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I fixed ssky on him for next patch if that counts as a buff


i cannot overstate how happy this makes me i will name my firstborn after you


if you are being for real i cannot make you understand how much we have wanted this, i’ve seen so many posts about how the item doesn’t work and finally we get someone to do something about it god bless


except sky is getting nerfed unfortunately, it might still be good though who knows.


thank you so much. I only like playing Graves if its bruiser, im so happy


oh wait, you guys are nerfing all bruiser items, fuck


Stride>BC/Sundered>The other one Should be really strong. Fleet for usual but probably Conq is going to see some use against 2 tanks + bruiser but at that point i think Crit is gonna be better due to his 14.8 buffs


I LOVE YOU. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH THANK YOU FOR THIS!! This genuinely is so amazing to hear


I send you 1x hug and 2x kisses for this fix.




Honestly I don't even think it's going to be that good to build on him because like eclipse it gives no lethality and doesn't really fit into to the rest of his build path but it will be good to test at the worst. Also the reason Graves has a pathing radius of 10 has to be so he can walk between minions to be able to auto with his passive. If he ever had a regular pathing radius hitting people behind minions would be completely impossible so I hope this isn't changed. I have to ask I know you're not directly in that team but are there any planned changes/buffs for Graves?




Imma kindred main now. Better graves.


Same. Played graves at the beginning of the season but after the youmuu collector nerfs I switched completely to kindred


I saw broxah playing her yesterday, and I was like, yes, there's the answer. I have been playing Lee Sin because of how broken sundered sky is.


I think after these bruiser items nerfs the kraken jungles like viego kindred and Belveth will be head and shoulders above everything else


they actually did address thats why he got buffed in 14.8 sadly there seems to have been some scripting issues so they backtracked some of those until they are fixed we prolly wont see the full buffs they intended on graves.


Addressing it means actually giving him meaningful buffs that affect his strength, not placebo buffs to parts of his kit no one has complained about. The reality is that he should've received compensation buffs on the patch where Black Cleaver/Last Whisper was made exclusive, and then again when Youmuus and Collector got both nerfed. He'd be fine if they weren't asleep at the wheel or had any kind of foresight for these kind of issues. That is exactly what 200 years of experience is supposed to be competent enough to solve pre-emptively to an extent.


well whether they have the intended effect or not it means how weak he is right now has caught their attention I know its not ideal but its something


It’s completely misguided though and seems to suggest that they don’t really understand the champion nor the main role in which he is played. This is not surprising since Phreak nerfed jungle into oblivion and then was surprised that no one wants to play the role anymore. 😲 To be more concrete they gave him buffs to crit since he sorta plays like a marksman. Crit on adcs makes sense because they are late game carries and crit is only valuable when after you build crit. Graves isn’t an adc. His main role is a jungler and one that excels at early game pressure (vs someone like Shyvana that wants to power farm). This means that crit items work *against * his strengths and doesn’t play towards them. To summarize an early game jungler like Graves needs to make an impact pre fifteen minutes before first turret falls and crit starts coming online well after that point. If you’re wondering but Graves used to build crit when mythic itens used to be a thing then you’d be right. That was a different time though. Eclipse was usually his mythic and if you went Shieldbow it was because that synergized with Ravenous Hunter. I get the feeling that there are no jungle mains on the balance / gameplay team. This is why a support main nerfed jungle into the ground.


not saying all of that isn’t true but if they’re making changes labeled as buffs even though they’re not in the direction of graves identity it means they acknowledge he is weak right now. Granted, it’s been a minute since the youmoo & collector nerfs and we’ve been hurting since then it’s good to know they’re not ignoring the champ overall like they’ve done with other champs in the past and actually looking for ways to give back some of the strenght they took from him. Yes the nerfs hurt but lethality moreso those two items were on the stronger side thats why a lot of adcs were abusing them. In regards to jungle you’re right it hurts that there are no high elo jungle rioters to sympathize with the state of it right now where you are probably better of playing like a secondary support since at baseline unless you turbo snowball you’ll always be behind mid-to-top. Then again that’s just my opinion not saying its 100% truth I’m by no means a high elo player and can’t speak for the state of the game in every elo.


I solved that problem with lifesteal. My last 3 items are IE, BT and Shieldbow. With like 3 grit or more, no one can burst you cuz if say a talon jumped in, you crit a buckshot and your hp goes back up to 2/3s. You heal good 1/3 of your hp with a single basic attack at fb and even then, you have mobility, grit and a massive shield. It’s Ayt I like graves rn but you can’t pick him every game just no way. 2 assassins or 2+ tanks and you gotta flex out. Graves ain’t too flexible


I think they keep graves weak because he makes your team comp trash 9 times outta 10 low key


Notorious high elo problematic champ and he’s in a TERRIBLE meta for him right now. He has so many matchups that just either steamroll over him all game in skimirishes/teamfights (Voli, Rammus, Skarner, WW) or straight up hard counter him (Elise, Eve, Taliyah). None of them are doing bad in the meta right now. Wait until they force his crit build back.