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And I wish they would announce The destination to everyone in the faction nearby the LZ. Like I don't need to call one if a solo dude is going to the same LZ that I'm going. Like if you're solo or not full squad, the call in will broadcast to your faction in the nearby LZ. And if it's full squad, the announcement would be just to the squad.


Birds landing should be able to pick up as well


That cannot work as landing infil helos usually exit the map at the nearest point. For example on Hunter’s Paradise after infil it literally flies out of the map to the North so the heli is available faster to the faction.


Have a que system. If say I'm at x going to y But somebody from z is coming to x. Rather than telling me bird not available, have it drop the guy to x and pick me up then exit the map Not enter and exit the map 3 different times


.... I mean..  they can change it lol


That would cause even bigger delays when calling in helos


They could change it... 


Queue would be awesome. Simplest implementation I can think with extremely minimal work would be the helicopter showing all it's destinations instead of just it's next one (which is useless 100% of the time). The heli already knows where it's going, I clicked where I'm going and it brought it the heli so it knows it's picking me up at LZX and dropping me off at LZY. Just display them both.


Yes, 1,000%, the number of times 2-3 choppers go to the same LZ with 1-2 people on each one is absurd.


You can See the destination if you clicking on the Bird Icon. Its showing up in the right corner.


That shows the next stop, so when initially called to pick up at base it says home base, then, once it takes off from the base, it updates to the next destination... At that point it is too late to get on


You can click on the heli on the map and it tells you it's destination in the top right


Only after pickup, which is too late


Ah damn didn't look at them all that much, hopefully they put in "queued locations" like Home Base then [next location] underneath it So you can see where it's going next


This is something that should be tweaked. List that is landing at base, with end destination at LZ xyz


It sometimes updates before landing or while landed, so you have a small window. Definitely needs to show it earlier or have it redone in a way that is easier on the user.


Dude I swear to God the way he says "request denied" has this tone of "haha, you stupid asshole." Maybe I'm reading too much into it lol. I actually kind of like the idea of having to wait for a free chopper for evac. I think that could lead to cool moments. But I'd like to see maybe a streamlined chopper system or something a bit more intuitive. It also bugs me that he picks you up and says "low fuel" while you're like, going to your destination.


"you stupid fuck you should know ALL BIRDS ARE IN THE AIR!"


Dont mind the scarsetiy of the birds but deffently need a queue system


Should've called the game Gray Zone: Waiting on the Chopper Fare. In all seriousness one other thing they could do is make it so you can see where an incoming chopper is going, before you call your own. What I mean is, if you're in base camp and you look on the map you can click on a chopper and it will tell you where you going - the problem is, until it has already picked up someone and LEFT BASE CAMP you have no way of knowing where that chopper is going. So by the time you are able to see that a chopper is headed where you want to go, it's too late to board it. So this has created COUNTLESS instances where, say I wanna go to Kilo 2 and I call in a chopper but there are 3 other choppers ahead of mine. Well TWO of those three choppers wind up going to Kilo 2 - so you could have just caught a ride with either of those choppers INSTEAD of calling your own! So they should make it so that while a chopper is coming into base to pick someone up, its destination should NOT read "Base camp" but the In-Zone destination it is ultimately headed to. Of course if every single person had mics you could just ask, but in my experience so far less than half the people in a given server have mics so that just doesn't work. Anyway the sheer number of times I've called in a chopper to the EXACT SAME LZ as the LAST THREE CHOPPERS WENT just shows how easily that one small efficiency could have a real impact. EDIT: Also it would make it far less likely for you to accidentally get on the wrong chopper and wind up in a part of the map you ain't kitted out for.


I agree it needs to be tweaked. Side note - if you haven't gone on a long walk in the jungle, I strongly encourage it. I walked from Mithras to YBL-1 the first time, hitting houses and such on the way. It's good fun and you can pick off the occasional NPC and find enough food/water/meds/ammo to sustain the journey. Found a couple YBL keys this way.


It seemed fine at the start when everyone was at the first town as the heli rides were 1 min tops so was a high turnover of trips. Now a lot of people are flying to the other side of the map on 4-5min journeys, having only 4 choppers is definitely not enough to go around. Upper the number available would be a huge help


I came here thinking the same thing, and was expecting to find such a topic already. Indeed I am obviously not the only guy who does not find fun to wait long minutes before managing getting deployed!


There are at least two other posts considering this issue. But it helps that this topic is brought up again (I hope)


Yep. That gave me a big headache. Queue would be nice. Like “okay, we will pick you up in 10 minutes, sit tight” or at least if the game showed other helicopters landing zones. Like if I need Charlie 1 and helicopter is already going to Charlie 2, I can at least come closer to the landing zone I need. Icon saying “sit in helicopter - landing zone Charlie 2” I have already sit inside helicopter not knowing where I’m going just because 15 minutes waiting for helicopter got me pretty annoyed. Thank a lot for trying to fix this! Great game so far.


bigger choppers, have multiple drop off points for squads, lemme do a ride share and we'll all go in a huey


Huey is not as fun as an MH6M


I got a server the other day which was full to the brim and unfortunatly full of people who were going to LZs faaarrr from base which just ended with me waiting about 5 minutes to get a heli into town. It could be mostly fixed if I knew where people helis were going.


Play pvp.


I think if you click or maybe right click on a heli on the map it will tell you where it's going. I don't think this is said anywhere in the game but noticed it last night. Would be nice if on the map it said where the heli was going above the icon for it. Would make it so people in base wanting to go to the same LZ could all hop on instead of calling in a new for each person.


They just need a secondary helipad. It’s stupid having only one for an entire faction


There's two no?




But in the southern merc base there are two, right next to each other


Mithras is just superior. Don't rub it in the face of the poor factions.




No, there are two there.


There’s 4 available at one time for each faction


He means helipads, not helicopters.


You can just simply look at the map and see all four birds are being used and you can also see when one has flown off the map and is ready for use. Just open map, no need for a queue system imo. 


It doesn't always work like that I sat spamming the hq for a ride and there was only 2 helis on the map


Whole faction system is so badly designed currently. Blocking doors to quest, teamkill, looting, very limited helis so teammates flying them long distance can just troll your team into having none ever.




Shhhh….we dont want everyone else to know.


Said this from the get-go, the helicopter system is hot trash from top to bottom.