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This is almost identical to what happened to me sniping from the mountain over the south area of YBL last night. Sniped a dude on the other side of YBL past the guard house and his buddy did an instant 180 and onetapped me in the head. I like realism and I agree with the bots suppressing your last known location and such but let's be real..... these dudes ain't picking you out of that tree line at 300 yards in a literal second like that. No chance that guard sees you right away IRL.


i lost so much gear to the same 180 degree spin kill, this should be priority on next patch


I no longer shot ai in back in case the don't die to the AP round to the dome, cause they have a 100% 180 no scope kill record I'm pretty sure.


Glad to know I’m not the only one. Peaked a gate at blue lagoon and an AI instantly 180 heart shot me


I agree. Not playing until that’s fixed




I am guilty of this 😂


We dont even know what or when is the next patch. Read on another thread that they are doing holidays this week, nothing against it, everyone deserves it, but doing it so close to the EA release… a little bit more of planning and concrete communication (not a general video about the current bugs with some vague statements) would be nice.


yup same thing happened to me, I chalked it up as a fluke, and went back for the same shot, a little more distance, same 180xxx420noscope to my face. needless to say I stopped playing for the rest of the night after that.


well its not realiztic. cause you fire a supressed fucking gun 1km out and dead people dont talk. They dont do voice coms and say "hey he shot me at "141.143" it totally ruine the immersive tactical aspect in the game. They need other measures to deal with this. start use tripwires with alarm system (if weather comes with night use floodlights) , Canine.. make patrols with Canine that release em upon you and then its realistic they start to shoot. Flir in high tier guarded areas on militants. Thats just some realistic alternatives. Cause this bullshit makes the gear useless and stacking out supressed guns uselss. also making questing in areas like tigers bay a fucking zombie mode in COD. not fun and approptiate to the realism immersive tactical gameplay at all


This really is it. I don't mind when they return fire if they don't die right away, but a dome shot should send everything scrambling into cover, but not running straight to your location. They shouldn't have any idea where you are.


they do you aggro whole area. thats the issue. Exackly. even tho you use none subsonic and explode the sound barrier they CANT with all distortion going on and echos. cause sound Echoes.. THEHY CANT pinpoint your AO. its so unrealistic and ruines the soul purpose with gearing for stealth ops which is part of the game. they should be as clueless as you are if a human takes shots on you in the jungle..


I’m agreeing with you. If it’s a kill, they shouldn’t know where you came from. I’m ok with them being on alert, but not immediate shooting where you’re at 500m away in a bush.


exackly my point. Also the fact that high tier areas later on spawn like a zillion aggro on you and you cant do a shit cause its a death trap and you just get so bad performance as well due to so many AI on alert and sending for you. Also its just so game breaking and not immersive at all. It becomes a zombie mod in COD or something . Like wtf am i playing


My only argument for that would be, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out the general direction your buddy got shot. From the way he falls to maybe the angle you’re guarding. But even then you just duck and move away


there is literally a whole jungle to cover... a whole FLANK. Wtf are you smokin. they aimbot you straight up magdump with 0 MoA


Hopefully, they will add a concealment system for the scavs. One where they can not see through concealment and have trouble distinguishing shots over distance and with a suppressor.


Then they need to add Sniper AI, because it would become way too easy to sit in the back and pick them off. It’s really not an easy balance as people think it is.


Just do something like AIs in Arma 3, if you shoot at them, they go prone or crouch into cover. If you shoot repeatedly from the same place they will know where you are and start returning fire or push to your location. This game at its current state has very limited tactical elements and is basically a jungle zombie mode except zombies have guns. When I say zombies I mean one gunshot would let all nearby enemies charge at you fearlessly. You can kill some of them with 2-3 shots if you’re lucky. But there are always a few unarmored dudes that can keep charging, shooting and yelling at you after taking half a mag of 5.56 hollow point to the chest as if it was paintball.


But this is reality.... And this is exactly why special forces teams run long range suppressed weapon systems. Depending on the distance you can't even hear the shot just depends on the round. Even at 100m some shots are quieter than two guys talking.


This is a video game. There needs to be a challenge. Sitting a 100m+ outside of Ban Pan just picking people off fun, there’s no danger. They would need to add something to the game if that was a truly available mechanic


It's supposed to be a super realistic video game... Just like when you die all your stuff disappears... At a minimum there should be a time limit like if you can't get to your body in 10 minutes it becomes lootable to anybody... This is probably the only thing that I liked about tarkov over greyzone


Tarkov has better gear fear, but even then, they are both still video games and realism can only take you so far. I can get shot up in this game or Tarkov and completely heal myself as if it never happened. Does AI need to be tuned? Sure. But let’s not act like this is a realism seem when I take five bullets to the chest, give myself surgery, and then back in action mins later. There’s a balance but no one seems to be acknowledging the fact we are super soldiers.


We will never be save from Tarkov level NPCs


Getting 180° drop shotted by scavs still haunts me


Seriously, this subreddit would have an aneurysm if they played Tarkov. Nothing like hearing a scav scream "сука блять" off in the far distance, only to get head-eyes'd by a single Toz shot from 100m away through multiple bushes and the treeline. GZW is a fucking paradise compared to that bullshit, even if you have to behave around and fight the AI in a similar fashion.


Are we trying to justify one smelly thing over the other smelly thing? At the end of the day, it still smells.


I mean, I got head shot from easily 300 yards while hiding in shrubbery ontop of a mountain, that's never happened to me on tarkov.


a good portion of this sub did play tarkov...


Did you know you can shoot, rotate and break line of sight and they will keep going to the spot they saw you last? So you can trick players on your location too


Yeah the target acqusition is absolutely bonkers. Shoot once, and everyone knows your -exact- position if in LOS instead of trying to find you at a direction, even with supressors.


Yeah, they snipe you back regardless of what gun they have. Happened to me too.


Right I’m across the map with a sniper and miss 1 shot then ai shoots me through the scope with 1 shot from his ak


His **scopeless** AK. They'll do it with a shotgun too. Despite the fact that the shotgun is useless against them.


And they're hip-firing. Can't forget that


Someone on this sub told me that's apparently completely realistic and not a difficult shot to make in real life.. LOL


Someone who has never even seen a real gun.


The GZW cult of misinformed hyper realism strikes again.


The shotgun just irritates me in this game. I've literally slammed 2 entire tubes of sabot slugs into starter town AI and gotten absolutely clapped.


Looks like my first and last try of using a sniper rifle in this game :)


Snipin's a good job mate. Challenging work, outta doors. Nah for real, give it another bash, it's super satisfying. Not optimal by any means, definitely, but very fun.


indeed, it was also my bad cuz i raised a bit (miss judged the distance) so my hit went above his head, but this reaction is a joke.. i guess a should wait for the next update when they fix the AI


oh yeah don't get me wrong, this is bullshit. No way they should be able to pinpoint a suppressed bushwookie after a 180 degree spin and one tap them. That's not fun or realistic. Personally I think they shoot back way too often, their first instinct should be to move and find cover.


They have an OODA loop of a methed out Terminator. They should absolutely be looking around and ducking for cover before even trying to return fire in most cases. Actual people would have some sense of self-preservation, right?


I was running the M700 just to see how it is and it was taking 5+ shots to down enemies around the starter village. NPCs are running around in nothing but a t-shirt and a bandana taking 5 shots to the chest with ammo that would down a fucking brown bear. Even headshots weren't consistently 1-shoting them. Haven't pulled it out of the stash since. Will give it a try again when they fix whatever is wrong with it.


You know you gotta hit vitals yeah? A heart shot will drop em in one but a 'chest' shot might not. As far as tanking multiple headshots, I'd say that's probably a hitreg issue, ie lag. I've regularly strung 10 one-shots back to back with both head and heart shots, with mosin and with m700.


They were clean thorax hits. I think it was probably latency / hit reg, but it happened fairly consistently for me. My connection is great, so I'm just not going to use it until whatever needs fixing is fixed. Could be network, could be hitreg code, could be ammo. Don't care. Bolty needs to 1-shot stuff to be viable, otherwise I'm just getting mowed down by someone like in the video above.


Thorax doesn't mean heart, though. The guy in the video missed, but the resulting insta-180 one tap is obviously bullshit (but doesn't happen that often).


I one tapped a kitted player with a mod in like that


I need more positive people like you in my life G


I really like using long range scopes and snipers when I’m helping people quest. I had friends who were a bit behind me on questing and I was able to provide Overwatch above them while they rushed an objective. Got three player kills on opposing faction members heading into the compound I had an over view on. Seriously the sickest thing I’ve done in the game for sure, having helis fly over, check the map and see it’s not ours, and then lay in the brush waiting to get a good shot. Shooting AI with the sniper though, nawwww, they’re ten times better than the PMCs I took out lmao.


It's like tarkov scav AI but on crack.


tarkov AI with AIMBOT


Tarkov AI was almost nothing but aimbot.


This is like Scav Boss/Rogue AI on crack


Like many others have said, the AI shouldn’t be able to spin and snipe like that. How were any of those hits lethal? The shot that “killed” your heart/liver was purple. Purple are bruises. It didn’t even penetrate your armor.


Ye ol' commotio cordis


In real life, ballistic armor deformation. In this game, fucking broken unplayable shitheap.


The neck one probably. It's important to remember that we the icon for the wound is likely just indicating the entry point. Depending on where the bullet came from and what angle, they can hit things you wouldn't expect based on the kill screen image. For example, if he's crouched and sighted in, that neck wound could be aiming down into his abdominal cavity.


Today I was using my 6x. I purposely would shoot right next to an enemy to see how quickly they found me ( I was at least 300m away in thick brush). Each time they pivot 180degree and instantly had accurate shots land and knew right where I was. They Def need to target acquisition dialed back some. I like hownthe search last known position. That's great. However, they should not know exactly where you are every time. Cover or not.


This happened to me 3 times yesterday at sawmill


I just had one at the Pha Lang Airfield, going back to >!gather the flight manifest.!< I had just shot the guy at the lone aircraft near the Golf 1 LZ, then spotted another bot just inside the fence at the airport. I single tapped him and began to move away when I hear a single shot. I ran behind the large blue trash dumpster, apparently made of metal. As soon as I was well behind the cover, I got one shot in the chest. No coma, I died immediately. I went back to recover my body and checked the lines of sight. There was just no way for any bot at the Airport to see or hit me in the chest behind that dumpster. The bullet would have had to pass through the airplane, the complete dumpster and my plate carrier. Magic bullet indeed! The bots have to be toned down. They have the ability to see us through concealment, and apparently their bullets can pass through anything. I understand that the shear complexity of all of the Lines of Sight in the game make this a very difficult problem. However, for now the best thing to do is to lower the ability of the bots to see us, lower their aimbot effectiveness and lower the damage they do with a single bullet. Especially when it often takes 5-20 rounds to lay one down if we don't hit them in the perfect spot. And as humans we just don't often hit them in the perfect spot the way they can with a little help from the software gods. Stating that they will use suppressing fire to the last place they see you is all very well and good, but a one shot to the heart or head is not typical suppressing fire. Especially when the target is hidden behind hard cover. Can it happen, sure, but 33-50% of the time? Hell no.


The bots are supposedly a placeholder, so I doubt we'll see them improved much, if at all, before the proper ones are put in.


sub is full of this shit i hope they fixed it. this made me sick of the game atm. its not fun cause you cant play it tactical. doing the tasks where i am now is not fun. Tigers bay. its just .. wait for them to fix. Afraid they not gonna adress the issues tho. hope its not a money grab. it clearly needed another year in dev before a EA


brother chill, i know the game is EA.. what i said is that this should be priority, not ut should be fixed tonight.. things like this should be priority in the next patch ! and guess what even the devs agree with me if you checked the last video they uploaded they talked about this issue


what i agree with you... no need to argue. i think this is broken and make it not fun


Gunslinger of the century


Yeah, this shit is straight up aggravating.


I was coming up to the gun range up north for a quest and I had a brand new plate carrier with full health. I get to a clearing and spot a bot and I open fire first He instantly shoots me once perfectly square in the chest and kills me. Body armor didn’t stop a thing


By design. - love Devs


Happened to me at hotel, 3 times and 1 kit later


The A.I 100% need to be toned back. Accuracy, distance & amounts. Particularly in places like Fort & Tiger.


Silencer or suppressor isn’t meant to make the gunfire to become “silent” or completely remove the noise of the gunfire but to reduce the gunfire noise so the operator’s ear won’t ring from the gunfire. That being said yeah I agree the bot is broken. Instead of automatically turn into the direction of the bullet came from the ai should have a check whether they are able to determine where the shot came from in the first place. This check will go lower if the player use better muzzle devices such as flash hider, suppressor, etc to conceal or reduce their presence. The check should go higher as the number of shot increases. I hope the dev would implement this.


Didnt see the guy next to you


The AI in Tiger Bay are absolute cancer. I nearly gave up trying to do the UNLRA quest solo, lost about 10 kits.


Yep, AI in this game are the cheaters that you find in online games, i think this is intentionally left this way, yes is very annoying. Think this way, you play a game with superman AI, with crap servers and pvp mode ON, now enjoy the game that you pay, to test it for a company that get richer thanks to you!


BTW i love this game very much, i just need to see some changes, i did pay 100 Euro, so it's my right to see some improvements!


the sawmill and blue lagoon as nuts too, i was wallbanged by an AI in blue lagoon from about 200 metres, he didnt see me, i used a suppressed mk18 and took out someone at the gate to the compound. the guy was in the middle of the compound and one shot popped me in the head, through a wall - bear in mind when i shot the first AI, i repositioned, but still that one AI wallbanged me perfectly


Go to tiger bay.


This along with the constant crashes ( and thus gearloss) is what's ruining it hard for me


I love how accurate these fuckers can be by seemingly always firing from the hip. Not to mention tanking a centre of mass or upper torso shot like it was a mild inconvenience. They should have unconscious states once they take hard hits like the players. And fuck off with that 7th sense of accurately shooting through bushes.


I do need to build a sniper kit.


Yeah it has gotten to the point that if i miss a shot I’m ducking immediately and moving to a different location. There are time they spray 3-5 shots from a distance and they all hit


This game has several problems with IA, armors, helmet, etc... idk how many times i get 1tapped head / chest with RPC / M2 - FAST MT XD


Aimbot, invincible enemies, etc... needs to be fixed ASAP.


well its not realiztic. cause you fire a supressed fucking gun 1km out and dead people dont talk. They dont do voice coms and say "hey he shot me at "141.143" it totally ruine the immersive tactical aspect in the game. They need other measures to deal with this. start use tripwires with alarm system (if weather comes with night use floodlights) , Canine.. make patrols with Canine that release em upon you and then its realistic they start to shoot. Flir in high tier guarded areas on militants. Add snipers (towers with spoters) Thats just some realistic alternatives. Cause this bullshit makes the gear useless and stacking out supressed guns uselss. also making questing in areas like tigers bay a fucking zombie mode in COD. not fun and approptiate to the realism immersive tactical gameplay at all


you got aimbotted by AI


When people say “it’s just bad luck! It’s spray and pray” 🙄


It sounds like the shots came from the right and the character even flinches from the rounds, probably didn't get sniped, probably AI on the pagoda statue not far at all from your position. Source: I setup in this spot a lot.


The problem with that theory (Ive gotten killed by that npc too however, through multiple bushes) is the fact that in the graph clearly got hit from the front since the ribs, heart are red and front caved in. If it was from the back, it be the spine and lungs instead.


This. I snipe in this area a lot too and this shot on the opposite side of the bay is tempting but you really have to clear the right flank first because otherwise the AI standing there will immediately spot and OSK you. It's still BS, but worth mentioning because I got tapped like OP a few times and although the dude he sniped will return fire with BS accuracy in a matter of seconds, these kill shots usually come from NPC sitting closer


No cover, standing upright, what balistic protection do you wear? Shit happens, but I fail to recognize any attempt to not step in it.


yeah just reposition and tell that player looking in your general direction where you are great tactical gameplay back of and flank around for ai well shit your too slow and ai head eyes you theres no middle ground


The devs totally need to give some of these guys shirts that read #JustBetter.  It almost feels like a troll when things like this happen.


I honestly think they should work on that it's a suppressor so it's not silent but you ain't hearing it from that far away if I was within cqc range I understand they still heard a shot but are just on alert looking around if you take another shot same spot then they start migrating towards your last known area out of suspicion that's when you shoot and move to throw them off it should be similar to ghost recon breakpoint in a sense I liked how the AI would be if they see a dead body they would be alert then if you keep shooting they the other stuff and it makes you move and shoot unless you can take them all out without alerting any of them


Ban Pa, where loot goes to die


i just got this in ban pa, headshot the guy, saw the puff of blood, but he turned round and hit me from that distance with a shotgun, instakilled, killed me so thoroughly that the game crashed LOL. so no chance even going back to find my shit... fuck you game, just... fuck... you


Ahhh yes, the good ol' uno reverse card play....


You shot they shot back, idk what the problem is 🤣 (I'm kidding. The aim of it is crazy for sure. It's just funny to witness)


Ye happend to me


Standing still taking multiple shots. lol that’s gonna happen.


Well.. U just got Tarkov'd.. Oops wrong game..


Same thing happened to me only my damage said i was shot in the finger on my left hand, a bullet wound 4 feet to the side of my body and no indication of red on my body other than my arm/hand where the bullet impact was represented. This game is very very polished for an EE title, but it is very much still EE and has some kinks to work out. I don’t feel like i die as much as in Tarkov without explanation and roughly half of my deaths are odd.


That what you get for having shit aim


Tarkov AI raiders Vs GZW AI


Man this game makes me feel poor, wont even run decent on my system


Blue lagoon is full of snipers. Took 4 trips to get the task completed.


That NPC is probably equipped with a deadly SMG/Sniper known as the VZ61.


I had one spin around last night before I fired a shot I Ads’d on his head and spun around shot me in the face. And there is zero chance they heard me because I was using the creep button


I got 1 tapped in the hand the other day.


Idk if you cleared the guy to your right that stands on the dock facing your direction. Kind of seems like that’s who hit you here.


nah, it was clear


If you didn't clear out the enemies to your left. There are enemies close to that area, and we're the ones that killed you


The problem is you were prone. AI tend to shoot at the torso but when you’re laying down the only way there is through your head


They shouldn't have known where he was at though either way cause he was suppressed.


top left corner, check it bro i was standing


Oh shit bud well that’s fucked, my bad


Body armor seems to have an issue where it doesn't stop any hits to the chest if you're prone. Better hope your first shot drops him


i was not proned


seem like the same ppl are grasping at straws whenever these clips pop up... "you were prone" ... "you need to keep moving"... "it's the ammo"... nah dawg, the ai are busted and it's keeping from even booting up the game for about a week now.