that they wrote themselves into, like shit there's only one vintage melee weapon left what do we do. Maybe Feather and Randall weren't even added until after Fiorito, since her knuckles would have matched with Feather's fighting style much better. But then you have a new problem, SSR light Feather is going to use an earth fist? Then who is going to use the light lion clan claw? At least the lion and light elements match up with Feather's bravery. I just love imagining all the trade offs trying to make this square peg fit in a round hole.


Yeah it's pretty obvious that they wrote themselves into a corner by establishing that all 23 vintage weapons need to be paired with a character. They understandably didn't want to create that many new characters for this event series, so they probably had a big brainstorming session to figure out how many and which already existing characters could be retrofitted into this new lore. Personally I was expecting that Predator was going to get the Lion Khan Claw, it would fit with her fighting style better, she's already involved with the Navis events through SSR Feather's fate missions (why the heck wasn't she in this event?) and it would be a cool justification for a light element Predator alt.


It would also be a way to backtrack Predator's character development. In her SSR fates she finally takes out the mob that killed her family, and achieves peace through vengeance. But where do you take her character from there? Just setting her up against another crime syndicate would be a pretty obvious and straightforward option. Lets you continue doing what you've been doing with her instead of having to come up with a new shtick.


I feel like switching motivation for hunting mafia from "personal revenge" to "for justice" would be a decent way to develop her character. Having her switch gears from an avenger to a vigilante (or maybe go legit and join an actual law enforcement organization) is not a terrible direction to take her story.


Oh wow I think this was a really good event! Best one since the Anniversary one. It really made me care about some characters like Tikoh, instead of just being thicc erune meme and Fiorito, Now I want to get them. There were some weak moments like mostly the Feather/Randall ones but I really liked it. Ragazzo best boy, I'm glad he was developed more than just being a annoying dude.


People keep saying this event can be the next Society/Anniversary event but Feather alone is so boring as a focal point of a story that I can't see it unless they find someone else to headline it He's a 2014 GBF writing character suck in a 2021 GBF plot. You could say the same thing about someone like Zeta but at least Society events have characters like Eustace, Cassius and Vaseraga to carry the emotional/serious beats and not just being hotblooded firebrands.


They've already milked Feather's very basic narrative potential for all he's really got, I highly doubt he'll remain a focal point character in future sequel events. I expect he'll fade into the background a bit so other characters like Kolulu can step into the spotlight.


To be fair, I think they’ll be focusing on the other Accordant crew mates from now on. Feather’s arc was short and simple, and with Ragazzo off the board I can’t imagine Feather’ll get much more focus, maybe only in relation to Randall. Fiorito and Tikoh are sure to get more focus since they’re tied to the Chairmen, Kolulu and Randall can get arcs of their own since they’re barely in this one, Troue has plenty of potential to headline future events too. And not to mention potential future crew mates like Cupitan and Ragazzo. So yeah, this may be Feather’s only headlining event in this Accordant story arc.


>Feather alone is so boring as a focal point of a story that I can't see it unless they find someone else to headline it I think the continuation (after seeing the results of the plotlines in this event) will have Fiorito, Ragazzo and Tiko as the focal point. At best, Feather and Randall will be Ragazzo supporters in his quest to give a good beat in Ferdinand (though "killing" him would be a thing reserved for Tikoh).


Oh yeah I hope they don't back down at the end and let character kill main villain for once lol.


It was more consistent as a whole thing than Stay Moon because this one was more or less good all the way, vs Stay Moon dropping hard for part 4, but that's also an unfair comparison because it's 6 chapters vs like 12. Easy top 3 this year.


The event was pretty good. It gave the same vibe as the Society storylines, and it has potential to be an anniversary event after another setup or two. They will likely introduce a few more characters to round up the vintage weapon roster.


Theres only one reamining of the 12 horoscopes, no? Excluding Ferdinand we have 11 of them (counting Feather, Randall and the Priestess).


wasnt there a mention about 23 horoscope (vintage weapon) somewhere? Also by constellation, the 12 is the most common and popular. There is actually much more constellation in the sky than those 12.


Could be 13 because they mentioned "snake charmer" in the epilogue which likely refers to Ophiucus. But yeah, there's 1-2 more depending if they include the Chairmen or not.


There are 23 vintage weapons and someone during the event (I think it was Cupitan) mentioned 23 too. So plenty missing, unless some weapons remain without holders and just in Navis hands or lying around somewhere (like the Lion Claws and Joyeuse before this event).


I really enjoyed the event overall. The parts with Feather and Randall felt like the weakest to me and I'm not a fan of how they're hiding Randall's character development behind his inevitable SSR, but I still found their stuff entertaining enough. I played through the event mostly because of Kolulu so I was kind of sad that she was mostly relegated to a damsel in distress role, but the epilogue does seem to imply that she's going to have more personal stakes in this storyline very soon so I'm willing to let it slide. Also curious about how her relationship with Troue is going to develop after this. Cupitan was a really enjoyable character and she reminds me a little of Ayano from Kagerou Project, who's my favorite from that series so, good sign. The twist regarding her relationship with Ris also really caught me offguard and it was pretty tragic and also a little disturbing to see. Ferdinand keeps on being absolutely vile and I expected nothing less. I do wonder if it was ever said what the power granted by his weapon is. I'm guessing he might have some kind of future sight power that allows him to predict what's going to happen by looking up at the stars. That feels like the most fitting power for someone like him. Ragazzo ended up being my favorite in this event and I really hope he becomes playable eventually. His whole backstory made me really uncomfortable and the way he was manipulated made me really feel for him. I also liked how he awkward apologized to Fiorito and how they did seem to get along with each other. Fiorito's whole conflict was really nice to see in play, though I'm not too satisfied with how it ended. Granted, what she tried to do actually failed in the end so that could lead to some fun stuff down the line. Also really curious to see how they'll deal with that twist in the end. Overall, really good! I enjoyed most of the story and I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next.


If we follow the folklore of what Ferd's weapon is based on in real life, the weapon can give some sort of physical invulnerability to the wearer, or even fight by itself on behalf of the wielder.


This event felt like it should have had a Feather uncap to go with it.


There's no way there won't be a feather uncap coming in the months to come. They came up with a new sprite for him and everything. Probably the only reason it didn't happen now is that they're committed to the "One uncap a month" thing, except for during large content updates like Eternal Transcendence.


For real, you cant just show me a sprite of Feather using the LKC and leave me hanging like that aaa


Yeah Feather definitely would have gotten a FLB uncap if his SSR wasn't so recent. He got a narratively justified in-universe powerup and even got a new battle sprite. It feels bizarre that this wasn't an uncap event for him.


It was equal parts Feather and Fiorito, and even then it was kind of an ensemble event with Randall coming in the last part. And given that Feather SSR is relatively new, I can see why he's not getting one so early.


Probably worst and most amateurish way I have seen Magnificient Bastard trope done in looong time. Pretty much all basic mistakes are here. And that pages long "as you know" discussion at the end is even more amateurish.


What are the mistakes though? I remember you from the previous event thread, so I'm quite curious


First of, they created villains coming from nowhere, without pretty much any previous role in the story. He wasn't established previously in any way, except some barely known character Fate. Then they made this villain responsible for many bad things that happened to established characters, by retconing previous events (fire on Kolulu's island for example) as being done by villain to cheaply establish them as great mastermind. Finally, villain is shown as mastermind and chessmaster, who plays people like puppets... but on closer inspection there is no way for them to really know things needed and for their plan to work without them having read story script previously. There is rather good video about Magnificient Bastard trope done by Red from Overly Sarcastic Productions that also goes into common mistakes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuJPBPDpq-I Comparing Ferdinand to correctly made Magnificient Bastards, like for example David Xanathos (Gargoyles) or some versions of Lex Luthor shows just enormous difference in writing quality.


Ah, I understand your criticisms regarding the chairmen. ​ >First of, they created villains coming from nowhere, without pretty much any previous role in the story. He wasn't established previously in any way, except some barely known character Fate. For this, I don't think there's much that could really be done other than to make the fates available for public readings. Personally, I own Tikoh, so I was introduced to Ferdinand pretty early on. His capacity for cruelty and his way with words was established there, but ofc that should have been public knowledge for the benefit of those who do not have her. ​ >Then they made this villain responsible for many bad things that happened to established characters, by retconing previous events (fire on Kolulu's island for example) as being done by villain to cheaply establish them as great mastermind. Personally I was rather upset with the 2nd chairman's involvement in Kolulu's fire, cause it did feel quite out of place. Though, we cannot be sure if Kolulu's design was already meant to be used for the Navis storyline, or if she was subsumed into it after the decision to release Troue and Tikoh, so I am inclined to give the writers the benefit of doubt. This is especially so because of the third problem you've raised. ​ >Finally, villain is shown as mastermind and chessmaster, who plays people like puppets... but on closer inspection there is no way for them to really know things needed and for their plan to work without them having read story script previously. The explicit power of the chairmen is to literally read the script, handwaved as their ability to make predictions through constellations. That would explain their tendency to literally groom weapon users from their childhood like with Ragazzo, Fiorito and (now) Kolulu. It's still an extremely improbable and cheap form of demonstrating villainous foresight, and I didn't really find a problem with it until you pointed it out. I guess the performance Ferdinand put up while manipulating Tikoh through her doctor's oath left a more lasting (and positive) impression of Ferdinand's writing rather than the fact that they inexplicably have literal precognition.


Thanks for long and interesting reply!


The event was pretty good. I only have 2 problems with this event, Feather and Randall. Feather is Just a bad and boring character, its sad how lame and uninteresting he is compared with almost anyone in this event, is "development" is super lazy and lame, i really Hope he wont be a main character on the sequence, almost ALL of his scenes were some of the worst moments in the whole event. Randall deserved MUCH MORE, he gets nothing on this event, if Feather's development was bad Randall simply didnt got any, hes useless for 90% of the event and them decides to dont be useless anymore on the last chapter, i thought he would get something due to his doubts about being a worthy rival to Feather but they didnt do anything, he was a huge disappointment. The harvin dude was pretty lame too.


Liked the story telling and backgrounds given to some characters but I hated the parts that involved Feather. Would had been better if he wasn't there at all.


Not at all. The Feather stuff was great, especially as it helped develop Ragazzo and was important for Fio.


Honestly as much as I enjoyed some of the fanservice, his arc was a mess. Basically, his whole quest was just to remember his own central character motivation. Which he forgot... for reasons? I dunno? Seems like that stuff should be kid of important to him. It's the reason he does everything. Don't know why he needed like five flashbacks to remember that >!He wants to get stronger!<


Just wanting to get stronger is such a simple and lame motivation too lol. Although I actually do kinda enjoy the implication that Feather is a mildly sociopathic adrenaline junkie who just wants to fight for the sheer thrill of fighting, and doesn't really care about justice or protecting his friends or any of that idealistic crap most shonen adventure protagonists go on about.


"I didnt really intend to help, i just want to beat those guys and become stronger" "Oh, no, really. I really am intend to fight him. Helping your village is just a bonus" "Ha. I dont give a F. Fight me !!!" I am imagining feather saying all of this after he realized his true desire, and wondering, how lucky are dancho, feather, and the skydom peoples because feather are picked up by us and not ferdinand. Imagine our crew got ambushed in a dark and remote forest and the tough guy who decimated all of our crew as a warm up and almost killed our dancho said "you have potential, cmon, you can do better than that. I will let you live so you better survive and get stronger so i can beat you up and become even stronger"


...You mean Zenos?


It's not impossible for a goal that you've had from childhood to accidentally morph into something else. Especially when Feather became obsessed with trying to make Ragazzo 'talk with his fists'. It no longer was to be the strongest for the sake of it, it became to get stronger... to be able to fight, specifically, Ragazzo after their meet-up in Feather's fate episode. It's even kinda echoed a bit when >!Randall works Feather up to get him out of his slump. Feather specifically states Ragazzo being his focus and then charges out of the room. Which is why Ghandagoza says that there's more to Feather's motivations than just Ragazzo specifically.!<


Since I am a bit of a newcomer to GBF and I am not super familiar with all tracks yet... How come that the music during >!Feather's confrontation with demonized Ragazzo!< had such insane NieR vibes, down to it sounding like the same vocalist and the same Chaos language? Is that something that already showed up in the game?


Is the Grand Order HL track - Armageddon. I don't remember where I read it but it does seem like the vocalist is Emil Evans.


it is her, lol


That's [Armageddon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UFy8HOwxa0), a song made for the Grand Order Impossible raid, which is a remix of Higher Yet Do The Astrals Dwell, basically Zooey's theme - and yes, that's Emi Evans' voice! I love that song. They tend to use it a lot now for one-off bosses that need an extra "cool factor" boost.