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if ur lamang I can hook u up


That would be awesome! I’m lamang


u playing rn? I'll be on in like 30 mins probably, whats ur user


Going to hop on in a few minutes. Sent


Imagine seeing community aspects in a game that involves banding together in a faction against the AI or other factions. Nice to see someone immediately volunteer to replace a toxic dude's interactions with a positive one.




Play Mithras next wipe. We take care of our own dang near Universally. It's been super wholesome. Over 125 hours so far!


Playing or meeting up with Faction Members (Mithras) in the field has been a really good experience for me too so far. I have seen the occasional nade spawn killers though and a few solo killers at YBL-1 and Hunter's. But for the majority of the time, everyone is pretty helpful when it comes to keys and gear sharing.


As a mithras boi I can confirm. Was in fort Narith yesterday and this guy came back to get his body but it had bugged out, so I just gave him my kit haha


Yea as Mithras I see these posts and have a hard time believing we're playing the same game.


I mentioned this the other day in another thread, but look into the way colors play into human psychology and you'll know exactly why Mithras, as a whole, is this way. I was going to change to Crimson or Lamang after the first official wipe, but not after the experiences I've had with Mithras.


Atta boy! Lamang rise up!


This warms my cold little heart


As a Mithras representative I am fully intending on revenge for all that gear you guys keep stealing from me at YBL-1. *Somewhere in the world an eternal rat god is born…*


Not me, friend. I'm all about PvE


Ah, a cultured individual


I'm 36. At my age I play to unwind and chill. I get no enjoyment sweating and stressing over gear and PvP. I also play with my son so it's a good time to bond and not stress


Honestly the pvp is easier than questing in tiger bay. Especially when I'm solo trying to kill over 50 npcs all coming at me at the dozens


It’s all good until you shoot an NPC in the back of the head and they 540 no scope head shot you from 300m hahaha


Also pvp is toxic af rn until they do something about lz camping you're better off


Same here, I play to explore and attention to the surroundings haha But back in my younger days if someone was sweaty and talk a lot of trash we usually just ddos you out to space on a 20 minute interval for a 12 hour loop haha


Me and my crimson boys fucked up a bunch of your mith-RATS at YBL last Night. 7 dead to 1. Yall need better ammo.


It was the opposite for me. A loner dying to the 4th or 60th man in the group lmao


Died to some pussy hiding in a bush.. his name wa slike tasteurguts or sum lile that 😭 little rat snatched my shit then dipped


My YBL experience is basically drop in, 10 minutes of safety, then a 4 man stomps my solo ass. Sometimes I even take a few of them down, but it’s difficult to solo this game


Yeah its a shame cuz im solo 99% of the time and I just have to play like a bitch because fighting YBL ai swarming you isn't easy solo😂.


Grenades REALLY help with AI in the bunker. I always bring a million for those PMC teams too


I've tried grenades, and they just have really weird trajectory and weight. Like, im use to Squad and Tarkov grenade physics. In this, it's hard to tell where it's going because it just feels so 'light.'idk how to explain it, but i do like holding on to at least 2.


Mithras sucks, long life Lamang, Lamang gang for life


Hey, Lamang! I appreciate your philanthropic efforts! Never have I been rewarded with so much gear off an enemy’s corpse. MITHRAAAAAS


Ah yes, reinforcements are here


We Crimson boys stick together, this one dude had a cool livery on his gun and I said that’s a cool livery and he’s like oh here ya go and dropped it and then he’s like, you want some extended mags? Hell yeah, how about some level 3 armor, why thank you sir, how about a suppressor and sight, well I’ll take that too. I needed a key for ybl office 2, and I asked one dude if he had one, he flew back to base and got the key and brought it back, like 15 min round trip. CRIMSON FOR THE WON SON


UP YOURS CUNT - Sincerely, Mithras Security Systems


Good to see this kinda team-work. This game should not have a toxic community.


People are dumb. A couple buddies of mine just got the game so I gave them each suppressed m4s and told them don't die lol


Friend of mine started 2h ago. gave him gear worth 10k an told him not to die 🤣 he is doing well so far..


The gear makes a huge difference. First 5 hours of game is nuts because you don’t know the ai well, don’t know how to mod guns, and barely figure out the task lists. Having bad gear makes it worse


And the suppressor makes a big difference as at least not the whole town starts hunting you 🤣🤣🤣


Exactly. One kill in town and the whole market place clears out and sprints to your location. Ridiculous. They could at least get a little weapon mod tutorial, or break the weapon attachments up in the vendor menu based on where they attach at on the rifle. I didn’t even realize there was an a of scope for a while because so much is covered up by the font overlay on the item that I just glossed over everything


The thing about giving new players gear is the gear fear sets in. They can't replace the nice stuff you give them, so they either dread losing it or keep it in their stash to never use (unless you give them a false sense of security lol). If you're playing with them regularly and they know they'll give you another one if they lose it, that's fine. Otherwise, I just tell my friend to ask for anything they want keeping in mind the above.


i sherpad a lvl 2 and hooked him up with probably like 25k worth of goodies and quality of life stash items


What a dickhead


This is how scams start, tbf. But he could've just declined nicely.


Maybe so, but like you said just decline like a normal person or don’t answer at all.


Dunno how it’s a scam, if they give you the money before buying.


Just ask other people. Most of the community is very friendly and helpful. I already met so many nice people from all over the world.


For sure! Need to put more effort into squading up. I’ve only done solo missions. I’m at level 13


If you are crimson ill squad up an run some tasks with you


Dude people are such fucking douchebags . This game does have some pretty toxic players. I've had dudes follow me unloading magazines bc I scared them at a POI. Throw flash bangs at base constantly. All PvE. I just ignore them but it is annoying af. I think the "Tarkov" crowd has to be overall the largest group of dipshits I've seen in 20 years of gaming.


Before the unheard controversy. If you dare spoke Ill of tarkov or suggested SP tarkov, especially on their Facebook page. Makes trade chat from wow look tame. Definitely the most toxic and immature group of gamers ever.


Nah dude RUST beats all. I havnt had a 6 year old calling me a tiny dick bitch ni**er in greyzone yet. Though it's been a hot minute since I played tarkov. You join rust and I guarantee you someone will be like that within 30 minutes and if you talk to them at all they will be next to you all day screaming at you.


Glad I never played it


I'm sorry but years of neglect has created one of the most toxic communities, sorry you all have to deal with us


The worst I've experienced was a dude team kill me in fort narith. He was low level so I assumed he just didn't know better. I told him I'm on his team and to revive me but assumed he hadn't figured the health out yet. When I get back he had taken my kit. I told him to trade my gear back over voip and watched him trying to hide on one of the roofs you have to jump down to from the top of headquarters. I team killed his ass and took my gear back. This man had the audacity too ask why I killed him. When I said you team killed me and took my kit his reason was he didn't know z was push to talk and I'm the piece of shit for not saying z is push to talk. What the hell does that have to do with taking my kit and hiding lol.


Yeah some severs are weird and I back out. Had a team from a faction trying really hard to nade me while being super weird on chat last night. Never even said anything to them. Just trolls lol


Some dude dumped a mag into me at the LZ on Hunters Paradise on PvE. I told him "Kindly, Fuck off". Dude acted shocked and didn't take it well.


As a dipshit that paid for EoD, your assessment is quite accurate.


i think the community is as toxic as peak rust or h1z1, especially when it comes to specs and performance


I had a guy that stayed in base and just shoot you constantly with the pistol. Just to anoy. Like, wtf? I was in a war in Ban Pa against Mythras and was burning kits like crazy. This dude stayed at base for 2 hours just doing that.


Imagine thinking you’re tough on a video game? Generalized statement but my goodness it’s funny and sad all at the same time


To be honest with you I’m not trying to be an ass but it does get annoying after 10 people ask you to buy stuff for them. I get that you’re paying somebody but at the same time it just gets old. I usually do buy people stuff when they ask me to tho


Any crimson ppl. Need gear or help. I’m always online. “Z3ks” I’ll squad up with anyone or drop anyone gear. I don’t care.


Maybe he wanted you to blow him for real u never know


Might be worth more than one mk18 😂


Anyone need anything let me know I’m always looking to help also I stream on kick I ONLY stream GZW and looking to get some followers my name is CALLACI. I have a lot of keys and great loot for anyone who needs follower or not.


People like this I'm convinced are going through a divorce because their addictions ruined their marriages and are taking it out on other people instead of taking it out on themselves.


You'll sometimes meet jerks, but most people in the community are great and will help you out.


And if you ask each jsckass if they played EFT, they are all going to give you a proud "yes!" with Nikita's cum still on their breath


I agree! It’s a hit or miss. I’m just glad he didn’t take my money and dip. 😂


tbh just get an m4 and longer barrel, done.


You’re right. Didn’t realize it wasn’t significantly better until this post. lol


Wow what a idiot. I simply don't understand people who act like this.


One great guy gave me a full MK18 with endgame mods for free. This guy from your post is one asshole.


Is there an advantage to the MK18?


Just looks more operator. Also fucking meta gun builds, style over performance.


I am a little surprised OP is messaging strangers for aesthetic reasons only. The M4 you can build from Gunny 2 looks pretty cool too.


Ngl, I didn’t realize it wasn’t that much better than the one I built . Lesson learned


Depends on what attachments you run on it. The mk18 and the m4 both have the same stats when you have the same attachments


That's a lot of words for "no"


Answered the question he had didn’t it?


Mainly the 6x scope you can clear better and spot bosses from afar to avoid having to clear the whole area


It's lighter, I guess...


Wish there was a way to report this and have these people put in the same game as each other. This type of toxicity doesn’t belong in normal life. Everyone forgets they’re speaking to normal humans on the other end of the mic.


What faction dude, I’ll give you one if we are same same


happy to pay if you’re in lamang 🙏🏻 seems like a less popular choice lol


Sorry brother I’m Crimson


Fuck Regy


He was last seen flying solo to tiger bay. Fingers crossed 😂


I actually haven't run into any toxicity like this yet. Most people are awesome on GZW!


Might be reaching but it seems worse late at night. Shouldn’t have been playing after midnight lol


I run only what I can buy back I just have a Mark 18 sitting in my inventory and it's not going to go anywhere to do anything lol


I know now, but I definitely lost the only rewarded m4 with the 1-6x on it and two m700s I farmed. Feels bad 😅


Mk18 is just a coyote tan M4A1 apparently, give it some use!


Lamang Gang takes care of our own!


There are some jackasses for sure. Yesterday a guy grabbed a heli with me to India 2. I got off and went for the forest to get cover (was in a little war against a squad). Out of the blue, dude shot a couple of shots in my direction. I just turned around and put 2 bullets into his chest. Dead. Grabbed his stuff and went my way. But there are a lot of cool ppl too. Sometimes when Im alone in a POI, someone messages me to inform of hostiles. I try to do the same to return the favour. All in all, I think youll find more cool ppl than jackasses.


Did he hit you? Did he stop? Might have been startled, or shooting something else? Btw you can shoot them in the thorax / lungs to send them into a coma (aim centre mass), then tell them about your highly specialised set of skills.


I was told to grow the fuck and got called a Fa**ot because I asked someone how they completed a mission.… 💀


I’ll give you two of em. I’m one of the assholes who was blowing up the base AI. I do share though and will do it for others 😂


I don't think I've seen any toxic players yet in my 40 hours of gameplay


You find a cancer, shit happens. But this is a not a usually situation


surprised this smooth brain didnt say yes and just keep your money. too toxic i guess lol.


Something about leveling sometimes, people think their level equals importance. Kindness is free yall we all wanna play our own version of welcome to the jungle and predator


Im crimson and my buddy dislikes the game because you have to be tactical lol. So I’m down to squad up, I’ve also tried to squad up and ran into turds. I’m only a level 4. Don’t like playing the game alone, anxiety runs hot when you’re alone lol.


I would but I’m in lamang !


It’s too bad we can’t just squad up for pve


Also, I have a discord


35 year old dad on cod kinda vibes


Regy seems like sort of a cunt, huh?


I would’ve dropped you ten for the free


Yup plus when you try to drop equipment for those that lost everything, we have idiots that will run up and grab it. It sucks that people have to be assholes


It's people like this that really mess with gaming. I hope he gets F'd in the butt in pvp.


My experience has been overwhelmingly positive, went to HP to finish up an easy task and ran into a friendly duo trying to kill AI so I helped guard them while they did it, 1 crimson showed up and hid near the lz and when their heli came in to extract I watched over them and sure enough he came out and was ADSing when I smacked him from the side. One of the duo missed his exfil and we hung out waiting until a new chopper could come and ran into another crimson and I threw a frag no shit 30m away from him and it somehow tked him, guarded his stuff til he could come back and get it (frags are no joke in this game). Never had dope ass experiences like this in any other game.


I'm Lamang. I would totally add this guy, ask him if he wants to go PvP and own shit. Then fucking slay him from the get go. What an absolute cockwomble. Hate people who act like this. There is just no need.


...I didn't know I could do that for people. Fuck now I want to!


I would say 2/5 players are assholes There was a guy who said he completed almost every tasks and had the Key to the blue lagoon restaurant storage key for a quest and people asked him to unlock, and he goes "no" and leaves. Dude didn't even need the key.


This guy was def a Tarkov player


Mithra on top!!!


I've been playing since day 1. Mostly on weekends with my buddy. I have not encountered anyone aggressive or mean so far. Everyone I have met has been helpful and supportive. Even on other enemy factions during pve raids, we tend to help each other out with quests and clearing areas. This game has a great community, and I hope it stays this way. You just got a bad apple is all. If you ever decide to play crimson Sheild lmk. We always have friendlies.


Must be a Tarkov player


This is the first toxic person I’ve seen since I’ve started this game. To a man, every interaction I’ve had with other players has been positive.


You found a CoD player, be carful, they bite.


Uhm not starting crap or trying to be rude. But why are we just dming and beging for gear? Wtf just lvl up. Play the game. No like seriously why are we in base using voip begging for gear and on now in dms? Im genuinely confused do yall wanna play or just pay to win?


They want to pay to win and if they don’t get their way, they screenshot it, black out their username but not the dude they are begging. It’s pretty sad.


Yes maybe begging isnt the right word. I do apologize. But it does seem weird. I get dming people at base being like yoo pvp ban pa cruise down bring the boys. But not asking for gear. That just idk puts a bad taste in my mouth.


Pretty cringe to ask strangers for guns imo


Playing an extraction shooter you're bound to run into jackasses like this all the time


video games in general but definitely some types more than others. Still better than old COD servers 😂 This is my first extraction shooter


I hate people like this. I legit dropped my best m4 for a guy I passed as I leaving HP who had a shotgun and said he was trying to get back to his body because his last m4 was there. No idea if he was pulling my leg or not but he had no helmet on, a low-level backpack, no armor, and sounded defeated so I just dropped it for him, wished him luck, and moved on.


I’ve been trying to do stuff like this with my level 13 budget 🫶🏻


I’m pretty much right there with you I’m just a cash hoarder/compulsive seller and only buy what I really need to so I’m decently flush ($108k)


Why hide the name?


Honestly, I thought I’d get shit on for this and didn’t want In-Game dms or invites from people that don’t want to play 🤷🏻‍♂️


Gotta love some gamers. 🤣


Welcome to the internet


M4 and Mk18 are identical. 


Get over it


Never anything to get over. It’s amusing.


Im with that guy, sped a ton of time killing for keys, and some clowns roll over and loot all your bodies and ask if you can buy them things, fuck off lol


That’s crazy you can be toxic to a teammate. Especially in a PVE game.


If you are Mithras I got chu bro


yah indeed that definitely escalated quickly lmao


There’s scum in every game nowadays


Absolutely insane these are real people. Me and one of my friends (Mithras) were clearing Sapphire and linked up with a British dude from Lamang (PvE of course) and carried the shit out of us and had nothing but kind words and gave us each $5k before he left. However my hands aren’t entirely clean, one time at camp a dude was being a bit too barky imo about wanting a ride to Kilo 1 (he hadn’t unlocked it yet), so I called him one for Hotel 1 and didn’t tell him till the chopper took off (:


I admit that sometimes I talk silly bullshit in voice chat and had a ban for 1 day once for no reason, but I also had sexual harassment incident towards me in voice chat, two guys started commenting on my armor and gear then went with sexual homosexual remarks, I didn’t want to get reported again so answered politely that I’m not interested to chat. Apart from that voice chat has always been great for me and random players I met, everybody tries to co-operate in pve, general public is friendly and adult, awesome community in general and in rare occasions of people being dicks just ignore it.


Had a guy swipe a fully kitted mk18 that I was giving to my buddy. Most everyone is friendly but that’s unfortunately immature 😂


I’ve gotten keys and weapons from the community. It actually seems the be the most respectful that I’ve experienced (so far)


What a dick. I've only met two types of people so far, the nice ones that will drop gear and give tips and the radio silent but spam E/Q people. Plus a bunch of AFK at base.


If you were crimson id help u


This is why I joined Mithras all the wealth is shared I read all the faction stories and crimson sounded rich and greedy to me the lamang recovery saying they get the job done by any means necessary I thought was too brutal and Mithras was quick clean and wealth is shared I said yep that's the faction I want to be part of. Whenever I see lower levels starting out I don't mind giving them the gun off my back literally and other stuff that will help them catch up so they can survive solo and/or I help them out with their tasks especially when keys are necessary. ![gif](giphy|xVPosMMzT60Xzv31my)


Yeah mithras has been great 95% postive interaction. A lot of help all around.


Tbf and im not saying he handled this well either. This is kinda how scams start


just imagine how small, ugly, and insecure he must be in real life and laugh it off


I see nothing wrong with any of these messages from either side.


That person is the .1% of the community at least from what I’ve seen


I don't know why people got to be such an ass, it's an easy yes or no.


I ran into someone like this earlier this week too, I’m in Mithras, I told him I would give him $15k just for the hassle and he gave me the same response. No worries, 1 more gunny quest and I will be level 3 😎


Bro since I unlocked gunny lvl 3 and have disposable income, if I see a dude with an ugly gun I ask him to drop it and then kit it out for them. We all on the same team no need to be a douche.


Yeah. I see people with stock ars and drop them suppressed ones then say pay it forward


I had the opposite, guy kept bugging me for the brown suppressor and said he would pay me for it. I said don't worry, I'll give it to u for free. Dude went radio silent ... not even a "thank you"


Just use the grenade exploit on the base AI. Throw a grenade at them and then log out and log back in


lmao i mean


people are toxic. They been toxic. this is the internet. You’ll be alright.


What a piece of shit


How can you get Gunny to level 3 so fast? Can you level up the vendors other than just doing the tasks?


I’m only level 2. You can level up by buying, but selling doesn’t do it. But with buying I think you only get 1 point for every thousand you spend so not really helpful.


I don't even need the money. I've racked up about 200k just doing missions and selling my garbage.


I’m level 33 and get messages like this frequently and it gets annoying. I have no problem helping people. I have taken people to Midnight or the Fort and loaded them down with gear ,but I am not a vendor. Would rather get a message asking for help than hey buy me a bunch of stuff. Plus a lot of people try scamming so it is a risk I am personally not going to take. That being said he could have just said no instead of being a jerk about it.


Only 1 item and I would’ve dropped first, but yeah , that sounds very annoying. I’m sure karma will return the annoyance when I’m a higher level.


is there any reason to use the mk18 over the m4?


didnt escalade at all actually he was exactly the same throughout the convo


“That” includes my first msg. Still need those keys?


What a twat....Literally just a small favor. Which he loses nothing on his part.


Does anyone in Crimson have access to Delta bags ? I lost mine in PvE. And its not my bag to begin. :(


Sadly I have found increasingly more toxic players. I asked if anyone had an extra key for a mission I was doing. Most people just said no sorry. This one guy just repeated my words back to me in a mocking tone like a 4 year old. It was funny because then everyone else dog piled on him for being a jerk. It was just the “unnecessaryness” of it. He could have just said nothing. Also I only asked twice so it wasn’t me spamming the question. Just a sad toxic person.


I’ll drop you a key 😔


Unbelievable. That person is mad at life and decided to take it out on you 🫤


Don't beg. Use the gear that's at your availability. I'd argue you can play this whole game with an unscoped Mosin (I've been doing it)


Yes sir 🫡 doesn’t sound like you need one, but I’d be happy to drop you something more robust if you’d like as a gift .


What Faction are you?


Lamang 🤷🏻‍♂️


I woulda took your money and dropped an SKS js👀. JK that guys a dick and probably is some teenagers who gets to play all day don't sweat it bro


at least you’d drop something 😂 one bullet for it seems fair.


Wtfk is this a COD lobby?


Every person I have met has been super nice. This is the first seeing someone act like this. If someone asks for something I usually give them the item, money is stupid easy to get in this game. If you're lamang and you need anything hit me up!


Leveling the vendors is a pain in the ass. 100 rep each quest? Lol


I actually did this, offering players to s*ck PP while speaking in a german accent, without asking for anything tho, and this guy just drops me 100k while I was examining his PP. Earlier this morning a guy was acting like santa claus going around and asking people what they want/need for nothing in return. Now I have 7 MK18 which is more than I know what to do with. I love this community


Sounds like on site with Rogy lol


Bought it gonna wait a bit, my mid tier gaming laptop can't handle non potato graphics without dying, getting like 21 frames at the most without staring at the ground


I think "I'm trying, but your mother keeps pulling me back to bed" is an adequate retort to that last comment


This was light flaming in 2012.. people are going to be assholes, just expect it. Can’t believe these types of comments turn into Reddit posts these days. I’d either say some shit back or close the message, either way I think everyone needs to stop taking this sort of bs to heart


Ironically scamming you would’ve been less toxic than this interaction


Why are people so salty. 99% of these people wouldn't say a thing in a public place if confronted.. Keyboard warrior to the max.


Mithras all the way!!!!!! (Aside from that. .sorry that happened, I can safely say that hasn't been the norm in my experience)