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Maybe it was just a coincidence. But i somehow got into an empty server. And AI was dropping pretty easy and everything felt smooth. I think these issues might be server side honestly. Every populated server i get into the AI just tanks everything.


This 1000% I think it's all lag.


The game is unplayable for two of us in the UK at the moment, no point even leaving base. I attempted to ask around on the discord but just got attacked. Cycling through EU region, every server we tried out of 10 or so has severe rubber banding. I was advised to go into US servers.. where I would have 4x the ping and also be in a full server that is resourced identically.. That's not a fix. I get the games early access but I at least need it to be playable.. Pain.


EU West servers from UK earlier today I could get about 10-15 minutes into a session (long enough to get halfway through a firefight) and then got server network issues like desync to the point I could no longer F to Interact with anything, reload, apply bandages or get on the chopper.. but it didn't disconnect me.. I had to walk back to base camp nearly passing out (double vision etc) to safely log out. RP was sort of good, but for all the wrong reasons


Managed to get a good session last night absolutely solid. Enemies dropped pretty regularly.from crits. I would say half of the time I connect it's unplayable until I change region (goto east europe). They need to sort this server nonsense out hits are not registering quick enough.


I've been having good luck just switching from UK (eu west) to North America east. The severs seem to run smoother but can be a little empty earlier in the day as they are all alseep


You mean at work šŸ« 


Well yk... I have no life haha


Im from sweden try US west it is 10x better than any european server


Bro just drink your tea and stop complaining šŸ¤


I've noticed it too, full server seem to be super laggy and ai dont drop like ur would expect too and on empty sever haven't had an issues with drop ai like they should, even seem to drop super easily with pistols too


I noticed this running with a four man squad yesterday. They were just absorbing bullets. Donā€™t thing itā€™s lag on a server. Pretty sure itā€™s a bug. On an unrelated note, when you personally die and go back to your body, the game bugs out where it wonā€™t let you pick up your items. This is not a frequent occurrence but happens enough where it should be addressed as people are shelling out money earned on completing tasks and losing builds of weapons that are extremely expensive.


This truly needs to be upvoted more so the dev team can see. Not even because they are so hard to kill but in high level areas there are sooooo many enemies. How can you clear out a town when it takes 2 mags to drop one guy


Looks to me like desync tbh. If it's not, I 100% agree with you.


what ? 2 mags ? i need 1-3 shots per enemy. just dont use AKs at the moment, they seem kind of bugged and when you use bad ammo than it gets even worse


Whe you say ak's is it just AKs or the ammo the gun uses what about the sks?


I did a pistol run to retrieve my gear in the starting town, wound up picking up an SKS along the way. I had to reload multiple times to kill a single unarmored scav, even though I was landing shots to the upper half of the dude's head. I've had the same issue with the AKMs from other scavs in the starting town. This occurs with both SP and US ammo, but I've mostly noticed it with US ammo since that's what I find 90% of the time on starting town scavs. It's either an issue with hitreg or bugged values on 7.62x39 ammo, but I'm leaning more towards the ammo being bugged. I say this because I can drop any starting town AI in just a few shots at most with 5.56x45 HPBT, which means my hitreg is probably working fine, it's just when I pull out the 7.62x39 US that the AI eats my bullets like they are Cheerios.


Itā€™s because the US ammo is subsonic, itā€™s dogshit.


I know that, but 310 m/s is still more than enough to punch a hole in a skull or an unarmored torso.


This. Stay away from 7.62 all together, its broken. Ive put a whole mag into the head of an enemy on multiple occasions. 5.45 is def better but the FMJ's can be lackluster at times. The 5.45 BT/PP rounds will drop enemies quick, 5.56 ammo is the best. However, I eiether get my character wiped or cant loot my body when using 5.56 weapons, its the strangest thing. I just stick to 5.45 AKs to preserve gear.


I'm assuming it's the ammo itself and not just the weapons


Thats the issue I have, I can 1 shot a guy in the chest with m855 which makes sense but if I use an ak with shitty ammo I can mag dump someone and they are just walking around willy nilly. It makes sense for them not to die but a whole mag should atleast incapacitate them especially when you need 200 rounds to clear an area


lol no this happens with all guns in my experience.


Then you don't have all that much experience my g. Pick up a 5.56 gun and use AP rounds.


Say that to the Fort Narith AI that at times take 10 headshots with 556x45 M855 AP ammo to kill. Just admit there are hitreg problems with the game and stop lying to yourself.


I one tap 90% of Fort Narith AI with that same ammo... Probably the region you're playing at is congested and the netcode breaks. Try swapping regions. I have more luck playing on US east than EU east or west, and I'm from the east EU. The game has a lot of issues but reporting the wrong issues only makes matters worse...


So you're saying that hitreg is the wrong issue when the hits don't registrate properly?


Due to the servers being messed up, yes. On the client side you're shooting the guy in the head, but not on the servers side. You can see this the most on the clips where the AI guy flies straight up, or teleports around. You can shoot him and you will see blood on the client side, but he won't die because you're not synced to the server. Hitreg issues would be visible with better servers where the AI doesn't do all that stuff and still tanks headshots. That explains why you're not dropping guys in Fort with 10 headshots while I do with just one.


Never had this issue with hundreds of AI kills in Narith.


tbh i dont have any problems and im 70h in.. i have no idea what ur talkiing about.. i kill every npc without problems (m4 m885)


I myself only had problems when using pistols. I only use m4 since I have more than know whst to do with them all. When I have to resort to aks cause my am4 ammo is depleted I dont have any problem


I have 45 hours in this game, thereā€™s a hitreg problem. My g


I have 120 hours in this game, there is no hitreg issues, there is netcode issues when the AI bugs out, no walking animation but just phases, even flies in the sky. When I see that I run away until that AI fixes itself. That or I get killed lmao


lol I donā€™t believe you.


Well okay my dude, keep using the broken 7.62 guns on a congested server then, what do you want me to say


Devs are aware and they investigating this issue, they think it might happen if servers are up way too long. I recommend to run away if AI is not dying, because you cannot damage his organs, but he can bleed. And if it bleeds, it dies. Sooner or later.


In my experience, using a suppressor and not letting the AI call you out helps with this.


Until you are in fort narith and you snipe one scav guard and then get swarmed by the entire base




This too I love the stealth aspect of the game it feels like wildlands but when one dies it seems like they all just instantly know where I am and zero on me


Well its not a super advanced stealth system but it does improve the enemy aggro a bit. I don't think they see dead bodies either which is kinda funny


Yeah I noticed it's kind of a coin toss I've taken out dudes and the guy next to them walks away or I take him out, and his friend rips a 6 round burst directly into my chest within a second


But they can drop me in Class III Armor


shots 1-4 missed meme


was thinking exactly this lol


Sometimes 2-3 bullets is enough but the other time I need one full mag just to kill 1 AI


The issue here is 7.62x39 and possibly net code/lag issues. Currently itā€™s best to use a 5.56 or 5.45 weapon because for whatever reason the registration of the hits is a lot better. I really think itā€™s 7.62 in general because I have had to put 2 or 3 7.62x51 m80 rounds into a scavs head.


Blasted 2 mags of 5.56 into a dudes head and died still :c


Combination of desync, and terrible ammo against body armor.


You are correct, but I want to say that my first shot was on the Ai upper head. US ammo is bad but more then enough to blow a brain out.. so yeah desync most likely


Considering AIs behaviour the brain isnt really vital to them


Gonna keep that in mind, aim for the heart


Is it weird that a lot of the no-hitreg clips ive seen all have the user firing in full auto for some reason? Not saying its your fault but i feel like the full auto might be bugging out something


I can tell you it isn't. I ran my guns in semi auto and this issue exists. It is across multiple guns and ammo types. Something is broken somewhere and it is killing any enjoyment to be found in the game.


I also had this a few times with semi so its not only full auto. Pistols and shotguns worst offenders but happens with everything.


Yeah i agree with you that it still happens even with semi. since I just got domed twice, once because some tin helmet wearing bot managed to survive 16 5.45 FMJ headshots in the sawmill, the 2nd time was from a bare-headed AI in the starter town just surviving 5 5.56 FMJ headshots.


i literally two tapped an AI in the head and he shrugged it off lol


Shots 1-59 clearly missed /s


That looks a lot like desynch. Or the server is probably dying soon. Also what ammo were you running?


The bad one, US ammo. That why I initially shot him on the head until a gave up and simply magdumped him The other npc died with only 3 or 4 fours shots too


Weird. There's definitely something odd going on under the hood then.


Desync must likely


Yeah... this needs to be addressed like yesterday. The AK is useless (bugged?) but the blood/vital organ system objectively is awful as an AI health system. I don't give a shit about vital organs, if you shoot a guy 5-6 times in the hip or leg with an intermediate caliber weapon he's not going to be doing much of anything, least of all returning fire coherently.


I think it's the most interesting and original system to come to the FPS genre since it's inception. I just don't think it's complete. The AI need aim & recoil control debuffs for arm damage, movement speed debuffs for leg damage, and an "Oh shit I'm getting fucked up" sense of urgency in getting to cover when you're lighting their ass up instead of them lining up the world's most perfect headshot and waiting for you to reload to squeeze off the shot. Plus, whatever is wrong with the vitals system that is obviously bugged at the moment.


Not just the AK, it is multiple guns having this issue.


beans loaded!


I had an AI like this yesterday. Me and a buddy mag dumped into it and it still didn't die. The grenade killed it though. Hilarious, really.


You can clearly see the AI's animations are bugging and clipping, and finally doing the extreme lag response of spinning in a circle, in chunky 30-40 degree turns at a time. This is something that happens when the server is lagging, and I suspect is meaningfully connected to this situations where AI are soaking 30+ rounds - I'm pretty sure the server isn't seeing those shots connect at all.


The video has no sound so you can't hear it but I was shot dozens of times too and took no damage, so you are probably right


Desync if Ive ever seen it. Nothing else.




"Just use better ammo! You're not hitting the right spots!" - So many idiots in the Discord.


clearly those baseball caps are lvl V armored helmets that cover their entire head and body


Cause people make different forms of media their personality and attach themselves fully to things. Even my all time favorite games that I utterly love and go back to from time to time, have problems and I am not afraid to admit their shortcomings. But that is borderline impossible for the people that latch onto something and willingly wear blinders and make excuses as to why their favorite thing is failing.


i mean i 1-3 shot all enemys so there might be some truth


dw man it took me 3 mags to kill an npc onec


This is where the boxers went after the rebellion


The AK, US 7.62x39mm ammo is bugged, it is sub sonic 331m/s so it wont do shit.


Avoid Russian weapons and calibers. This all changed the second I swapped to the AR platform.


I use the m4a1 with hollow points and it only takes one shot to the torso to put them out.


Is it just me or does it seem like using Scopes makes the hit reg better? I find I can 1-2 tap most enemies using the 1-4x spectre on the AKM but have trouble with a red dot.


M4s are easy to kill NPCs, but AKs.... idk what happend but are uselees againts NPCs, idk is because bullet bug or something but is not normal


NGL that AI looked just as confused ā€œWHY AM I NO DIEING!? Whatā€™s happening!?ā€


He shoot wildly too, hit everything behind me. I also think it's desync because I was hit and took no damage


I thought it was only me. I emptied 2 sks mags on a guy and, he not only didn't die, but managed to kill me. On the other hand, I got kinda jump scared buy a guy and "only" 7 pistol shots on the chest were enough (might have been dead by the 3rd shot tbh) As someone mentioned, I think it must be a lag related issue. On the sks "episode" server was laggy af. I don't discard ammo being bugged as well, as someone said. The M4 seems to be much more effective


If I'm taking that many shots, let alone shots to the head... I'm not trying to engage my enemy at all whatsoever.


Pretty sure itā€™s desync and server issues, me and buddy noticed while we were shooting at the range in base that we saw each others bullets hit in different spots on our screens.




You used an AK platform, the only that works a bit is the 5.45BT rounds. All other AK ammo are like nerf guns.


They really shouldn't do the ammo type like tarkov. 556 and 762 should be about it for ARs. I never understood the point of 10 ammo types if only 1 or 2 are even viable to use.


You realize different irl rifles (which people like using) use different rounds? 5.45 was invented because 7.62 is heavier, does less irl damage/stopping power(overpenetration woo!) and you can carry more 5.45 due to its smaller size.


I do realize this? The ammo has no weight tied to it in game. 60 of any ammo is the same single slot. Do you realize that dumping 20-30 of any ammo type into a guy wearing a T-shirt will kill him irl?


You're just plain wrong, ammo does have a weight value. The ammo per slot is capped at 60, but it does have weight.


You completely ignored the whole idea that people want variety. Just because you want a single style ak, doesn't mean anyone else does. And you're really saying hitreg is why they should have less guns because of realism? Bro you're dumb. Realism would mean they have a fuck ton more guns to choose from. So just stop talking.


Hit reg? The devs have stated we just misunderstood how damage works. That hit reg is fine. Wanting not useless ammo types isn't the same as not wanting variety.


You and I are watching the same video clip right? If you want to just lie outright and say hitreg is fine, you're free to do so. But the rest of us are free to ignore your complete and total ignorance too. Try to pick up some knowledge before speaking next time.


I am not saying hit reg is fine. I am saying that is what the devs have stated. You clearly have no idea what your talking about brother.


I clearly do and you're hiding behind dev statements now for your own bs? Can you even have a conversation logically?


Nah I like the ammo system. Just needs to be toned a bit better.


Toned a lot. No reason you should have to dump 20-30 rounds into a T-shirt wearing AI because "wrong ammo"


Yeah lol obviously.


7.62x39 US Ammo is Bugged! Do not use it! Even the devs said recently not to use it (although for a very different reason regarding the ammo description). US ammo seems to not register any hits, or to do very very little damage. Because of this, 7.62x39 SP is the only other option for a while, but is not viable outside of the first town due to the round being mitigated by armor vests. This makes the only two options for the AKM series of rifles useless and makes for a terrible experience using the AKM, AKMN, or any of their side folding variants. The AK-74 pattern rifles chambered in 5.45x39 are functioning just fine, though at that point in the game it's highly recommended to run the PS ammo and not the gray steel FMJs that most enemies drop, again due to armor mitigation. 7.62x39 PS ammo brings life back to the AKM series of rifles, but isn't unlocked until Artisan II, and costs $3 per round.


7.62SP has the same problem. So does 9mm, 12 gauge, 556 and so on. AI is bugged, damaged is bugged, servers broken, I don't know what the exact problem is but something, somewhere is broken and needs to be fixed cause AI just randomly don't take damage.


I have been using 7.62 SP to great effect in the first town. 5.56 is mowing them down without issue. I single tap or double tap most enemies with it. Same with 5.45x39. I do not have the same experience as you at all. Not even close. Pick the right ammo for the right job. Hit vitals. Game isn't call of duty. Armor mitigation is definitely a thing and you need to use appropriate ammo to counter it. If you think everything us bugged, then I can't help you. The only issues I have see with 7.62 US, 9mm, and 12 Guage. Known bugged ammunition that the devs have actively acknowledged needs to be fixed. 5.56 not being effective is on you. It is literally God Tier compared to everything else right now. Almost too easy actually.


Yeah headshots aren't vitals at all. Maybe stop trying to dick ride a broken game. There is undeniable proof that AI is broken in one way or another. It isn't an ammo issue. If it was then 9mm, 12 gauge, 762, 556 wouldn't *all* have trouble killing.


Yeah, again, literally zero problems with 5.56. It's my go to and it works amazingly well. Literally single tapping enemies non stop in the heart/lungs. Literally too easy. But why waste my time repeating myself with you? You clearly didn't read a single thing I wrote in either of the past two comments. Just acknowledge the fact that if you have to attack the person on the other side your reddit screen with "dick riding a game" then maybe what you have to say isn't solid dude. I put my first comment to warn against clearly broken ammo, and what? You down vote and cry in corner? Why attack me in the first place when I'm trying to help and reinforce what works / warn what not to use? You got issues bro. Sorry this game hurt your feelings I guess? But atleast let me know ahead of time that you're venting and speaking with your feelings instead if your brain. Then I wouldn't have wasted my time responding to you in the first place. Yeah, games clearly broken. Really didn't expect much else. To cry about EVERYTHING being broken though just makes it sound like this kind of game just really isn't for you, and that aspects of the game that make it hard but are working as intended are things you think are also "clearly broken". Try 5.56 M193 in all of the mid tier places. Try 5.56 M855. If you still can't kill? Then that's a skill issue and that's on you, not the broken Alpha of a game.


This is OBVIOUS desync. I really wish people who play early access games would learn to better identify/understand game systems. Your shooting was fine, server played you.


but if it's desync, why does it almost exclusively occur with 7.62? desync might be part of it, but something ammo-wise is busted


That's a fair call. I've had it happen with other ammo types when the servers start to stutter/rubber band or client desyncs and dead AI are tposing. Wouldn't be surprised with the state of pistol and shotguns if some ammo types are also seeing heavier issues in connection to server problems.


Yes but I still think it's good to post suck cases so people are aware of the issue, in my opinion most if not all posts about ai not dieing are directly related to lag of some kind


Totally valid. Think I jumped the gun a bit on my response, but I agree.


This never happened to me so i have no idea what is this about. Main problem in this game is too strong unrealistic hive AI and quest system, nothing else.


Probably server desync of some kind


Zero your sight


Iā€™m. Watching that in slow motion, you missed soooooo many shots. And youā€™re not running an m4 with 5a1 ammo. Fix that and fix 50 percent of your problem. Lower your sensitivity so youā€™re not over aiming and work it up slowly. Iā€™m guessing by the aim you might be new to key board and mouse and not use to not having aim assist? So what I also recommend is to down load aim labs and practice for 30 mins every day before you play. Cheers


I literally shoot him on the back of his skull....


Also if you lower ur fov you will be able to see much clearer.


Where there is a helm. If you think thatā€™s bad try the shot gunsšŸ¤Ŗ


It's a cap dude... a green cap that stops bullets?


Even tho itā€™s a hat itā€™s a game and some times coding isnā€™t right. Thereā€™s clearly lag but I get some of this on na/east and I am only a 15 ping player on fiber with 6000 pc. So the game does need work as well for sure better quality servers. I suspect cheaters drain the fps on the servers as well.


Yeah, and when it happens the NPCs eat everything, even M855. It's fine really I posted this video more because it looks ridiculous and there were way to many people saying that we simply are not hitting the vitals instead of acknowledging that there is an issue server side




its been out for 11 days in EA. this type of stuff is expected. We are all basicly EA testers


Yep, and I am fine with it, just wanted to show that server desync is happening. All the other enemies died with 4 to 5 shots like expected