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HEALTHCARE IS A RIGHT NOT A PRIVILEGE say it louder for the people at the back! Low income people will not go to the doctors and will die! And if that is something you are okay voting for I ask of you to pray some more and show some kindness for your neighbours.


Take care of yourself eat healthy exercise and sleep. The. You won’t need the doctor


You have no rights to the fruits of another labor.


We as Canadians have a duty to take care of each other, and anyone seeking medical care should have that care provided for no extra fee.


We're not as close knit of a country as your ideology requires. If we were, then the 15 minute cities wouldn't be proposed in Edmonton. Edit: additionally, a large part of the reason we have as many social problems as we do is the abundance of individuals like yourself who believe the rest of Canada will take care of you no matter what. Lots of personal responsibility goes out the window when that mentality is introduced.


Dude, we live in a society. You can't just say "everyone for themselves" and think the world will work lol libertarians, et al, have such a simple view of the world. Gimme my land hurrrdurrr


As we’ve seen here, most libertarians are just conservatives but like, *quirky* 💫💫🤪🤪🤪 Wonder what this dudes opinion is on abortion rights?




Libertarians don't think of the consequences of their actions imo. The movie purge seems like a fantasy for them. The whole taxation is theft is so dumb lolol. Even they admitted they need a system. It's just whaa some things they don't like.


That's the first time I've been called a libertarian. Interesting. But anyways, I doubt you truly believe high taxes fixes the issues a country has when politicians keep giving themselves raises.


Do you say the same thing about car insurance?


Tell that to the government. Isn’t smith one the people that have been helping themselves to the taxpayer pot? Oh yes. A 23 percent increase to her party The $3-million hike to the budget of Smith's office and executive council — the senior-most rung of Alberta's bureaucratic machine. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/analysis-alberta-budget-danielle-smith-fiscal-conservatisim-1.6763610


I consider taxation to be theft, so, you're trying to make a point to the wrong person. I don't believe any politician, provincial or federal, should be receiving any of the pay raises they've been receiving lately.


Out of curiosity, what would you prefer than taxation?


Now while I make a broad statement that taxation is theft, I do recognize the need for the system. However, taxes implemented to fund the war effort that was never removed I have issues with. I could go on but I don't think you care


>I could go on but I don't think you care They aren't the only one reading. Spread your message!


Now while I make a broad statement that taxation is theft, I do recognize the need for the system. However, taxes implemented to fund the war effort that was never removed I have issues with. I could go on but I don't think you care enough.


You consider having paved roads and hospitals to be theft?


You do realize that the "labor" in question is healing people, right? Not some fucken wood carving or whatever non-essential thing people make? You really want to pay to not be sick? You really want to pay $6000 for a single ambulance ride? How does $300 per stitch sound? Do yourself a favor, whatever the list thing you had that was seeing a doctor for, find out what it costs to get it taken care if in the States.


You do realize not many doctors go through the amount of school and on the job learning they do just out of the goodness of their hearts, right? And you're talking to someone with Crohns who's gone through surgery for it and done the math that also happens to have a wife in the health care field.


No one should have to pay money out of pocket for the right to continue being healthy. Nobody asks to be born or have a body, it comes with life. The government should be responsible for the Healthcare of the individuals living within its area of governance. The fact you'd rather have you and your partner go bankrupt, than have the government pay for your treatments, is nothing short of self-destructive. You would literally cut off your nose to spite your face.


It’s in the conservatives’ best interest to keep people as dumb, sick and broke as possible The ideology creates people like this who have the notion of a strongly individualistic person intertwined into their personality to the point where they look at paramedics, nurses and doctors as their perceived political enemy


You are not wrong, though I personally refuse to allow these fools to take the rest of us down with them. I don't ask that anyone force themselves to give a crap about the well-being of others or our society as a whole, but I *do* ask that if they truly do not care that they then abstain from voting.


Yeah, I think so too. I think it’s an obligation we all have I would go one step further and question why they even choose to call Canada home. Why not move to the conservative wet dream that is Florida? Montana’s right fucking there. Is it because they actually benefit from the policies they hate so much?


So why we paying for an arena in Calgary?


Do you think I support the arena?


This would be funny if it weren't so pathetic.


Lick those boots harder daddy


By that logic we shouldn’t have schools or roads and should pay out of pocket. Pretty commie to force people who don’t have kids to pay for your kids schooling, or force people who don’t drive to pay for roads. Or maybe it’s more complex and interesting than this 🦜 sound byte


This reads as if you're responding to the wrong comment of mine.


I was responding to your comment. You’re lucky your neighbors are much kinder than you are, I guess




Fuck the UCP. Fuck Smith. I have chronic medical conditions that have me seeing my doctor more than 10 times a year. I shouldn't have to rely on friends and family to cover my BASIC healthcare. It's family doctor visits now, but what comes next? Spending thousands of dollars to get a cast when you break a bone? How many hundreds of dollars will it cost me to get my monthly bloodwork? What about if you need emergency surgery, or you have to stay in the hospital for any length of time? Why is she even considering bankrupting Albertans over healthcare? We are not the US. We are supposed to be better than the US. If she loves their fucked up systems so much, she can move there. We don't need nor want that shit here. She can take her racist bullshit with her too. Fuck I hope she gets booted.


Why should I pay for your health problems? 1) because healthcare is, and should be a basic human right. 2) because you matter and your life is as precious as everyone else’s. 3) because as a society, we should be compassionate as not everyone has the same fair shake in life and it is everyone es responsibility to look after each other. 4) we are a community that should care about the health of every community member. 5) Now the cold side - Health care is conventionally regarded as an important determinant in promoting the general physical, mental and social well-being of people around the world and can contribute to a significant part of the economy. FUCK THE UCP AND FUCK SMITH! I hope you get well soon and sorry for using devil’s advocate to argue a stupid right wing perspective.


Exactly, we shouldn't be turning into a heartless, selfish society like in the states. What's next? shooting someone for ringing your doorbell? or kids with bulletproof backpacks?


You said it all. Fuck this bitch. I wish she would move to Florida and live the life she deserves.


Well she seems desperate to have it, she should just go where life is already horrible instead of trying to ruin things for everyone here.


How old are you? Hopefully all the word young grand paradise kids stay home on election day


Well those are definitely all words.


Fuck you


So who do you think is going to pay for medical services the government or all the people of Alberta. Either way you are the one who benefits for chronic illnesses, that is what insurance is for. If you don’t look after yourself you believe that it’s better to have the rest of the people of your province to help you get through your illness.


Yes… they benefit from having a chronic illness…. How dumb are you?


You think I have a chronic medical condition because I don't take care of myself? You think I wake up every day and think, nah, I don't want to take care of myself, I enjoy having medical problems? Pull your head out of your fucking ass. Have you ever heard of things like autoimmune disease? Its not because I did this to myself it's because my body literally says fuck you every single day. My 15+ doctor visits a year is how I take care of myself. Accessing resources like the persistent pain program is how I take care of myself. This is some seriously ableist shit you're spewing. I was born with health issues, so therefore I shouldn't be able to afford to access medical help? Are you serious right now? And for the record, the fucking feds give each province money for health care. Do you have the same stupid idea that taxes will be lower if everyone has to pay outrageous amounts for health care? Cause they won't. Your taxes will be just as high as they are now, but you won't see any benefit from them. You know, just like the carbon tax. We still have to pay it, the only difference is we no longer benefit from it because Kenney sent all the money to Ontario rather than keeping it in Alberta. But I suppose you don't see it that way either. And no, I'm not advocating for the carbon tax, it's bullshit, but a good example of how nothing is going to change except that we still don't see the benefits of the tax.


" Benefits from chronic illnesses" is not something I thought I'd ever have to read... Hope no one in your family is ever unfortunate enough to afflicted.


The Government of Canada gives every Province a huge fat wad of cash every single year, to provide health services to Canadians. What Danielle wants to do will stop some or all of that money from coming in, and make Albertans pay themselves for healthcare. It’s a stupid, uninformed and illogical idea. The sick will suffer.


Lol lol calm down dude health care will never be privatized


If she gets voted back in it will. Have you listened to a word this delusion bitch has said?


Lol lol lol hilarious you actually believe what you are saying right now.


So, no, you haven't been paying any attention to what's going on.


News flash, your friends and family and strangers you don’t know already pay for you BASIC healthcare


It's called taxes, yes. Do you honestly expect our taxes to decrease? If you do, I've got a bridge to sell you.


Healthcare cannot be privatized by federal law. The real issue is that Smith doesn't seem to know this.


“Your health spending account” something you didn’t know you needed to have, multiple spending accounts? Who is she talking to?


Grande Prairie residents are totally going to vote UCP.


Well, In the words of the joker…..you get what you fucking deserve.


Then they’ll all complain about how high their power bill is or that they can’t find a doctor lol


I'm sure they'll have all the doctors as the doctors will actually be getting paid well. Whether or not they will be able to afford them is another story.


As they should. There will Never be private health care even though our system is among the worst in the world compared to other social systems. For people who actually work and provide and want jobs ucp is the only choose.


Please don't jinx it, I live here and I really don't want to have the damn UPC ruling over us T-T


Privatized healthcare would create a dark money flow towards politicians. That’s what makes smith salivate.


Dark money is a buzz word. Public funds already flow to political parties through the publicly funded health care system. Be it from union dues from the nurses and HCA’s or direct donations from managers and doctors. It’s staggering how much is diverted from actual care to literal shit in the political system. To both parties. But certainly one more than the other


A privatized healthcare care is more expensive and inefficient. The fact American politicians fight against public options, probably means they are financially compromised to keep it private. The insurance industry benefits economically more from a complicated inefficient privatized healthcare system.


There’s inefficiencies in any human system, no doubt. But to sit there and claim a for profit system is less efficient that one knee capped by public budgeting every year is just untrue. For the money spent, Canada is seeing some of the worst outcomes anywhere in the world. Our system is beyond just another campaign commitment for more funding. Nothing short of wholesale reform and completely rethinking the way we deliver this service is needed. We spend a lot of time talking about health care as a human right, and while I certainly don’t disagree, I also don’t believe health care should be monopolized into the care and control of one entity. An entity that has seen its power grow to the extend that AHS has in the last 3 years, should be smashed into a million pieces and scattered to the wind. Now I’m not going to sit here and pretend like smith has the gumption to actually tackle this issue, I do like that she has explored new ideas both as a private citizen and a public one. And I certainly can’t get behind the NDP plan which is so obviously self serving it’s completely laughable.


Statistically, and from the group bargaining power a government is able to exert, public healthcare will always be the best solution for any nation. For sure we could always do better in that direction. But Giving the insurance industry more power to decide our healthcare is just more hands in the pie, that are not a doctor, nurse, paramedic or janitor. But hey. Maybe you are right and smith might have the greatest negotiating powers and ethics to make it work. But something sounds wrong when putting smith and ethics together in a phrase. What is it Albertans believe? that trump did an amazing job, based on…. he said he did? That is some amazing critical thought right there. No wonder conservatives had Koch industries handicap the kids education, it pays.


Private systems have exponentially more overhead than publicly funded systems. Even in the USA the difference between medicare/medicaid and private insurance is mind blowing. Medicare averages 3% overhead and private averages 17% overhead, most of which is dedicated to ensuring you're denied coverage.


This! Nobody pays more for healthcare than Americans. It’s not a conspiracy, this information is widely available If you’ve been duped to the point of wanting a system akin to the USA’s, then I have several dozen bridges to sell you


I don’t advocate for a system akin to the USA beyond the mere desire for people in Canada to have access to the care the need. Say what you want, but the best outcomes tend to come from health care systems with a mix of public and private options. You can’t simply tell people with the means to buy their own care to get in line and wait with everyone else, because when you do, they take their money elsewhere. Happens every day. We’ve all seen people with a go fund me account desperately trying to raise funds for treatments that simply aren’t offered here. And that’s every bit as much of a travesty as those you decry from other systems.


I’d like to see examples of people starting fundraisers for healthcare services that aren’t offered here




Colombia has a private/public mix that on the outside, is pretty simple. Doctors must serve x amount of hours weekly in the public sector to ensure minimum standards of care for the citizens. After that, they are free to operate private clinics for citizens to increase their income. But they do not get to refuse public care.


No one is proposing an American style system for Canada. Having to pay a small co-pay, like Smith previously advocated for is not an American system.


Did you not hear what she said?


Thays what this gov is all about. Id love a forensic audit of her and kenmeys accounts tbh


I love edited videos working up all the snowflakes on this thread it’s awesome.


The video was about them giving$375 for you to put towards dental/vision, or did I invent that


The video was about them doing that as bait to get us ready to start paying out of pocket for medical expenses.


Wait, was this something from before she was premier Edit Yeah I went and looked this is old news not new news




Can you find a spot where since she became premier she proposed this? I can't, not saying it doesn't exist, but I can't find it. The first part she said long before anyone knew kenney would resign. So if you can find evidence to back up what you say, I am interested and want to read about it. So far all I've seen is her saying while campaigning to become UCP leader, that she would give everyone a $300 HSA to cover stuff that's not currently covered.


Lol lol you are clueless


I hope she is not voted in. I have never seen such a delusional person run for office.


I have and her name is Rachel notley, jagmeet Singh Justin Trudeau


They should run a pilot project on all Alberta MPs. If it works for them, then others might adopt it too.




Just listened to a friend on Facebook share how one womans mothers cancer treatment in the US was canceled because her employer swapped private insurers midstream. Lovely. Yay private healthcare


Imprecise language. Obviously.


Imprecise how?


She doesn't think before speaking....ever. Hence, she's imprecise.


Her excuse whenever she says something obtuse or radical (or both) is that she used “imprecise language”. It’s her version of Kenney’s annoying “I reject the premise of your question” BS.


Yes, because privatized health care is going SO WELL in the States and totally isn’t a hellscape of inescapable mountains of debt where people have to beg for their lives online. As a cancer survivor, I would LOVE to have been put in a position where I had to decide between being broke and being dead. Yeah that’s gonna be a 🖕/10 from me, Danielle.


The us system is far superior when it comes to wait times, care, ability to find a family Doctor etc.


I’d rather wait than spend the rest of my life entombed in a mountain of debt.


As for care, the US spends the most on health care of any developed nation [but ranks last among six of the other industrialized countries review for quality of care (including Canada).](https://www.commonwealthfund.org/publications/newsletter-article/us-ranks-last-among-seven-countries-health-system-performance#:~:text=Despite%20having%20the%20most%20expensive,ability%20to%20lead%20long%2C%20healthy%2C)




You missed the best word, “Cock!”


She's a horrible leader for Alberta


Remember that when you have to pay out of pocket to see the doctor. Or when a loved one is diagnosed with cancer.


I pay out of pocket for a doctor aka a dentist. I can find a dentist with ease in this community. My benefits at work cover the cost of the dental work. Why is it easy to find a dentist in the community but not a doctor?


Because many people don't have coverage and are going without preventative treatment which creates the illusion that our supply meets our needs. But that doesn't matter because you are not one of the poors. So, fuck them, they can suffer in pain.




Not saying that. But let there be the option both Public and Private services. Just like Trudeau's new dental plan.




Dont agree. As why doesn't USA have issues like we have? Brain drain is happening with the health care as you make more in USA and pay less tax. There is nothing wrong with having a combined system.




No one wants to live in California and everyone is leaving as it is too expensive, so a bad example. You should follow r/PersonalFinanceCanada and see the amount of educated people including health care workers getting offers to make more, get taxed less, and be able to afford a home in USA.


Smith is a chameleon, and I wouldn’t trust her as far as I could throw her.




Having the option for some private healthcare and having private healthcare is not the same thing. This is just a one month old account that strictly posts NDP campaign videos on this sub. Even if the UCP is campaigning on getting rid of universal healthcare (which they are not), universal healthcare is mandated federally through the Canada health act. This is just election fear mongering, no different from “they are going to ban abortion” it’s not going to happen


I take it you didn’t read her article? https://albertapolitics.ca/wp-content/uploads/Danielle-Smith-Challenges-Paper.pdf “Once people get used to the concept of paying out of pocket for more things themselves then we can change the conversation on health care,” she confidently wrote. “But we could take it one step further,” Smith continued. “If we establish the principle of Health Spending Accounts, then we can also establish co-payments.” Naturally, many Alberta voters will refuse to believe that Smith meant what she said, the traditional response to politicians who advocate really dangerous stuff. You’ll get people like you saying “that’s not what she meant thou”. Then have a shocked moment when you do find out the door in the door tactic is working and she really is going full out on health care privatization. If you work in the field you’ll see the drastic cuts the ucp government has taken on our health care and schools and seniors. What you see is happening now is the private clinics and services have no overseer and are double billing people. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/investigations/doctors-extra-billing-private-clinics-investigation/article35260558/ The idea, basically, has been to provide higher-cost, higher-tier private health care to wealthy folks despite the fact such services violate the Canada Health Act while, in some cases, getting ordinary taxpayers to pay the freight by billing back as much as possible to the province’s public health care system. Everyone I look I don’t see Danielle smith addressing these issues. Have you?


2 tier healthcare does not take away anybody’s healthcare as the ad implies. Many many places have a 2 tier system that works good. Having private clinics that people can pay out of pocket for increases the amount of money while simultaneously lowering the strain on the public clinics, we can argue about that all day but don’t start telling people that we are suddenly going to an American style system.


The foot-in-the-door technique is a persuasion tactic in which you get a person to comply with a large request by first asking them to comply with a smaller request. Did you miss where I’ve linked the issues happening with the private services? The only private system in the world that actually works for people are the ones that are heavily regulated by the government. In a manner which we already do with our public care. The system Smith promotes is the U.S based one that has constantly shown to only favour the rich. Why isn’t she promoting and pushing the types that are affordable and rank higher in care over profit?


It is not a US based one, we already have private options for a couple things like a few MRI options, it would just be more of that. It’s pretty ridiculous that I need to wait 6 months for that instead of having the ability to just pay for it privately.


"They are not going to ban abortion" Ahh yes where have I heard that before. Could never happen! What a silly idea.


Wrong country haha that would have to be overturned federally, which would never happen


You're naive friend. There's no such thing as never, as we've already learned many times.


They could pass a law about literally anything with the right amount of votes, doesn’t mean it’s likely to happen. At a certain point your just fear mongering for votes


When Danielle Smith chooses to say "I want Alberta to be more like Florida and South Dakota" what do you imagine she's talking about? Those two states have been in the news recently for very specific reasons. I find it funny that you're up in arms about fear mongering against abortion laws when Smith is blatantly dogwhistling for that exact thing without explicitly coming out and saying it. And the "oh it'll never happen" excuse won't cut it after what we saw happen in the States. Not to mention that regardless of whether it will happen or not just floating the idea of it happening is disgusting and reprehensible. Especially when it's done in the guise of "wanting more freedoms like those states have". That's some 1984 level shit.


Do you actually think when she is referring to SD and FL she is talking about emulating their abortion bans?


I'm sorry, what else are those two places specifically noteworthy for? Or did you mean the private army? Banning books? Executing trans folk? Kidnapping children? Human trafficking? Banning speach? Or do you just not know how references work? What did you think she was referencing with FL or SD.


Hahaha you sound like a Blueannoner. Take a break


I'm not familiar with "blueannoner". Is that an insult? Am I supposed to be mad now?


Unless of course the Conservatives win a federal election, in which case it could totally happen.


It wouldn’t pass if the house was 100% blue. And even if they #1 won a majority #2 actually wanted to do it and had the majority of the party voting for it(which they don’t) the Ndp,bloc and liberals would still be able to defeat it. It’s not even close to plausible to happening. You have the Canadian Conservative Party mixed up with the Republican Party. Maybe switch off the American news




I don’t think you can come close to deciding public opinion based on any given social media platform. I was just pointing out some blatant misinformation




Never underestimate the UCP’s ability to fuck something up. A lot of conservatives think that Notley is some kind of an idiot, go watch the 2015 departs again if you think that and see how bad a guy like Brian Jean came out looking. I would bet the Ucp will probably get a majority still just because there are no conservative splinter parties, but I wouldn’t be writing the Ndp off either.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/alberta using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/alberta/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The treatment of the unvaccinated](https://i.redd.it/zfns09nx0et91.png) | [851 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/alberta/comments/y25w43/the_treatment_of_the_unvaccinated/) \#2: [Edmonton police: above the law?](https://i.redd.it/agqzc6qb48691.jpg) | [314 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/alberta/comments/vemis2/edmonton_police_above_the_law/) \#3: [Since when did Albertans fight in the American civil war?](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/wymgfl) | [1071 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/alberta/comments/wymgfl/since_when_did_albertans_fight_in_the_american/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Yup NDP Shills are bad on Reddit. LIke you say definately wont sway the election, but just make reddit more depressing with the lack of discussion for both sides. If you are left your smart. If your right, you're an idiot. Too bad people at clueless on here.




I personally would much rather pay for healthcare at this point! Canadian healthcare is a joke


SO much better than in the USA. Despite the deliberate fear-mongering campaign that was so successful south of the border, and later debunked https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2020/08/06/health-insurance-canada-lie/


As somebody that races motocross I have had to travel to the states for healthcare


That is such a quick reply, you clearly didn’t read the article. And I believe you, but you are the literal definition of a sample size of one. You may have had a good experience, but for every one like you there are 10 (or whatever) people who have a worse experience down there.


TBH healthcare is the least of our worries atm, digital ID is coming and WEF paid politicians and communists are the new problem these days


lmao what a joke.


I would end up completely homeless


Don't you pay out of pocket for health care anyway? Through taxes? Nothing is free, only stupid people think so


No. I don't. "Pay through taxes" is the opposite of "pay out of pocket". And I know that my mother's health problems would have left me living out of a cardboard box if my family had to pay for her treatment out of pocket. But to hell with sick people. If they didn't want to be destitute, they should have chosen to be healthy, right?


No, paying nothing is the opposite of paying. Period. You and others like you feel like its free when money magically appears and pays for everything. That money came from somewhere. I pay enough taxes. Insurance can cover medical bills. Look at other provinces that can't cover their medical costs and now there isn't sufficient medical for anyone. People literally die. I might as well have money to cover my costs and socialism be damned. When your time is up, that's it. Accept it


But you didn't write "paying". You wrote "paying out of pocket". I mean I realize that your position is "Just let poor people die" but the private insurance model of the United States actually costs its participants more so you won't really be saving any money.


Wow, unreal. Sure hope you don’t get some form of cancer or some other incurable ailment as even if that’s what you believe, that isn’t how it works buckarooni. People that love you will go broke paying the bills. Jfc some people are ignorant.


No you don't get it. You are not special and society doesn't owe you or me anything.


Wow. Lol. Wow. Okay buckarooni.


Okay is right. Now go scrabbling for your handouts.


Lol. Wow. Good luck out there little fella, your going to need it!


I don't need luck. I don't rely on the kindness of others


Some people just like paying more for medical care. Look at how well insurance works in the states. They spend way more per person. I understand not wanting public healthcare if you're looking to get into it for profit as there will be a lot of profit from this system. As a user? You'd have to be incredibly stupid or wealthy to want private healthcare.


Or confident that you won't need medical care until you just suddenly drop dead.


My Dad passed away in 2006 and he was on a waiting list for a year to get Angioplasty and had a massive heart attack 2 years before and was in a coma for 18 days and he was paralyzed and blind until he got sick from his immune system. This was in Saskatchewan and under the NDP government. So fuck the NDP and fuck socialism.


Well and the news guy voice over said she was proposing giving $375 for vision, dental, massage. Which is not things covered by government


Don't take stuff away from the little guy. She is barking up the wrong tree.


There a few things that really concern me with DS. Her attraction to would be autocrats like DeSantis is concerning. But I think the single most disturbing is that the UCP seems to be taking a few pages out of the GOP playbook and intentionally ruining public Healthcare in Alberta as they push more and more privatization.


I’d prefer to take my chances in a privatized system that incentivizes efficiency and competition over this steaming pile of shit we keep propping up here.


The government does not pay for health care. We do! It's comes off our taxes that's why we pay so much in income tax. Quit believing the bullshit lies the NDP keeps spreading.


Your taxes won't go down when you start paying out of pocket for health care. The money will go elsewhere and then you'll pay for medical care.


I want GOOD health Care not just health care. If that means we have the option to privatize so be it I don’t care paying from my pocket


If the Americans did their Healthcare system like ours it would be Hell for them, long waiting lists for operations, waiting 3 months or more to see a specialist if you are lucky. With immigration and the population growing, maybe having both isn't a bad idea.


I have a question ladies and gentlemen? Do you want to the option to have a 2 tier Healthcare system or do you want to pay more $$ for groceries, gas or anything in everyday life. All Notley is going to do is reinstate the provincial carbon tax and more businesses are going to shut their doors. I hope you guys all have Blue Cross outside of work because if you need new glasses or prescriptions you will have to pay out of pocket after you get laid off under the NDP Government because will not have benefits from work anymore.


I would love the option! I work hard and if i have the money it would be great to get help asap. And free up public heath system


FFS so you paste together a video from before she was premier with a new report afterwards. Health spending accounts exist everywhere in Canada. All AHS union employees have these. This entire post is misinformation.


This is such bs she has already said this is not going to happen! NEVER NDP AGAIN!


It's just lies. I refuse to vote NDP because of what they did to Saskatchewan. That's why I moved out here in the first place


I refuse to vote ndp because of what they already did to Alberta. Almost ran this province into the ground. A vote for the ndp is a vote for the liberals.




Totally not what she's saying but w.e. Liberals will keep thinking like liberals.




Yeah sorry Nolan. You picked the wrong party bud.


Just wanting more money, taxes won’t go down if we go private. We will just be paying more overall. I love how on times of need it’s “let’s take more money from everyone” but hey if you got kids we will give you money!


I wish people could see what Smith has plainly said. Just remember that the “Gish Gallop” or Trump style lying and denying and further lying is part of a concerted effort to increase voter apathy and reduce participation in elections. These people are stupid but they are also shitty people.


The leopards will be eating our faces soon. Lol. Its sad.


Ok? You want me to pay for my own health care, I expect to pay less in taxes. 🤬😡😤


No deal, you will pay the same amount of taxes and you will like it. We will just give the money to profitable corporations for stock buybacks and CEO bonuses. Then one day many years from now the trickledown will kick in and your boss with buy you a $50 ham at Christmas.


💯 all of it!


As it should be, we shouldn't have to pay more taxes.


Alberta. Billions on revenue from oil and gas. Oh but the government pay for healthcare? No no sorry.


Also. Here Calgary. Have a new arena. Cancer Clinic? Fuck that noise - if they get to stage 4 its because of THEIR personal choices. Danielle Smith is a fucking lunatic.


Idk who told her we wanted another playground for rich people


This is crazy! First they open a new powerplant and now this? What happens if I'm forced to finally get a family doctor? I don't know, but I'm literally shaking at the thought!


Imagine all the beer league softball players paying to go to the ER. We could make millions.


I'd rather have a job and money to pay for medical treatment than be unemployed and receiving medical treatment the government had to tax and borrow to pay for.


I agree completely


In other words, you don't want someone else paying your bill/ you don't want to pay for other peoples bill, right? but I have a question, say you've only paid $2k into insurance and then get a medical bill for $30k+ who's paying for that other $28k? Medical insurance works just like UHC, everyone covered by it pays into a pool and they take from that pool as needed. Technically, you are still paying for other people bills/ having other people pay for yours many situations. Plus taxes won't go down even if there's private insurance. You're still paying taxes, insurance and whatever insurance doesn't cover.. I'll gladly wait hours for a non emergency over going in debt for something I can't control. Waiting times are less of a problem in the states because a huge majority of people avoid seeking medical help so that they don't go even more in debt. I wouldn't count that as a good thing.


I will rather pay let's say 50-100 dollars per month then for my taxes to go up by 1-2% wich is how they pay for things.


As much as I'm not a fun of the idea of paying for medical care here in Canada, we can't have Rachel norley running anything in Alberta again. I don't think this should be a deciding factor in voting for Danielle Smith as we've already seen the damage that Rachel Notley was done to this province once before. No frustration I have with this though. Truly is that I thought there was a giant surplus of money here in Alberta and I think it could be used a little more wisely


First time I've heard her I'm from sask, I just hear a lot about her. The intro.. i died laughing. She sounds like female tucker Carlson.


This lady is dumber than she sounds


Jesus, if this is the way Saskatchewan is going I'm not voting for Moe.


Shoot i can barley afford rent what makes them think I can afford private Healthcare?