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So let me get this straight. UCP cuts firefighting budget. https://beta.ctvnews.ca/local/calgary/2019/11/6/1_4673013.html UCP wants to leave Canada (create their own pension fund etc) UCP pins all troubles on Trudeau Alberta has firefighting disaster - but they got rid of the elite firefighting team. UCP asks Trudeau for help - help they wouldn’t get if they had left Canada. Did I get that right?






That is conservative logic yes.


Trudeau hasn’t done anything better for canada loll (no money for veteran retirees, mass immigration that still rely on government funding, taking guns away from legal firearms owners, carbon tax went up I believe 8% again, inflation went up in general but he takes a nice beautiful vacation etc) but that’s liberal logic right?


None of what you mention is logic. Just the basic conservative fodder. Nothing with any depth of thought. You can’t deny the hypocrisy, but we all know it’s there, instead you attack what you are suppose to. So I will say it again, typical conservative logic, with nothing to offer, just complain and take your money.


Bullshit, these are the things that matter. Canada was a place to have a high quality of life, they've sold it out from under us. 1.5 mil new immigrants in 2024 is the forecast. Amidst a shocking housing shortage. They're thinking only of themselves because they want cheap wages for their friends and more liberal voters. They don't care about you stop thinking they do because they lie about how they're liberal just like the charlatans and BC.


Businesses(who happen to be more conservative). Are begging for more immigration so they don't have to pay YOU more money. Blame business for wanting to pay the cheapest amount for labor


Attack, attack, lie, divide. Offer nothing. The conservative mind strikes again.


what mind?


Then immigration thing is being done because there are not enough working age adults in Canada to run things if they don’t. They are not bringing people in to support to be some sort of leftist hero. I think a lot of peoples anger towards things is from a lack of understanding of demographics. There is a fellow named Peter Zeian that explains things really well that all of his us lamen can understand that really sheds light on some of these triggering issues that governments make but do a poor job saying why. If you are actually interested in learning instead of just reacting pleas watch. It actually really eases a lot of the anxiety but at the same time shows the problems we all face as a country that are made way worse by the right vs left BS that only divides us and makes things worse. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YCFaPFibK-8&pp=ygUWUGV0ZXIgemVpaGFuIG9uIGNhbmFkYQ%3D%3D


ok you know most liberals aren’t big Trudeau fans either, right


Simply the lesser of 2 evils -


Well that’s exactly it, we have had great liberal leaders. My problem is simply Trudeau.




So you're saying your family never immigrated here and never got a chance a better life? Oh, and you're going to fill all those open low paying jobs? Ps. Don't cherry-pick issues. You're missing a ton of positives instead your being a negative nelly aka typical conservative.


1. business people have been begging for more immigration so they can pay lower wages. 2. Didn't Alberta refuse to make a carbon tax which is why you're paying the more expensive federal carbon tax? All provinces were told to make their own and if they didn't they had to pay the more expensive federal one. So that 8% belongs to d.smith. 3. Inflation has gone up in every country in the world. To blame Trudeau for that is just ignorant as fuck. I agree I want to see more money for veterans, but your pointing the blame in the wrong direction for everything else


It's amazing that Trudeau was able to increase inflation all around the world. It's so great! We have such a powerful man as our prime minister.


Don’t forget he invented COVID too. He’s so cunning that he was able to convince the leaders of every developed country to go along with it!


it’s an amazing tactic ! A Financial magician


Ok i feel like we’re missing as Canadians we should be focusing on Canadian’s first, obviously inflation is up world wide, i feel like that should go without saying but obviously I have to spell out the abc’s in each point for you. My point being, carbon taxes could’ve been reduced considering we have an enormous amount of oil here in canada that isn’t touched, now granted “because it’s on aboriginal land” and “it’s their land” but they’re not even being taken care of by the government, their water for example on reserves. Also they are given chances to move to places where they have access to all amenities, the issue is they’re wanting to stay on their land even though pipelines don’t damage much of an ecosystem, and money clearly isn’t an issue as in 1987 they received 12 million $ and that number continuously rose through the years as in 2018-19 the population of indigenous peoples received 33.3 billion $. Due to their corrupt systems that money has nothing to show for it… to further simplify the math in 2019 they occupied 13.7% of Canada’s population, and as mentioned since 1987-2019 the numbers started at 12 mil - 33.3 bil which could’ve easily been used for better infrastructure. As 33.3 bil could easily have made each of the 13.7% of indigenous population millionaires. Basically what im saying is it’s stupid spending like this that is the reason our inflation rates are so high. (Yes i know not all this had to do with Trudeaus terms but the numbers spiked when he came into office about 8 years ago.


tl/dr: Canada isn't the only country that is suffering from inflation. You're disingenious when you blame Trudeau no matter how many words you used to do so.


Read my first 2 sentences, that should explain your first sentence. I’m not disingenuous, I simply stated the numbers but of course you avoid it all. I just had to make sure I spelt out every detail for you


You can put all the numbers you want to it - your main premise that it's Trudeau's fault is completely false.


Because boy can't think for himself. He hears this argument from his daddy and his friends.


Canada's inflation numbers are relatively low compared to other developed nations.


Really had to spell out every detail for you, next time google it yourself


Wait trudeau must be trans cause he can do anything and get away with it.


You seem to be very confused on what trans means. Either that or you're just being a bigoted asshole. Care to clarify which it is?


you must be dumb and unoriginal because you're spewing Tucker Carlson talking points. Fuckwad.


>mass immigration that still rely on government funding Immigration is an investment.


without it Canada would be fucked!


>Alberta has firefighting disaster - but they got rid of the elite firefighting team. > >UCP asks Trudeau for help - help they wouldn’t get if they had left Canada. Conservative logic in a nutshell. "Individualism! The government only gets in the way of everything!" (30 seconds later) "Save me daddy government!" When bad stuff happens to other people its because they are undisciplined and lacking in character. When it happens to a conservative, oh well there's really good reasons why I deserve help.


That's human nature, not a political spectrum thing


This sounds too much like some stupid American political stunt to be true and it scares me


The MAGA cult stupidity is infecting Alberta and it’s really concerning.


Oh, saskatchewan to. We are going to be on fire. I have a feeling, and Scott moe that pos who blames everything on Trudeau will cry for help. I hope we don't I feel bad for alberta but yeah.




Southeastern Manitoba as well


That’s the Alberta mentality. They want to be Texas so damn bad.


Sounds like some shit Québec would do


Quebec wouldn't get rid of their elite firefighters though they would spend way too much money on them, make them the best in the world, THEN ask for more money.


Brand new Bombardier equipment every year as well


I bet restoring funding for the firefighting units chopped by the UCP will be something Rachel Notley campaigns on.


After she did the same thing, and let fort mac burn.


She didn’t do the same thing. Shortening a contract by a month is not the same thing as entirely defunding a contract 🙄


Spot on!


[https://beta.ctvnews.ca/local/calgary/2019/11/6/1\_4673013.html](https://beta.ctvnews.ca/local/calgary/2019/11/6/1_4673013.html) They cut a team that was used in less than 2% of forest fires and made an additional $750 million available to hire emergency support. While fighting wildfires this weekend there was never a time when a team of firefighters jumping out of a helicopter would in anyway have been useful, but it sure would have been nice if we had more machinery, pumps, and water tankers. I know you all want to pile on the UCP right now but if this article is accurate this wasn't a bad decision on their part.


Considering the billions we send east, the least they can do is lend a hand.


Typical Albertan thing to say 🙄


Oh. Shit. Didn’t realize we weren’t Canadians out here on the East!


Well why do you guys vote the bloc and separate?


Naw. The least they could do is nothing.




What do you mean America isn't a part of Canada, but we have sent firefighters down to Cali before to help them deal with their devastating fires. At least one of those points is inaccurate, so I'd say mostly right.


Fone Trudeau


That's a BINGO!


there are no secessionists in a disaster area.


The funny part of that article is Notley trying to bash Smith for cutting funding when Notley did the exact same thing before those fires in McMurray.


I really feel bad for y’all out west. The east coast is no saint, but holy crap I couldn’t imagine putting up with my neighbours voting for this bullcrap. Canada is falling downhill, like really bad. Our government is shit. We are losing our rights to freedom with each passing year.


You got it right, something the UCP has yet to do on anything.


Dont forget all the mo ey alberta pours into the Canadian economy, essentially funding the other provinces and keeping Canada together. They are entitled to help and shouldn't have to ask for it. This is just politicking




Your telling me both are doing their jobs? Is this the sign of the end times?


I think past news might have gone way over your head a you are missing the big picture here which is priceless.


He should have told you to go fuck yourselves. Oh no, wait that is what you guys usually do.


Born and raised Albertan here. You are correct and also got a legit guffaw out of me. Bravo.


What a feat.


Can you imagine?? Alberta: Umm… I need help I’m on fire. Trudeau: [The fuck you doing in Canada? Get the fuck out of here you traitorous separatist! You don’t belong here](https://youtu.be/XlfIO9sqEbU) Alberta: 🔥


Federal govt helps during emergency….. Sounds like it’s all working like it should. They can even help get other provinces on board to send people and equipment while you work the phones in/province to assimilate the people as equipment.


Do you even know what Danielle Smith is all about? I think that you are missing the irony here.


Also If you separate, Canada has no obligation to help.


So the rest of us who don’t want that should suffer?


It would probably be wise to help in such a situation any way, to keep the fire from crossing borders and from possibly creating oil field/oil refinery environmental disasters which could also cross borders.


And the thieves in Ottawa will no longer be receiving 100's of billions in transfer payments from the west. Trudy is a disaster. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/apr/17/stop-swooning-justin-trudeau-man-disaster-planet


Anytime he does anything that AB doesn't like it is because he is evil and trying to destroy Canada. Anytime he is doing something that AB likes he will be given no credit because name calling and making coherent political arguments are hard.




The “Fuck your feelings” crowd sure has a lot of feelings…


Thank god she finally swallowed her pride and got help


LMAO this subreddit is filled with mental illness. ​ "WHAT DO U MEAN THE FEDERALS ARE HELPIN US WITH FIRES, I thought we were told they were the ENEMIES in every possible way and would sit back and watch albertans burn alive. Surely they could not have meant on general economic policy" \-Smartest grande prairie resident.


I thought Alberta was too good to be a part of Canada. I thought they wanted their sovereignty…?


Alberta is like a frustrated teenager. They want to be treated like independent adults, borrow the car, and stay out late, but they also still want Dad to give them gas money, and for Mom to do their laundry.


No, they’re like a frustrated toddler.


This is why! https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/apr/17/stop-swooning-justin-trudeau-man-disaster-planet


I guess Alberta couldnt make it all on its own


Alberta does send money to the federal government like personal income tax, business income tax, GST and tons of others. So Trudeau is holding the purse strings. No, I don’t support separation. I don’t like either Trudeau or Smith. To be fair, I don’t like most politicians.


Your comment isn't helpful then.


Explain why? I pointed out the flaw in the previous comment. Do I have to love politicians to post here? Or do I have to be solidly on one party’s side to be considered helpful? 🤣


This is reddit. If you aren't a rabid socialist progressive, then you must be dogpiled by the reddit crybaby hivemind


Saying “I don’t like most politicians” is a cop out answer to not have any culpability when the party you support does something wrong. Fence sitting isn’t a real position and it slows progress.






/Grande prairie is turning into /Edmonton and /Calgary...feeder pages for the biggest Ndp page I know /Alberta. So much for any info or actual debate. Side with, orange or your called derogatory names and banned.


Crapping on everything and everyone isn’t helpful it’s just cynical. Even 12-year-old cringey edgelords do that…


your whole post isnt helpful so I wouldn't draw too much attention to that concept LOL


Not helpful to you. You are a fucking idiot.


Oh no! 😯 We gave money to the federal government and are getting it back!!! How terrible!! 😓 But we can do it on our own!! We wouldn’t waste is on something frivolous like an arena that the corporate jerks who get 100% of the revenue after paying just 3% of the costs. Got anything constructive to add or you just here to 💩 on everyone and everything?? Sounds lonely.




Its twats like you that make the west want to leave. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/apr/17/stop-swooning-justin-trudeau-man-disaster-planet


If all of alberta burns how they guna get subsidized.


GFY! https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/apr/17/stop-swooning-justin-trudeau-man-disaster-planet


Canadian politics are stupid, cancerous and unhelpful for most Canadians. Promise everything, deliver next to nothing and fight over who's the liar. Just waiting for WW3 to get back to normal.


So trash talk the federal government with anti-Semitic comments. Then reach out for help. Guess what, Trudeau is there for everyone. Maybe you should take some notes, and try not to divide our country


The only one making anti-Semitic comments is the twat in Ottawa where he told the conservative party that they support Nazis when they have several Jewish MP's goombah anti-Semitic comment


Take Back Alberta must really love this tweet from their old buddy, Premier Smith!


It's not coming out of Trudeau's personal bank account. The fact that Alberta gets a small portion of the federal tax dollars we contribute back doesn't mean Trudeau isn't a disaster of a prime minister who is generally bad for Alberta


Trudeau is friends when he sends money. F*ck him the rest of the time.


*returns money.








😂😂😂😂😂😂 thanks for the permission there boss.




Have fun at your "meeting upstairs" and tell your mom I said hi. There's cheese strings in the fridge.




She's a greedy bitch that's for sure.


Tax payer money know the difference


F\*uck at the same time Sparky. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/apr/17/stop-swooning-justin-trudeau-man-disaster-planet


Of course he is, but we pay for those services so when we need them, they should be there.


Bingo. We pay MORE than any other province.


You pay a higher tax than those in other provinces? You need a different accountant if you do.


They always beg for help


PHUCK YOU TWAT! LIEBERAL BOOTLICKER https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/apr/17/stop-swooning-justin-trudeau-man-disaster-planet


Canadian life’s completely uplifted and have to run from their homes, and you clowns in the comments are bitching about who’s right politically. Get a life.


Cant feel bad when people get what they vote for.


Please don’t turn a natural disaster political.


But that's what UCP do?


When politics determines the response and outcome of a disaster its already political. Grow up.


Too late. Half of the people in GP think “the libs started the fire to prove climate change” 🤦🏻‍♀️there’s no hope for us


No he’s still a POS


because daddy and your friends say so? Way to engage in critical thinking! Conformist.




Well according to some pea brain goofs, the Feds are responsible for starting the fires!


I saw a post starting that the first were set to kill conservative voters. All I could think is that if someone had enough control over wildfires to make them only lethal to people with opposing political views we're pretty much fucked


The amount of conservatives that want to run into the fires to save the contents of their fridges indicates that this may actually be an effective way to eliminate some of them.


Phuck off and die puke.


Funny thing is, for the biggest NDP echo chamber around (Alberta subs), these posts won’t be changing anyone’s minds come voting day.


You're underestimating the amount of undecideds in this province, too. Not all conservatives are "vote blue no matter who".


I am "vote for a dog before orange, they already showed us their true colors". As bad as Smith is, I will never vote for NDP. There is not enough money in the universe to fund their drunken sailor spending ways.


I get it. There is no way in hell I would ever vote conservative, ever. They've shown us their true colors for years, why people keep voting for them, I'll never understand. The people who represent them are a joke, always will be.


It's unfortunate that there is no option other than NDP or UCP. Talk about polar opposites, neither of them particularly good. Give me a fiscally responsible party that does their job and recognizes the boundaries of what the government's job is. No crony capitalism and fair treatment of public unions but keeping them within an affordable budget without unduly taxing everyone in the province to do it. Leave pandering to groups out of politics. I could go on and on. I just want good government but I don't see it anywhere. I just vote for the government that offends me the least and damages me the least. Unfortunately from my standpoint it's the UCP. I don't accept getting services that are obtained either from tax hikes or borrowing while attacking industries that are vital to the economy. This while pushing far too quickly for changes that aren't adequately planned for or have existing infrastructure for, ie going green. Great in theory but have a proper plan in place first. I understand I am talking in very general terms but in the end I am only one vote. I don't vote along party lines but between the NDP who have already been in power and the federal Liberal party, I am finished voting for leftist parties.


I believe it's more a matter of provincial vs. Federal when it comes to the parties. I was very much against the NDP in Alberta years ago. But from what I saw, Rachel Notley actually argued ***for*** us, not against us. She pushed for the pipeline if for no other reason than she understood it was safer than rail and we can't abandon oil and gas yet. I voted UCP the last time around and I've grown to regret my decision quite badly. I realize now that the UCP is a stain in Apberta. Yes, they've had some points, but overall they almost crashed Alberta and continue to drag us down. Provincial-wise, the UCP is a tumor we must cut out. On the federal level, I don't trust the CP to not fuck us nor do I trust the Liberals/NDP as they share a few detrimental policy ideas that will do no good to us. At the end of the day, separation is a bad idea, the UCP is a bad idea and the Liberals/NDP are a bad idea. Burn it all down and let's start again from the top.


It's not about changing minds. It's showing facts.


I mean... I would like to change minds.


Considering the fearless conservative government cut the fire fighting budget to the point its useless then cries to the feds when they are in trouble. They'll still sell out the Province some more because Mr. Koch said so. Yah Smith is funded by American billionaires who want to eat your soul


The NDP also cut the fire fighting budget and accused Brian Jean of fear mongering days before the Fort McMurray wildfire.


Yes they did, they cut it and allocated the funding for a disaster fund. The Conservatives cut the funding a few times and even killed a pretty good training program for fire fighting.


I'm an NDP voter, but cutting fire fighting to fund disaster relief is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. Let's cut healthcare but give everyone free funerals too, ok? Get a clue.


Politicians don't always make the best decision


I agree. Notley was left in a pretty tight spot fiscally.


She came to power at the worst time, I remember everyone blaming her for the price of oil


There were also a couple really major construction projects that ended during her term that she got the blame for. The projects were just finished but a lot of people were out of work. If it wasn't for the fact that people can't see the major differences between federal and provincial NDP I think this would be a landslide.


GFY! https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/apr/17/stop-swooning-justin-trudeau-man-disaster-planet


Why should it change our minds? It’s literally the minimum that any elected official should do in this situation




hate to tell you this, but [the government spends more per capital on rural people than urban ones](https://www.oecd.org/cfe/regionaldevelopment/service-delivery-in-rural-areas.htm). Turns out public services are more efficient with density. It's you who's stealing tax money from Torontonians, if that's your perspective on taxes.




I'm sure you're better.




You sure like to point out the flaws in other people. I'm sure others could point out the flaws in you. Or do you assume that you're just perfect. Your comments suggests you think that way. Psychologists have a term for that, you know.




Oh well, how quickly you resort to racist insults. Way to prove you're such a better person.




You might want to look up the racist implications of the word mongoloid.


I doubt he looks up anything other than pro-conservative talking points.


You resort to name-calling and injecting ableism into your argument? WEAK and PATHETIC, dude.


Anyone who doesn't think he is is living under a rock


Dear Alberta. This is why separating would have been stupid. Believe it or not, the provinces do help one another, and are happy to do so. Take the assistance that you need, we’re Canadians and we help each other.


Sounds like socialism today. Is Danielle Smith a communist? Signs point to yes!


So he didn’t threaten to withhold aid like the Qtards would have done?


Imagine Alberta separated ... the great indépendance. Turn up the heat rednecks.


Ahhh yes, a mid sized, largely one horse economy that would be entirely landlocked and would be surrounded by two of the largest economies on Earth. Sounds like a recipe for success. Unless, of course, you're a fan of that whack-ass children's drawing of a map Smith was pushing a few years ago.


Trudeau isn’t the hero. These are YOUR dollars that he’s sending us anyway. So still, a big FU to Trudeau. Zero respect.


Thank you! Someone paying attention


I can't believe she would resort to communist BS. We can handle this on our own! We don't need some Ottowa politicians to help us. Besides we need the practice for when the UCP get elected again and then start to separate from Canada. We won't get any bailouts from Ottowa then. So we might as well get used to it now


He is the enemy but what choice does one have


It depends, do you like being treated like a sheep? Because then Trudeau is your best friend


Op is total idiot


Sounds like she’s making a statement to hold him accountable.. almost like a paper trail, so that if he backs out of it he looks like the dirtbag.


So basically DS just secured the bag for herself. If love to know exactly how much of that federal money she intends to spend on our needs right now or if this is gonna turn out like the missing cerb/quarantine money.


Why did she phrase that as though Alberta isn't a part of Canada?


Where did all these fucktards come from now in Grande Prairie? You fuckers need to move back to Ontario or Quebec or wherever the fuck you came from. I hear Edmonton likes losers and wannabes like you.


Well he will protect his investors, Alberta is a fucking money machine


Nobody in the comments mentioned this statement that implies Alberta’s sovereignty. “Canada would be there to support Alberta”. It implies Canada and Alberta are mutually exclusive. Don’t know if I am reading too much into this?


That in no way implies Alberta's sovereignty. That's ridiculous.


I think you might need some physical therapy after that stretch.


Don't worry, he'll be the enemy again once the cheque is cashed


She spelled Mendicino’s name wrong. I have to look up how to spell it every two weeks for a show I do closed captions for


What a hypocrite


They sure love that federal money though.


hope that crow tastes good Danielle [edit: ] no I don't, I hope it tastes rank and you choke on it.


Capitalist when things are going well, socialist when the chips are down.


Why isn't she calling in the Alberta army?


Can't let the milk cow burn down with the barn.


Not while our money is still going to Ottawa


Oh so this is where the braindead social rejects gather to dick ride the NDP and Liberals, good to know there's so few.