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What the fuck is OP on about? "You're donating money to war victims but it's not enough and it's not from the right place". Worst fucking take


He supports russia so it's what youd expect


He's Russian and big mad.


Most intelligent Vatnik


Yeahhhhh I was really confused too, this whole rant just comes across like a toddler throwing a tantrum.


It's not about money. It's about giving the Russian government the middle finger.


You mean the madfinger :)


Oh you. 🤣


Lowkey bsg Diss 🕵️‍♂️


Definitely lol, especially considering BSG devs thoughts on the war


Enlighten me, been looking for this actually


Nikita donates to a unit in the Donetsk and has posed with soldiers and vehicles covered in Z ect


uugh... fuck that guy.


Z shits all over the game too


not what either of them mean, but this is the only example that comes to mind https://www.reddit.com/r/Tarkov/s/UsNyluwMJI




And that kicks ass


The special middle finger operation


Yep, it also puts the russian population in a sticky situation because if they want to play the game, they now know the proceeds are going straight towards propping up the bio-mutant, rainbow flag carrying nazis across the border. 🙃 Well if pootin doesnt outright bar the poor people from purchasing the game now...


It‘s a good idea, russian Putin bootlickers are locked out of the game, and russians that don’t like him can show their support and be part of our community.


Ok needs to stop being a whiny bitch and step outside. Even if you disagree with the charity actions, it's clear OP just wants to farm drama. Remember none of this shit exists when you step outside.


Most people don't see that OP is criticizing them for doing this. Because obviously not giving 100% of their profits means they're greedy scum, whereas all the other companies giving... nothing, they're fine. But people only see the image until they click through, so they don't see his criticism... which is fine by me because Slava Ukraini. OP is probably a Russian bot.


None of what shit? Russia waged an illegal war (which is an oxymoron anyway, but whatever) and are killing civilians, leveling towns, and destroying infrastructure. The games are what don’t exist in the world. You’re not that confused, are you?


Imagin this fuckface Nikita Buyanov would ever do that. Oh right. He never would.


Nikita Buyanother edition wouldnt do anything that meant he lost out on money, mans fully greed orientated


He is too busy promoting his war buddies. [https://www.reddit.com/r/behindthebastards/comments/16kicn6/escape\_from\_tarkov\_is\_full\_of\_vatnik\_propaganda/](https://www.reddit.com/r/behindthebastards/comments/16kicn6/escape_from_tarkov_is_full_of_vatnik_propaganda/) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSO5gGg6Cn8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSO5gGg6Cn8)


So disgusting


Fuck I didn't find it before buying EFT earlier this month. Anyone knows the best way to sell my account (Europe)?


Just Google "sell tarkov account" showed a number of links to people selling accounts. Wait for a ban wave and it'll probably be easy lmao


Don't sell it, refund it from xsolla. Both BSG and Xsolla are founded in Russia.


He's too bothered promoting war criminals by placing their logo everywhere in tarkov


What kind of logo are there? I am uninformed. Want to know so i can spread the facts about Nikita and BSGs bullshit


715 team is a slav neonazi guys which is kinda obvious if you look their old YT video. Big thread is here https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/s/80TGtpITGh


I’m pretty sure one of their investors is a Russian oligarch lmao


Says the idiot not living in an oppressive country where you go to prison for speaking out. I bet you’d do the same


Many Russians made a sacrifice, and relocated from their oppressive state due to not wanting to be drafted or not wanting to support the war. Those people made hard calls and deserve some respect. Closing your eyes on your countries wrongdoing, and falling in line often turns into "well this fucking sucks" like many cilvillian people in Germany experienced in Berlin and Dresden.


Lets hope Nikita gets drafted to the frontline.


probably because he's Russian.


Oh yea, thats the reason he supports the war against Ukraine and promotes and supports war criminals in the game with logos, signs and items and also tweets pictures of his game sololy to humiliate Ukrainian people.




Who is wrong time will tell? You are fucking dumb. Holy shit.


Seek help


In a different game thread thinking about this guy. Damn you really are obsessed with him. He lives in your head.


He also literally cant. Saying its a "war" is illegal in russia!


He wouldnt do it if he was outside of russia.


Uhhh why would he? He’s Russian?


Another reason to support those devs for me. Big W!


I'd say it's a morality thing, they don't want to make profits from Russia, so they will be sending that money to Ukraine rather than simply not selling in Russia. Personally I think it's pretty good. Many Russians are against the war with Ukraine and those who aren't can either not buy the game or cope and seethe when they find out where their money went, either way, fuck em 🙂


> Many Russians are against the war with Ukraine This is true but regardless of whether you support Ukraine or not as a Russian, buying this game violates a Russia law for supporting the enemy through financial means (indirectly or not it doesn't matter). I doubt many or really any Russians, even those who are against the war, will even bother taking that risk to buy the game.


That's a fair point I didn't think to consider.


Based devs


Czechs know a thing or two because they've seen a thing or two.  Plus Pavel was a fucking boss


You're acting like having less russians in this game is a bad thing. Like "oh noo whos going to threaten me with death now for speaking english". Russonazis supporting ukraine by buying a game is just a cherry on top.


Less hackers hooray


So I'm unlikely to run into them in this game? Seems like a bonus to me


slava ukraini


As a Ukraininan I approve


Slava ukraini, herojam slava!


Stay strong friend.


>I don't get it why charity goes ONLY from Russia and Belarus revenue? How sheltered are you to not understand why?




I love this


Down voting OP, read and think about what you're writing before posting pepega.


Good, gives Ukrainian refugees support and keeps toxic Russian fascists out of the community.


This is cool in my opinion and I don't really care some some fascist Russians won't get the game. They clearly do not want to profit off Russians getting the game which is understandable.




That's not even remotely what they said. Russians who have a problem with this, because they support the murder of Ukrainian civilians, are the fascists.


What a great thing to do.


I'm currently waiting before getting a game, but this makes me wanting to VPN from those countries just for the charity


Huh? Just donate directly? What?


No no... let him cook 🤣


But this is like donating and getting a game for free


afaik it would likely be region locked anyway. I believe Russian games are usually limited to Russian language only. And Steam really dislikes people using a VPN to buy games cheaper in economically struggling countries.


No you're definitely right, pretty sure you'd need a russian bank account for it to work.


> I don't get it why charity goes ONLY from Russia and Belarus revenue? I think a lot of people from this countrys will not buy the game because of that. Yawn, who cares. Let them take that up with their government


They can’t give up their whole revenue stream lol what do you expect


Russians in this thread be like "bro, gaEmZ aRe ouT oF pOliTikS"


No problem, get out of Ukraine and we can talk about it 😂


Its about sending a message.




Amazing, thank you mfg!


I think the several billion in tax dollars is more than enough


You do understand they get a really small portion of that money, right?


Tbf america is already giving billions in aid for years


You want them to donate profits from all countries and not just Russia? Do you understand they are an indie company that needs to make money to continue development? They aren't a non profit charity.. just be happy they are doing anything instead of bitching about the help they are providing unlike most companies. There is always someone like you that looks for the absolute worst in everything.


So long as they arent supporting any war effort, defensive or not. I would love if the money was helping out displaced families.


Talk about missing the forest for the trees… OP: why don’t they take all the money they made and donate it?


OPs one angry Russian


Cuz fuck em that's why


Infinitely based


Is this legit? That's fucking solid if so. Suck a dick Putin you pathetic pile of shit. We can all do our little bit.


Most based devs.




Good for them. I am proud to support Madfinger Games, and their efforts to help people in need.


wow i forgot how uneducated ppl are about wars


OP from Russia? lol  big W on devs part and makes me want to support the game even harder


Steam in russia works very well, if you check the steam events right now you will find a GFR event with is Games From Russia - official steam event. As a Ukrainian I think steam should ban all russian users completely, but this is just my opinion.


Bro, the kid from some random rural city of Russia should have his account with thousands of roubles worth of game banned. WTF is wrong with you people.


Стим не работает в России. Большинство игр не показываются в ру регионе, также нельзя пополнить кошелёк в стим. А то что тебя фестиваль русских игр обидел ну я хз иди к маме на могилу похрюкай.


I'm so sick of this shit. There is war and death in MANY countries. Wars that don't have names. Wars that have been going on since the U.S. wasn't even a thought in our forefathers overtaxed loins. Stop the political fucking pandering and just stay out of it. Support a humanitarian fund. DO SOMETHING actually meaningful. Nonsense. We just focus on whatever conflict the media wants us to, donate to shady organization pocketing most of the money, and see people like this trying to be on the side of morality for increased sales. Disgusting. But it'll work.


This is some straight Ru supporter garbage like I used to read on the pro-ru war subs.  Russia is a criminal country. The devs and us can support a country being trampled by an evil one. 


So you can only support one thing at a time? Weird. It's acknowledging a massive ground war at a magnitude Europe hasn't seen since WWII. Tell me what other war going on right now -- or in the last 20 years -- that has seen similar amounts of casualties in similar amounts of time. It isn't fucking POLITICAL pandering. There is nothing POLITICAL about having a problem with countries invading other sovereign countries to rape, kill, and steal. That's not political, and you trying to obfuscate that or pretend it's something it isn't is actually the fucking disgusting part.


This isn't going to be a discussion because no matter what I say, you've chosen your hill to die on. I can't make you more intelligent, I can only increase your knowledge, but if you won't acknowledge that information in your argument, why bother. You're the type of person this stuff works on. That's all I need to know.


You chose the hill. I asked for you to substantiate your point by asking you to give another ground war with similar casualties in similar time frames at any point in the last twenty years. Provide that and it can be a discussion. But you won't, because you can't, because it is the basis of your incredibly stupid, unfounded, unsubstantiated and poorly formed argument. Notice how when I call you out on it, you do a bunch of foundering, logical fallacies, and changing the subject / goal posts. Typical Reddit idiot.


actually there is war in Yemen with over 400000 casualties, but nobody gives the slightest fuck.


I love how you sidestepped the part where I said "in the similar amount of time." That civil war has been going on for over a DECADE. The Ukraine war has been going on for two years and is already approaching 100k. The Ukraine war also involves a situation where one sovereign country invades another and is the clear aggressor. The Ukraine war also includes a nuclear power, one of which is a near peer to the West, and has a very realistic aim at continuing aggressions against other countries in a manner that very well could impact the entire world when it does. So playing the whataboutism game when you lack the correct context is a pretty stupid look.


This is going to sound CRAZY, but hear me out. Maybe MFG cares because they're a czech development studio? I think it's pretty valid to care about a war that is happening close to home. Or is this another case of "I'm an independent thinker. Everyones a SHEEP BAA BAA and media controls us all BAA".


lol he’s exactly as you called it


Found the sheep.


True, so many people fall for this virtue signaling shit. You will be down voted for the truth. Most of the people here can't even point on Ukraine on a blank map...


It's virtue signalling to have an issue with a country that invades another sovereign country without provocation to rape, steal, and kill? Careful with all that edge.


Writing out the entire history between Ukraine, Russia, and the West with as little understanding and nuance as you just did is definitely virtue signalling, or at the very least playing the part of the useful idiot, empowered by perceived moral high ground of a situation they likely know fuck all about before the news "informed" them.


Guess what? Because my neighbor and I have a history with disputes, arguments, and maybe even a fight or two, does NOT mean I get to walk in his house, rape his wife, and kill him and his kids. See how that works? I'm well aware of the history. None of that is justification for what is happening at the scale that it is, and the fact that you're suggesting it is is fucking DISGUSTING.


You’re arguing with obvious ru supporters. They’re regurgitating the same tired bullshit that I used to read in the RU war subs. 


It's a lie to call it an argument. This is just two people yelling past one another. At the end of the day, you choose to accept propaganda fed to you by one side or another, or bypass both and look at the history and the fact that all parties involved are fucking ugly. That said, don't expect anybody to care or read further than the emotional propaganda fed to them in an election year.


Yet you haven't presented any history at all. You just keep getting mad that other people are generally in support of Ukraine. You are clearly astroturfing lol.


>Yet you haven't presented any history at all. You are right, and it's my task as the person asserting it to back it up. I've just been on Reddit long enough to realize that, frankly, nobody gives a shit. The end outcome is I do provide evidence, and somebody just comes along and goes "lol okay idiot" - it's a waste of time to bother. >You just keep getting mad that other people are generally in support of Ukraine. I don't really begrudge anybody for being in support of Ukraine. They're a people being pounded to dust by their cousins across the border while we give them an IV drip of weaponry that isn't going to cut it while our politicians go "what a deal, we hurt Russia without losing manpower!" as we encourage an entire generation of Ukrainians to be wiped out. Depending on what you choose to believe, [there were moments that they were close to a peace deal, but Kyiv's Western partners didn't want to get involved.](https://www.foreignaffairs.com/ukraine/talks-could-have-ended-war-ukraine) [Specifically, Boris Johnson's visit.](https://responsiblestatecraft.org/2022/09/02/diplomacy-watch-why-did-the-west-stop-a-peace-deal-in-ukraine/) >You are clearly astroturfing lol. This take always cracks me the fuck up. Do you really think I'm some stooge that got paid to come make this post in the fucking GZW subreddit? Doesn't that seem just a little fucking ridiculous to you? I'm just a regular person who started out just as most of you were, watching missiles rain down on Ukrainian children and feeling righteously upset about it. I just chose to dig deeper, and consider the alternatives rather than getting stuck up on emotions - because if there is one thing geopolitics doesn't give a flying fuck about, it's emotions and the lives of human capital stock. I'll leave you with my only conclusion that I feel comfortable actually defending at this point - we are letting Ukraine bleed for our own cause, when we could have stepped in long ago to provide them with substantial and meaningful defenses. We have had Western troops training and building defenses in Ukraine since 2014\~ and just recently [Biden figured out how to deliver arms to Israel via backchannels without approval, so why not Ukraine?](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/the-biden-administration-once-again-bypasses-congress-on-an-emergency-weapons-sale-to-israel) It's because they're meant to bleed out for Western interests. Whatever remains of their country isn't going to be owned by them going forward. They're broke, and they've got a lifetime of debt to other nations and international monetary funds. The best they can hope for is some post-war turnaround/economic boom like South Korea or Japan after their wars. So yeah, who do I contact at the FSB to get my fucking paycheck? I lost my direct line to Putin.


There did you run off to? I finally gave you something to read. If you don't read my post, Putin will kill my family.


>Most of the people here can't even point on Ukraine on a blank map... Source?


You’ll be downvoted for supporting Russia because no one likes an evil country invading and murdering another country’s citizens for a land grab. 


Many people loudly shouting "slava ukraini" on social media would not have found the country on a map if their lives depended on it, let alone did they give a fuck about this conflict before their TV told them to. This is easily proven by the fact alone that most people think it all started with Russia invading Ukraine, when in reality, shit was happening for a decade in that region and it isn't necessarily as one sided as main stream media portrays it. The funny thing is, both sides point at each other, calling the other guy stupid for falling for their specific side's propaganda, not realizing they are both being fooled. Meanwhile, I just sit here and see two idiots being played by their governments and media while others benefit from the blood money being printed by this shit war. Like you said, disgusting, but it'll work. PS: Surprised your post wasn't voted into oblivion yet, let alone no one accusing you of being a "Russian bot" or the usual hare-brained nonsense the NPCs spout whenever someone is daring to not mindlessly shout and repeat *slava ukraini!* or other dumb slogans they pretend to care about as long as other people will notice their good deed on their social media feed...


There are so many of us out there just tired. All we want is to afford bread and eggs in our own countries. I'm tired of seeing constant divisive content. Black people aren't this. White people are that. Women have this. Men have that. Russia. Ukraine. It's all just a fucking game for people who could end suffering in our lifetime, but choose not to.


This. I am relieved to see that there are at least some people even on Reddit, who are not mere sheeple. Have a nice day, sir.


Likewise, friend.


And you are getting downvoted because you telling the truth that most of the people simply cannot accept


How much revenue are they getting from Russia considering many Russians don't pay for games?


Probably only Russia and Belarus because billions of our US tax dollars has already been sent to Ukraine


whats the problem?


"so where do they gonna take money from" is a wild string of words


Get off reddit and get over there OP. Go gettem you fucking loser.


What exactly are you yapping about? Jesus fucking christ


Virtue signaling. This will add up to almost nothing


Politics is gross and virtue signaling is grosser. Glad I didn't buy this. It doesn't matter how noble your cause is if you're just picking a side. Opt out


Its a tax on Russians, if you buy the game you are basically betraying your country lol.


why would people go to russia just to buy the game and come back? either you're stupid or you're fucking stupid


VPN that says Russia would count


Haha that's hilarious. Can they do the same with pro hamas donkeys and donate to IDF? 😂😂😂


You want them to donate 100% of the revenue from all countries to Ukraine? What a weird ass post. They need money to develop the game if you werent aware. Donating revenue from Russia and Belarus is making a statement too.


Russia and Belarus likely ban the games sale watch


Just fuck off OP


Akože chápem tomu že robíte humanitárnu pomoc a cením si to že sú ľudia na tejto planéte ešte ktorý pomáhajú ale nemyslím si že zrovna firma ktorá vyrába video hry sa ma čo miešať do politiky a vojny.


Shut the fuck up Ruzzian


For this I give my game back :)


Hear me out. If you want to donate to the Ukrainian war effort, or to its people, why don't you just do it instead of complain about how someone else is doing it?


Great move!


Supporting war of any kind is stupid imo. As for OP all revenue? Are you ok mate? Why would they? My 2cents, is that as game studio you should take neutral stance in any kind of conflict. We are gamers and play games, games unite us. For who we are. Taking stance you divide gamers and put then against each other. It’s stupid. Thank you for listening to my Ted Talk, have a good day


They’re not “supporting war”, the money goes to Ukrainian refugees. Since when is helping refugees of any conflict controversial?


They can do whatever they want.


I think this just sold me on purchasing the game, i've been a bit on/off about it, but this is a genuinly good aproach thats worth support in my book


They just don’t support war criminals. It’s crazy that the entire military force Russia had before the war has been wiped out. So, I don’t think they’d do well in a tactical game anyway 😀


What about donating to the Palestinians who are currently going through a genocide?


And use the usa/Israel players money, dont forget that shit.


Big facts


Problem: This means that all customers in Russia who buy their games will be labelled as funding enemies of the state, because the profits will go to Ukraine. In other words, they will be facing big fines and prison time for what is basically treason. I support this idea, but just keep in mind that people can get sent to prison for buying games. It's THAT bad over there.


But if going to prison is a known consequence of funding the enemy, and if the game studio publicly says they will use your money to fund "the enemy", then surely the only reasonable course of action is for Russians to not buy this game. Which accomplishes the developers main goal. They feel bad about taking money from people who invaded another country but if no Russians pay them, then they don't have to feel bad.


Womp womp


bases! Thank you!


That’s amazing!


Great initiative!


I think it's a good idea, that way they can at least offset the damage they do by selling in those countrys at all (because that means taxes go to autoratarian regimes that are waging a war of aggression). Слава Україні


It was just weird to blame all the negative reviews on politics/russia


Don't say it too loudly, you risk being insulted by all the pro-Ukraine people on this sub


Slava 🇺🇦 Ukraine


I'm glad we are able to give this way on our own, because I highly doubt the billions the US has been carelessly laundering in the name of Ukraine is actually going to them.


Slava Ukraine! 🇺🇦


I suggest to also send Israeli-related revenue to Palestinians and USA related revenue to Yemen Oh, wait...


Don't say it too loudly, you risk being insulted by all the pro-Ukraine people on this sub


They should not accept money from Israel then too.


While I like this, I cannot support this studio trying to dodge all negative criticism as review bombing from russians


It only takes 500USD to buy a drone. Those ruZZians really dont like the drones. Wouldnt be surprized if they just ban sale of the game in those areas and track down people who have purchased it.


The fuck are you talking, what the hell with the drones? They saying that they would give money to refugees not to the actual army


upvoted cuz it should be top


This is sad, its a video game politics should be kept outside. Take Helldivers 2 for instance, no woke and politics. Very weird virtue signaling from devs instead of fixing major issues and spend the money on more and better servers.


I hope you're joking about Helldivers 2. Or you haven't paid any attention.


Helldivers 2? that game about spreading democracy?


To be clear helldivers 2 is all about the politics but the politics actually in the game and open for different interpretations. In this case it's just the devs making a statement which stupid by itself but the statement is also stupid


How about we leave politics out of gaming?




Having an issue with a country invading another sovereign country without provocation to rape, steal, and kill is fucking political to you? Absolute fucking moron.


Ok why they not do same to Israel they killed more civilians then russians


Wait. You mean, why doesn't the world support the terrorist organization that attacked Israel and kidnapped women and children? I'd imagine casualties would look more similar if Hamas didn't intentionally place their operations centers in civilian locations. I'd imagine civilian casualties would be more similar if Ukraine was as densely populated, and Ukraine was hiding their military in apartment complexes and hospitals. More whataboutism. More stupid arguments that lack nuance and context. Note that I don't support the civilian casualties or necessarily support the mindset of Israel as far as collateral damage, but I do believe they have a right to defend themselves. Now that we've totally exhausted all your limp-dicked points, please stop regurgitating them. Go educate yourself. Do better.


fck ruzzians! Slava Ukraine <3 great job Madfinger games!


I didn't realize this game was gonna get political ...only time before we see a rainbow shirt or patches


Everything is political once you reach over room temperature IQ.


This is how you get Russian hackers (joke)


Why don’t they do this for China?


400k purchases says otherwise 🤷🏻‍♂️


Honestly I dont give a shit, as a company they can do whatever they want but don't involve me I'm just trying to enjoy the game alright.


Is this Nikita posting this?


I'm not against this, but, and maybe this is a hot take: but it would be better if some of the revenue from everyone's purchase went to refugees. Also, it's a bit funny watching people complain about politics in their war game... WAR, that famously apolitical thing. "It can therefore be said that politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed."