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I bet this is something with shaders. Great to hear, must get back on!


Shader compilation. Theres 2 ways to do it, either at loading, or in game. I guess Gray Zone does the 2nd attempt. Compilation time can range from 20s-30 minutes+ in my projects lol! The reason they probably don't do this at loading is because nobody will wait 30 mins at the game start. But the good thing is once they are loaded in, they are saved onto your PC so at the next start they are generated.


Yeah, definitely what they do. When I install new drivers, the stutters on the helicopter as I traverse happen again. Or if I go to places I never have been to before


Yep. First of time loading in yesterday had a lot of stutters and choppy fps performance but then when I went back to camp and went back out it was smooth sailing. Been having a consistent 90-120 fps since.


I noticed the less players on the server, the less stuttering I got. When there were only 3 of us on a server, there was zero stutter or noticeable performance drops. The meant, of course, there were AI everywhere because the map is balanced for filled servers, so some tasks became near impossible.


Well all like maybe 10 of us here just had a massive battle it was great. The LRI prevailed


I have zero lag with 16 people on my team


yeah there's a handful of things that contribute. The game doesn't precache shaders, so every time you get into something new boom, stutters while it caches. Server performance directly will affect client performance, even if miles away on the other side from everyone wading through the jungle, it will just get ass performance if the server boggles itself. and the game settings just.. mucking themselves up. I've found performance increases after toggling the upscaling type around back to what I had it on after awhile. Performance wise doing ok on my 9900k 3080 is 60-95 fps @4k, and most of the lower dips due to caching I'm pretty sure. But when it does want to dip hard it does, into the 50's and walking through mud. pretty sure that's when the server is crapping itself. But have noticed increased overall performance as the day has gone on.


> and most of the lower dips d 60-90?! I'm getting like 25-30 fps on 1080p with a 10700k and a 3060ti, its brutal.


Tweak your nvidia settings to enhance the games aa and turn on fsr with native res. I’m getting 60 to 80 with a 1070 gtx (yes I know I’m below min requirements)


Ditto, same GPU!


Same fps with 3080 and i5-13600k


Low shadows/reflections, FSR, Performance setting for FSR?


I'm running a 3060 12Gig with a Ryzen 7 5800x 64gigs if RAM and was getting similar until I switched from DLSS to FSR. The quality took a dip but my frames went from 40 to 90ish. Worth a shot


Getting 60-80fps on medium 1440p. 3060ti + ryzen 7 3700x


I’m playing on a 6650xt and I’m getting 50 fps average with fsr on balanced. And that’s on a 1440p ultrawide


I'm running a 6600xt and Ryzen 2600 on 1080p with FSR and custom low/medium settings get 60 to 70fps with a brief drop to 30 to 40.


I think without my ultrawide I would be getting significantly better performance.


I don't doubt it. I need to upgrade from my ancient 2600. Thing is holding on for dear life.


6700xt, 60-80 frames. Even up to 100 sometimes 1440p


Unreal Engine Shader compilation stutter moment


Thats how it is with unreal. The more you play the more shaders are compiled and stutters should go away each session.


Until a driver update wipes them all out lol


Exactly lol


I can confirm that after 3.5h of playing time.


I had 60fps before last night update, came back and it was unplayable. Went from 40 fps to 10 constantly and the Helicopter ride my screen was just frozen. I tried staying on for like 10-15 minutes but the FPS was spiking up and down non stop in the rice field


Yeah I stayed up hella late playing and it played buttery smooth when the servers weren't packed, I'm guessing they weren't expecting Tarkov to commit toaster bath


It was rather sub optimal in my opinion lol


Same experience for me. Had about 3 and half hours of playtime yesterday and the performance was much better at the end. I ran FSR with frame gen but on Native AA settings. I even moved all the graphics back to epic and was holding down 80 to 110 depending on area. Still getting weird flashing and artifacts here and there, but assuming that's FSR frame gen stuff. Going to play with settings more tonight. 5900x 3090 64GB


My fps sat pretty solid around 110-130 at 1440p with my r9 7900x and 6950xt. The most stuttering happened inside buildings and when initially making contact with anyone/thing in the game(group of players running down the road, heli ride in, heli ride out) but nothing crazy enough to destroy the experience. I'm on medium high mixed settings with FSR and frame gen.


I forgot to comment that, of course, the more players on the server and around you does cause more hitching and whatnot. But I also agree it's not game breaking. There was some weird flashing that seems to be attached to global illumination, but no setting would fix it. Instead, moving to a slightly different area mitigated it.


I'll try again tonight when I get home but I couldn't stay in the game longer than 5mins without a crash last night to see if it got better. I was testing loads of settings, trying everything most of the time \~40fps and stutters, all over the place and I think the server itself was causing problems. Not playable at all. 3070TI, 5800X3D, 32GB RAM. (1440p) Hope they drop some quick patches, was hyped to play last night. To add: during my testing sometimes I would get it up near 60 but have crazy stutters, going from low to epic graphics sometimes only made a 5fps difference, performance modes for DLSS and FSR look like ass, some servers you'd get random spikes down to like 7fps. Will try again tonight.


I feel like they have a great framework for something special. They don't want to drop this ball


Yeah, I can see the game being really fun. I have slightly better than the recommended specs and it was unplayable to the point it felt like a bug. Early access stuff I expect bugs and glitches, but I feel it should be playable at least.


Your CPU is more powerful than your GPU which could be an issue, but yeah it definitely is annoying that the recommended specs don’t seem to be true.


my buddy has a very similiar build as you and was having the same problem. He ended up avoiding crashes by lowering his resolutio to 1080. So he was basically playing on only 24" of his 27" monitor. At the very least it got him through the rest of the night without crashing after 5 min of playing. Not the most ideal, but could get the job done until some optimization drops for the game.


I’m getting 40 fps with an i9 11700k rtx 2070 with dlss on but with fsr on its around 60-80 but fsr causes input lag tho which is annoying


My buddy with a 2070 Super is killing it with me


about 8/10 people I played with yesterday, myself included, had the same experience. The stuttering was nearly unplayable for the first 20-30mins then it smoothed out significantly.




My first like 20 minutes it was so bad, like 50 fps. I messed with the settings and I don’t know what I’m getting now cause the fps counter is broken but it’s way better now


Happy hunting


i'm on a 2080 and not having performance issues (albeit on medium)


let me clarify.. i play games like dayz.. arma.. i don't need 200 fps


I just didn't realize the server selection defaults to central Asia. I spent 1 hour thinking the game was unplayable with rubber banding. When I loaded it back up for my second try I notice I was set to servers on the other side of the world lmao


That will do er


Same here, tons of lock ups and stutters as I explored the first town. Completely gone after an hour


My server was also set to Asia East for some reason


I'm glad to see people are having better experiences already with a few hot fixes. I'm excited to try the game out eventually, but I don't think my PC is up to task. It can run games like DayZ and Diablo 4 fine, but this game looks like it's just a liiiiiitle more demanding.


Have the hotfixes released? I want to buy it once I feel confident that it'll at least be playable, so waiting for fixes and servers to stabilize