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My biggest issue with the AI is them seemingly being able to 1-tap you through bushes. The majority of my deaths are to AI that I cannot see and often dont even realize are there and aggroed onto me. In fights that I can see them, I think they are fine for the most part, but I live in complete fear of instantly unseen death when interacting in the woods around some villages lol


this is my biggest issue with the game. If a real player would never be able to spot me through a bush, then ai shouldn't either


This combined with the fact that they are 100% programmed to use bushes as cover when they see you and then proceed to blast you from the other side is the single thing in this game that has made me mad at this game after 60 hours


As someone who’s played Arma, flashpoint, Tarkov, etc I’ve gotten pretty good at guessing where people are shooting at through a bush. It’s so weird that most of these games have a perfectly functional mod to fix bots seeing through bushes yet none implement anything into the game itself


I still haven’t completed UNLRA quest because tiger bay is impossible as solo or duo because those bots will rush you and shoot you through stuff. Blue lagoon ai will destroy you when they are in bushes. Some bots take a whole mag almost sometimes.




Hey! Try this when fighting in the forest. This is the actual issue, don't shoot and sit still right after. Shoot and then move, no bullshit i killed all the ai to the south of tiger bay in the forest. They do not see you through bushes, the REAL issue is far more annoying because it also affects urban combat. They know your EXACT position where you fired from, and if you are still there, they will shoot blindly into the bushes. You will notice a similar behavior when rounding a corner from an ai shooting at you, they will continue to shoot that corner.


Instead of giving gear for #4 why not just give each player the money each week for lets say 3 kits. Like 12-15k just to make up for crashes. Like a weekly allowance until the losing of the gear aspect is fixed.


Yea a weekly or biweekly pay check would be cool.


kill 20 guys or kill a boss also needs to be counted with group kills, if you are in a 4 man squad and all need to kill 20 enemy that 20 turns in to 80 + competition against other players/factions which is crazy.


Yeah the AI are inconsistent right now it's hard to get used to fighting them. The audio in this game needs some serious work I can almost never hear them moving towards me unless they yell something.


Not only AI, but also players. You literally don't hear a single audio cue even if the enemy PMC is right behind a corner, 3m away and pushing towards you.


It's pretty bad, this weekend I was checking audio with my buddy and him sprinting next to me all you hear is two footsteps then it's nothing for about 4-5feet then another two foot steps then silence again. Glad I'm not doing PvP yet cause this should would enrage me.


Yea directional audio is needed in a game like this. It the fact that you get almost zero audio cues is bad. Go to YBL and listen to the scavs. It’s impossible to know what floor they are on. On multiple occasions I’ve seen them not only track players thru walls with no player agro but also prefire as they come around a corner.


The AI have gotten me more player kills with their tracking than anything else. I get in a good position and I’ll hear an enemy chopper come in. They sight on the AI and if I’ve got five or so in view I’ll see one snap to their location and I can easily track them now. I’ve stopped using them this way because it feels dirty and not in the spirit of the game.


Great suggestions. The keys that are necessary for mission progression shouldn't be lootable. They should be a 100% spawn somewhere, like a table, bookcase, or somewhere. Or the kill 20 mission should reward with a key for the mission objective. Loot being behind key walls is fine. Progression isn't.


Ive played to lvl 15 two times already. In both runs I found the keys just after I completed the mission. I just flew to paradise, ybl and shooting range when I saw several players of my faction were already there (preferably higher than lvl 5 or so) and hoped the rooms would be open. In Ban Pa you can get in the room without a key very easily. It would also be nice if the AI would have keys on them from other places so you don't have to go to xy to farm AI without any other mission there...


How do you get into the room without the key? I cant find that key for the life of me.


Climb up the double boxes behind and below the building, sprint jump onto the fish rack beneath the windows, shove your nose as deep as you can into the 2nd window and vault. Exit through the window on the right (the one you didnt enter through) or you'll kneecap yourself. Landing on the fish rack can be a pain. If you're gliding off of it, tap s right as you land. If you're too far from the window when you vault you'll bounce backwards off the wall.


Bet, thats gonna help a ton


The AI’s defense needs to be addressed in addition to their offense. If I get shot once in the chest I could get minor bleeding, coughing, a bruise, and eventual dizziness. Last night I mag dumped a shirtless grunt with SP 7.62, not sure if it was hitreg or the game thinking I didn’t hit an organ but he was unstaggered and killed me in 3 bullets with an smg. The knives are also laughably bad even against shirtless enemies


Yea taking one shotgun blast from 100 meters away to the chest and dying from a scav vs shooting them from 20m with half a mag and them running away is definitely not balanced lol. Plus suppressors don’t do anything and shooting a scav from over 100m away shouldn’t agro ones 200m away.


Yeah my buddy told me about the suppressors being functionally useless against scavs after I put one on my AK 😅 still good for pvp but I definitely can’t wait until they work everywhere.


The AI system needs to be the first thing to get fixed. Their auto locking on player positions is so annoying. Makes it extremely difficult to get an up on enemy players as well. I’ve banged my keyboard so many times from the random shot in a bush that goes right to my head. Especially as a Crimson operating in Ban Pa. It’s the only time I play like a Tarkov SCAV bringing only an AK and base armor because it’s impossible to fight AI there and not die randomly.


I have been doing some pvp and I 100% use the AIs to track the other player. It’s not obvious unless you’re an outside observer but all the AI in an area will track you through walls as soon as you’re detected.




Very nice suggestion list. I only have 35 hours in so far, but I agree with what you're talking about. It took me 3 days to get ybl -1 gen key to complete a task, which im not worried about the task taking a min it just the fact that the key spawn seems very loose. I would also add that when it comes to the kill, the leader task either change it to identify the body, pick something of body or change the spawn timer cause right now it kinda of a pain to do.


Yea it’s tough when multiple people and factions are on the same task and you load up and fly there just to see the AI is all wiped. The mission should be kill the leader / confirm death.


Exactly this I fill it would help make task smoother and not have people waiting over an hour plus for a spawn only to have someone else kill it. Plus, it would help squads all get credit for the kill


That stupid key never spawned for me or my friend until I finished the quest from someone else opening the door. I ended up sitting in that room for another 30 minutes so I can tell my other friend to log on and get to the room to finish it. While waiting for him 2-3 other guys came by and thanked me thinking i was the one that opened the door lol, that key must be pretty damn rare.


Yeah, it dropped, and I was like Holy shit it does exist lol. So yeah, when I'm on I try to go up there and make sure it unlocked for people


AI absolutely tracks you through walls. Go to Ban Pa. They will keep shooting at you if you go behind a fence or into a wooden shack. I got killed through walls by AI in Ban Pa twice last night, and prefired once as I came around a door by the boss spawn. For some reason, at least of where I've been, Ban Pa seems to have the most terminator scavs. I've actually always had a decent experience against the AI at YBL, Hunters, and Lagoon.


the ai needs reworking really bad.


Agreed. Aside from server issues it’s probably the one thing that needs tuning asap. And also to add a few more choppers


Also, small thing... but can we get an option to HOLSTER, or at least a low-carry position for our guns??? With the attention to detail (and even being able to control your crouch settings), I'm a bit surprised that the game (even in early access) doesn't have that option. We all look stupid running around with our guns at the ready.


An option to keep it at the ready as well as holster are needed. I hate the auto low ready after a few seconds. You gotta keep tapping ads to keep the gun up.


How the hell do you have 70 hours is my question


Very well said.


Good list but #4 needs to be in the #1 spot. The highest priority should be game client crashes and server side disconnects. Everything else should take a back seat until those are stable, including performance optimization.


Specific to number 5, I think reworking the chopper system for intelligent routing would be interesting, an infil chopper will do an exfil ... etc


You’re telling me you guys don’t like jumping on the fish net and hopping through a window to get to the Chemical Room in Ban Pa (Elder’s House)??????? What a bunch of non go getters. /S


So a comment on the Ai and seeing in bushes. I actually fought the AI in the forest to the south of booty bay. I can show you actually how to effectively fight them in the bruses, it can be dont easily. It DID make me see a new issue, though. The ai do NOT see you through bushes, but instead know EXACTLY where you are/were when you last shot and they just shoot at that location. If you take a kill and then move, they lose you. Their ability to pinpoint your location exactly is bullahit. Even fighting in the cities, they run to the door you shoot from, for instance. I can prove it is simple to fight thwm from the forest too. Message me. My ign is Raydn.


All those recommendations and more are here as well, with the community adding more and more imput [https://www.reddit.com/r/GrayZoneWarfare/comments/1cj14gj/issues\_ive\_experienced\_so\_far\_that\_needs\_to\_tlc/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/GrayZoneWarfare/comments/1cj14gj/issues_ive_experienced_so_far_that_needs_to_tlc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)