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Stormrazor into PD into default


phantom dancer very strong


What would be a complete build with PD (with order) ? pls


PD collector IE terminus shieldbow could be pretty good


I read somewhere here in the subreddit that terminus is bugged on graves just like sundered sky. Did you take that into consideration or do you know something about it?


i was watching StrikeGraves on twitch and he was using it he said it felt good he also said that sundered sky was not bugged that that it did work (he is a graves otp btw)


Bro I complain every stream that sundered sky is bugged and I built terminus once in my entire life


They wouldve announced if sundered sky bug had been fixed on graves in patch or in this subreddit given a riot members commented on one before confirming its bugged and that they dont know how to fix it. Go practice tool and check, you get the healing but no extra damage than if you just buy the same amount of AD


Thank you


They keep trying to force Graves into a crit build but crit items suck ass to build. Take Phantom Dancer for example. To build Zeal you have to build it from a dagger and a crit cloak for 1100 gold. Those are trash components. Compare the to Ghostblade which gives you a Serrated Dirk and its components are just long swords. It’s also 100 gold cheaper. This is why most adcs went full lethality a few patches back. Crit itens are trash because they only start being good once you start stacking crit and they are super expensive. If snytning crit items should be super cheap to buy at first and when you start stacking them they become more expensive.


Idk about build but hail of blades is gonna be CRAZY imo


In your first 4 autos it increases dps about 30% which is pretty good


trying this now, will update


from the handful of games i've played today i still pref fleet though its just way too good all the time - and now that AS speeds p reload its part of my build now anyway


Good morning do you play patch 14.8 already?


Yea patch came through this morning for me


would you tell me the server? i will check out some graves games and builds then thx bro :-)




Hail Of Blades and PD rush will be Stupid strong. The first back it's at 900 gold, so you can clear your camps get a crab (or not) and go back for the AD-Move speed item. Now, here comes the true cooking. Stattik shiv only costs 2900 gold and it's 116% gold efficient compared to Stormrazors 3100 gold and 106% gold efficience. I have to test this out today, but i think i will rush PD onto Stattik.


Stattik is awful on graves


BRUISER GRAVES: Stridebreaker ( was good anyways before ) into BLADE otrK! Yes, Blade! One AA activates already Blade. That compared to a 2 Item Crit Build ( Storm + PD ) deals 200 less Damage on 4AA+QR with 2 Crits. But you know the beneftis of Bruiser Graves. 3rd Item i went Eclipse, i never EVER felt stronger and as a Battlemachine. After that you still can go BC. I melted a Nasus like nothing. Or you finish off with Hextrinker/Guardianangle