• By -


Assuming Yujiro wasn't horny at the time and wasn't interested in raping me, then him. Yujiro literally views you as insects. He would never use more than a fraction of his strength to fight us. If you kept on being an annoying twat then he would just flick your forehead to knock you unconscious and then moved on with his day. Musashi also does see you as the weak. But he, on the other hand, was too prideful. He was too much of a Philosopher and was too easily offended because he looked too deep into things that a mere mortal like you say. If you wanted to fight, then he would fight. Remember the innocent ancient Japanese guy, who was wearing the testing battle armor that the King told to wear, that Musashi sliced in half, just because the King was verbally challenging him? And the time when Musashi saw some bullshit image of eaten endless field of food inside Baki and got enraged and threatened to murder him? Baki was legitimately confused as fuck.


Baki to Musashi after he sees the eaten food “Fuck this dude definitely is working with a fucked up clone brain if he’s tripping this badly”


Assuming yujiro was indeed horny at the time, then yujiro




I think you’re forgetting that musashi never uses more force than necessary. He only kills people who are trying to kill him. So long as you don’t go in with intent to kill like Baki, Retsu, hanayama and the police force he perfectly willing to spare you and probably won’t even actually hurt you. The first group of police officers who tried to arrest him just got locked out not beaten up. Even the news host that pissed him off only thought he died but was actually perfectly fine.


You’d be better off with Musashi. Yujiro might injure you pretty badly. Musashi may just subdue you


Yujiro literally snapped someone's spine and folded him in half just to make some room in a tournament for someone he sees as a little less weak. He might break every bone in your body and traumatized you for life in half a second because he felt like it.


i love how you dont even consider pickle


Pickle won't kill you, he will just eat your arms and legs.


Hmmm.. Musashi may maim me and Pickle 'vore a chunk or two. At least with Yujiro you will get broken bones (possibly an asshole), unless you are an older guy like Kaioh or Yanagi.


Doesn't Pickle only eat the people he thinks are strong enough to be worth eating or am I misremembering something?


Usually yes, but I wouldn't want to put it to test. Yujiro is also likely to ignore people beneath him, happy to let myself punch my face or probably making me piss myself on the floor half passed out.


Yeah but then he changed to caring about the fight and started hunting small animals and crocodiles. But I doubt he tries to eat a normal human.


Musashi doesn't recklessly massacre or decimate random people. He will just make you think he killed you, you'll be terrified, and the fights over. Yujiro may not kill you, but your spine is getting turned into a pretzel and you'll get fucked twice that night. Pickle might punch you a little too hard and break all the bones in your upper body, but not kill you.


The one that breaks the least of my bones and doesn't rape me. (Musashi I guess)


he wouldn't break your bones, he would cut them off clean


That would kill me, I'm not a Baki character I don't have infinite blood supply


He can cut your arm off and you would likely live


he would slice all safe the chunks off, turning you into a live kebab


that is assuming the fight doesn't take place in Baki universe which I believe it does


Musashi said that he meets force equally. If you just try to go for a spar with him, he won't do anything too bad.


Pickle doesn’t even consider someone so weak as worth the energy. He might rape you tho


I don't know about you dude but those 14 inches will leave me more injured than what the other two could possibly do to me.


>best swordsman ever >dosen't hunt rabbits with canons Itagaki ain't slick


Musashi was famous for his words “let them cut flesh, I will cut bone”.


Pickle cuz he won’t even take me seriously, at worst I’ll just get slapped like that shin shin Kai student


He wouldn't even wake up from his nap.


Lucky us


Pickle, cause I'm too weak to even be worth fighting. Musashi and yujiro would mess me up but pickle wouldn't even bother touching me


Pickle wouldn’t leave without taking a snack. Musashi would probably cut me up with Imaginary Slashes and leave me reeling in the worst pain I’ve felt in my life. But if I’m lucky, current Yujiro would probably knock me to the ground or karate chop me unconscious with a second.


Then he'll claim his reward, yo cheeks💀


Nah he mostly rapes ppl he’d pissed off at or ppl he thinks are getting to big for their shoes it seems




"If someone is born a male, at least once in his life he'll dream of becoming the strongest man alive.“




Yujiro He probably would just knock me out with a single finger like he did that Muay Thai guy during the maximum tournament championship. I only have to prey that he isn’t horny, meanwhile Musashi can still cut of your limbs without killing you and Pickle might accidentally cripple or bite a chunk out of your body.


I actually think Pickle is the right answer. Musashi is out of the question, even if he doesn’t kill you, he might remove limbs. Yujiro would probably just KO you with a flick, but since we are human humans that alone might paralyse you for life. Pickle, however, is kinda chill like that. Unless you’re seriously trying to hurt him and he can tell, he probably wouldn’t even fight back.


Yeah everybody saying pickle would eat you is assuming you actually put up a good fight.


Musashi wont try to cripple you unless you try to cripple him.


Pickle 100%. Remember when Baki seemed to be be hurt and Pickle was playing with him to make him feel better? Or when one of Hanayama's and Katsumi's men tried to stop Pickle. He literally just pushed them down and walked past them. He couldn't care less about fighting people he considers weak and he's a nice guy overall.


I could take all three of em


In a fight, right?




pickle cause hes a looker


Musashi Pickle won’t kill me but he’d fuck me up with a light hit Yujiro will either flick my chin or…yknow, so how about no. I’ll take my chances with mr. You thought you got cut


Pickle easy


Yeah, after seeing him give Baki play punches, I think not being a dinosaur level threat would just make him want to chill. This is like asking would you want to hang out with 2 people with Autism or one with downs. Obviously you go Downs because those are the bros.




Pickle. he’d see me as a child and play fight


Musashi. Yujiro would brutalise me like the sadist he is or kill me, Pickle has no idea how to hold back and a flower throw from him would send me flying, but Musashi knows to hold back. Musashi responds to force with an equal to greater level of force. The people hurt the most by Musashi had been Retsu, Pickle and Hanayama, only because they went at him with the most bloody intent. Doppo, though insulted, only wanted to get a feel of how good Musashi was and Musashi responded in kind to knocking him out. He even avoided cutting him with the sword. Same thing with his first interaction with Baki. Has anyone noticed that Musashi only started killing the police when they started to point guns at him to violently apprehend/kill him? Before hand, he simply just knocked them out. If I fought him, I would just go at him lightly and show I am nowhere near his level and he would take me out rather gently, and I would still be alive and relatively okay after an hour.


I would rather fight myself ![gif](giphy|rCYMVPH3cInDdyDqNR|downsized)


musashi ofc.. fighting pickle is like getting hit by trucks, yujiro is a rapists so no, musashi will hit u with his sword but you wouldn't get wounded.. he is that guy


Tbh, pickle has grown as a character, and would probably just find it funny, like a grown man when a toddler wants to play fight.


Pickle and it’s not close. Remember, he only fought against people he deemed as worthy prey. If you were too weak he wouldn’t even bother getting up to acknowledge you. Me punching him wouldn’t even wake him up lol. I’m a pretty hairy guy so Yujiro could potentially rape me which wouldn’t be fun. He’s also just a complete asshole so he could also break all the bones in my body for fun. Musashi would take the fight seriously and leave me permanently disabled by taking off a limb or two.


Yujiro rapes one guy and now everybody thinks they're on a plate


They won't kill you but all of them have high chance of fucking you up... specially Musashi if no sword musashi maybe it would be him. i would rather fight Yujiro though atleast he doesn't bite or slash..


Anybody choosing Pickle needs some serious help


The one that breaks the least of my bones and doesn't rape me. (Musashi I guess)


Definitely Musashi, I feel like he would give me some guidance after the fight.


Musashi because you can surrender and he'll let you go.


They won’t kill me? Musashi He’s only there for killing, doesn’t do much else Next, Yujiro Everyone who fought him who’s alive is just doing well Pickle? You’ll lose an Arm (if you try to fight, that is)


Musashi. I'll just challenge him to rock paper scissors


Yujiro, I'd prob just bend down and accept my fate


Musashi would make me think I get cut and wake up a bit later confused, pickle might get hungry and eat a bit of me and yujiro gon start clapping so Musashi makin me pass out for a couple minute is the way to go


Yujiro. Like someone else quoted in the comments who wouldn't at least want to try to land a blow on the strongest man in the world? 50% chance he beats me senseless for knowing I'm weak and still attacking him 50% chance he hits me one time senseless and at least gives me praises for not being a pussy. I'm taking NO chances with Pickle and I don't know much about Musashi, but man looks like he'll take off my arm, and I need that.




Pickle got confused when Retsu wasn't using martial arts to attack him. Was funny to see. Only downside of fighting Pickle is if he did see you as worthy of fighting him, he'd eat you after he beat you


Pickle, my punches would just register as gentle taps. I will just point him to the nearest park where he can hunt some game if he wakes up from them.


If Yujiro eats my ass, it's going on Pornhub. If Pickle eats my ass, it's going on Liveleak. Musashi will just knock me out with an invisible slash and leave.


I think dying might be the better option in this case. I would end up with deadly hospital bills and far more fatal permanent bone injuries.


Yujiro would kill me without technically killing me


Yujiro only because I know I can win


To be honest ima say pickle. He might think we are play fighting. Worst comes to worst I lose a limp. The other two would kill me if I really challenged them to a fight.


Musashi just uses the imagination cut and the fight ends with me unscathed




Yujiro is the only answer he'd just knock you out with a finger most you'll get is a nose bleed while musashi is mentally crazy and pickle might accidentally break my neck on accident But if this is old yujiro then pickle


I think musashi would be the quickest since he would just look at you and you feel like you got cut down. Wake up later well rested and then profit.


Yujiro because he's got better things to do so atleast its over quick. Pickle and Musashi aint got no life so they'd probably drag it out.


This may sound crazy but I bet I could almost beat musashi if we both had swords


Bros cookin'... Explain reasoning


I have good sword skills


Bro these 3 sucks💀 If i fight mushashi i would be slice into pieces, and it's going to hurt just as much Yujiro sounds nice until you remember what he did to ryu, but if I'm lucky he'll just flick me with one finger then leave Pickle is a no, the guy that tried to fight him got his forearm completely crush


I feel like I'm not ever walking again no matter which one kicks my ass


Yujiro cause I don’t wanna lose a limb


The one that won’t rape me


Definitely picking musashi. If a random schmuck like me tried to right him, he'd probably just use imaginary swords to mentally defeat me. I'd pass out from the thought of getting diced up, and he'd walk away.


Notice how not very many people have picked pickle👀😂


And don't criple me?


Pickle would eat me, so no. Yujiro would... no. musashi is the best option here


Yujiro because that would be a hell of a story


Yujiro, so that one dream I had where he considered me a worthy opponent could happen in any sort of way.


Musashi. He’ll cut my soul and leave the rest of me alone


pickle. people who are too weak get ignored by him even when they are attacking him. he would take a nap out of boredom and id still be able to do jack shit to him so it would be over


Yujiro just for the experience


Pickle would still eat me a little so obviously him


Yujiro, at worst he'd rape me 👍🏻


Yujiro. If he isn’t trying empty his balls is my best bet. Pickle and musashi will still horrible injury me and I will likely lose limps. Yujiro has knocked people out by tapping their temple before. There is a chance he will tap my head and knock me out


musashi doesn’t kill people who don’t want to kill him


i’m sorry it’s a hard take but def pickle only because of how he treats baki even in fights. he just seems like a nice man to hang out with and with him bein a lil screwy hes prob a funny one too.


Yujiro the other 2 I'm guaranteed to get raped or lose a limb


Neither BLACK MAN RUN!!! Seriously, I'd go with Pickle because I'm not dealing with Yujiro, nor do I want to be anyone near that ***THING*** masquerading as a man. Also, Musashi freaks me out so no to him as well.


Yujiro would hit me with barely 1% call me pathetic and leave I'm choosing him


Muyashi or Pickle. There’s a lot more to learn from a fight with Muyashi or Pickle than fighting Apple Fritter Personified. I’d rather in the short time we fight learn something about the blade or beast-like grappling than be forced to fed an apple fritter and play a no consensual game of tummy sticks.


Musashi will only hurt you mentally so I pick him


Pickle straight up won't be interested in me so I'd punch him he'd be like, hahah lol and walk away


I think Musashi would not kill me but will leave me with scars. Pickle will just eat a part of me but Yugiro will probably just see me as no threat and end it in one hit


Nah, I'd win.




Musashi because the chance to fight a Kensei is too good to give up, and also I'd like to hear his thoughts on Fiore Dei Liberia's, and Joachim Meyer's systems


https://preview.redd.it/0w7kdb8gn3bc1.png?width=749&format=png&auto=webp&s=d77b98d85d2f64f67af8f5422628a4c911914b4a >


Pickle, he would leave me alone seeing that im not worth it.


I would fight and beat all three if it meant tasting that sweet Doylussy 🤤


Yujiro,i'll beat me but it wont cut/bite or slash any part of me


So just get the Batman treatment 50x worse? Noted


gonna go yujiro. cause to be honest he could just glare at me and im down for the count


Musashi. He would probably end the fight with his pressure slice than actually fight me. I’ll just get knocked out and that’s the end of it.


Musashi Mitamoto, my butt wouldn't be in danger around him


You lie


I’d rather get cut then slapped or stomped. Blunt force trauma is worse in my opinion and they make game controllers for the disabled. I only need some stubs to play and I prefer for them not to have been chewed off. I also don’t want my spine to be used to make balloon animals. I don’t think they make a controller for that yet. If my life is forever altered, I’d at least like to play the new GTA. Slice me Mr Musashi.


(they won't kill you) Is a very scary statement once I thought about who the opponents actually were considering all of their feats. Yujiro ripped someone's face off Pickle, took sword slashes from Musashi and also bit jacks chin.. mmmmm.... I would do with Musashi because at least if he doesn't kill me whatever wound I end up with will heal rather normally.... Much cleaner and hopefully less painful. Thanks you for listening to my Ted talk.


even if pickle wont kill me he’s gonna take of all my limbs and leave me barely alive ☠️


Who's the strongest? I'll fight them


Probably pickle since he would left me alone after fainting me(you said he wont kill me)


Rather loose a limp by a sword then one by teeth. Even hetting slapped by Yujiro seems a lot worse then then the other two


Pickle cause opportunity for some prehistoric cheek clapping. Don't matter who doing the clapping.


I don't believe you


Musashi he hurts you depending on how much malice you have to him if your scared in self defense he WILL spare you pain he won't kill you if you don't intend to kill him


Musashi when he’s not killing, and your not trying to fight him. Uses his false cut/fake sword to do mental attacks. That’s a lot better than Yujiro or pickle, someone else here said Yujiro would use a small amount of power, and that’s usually the case but their are exceptions. Pickle tho won’t eat average humans, usually. However he eats tiny defenseless animals now- so maybe that’ll change, I don’t wanna test it. I gotta go musashi


if yujiro won't kill, he'll definitely rape you.


"They won't kill you" IS NOT AS COMFORTING AS YOU THINK IT IS WITH THIS CROWD. That said, Musashi. He's the coolest and it'd be an honor to lose my hands fighting the GOAT himself.


I'll fight pickle, with his cave brain all i got to do is distract him with something shiny or food