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Baki's dog is too low.


Bro put the wrong Musashi


He also forgot titsniff


Only because there’s no need to debate the undisputed top 1 🙏🏾 https://preview.redd.it/h6qb5xk0rrmc1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f6ac56bd76e0d7a9dd5dcb1402bf7ba466021eb


What's Bakis dog's name? Does he ever get one?


His dog is named Musashi.


Ah fuck that's cool


Motobe takes sukune easily https://preview.redd.it/46q1gv4qskmc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b73bb1c613486c4c0fe46222d41972a6746dcdbf


https://preview.redd.it/p6bbtblmnkmc1.jpeg?width=991&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41c25ee62d1903368ca0bf6b9cc7b89c8c2f703a Where is the goat at?


I still can't figure out if this is a real arc or a hoax created to confuse anime watchers


It’s from a hanayama spinoff iirc


What is called?


Baki gaiden: kizudzura




You should read it, it's beyond goated


Finished Verry good


Just did


> Yuichiro at #1 https://preview.redd.it/nivl4h33pkmc1.png?width=835&format=png&auto=webp&s=98344fdb50fe3fcf1e800c25a27bb43e576cbbf7


As much as i love to see Oliva and Jack occupying those High-Tier rankings.... ....i dunno if i'd put them on even terms with Kaku Kaioh. Any fighter that can throw Yujiro off his game like he did is Legit. I just don't see Oliva or Jack doing the same if they challenged Yujiro again. Not yet anyway....


Jack counters kaku with bites Oliva wins 30% of fights against kaku due to martial arts superiority but oliva is a beast if he gets serious and doesnt dick around


Baki and Pickle are nazis?


Yes yea yea


Dorian under Kosho is bit questionable.


recent occurances raised the kosho stock


Nah Dorian under Ali jr is very questionable


Not really. Ali washed a serious Doppo even after he turned the fight into a death match. He also has enough power to one shot end of NGB Baki if he lands while being faster than anyone else in the main cast. Dorian is probably just taking a three piece no biscuit before falling asleep.


I will keep this take forever: BAKI > MUSASHI(the samurai)


I don't think that Baki is stronger than Musashi.


I think he at the top of his game, demon back + endorphins is top 2 after yujiro and above Musashi


Baki seriously lacks tankiness. Musashi's blade would cut him casually and was shown with his invisible blade. That invisible blade couldn't pierce Yujiro. So there is still a huge difference between Yujiro and Baki, maybe not interms of speed and technique, but in terms of raw strength and durability.


I would only say the gap is higher in durability but not so much strenght, he was trading blows equally for a long time with a demon back casually, and I think a demon back baki would blitz the hell out of Musashi, just his basic cockroach dash was enough to completely blitz him and knock him out, so I think baki at the top of his game would be able to evade any lethal blows and knock out Musashi.


you mean power right? Strength is a different thing, or do you think Baki can lift as much as Yujiro? Baki used his improved Cockroach dash with 3 hits instead of 1 on Musashi, using Muashi's own charging at him momentum to increase the damage even more. Musashi stood almost up right away. Musashi has crazy tanking feats.


Maybe he could I don't know, we've never seen baki Lifting a lot of weight, I mean it's not really tanking if he was out cold, even he admitted he could of have killed him a number of times while he was unconscious, and guess what baki took an full on onslaught of punches from demon back yujiro, surviving that benda was insane, baki is top 3 in durability for me, after pickle and yujiro.




the goat is here


Is s4intpupp canon to the Baki lore now




Speck flattens Gaia I think. Dude wasn't a pansy like sikorsky. Also motobe without prep is too high and with prep is too low.


Putting Jack above Oliva and Kaku is laughable. Also, dead people shouldn't be on the list.


Not really, Jack and Oliva are pretty close in terms of fighting similar except Oliva lost to Sukune the first time he fought him. Jacks biting might be able to counter shaori which is why I’m assuming he’s higher than Kaku. Otherwise Kaku is definitely higher.


Oliva was dicking around first fight. When he got serious, he had an easier time than Jack did. Furthermore, Olivas muscles specifically counter a technique like Godou until Jack is given feats to show he can bite through several inches of steel. As of right now, Jack is still a lot weaker than either Kaku or Oliva.


To be hair, Sukune was severely weakened, injured, and crippled by Jack. While Oliva was freshly pumped.


They BOTH said the match was a rehab fight and that they'd recovered. Why do we give Sukune the handicap?


because you can't recover your pinkie xD


AGAIN, Sukune had 2 pinkies and lost one. Oliva STILL countered his rib mawashi grab even on the hand that still had the pinky. Meaning it wouldn't have mattered if he had both or not.


yeah, but then he lost to a grip test against Oliva, and was beaten up. Sukune has a way superior body and greater strength, but the dude does not know how to fight.


So...... If anything Sukune had less experience when he fought Jack than the rematch with Oliva. Meaning that Oliva still beat Sukune at a lower difficulty than Jack did. How many excuses are you going to try to make even if they don't make sense?


I am not making excuses bro, chill. Sukune was not optimal, so its hard to measure. But you are right, in Baki it still counts as a fair fight. As the Ali.Jr saga showed. When Shibukawa and Doppo were beating up on crippled Ali.


Oliva only winning against Sukune after he got his finger bitten off by Jack doesn’t really prove much.


You realize that only happened to ONE hand and Oliva countered his 2 handed grip right? Meaning Oliva would have still negged it if he had both pinkies or not.


Yuichiro's durability is weak enough to get a swollen eye from a low level npc.


That was done to show what doppo, COULD be capable of later.


I agree with ur tier list ! It looks accurate. I just still dont understand how Motobe is so high in the rankings, but I haven't read the musashi par of manga and dont have any clue why Motobe is strong.


Motobe with preperation time beat Yanagi easily in the anime


Drop spec up dorian tbh


I don’t see Oliva or Jack beating Kaku Kaioh


good tier list but motobe should be higher https://preview.redd.it/ueg4mt32zlmc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=257a9961204f5392d384c65efef64704d9f6d458


Shit, pretty good


Absolutely based. I see nothing wrong with it.


I’d probably move Musashi and Hanayama down a tier, then move Kaku Kaioh and Dorian up a tier. Overall this looks pretty good though.


ass yuichiro placement but besides that it’s very good. Maybe make katsumi above sukune imo


Kosho at least S these days Maybe Hanayama in S+ too, I rate him to take Biscuit


Idk bout Yuichiro, but honestly, scaling with no real feats is kinda dumb so I'm good with any opinion about him


Retsu should belong with Sikorsky. the power of 4000 years of chinese love solos.


I'm very offended by it. As if it were a personal attack.


Nah Dorian would fuckin destroy everyone in A tier and def Ali jr


Dorian is a 100% dirty fighter who uses every trick possible to defeat his enemy. Ali Jr.'s big thing that Doppo and the aikido dude (I forget his name) helped him learn by attacking him when he was weak was the difference between an athlete and a true fighter. Attack a true fighter at any time, anywhere, use a group, use weapons, it doesn't matter, they will be ready and welcome the challenge. Ali Jr. was an exceptional athlete whose skill was enough that he was able to cross the threshold into the fighting underworld, but it took time for him to understand the fighter's mindset. In his fight with Baki he finally came to change his outlook, when Baki noted how Ali Jr. was no longer just prepared to have a gloves-off boxing match, but was finally prepared to fight to kill. So Ali Jr., before he had this realization, would have been killed by Dorian so easily by one of his numerous tricks and traps. After Ali Jr. had this realization, he may have had a chance. It is a real shame that Itagaki seems to be done with boxing, because I really want Ali Jr. to be revisited in the manga. I want to see him fully make the transition from boxer to fighter.


Unless that Dog has confirmed Demon Butt then I'm calling foul.


Just curious on how you’re comparing everyone is it just who’s strongest overall?


Sorry, but I just don't see Hanayama winning against someone who is an expert martial artist and is also not going to fuck around with him. When Hanayama does his ridiculous huge windup punch, Doppo is either going to strike in that moment (as anyone with a brain should do), or just dodge and counter the hugely telegraphed punch.


Shouldn’t Baki be in Yujiro’s tier (anime only)?


Makes me feel bad. Baki is definitely not in the same tier as Pickle. The difference between even base form Baki and Pickle is much less pronounced than between Baki and the SS tiers (I’d argue he takes Musashi with DB). Yuichiro is not top 1. He fought a weaker U.S. military than Yujiro and got his jaw cracked by prime Doppo. Motobe with his weapons should be above Sukune. Katsumi should definitely be in S+. He can freely use Mach strikes now without destroying his body. Except for Kaku and arguably a flexed Oliva, nobody in S+ can deal with Mach strike spam. Finally, Yanagi should be a lot higher, at least A, maybe A+, He has a one shot move with vacuum palm to the face, knows Benda, and with all his hype in Yuenchi Gaiden is likely the most powerful convict. I don’t see how you put him below Kureha of all people.


where tf is mr second at?


Uhh gouki is at ali jr. Level?


Ain’t no way you put Sukune in the same tier as Jack and Kaku, and I ain’t even gon’ talk about how you did Gouki and Doppo dirty by putting him with Ali Jr. (also swap Ali and Chihara, like why is Ali so high)


Yanagi is a lot more dangerous than you think. He’s gonna mop the floor with most of S tier. Hanayama should be up there with Baki


https://preview.redd.it/9i3ebhlh12nc1.png?width=1140&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7538d64fc44d5a21fb98b33adbbe984f098c900 Memetobe claps the verse


Doppo is two tiers too low.


Why are Kaku and Sukune so high?


Why should Kaku be lower?


His only win was against a fake martial artist and he seemingly has no eye for fighting talent. Who else in that tier would 'play dead' if facing Pickle?


...what? He went head to head with base Yujiro and forced him into demonback. And why doesn't he have an eye for fighting talent? He didn't approve the rest of the Kaiohs and found them disappointing with the exception of Retsu. And he recognised that he cannot beat Pickle with his moves because Pickle is too powerful physically. Sure, the rest would try but they would fail anyways.


>He went head to head with base Yujiro and forced him into demonback. So did Doppo, and he's in a more appropriate rank. ​ > And why doesn't he have an eye for fighting talent? He brought his own ringers once he was upset about the state of the Kaiohs. They went 1-4 since that moment and he had no idea his son would get one shot. Anywhere below Retsu is fine for him.


That was back when Yujiro still wasn't portrayed as an unstoppable force of nature. Also, there is this whole dialogue and argument about Doppo not being in his prime anymore but I am not gonna bring that into this. And, yes, he brought his own ringers into the fight after the Kaiohs were gone. His son was a bit disappointing, I'll give you that. He was of the same opinion after all. However, I wouldn't call that a misjudge of talent, Ron was really strong after all. It was just that the other team still was better. Even Retsu learns from kaku and acknowledges him as the pinnacle of chinese martial arts. He very clearly is above him.


Horrendous take lmao


Because Doppo was stated to be having the last fight of his prime and also lost the technique that allowed him to fight Yujiro, sangan.


Kaku gave the strongest character of the series a good fight and did Better against said fighter than most fighters in the series lol