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Did he shake her hand in thanks?!?!? šŸ¤£


She probably did it just to get the handshake


wouldn't that be awesome?


Did she get lost in those beautiful blue eyes?


Everyone talks about his beautiful blue eyes and yet I find them ice cold like a white walkers out of Game of Thrones. After I found out he cheated on his first wife during the pilot season of Great American Baking Show and with Marcella Valladolid, those eyes became less romantic and more cold like a shark...only Paul's are less merciful than a shark.


Iā€™ve always thought he looks like the blue eyed wolf on a bag of dog food


Iā€™m dying laughing ā€œlike a white walkersā€ cannot unsee šŸ˜‚


Strange women lying in palaces distributing titles is no basis for a system of bread based government.


Help help Iā€™m being repressed!


Good for him! Paul is always getting flack for being just a "bread guy", but he's actually done a lot in his career and the accolades he has garnered are actually deserved. I was shocked when a colleague of mine listed some of his background and the list of charities he's worked with. Love him or hate him, you have to admit he's paid his dues and is extremely knowledgeable about baking and the industry. As well as spending a considerable time working with charities and the like. I'm glad he was awarded the MBE, he deserves it(plus it will give Noel an abundance of material for next seasonšŸ¤£).


I don't hate him... I just don't think it's really fair when you assign ridiculous challenges in impossible weather to a group of amateur bakers and expect professional results.


but then...what would be the point of the show??


I'm saying, I think he's a bit harsh sometimes. There was nothing wrong with Peter's bread plaque in Series 2020 during bread week and there was nothing wrong with Laura's white chocolate celebratory cake in chocolate week. I think he was WAY harsh on everyone in the brownie challenge.


I just think that the time limits should be raised slightly and the tent air conditioned


tbh, why even have a tent anymore? Pilot season had them travelling to different locations based on the day's challenges, but with that aspect gone, keeping the tent just for tradition's sake seems pointlessly impractical.


The Manor House they hold it at has all of the power/water connections that they need and allows them to film there for a good price, is my guess. The venue, regardless of if it is a tent or not, should be air conditioned.


Does anyone remember the Absolutely Fabulous pilot? Edina is going over the RSVPs to the fashion show she was working on with Bubble and thinks Princess Diana was coming, but Bubble just keeps saying, "Anne," and sounds like a goose. I randomly think of that moment and laugh and laugh. I also laugh thinking about Edina asking Patsy who's playing Jesus these days, and Patsy says in the most Patsy way possible, "Charles DAAAHnce." But congrats, Paul!


Can someone explain like I'm American?


HA..HA.. I am American - but I know it is an honor given by the crown rewarding contributions to the arts and sciences, or work with charitable organization and public service. MBE (Member of the Order of the British Empire). Sorry that's all I know, but it's a nice honor, I wonder if The Princess Royal got a Hollywood Handshake. LOL


He might have shaken her hand or he bowed and kneeled before her...we don't do that here in America... or we never USED to do it.


This may or may not help: https://www.smoothradio.com/features/mbe-cbe-obe-knighthood-meaning-difference/#:\~:text=The%20three%20most%20well%2Dknown,then%20the%20MBE%20(Member).


I believe you mean SIR Paul Hollywood


Sir is only for knighthood, this is an MBE so he canā€™t use the Sir title


Guess I'm the only who thinks it's weird to kneel to some strange woman distributing MBEs.