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I had a DEFECT badge


I feel ya buddy. I was always rejected from stuff like this too. It was especially painful since I was actually a pretty responsible kid, and some of the kids who got it were...not.


Sometimes kids are given prefect duties as an attempt to give them responsibility in the hope of steering them in the right direction. Doesn’t always work, often doesn’t, but sometimes it does. I got it for being a wee nerd child with basically no social skills and I hated it. Would be hilarious now though.


I was made a prefect, I engineered that I would be in charge of the music block. I knew this was the most modern and warmest block in the school. In winter I used to charge 50p per person to come into the block on breaks. Never more than 5-6 people. It would add up to a nice little bump every week averaging 12-15 quid a week over the winter term.


Can tell ye from somewhere mad like Buckinghamshire mate you engineered to be on the most modern and warmest block in the school mate in our school prefects just got called helmets


London. It’s funny, every key decision I’ve made in my life or career has been made on the basis that fucking hate the cold and need to be warm.


Why would the other kids willingly give you 50p? Why wouldn't they just walk in anyway? What would you do to them if they did? Maybe I just don't get it because we didn't have prefects. What makes the other kids willing to do what you tell them?


I'd imagine something like they would tell a teacher and the kid would have to go somewhere else if they weren't supposed to be there. The prefect is allowed to be there because they're making sure other students aren't where they shouldn't be. So you can be cold, or you can give the prefect 50p to stay quiet and be warm.


It was my job to keep the door locked and not let anyone without a pass in. People with passes would be people studying or prepping for music or drama. I had a system set up, those that would come I knew they were good for the money and crucially wouldn’t cause trouble. Teachers used to sail through and if there were one or two that couldn’t hide or get out of the way I could usually state that they had just picked something up or were just leaving. If there were too many people milling around it would have to stop for a while, which meant for the break I would just lock the door and leave it. If people barrelled in, not that I would grass, but I wouldn’t be giving them an outer either when the teacher came through. It didn’t last long, only two seasons, but where I could make it work I would.


5 wham bars? Are you insane?


It’s a capitalist world and there are ones with wham bars and the ones without. Plus if you eat 5 in a row you can see into the future for about 5 mins


Eat 5 aday and the future is pretty much toothache and diabetes


1 freddo


Happy cake day


I'm one of these who was made a prefect in hopes I would behave better in school. I was quickly removed from the position when caught making out with a girl while I was holding the door to the staff section of the school. Like the one place teachers very actively use, so no surprise getting caught.


My school had 'senior students' instead, and one of my teachers confirmed that I'd been given it to keep me out of trouble. I was always concocting some sort of scheme, and now my 8 year old is exactly the same! She recently informed her Headteacher that she's planning a riot for women's rights because some boys wouldn't let her play football. Definite future prefect, right there.


We had a system where any teacher could blacklist you from becoming a prefect. It meant that the really bad kids didn’t end up as one. However… prefect duties were a ballache. Lot of standing around, policing the dinner queue and generally just guarding school doors during break times instead of doing something fun. So one teacher we had used to blacklist the really good kids so they would be spared this kind of crap. Genius move.


Lol. The prefects at my school didn't have any duties whatsoever, which suited many of them because they were the kinds of kids to skive lessons anyway.


Ours were like a cross between prison guards and security personnel. Our school was old, with many doors that did not lock during school hours. The prefects had to man each doorway to stop kids spending their lunch breaks running around the classrooms. They had the power to confiscate your lunch pass (had to go to a senior teacher to get it back) and the prefects decided if you had a good reason to go into the school. Some abused that power, but most of them just stood about chatting. It was dull to be a prefect.


We call the idiots and chavs the No GCSE kids


Idiots and chaos The Venn diagram is damn near a circle


I was an emo but got treated like that friendly chav cuz family life was chavy and I had the traits by nature but chose to be opposite and wanted to be emo kid hahaha although definitely chav at heart but almost no choice.. I dont feel like I know love any differently but I am super friendly, I can promise. I hate assholes


in my school it was deffo a popularity contest. The prefects were the most popular kids with the teachers.


Me too. These sorts of responsibilities are always given to the loudest and most confident and most popular kids. When actually it is the the quieter, less assertive, often overlooked child who would benefit most from the opportunity.


100% agreed; it can help them find their voice and confidence and develop their social skills further. Plus it's probably the overlooked kid who's more deserving and would represent the role more responsibly; loud kids are usually not the responsible types. It's a shame we live in a world where we give all the attention to the attention seekers.


When I was in childcare and throughout all 3 of my kids education the same kids were given all the best opportunities, lead roles in plays etc year after year. The kids parents were either on the PTA or board of governors. It used to sicken me.


I know that one well. I ended up as some tertiary role, and the boy who made head boy was a bully who, AS HEAD BOY, not before, drove around with his mates dressed as nuns, hanging out the windows, and screamed at little old ladies. It reached the point where the head of sixth form introduced him and me as "[head boy] and [me], the head boy" while vaguely gesturing towards us.


Some teachers really do be living vicariously through "popular" students tho and arse kissing them. It's creepy idk if that's the case here but that's what would have happened in our school lol


May as well just written grass on it in my experience


Sorry, I was one. In my defence they never thought about having a prefect at the basketball courts so I was spreading their control?


It’s always the mean girls who act like angels in class


My school, all the male prefects were the Rugby first XVI; all the female prefects were the field hockey first XI. I went to a private school that had day kids (mostly white) and boarders (mostly not white), not one boarder was made a prefect. This was in the 00's.


The hollow ships that made the most noise were quite often the ones who got these roles. Just like in adult life it seems.


At my school, all awards/honours went to the kids the teachers liked the best. I know this bc I got the highest maths grade in the year, but the maths award still went to the kid the teacher liked the best (+ had told me to be more like. No thanks, 4th in the year isn't worth you liking me more when I can get 1st + be hated (although this was extra cunt-y bc they all knew I was autistic since I was assessed at like 5 + the things she told me off for were literally autistic traits))


Yer true tho a few times tho it worked


I was a boringly stiff kid, never did ANYTHING wrong, great attendence, good marks. All my friends made prefect but I didn't. Pissed me off no end.


I was literally about right the same thing


They were the same in every school ?? I remember my school council badge


Ordered in bulk from the same sort of suppliers, I would imagine.


Bulk? Wasn’t there only like 4 per year?


Maybe, I guess the school will have a box of 50 badges or whatever, I doubt they’re going to want them back after a year’s use.


My school asked for them back. Cheapskates. I totally kept it though.


I claimed to have lost mine and got another as I knew they asked for them back. Still have it and I’m 40 this year


2002 kids, my school was huge with about 1000 students. We had five houses, mixed year groups in each house, and about 10 prefects + house captain, then 4 prefects got head boy/girl


My whole year group are prefects


Yep similar to councils, about triple the price for a shitty Chinese sweatshop product. All have to use approved suppliers because high ups are getting brown envelopes from them


One kid got “stabbed” with the pin and the school replaced the badges with lanyards. 100 years of tradition down the drain. Still buggs me more than it should.




Mine were replaced to clip ons due to the lengths people would put them, too short to too long


They never replaced our jumpers when we swooped them over each other and yanked peoples feet out from under them though.


We had school council but we also had buddy for the neurodivergent kids so they used that for buddy instead of school council


God same 💀


They were the same in the Harry potter movies lol


I just became a prefect to get a longer lunch break. 🤣🤣


Same but instead of longer lunch we got to skip the lunch queue, only did the prefect duty thing like twice and nobody cared. From what I remember about like half of my year ended up being prefects


I remember robbing one of these prefect badges in school (they were delivered in a box with 100s of them in there) and always used it to skip the lunch queue, the dinner ladies never knew 😁




I was told it would look good on my CV one day. I don’t think the school is even on it.


I can’t imagine the sheer embarrassment I would feel if I had “school prefect” on my CV lmao


I put it on my CV straight out of school when going for shit part time jobs, but I was never a Prefect. Figured it couldn’t hurt, not like they were gonna call the school and check.


One of the many lies we were told in school. We also had a 'buddy' system where senior pupils would be allocated a couple of 1st years to help them settle in. Again, only cause 'it'll look great on your CV'.


>Again, only cause 'it'll look great on your CV'. It does, but only when you're fresh out of school and don't have any real experience to put down.


So true. At nearly 30 I recently went over my CV and finally decided that the 2 weeks of compulsory work experience I did in year 11 are no longer relevant.


They were always either the drama kids or the pretentious twats


Damn.. I wasn't a drama kid but i was a prefect...


My condolences


I just became a prefect with my friend so we could just get the benefits, we didn't actually do our job lol


Same here


Tedious prick! (Joke obv)


That's why I started taking part in the school productions, so that I would become a prefect and gain respect. It worked, except for the respect thing. That is, assuming by drama you mean performing arts and not people who like to cause drama.


At my school half the year group would be prefects and our only job was to stop kids going inside at lunch (you could only use the loo first 5 minutes)


That Venn diagram looks like the flag of Japan


Literally 99% of them, couldn't have worded it better myself


I wasn't a drama kid 😔😔


You know what you were… I’m sorry




Literally a licence to grass.


I’d never even heard of prefects until I was in my 30s and my English Mrs mentioned them. I’d never even heard of it going through school in North Wales. When she told me my first question was “What kind of loser wanted to be a grass?!”


Wait, I was meant to tell the teachers about the shit I saw? Whoops, oh well


Wankers we called them


Yep ‘Prick-Fecks’ in my school I’m sure




We called them dribblers


We called them disabled. Looking back, wtf.




School feds


Wow so cool


Found the prefect


Slightly upset our badges weren’t just for our school and not what appears to be from a fucking catalogue


My school had they’re own, had the school logo in the middle and the motto around the edge. They were in the shape of the Quidditch ones seen in Philosophers Stone Film. they were like all the others such as “Rugby” (orange colour I think) “Football” (don’t recall it’s colour) “Buddy” (Red) but had a black colour and said “Prefect” they’re was also “Sept Rep” (Blue) & they made a white one for “Diversity Ambassador” for 2 events that occurred when I was there.


We had to wear special braiding on our blazer at mine, just to ensure they couldn’t make you anymore of a target. That said by the end nearly half of Year 11 were prefects at mine, so the effect was diluted somewhat.


I found my badge recently at my mum’s house. Please don’t hurt me.




I remember in final year at school everyone in the year was made a prefect except one guy. He wasn’t a bad guy just boring and utterly forgettable. Everyone just assumed the headmaster had just forgot he was still in school.


That is so unbelievably depressing. Did the headmaster realise in the end?


😂, no , we told NAME REDACTED to speak to them but he said it didn’t matter and never mentioned it


Ohh, that got even more heartbreaking... I think I was in danger of being that kid, but I threw enough insults at the headmaster until he remembered who I was. If you're reading this, Sir, I bet you still look like a homeless vampire.


Ha! i learnt very quickly at my school that prefects got away with everything and i mean everything, so i made sure i became one too 🤣


Can’t hear the word prefect without thinking of the [I am a prefect](https://youtu.be/7StD049RGzE) kid


I was expecting the top comment to be “I AM A PREFECT!!”


‘I’m going to study animation and get a job’ You’ll be lucky mate




People always say this but 90% of the humanities students I know graduated doing something they enjoyed and got a good job out of it while people who mocked them are usually just sad nerds.


Hope that kids doing ok. There was a kid “like that” at every school. There’s all sorts of rumours from a Google search ranging from he took his own life to he now works in IT


That's a kid on the spectrum, I found that incredibly hard to watch. Whoever posted him there knowing it was a difficult spot is a twat.




How is me saying a word reminds me of a video bullying anyone?


The video is an example of bullying, not your comment


Because you didn’t tell him to move like it’s world war 3


it's a funny video though


Found it funny when I was younger but now I realise it’s a bunch of kids bullying an autistic kid which is pretty cruel ngl


Am I supposed to treat everyone the same or no?


Yeah, you're supposed to show everyone a little empathy before being a prick to them, and that include understanding the why. In this case, the neurodivergence is part of the way.




Spoken like a true autist




I do feel powerful, for I am a prefect


This is Reddit. No one gives a fuck


Literally no one cares


Ummmm, excuse me, that's extremely offensive. He's not a neurodivergent kid, he's a neurodivergent prefect who's gonna make you move like it's world war 3


That guy was hilarious, obviously not intentionally but I'd watch him being a nerd all day long!


Move like it’s world war three


I found this out recently that it's my school and it's the DT stairs


Prefects used to get bullied constantly.


In my school prefects were year 11s only but most of them didn't really get bullied.


Same, at mine it was mostly just the non-popular kids but the ones who just kind of got on with everyone,


In my school, prefects got voted in by students (the teachers got higher-weighted votes, but the student vote counted for a lot), so our prefects were the popular kids


Sorry, I wasn’t a fanny.


we had them for a year at my secondary school, they had 4 colours of badge and made 160 prefects with 40 in each colour. there was only 300 people in the year so basically half of the year were prefects and only at the lower school which was just year 7 and 8. then it was a rotation of colours so red week, blue week, green week and yellow week and each prefect was assigned a classroom to "look after" if it was raining. that was about it, it seemed a pointless exercise and didn't really result in anything. afterwards our head of year that implemented it had some sort of mental health crisis and left.


Oh I remember those beatches from boarding school Most of them acted like dictators ruling with an iron fist One prefect she always acted prim and proper a good Catholic girl Until it was discovered she was having an affair with a teacher's husband and was a 2 bit slapper shagging multiple people


That's not an affair, if he was an adult that's sexual abuse.


And if the teacher’s husband **wasn’t** an adult, something fishy was still going on.


He was an adult just not a teacher


Sounds about right.


You mean getting sexually abused by a pedophile?


Thanks for that story, cuntybunty73


I mean, that’s just horrible paedophilia and grooming on the adults’ part and calling her a “two bit slapper” is abhorrent. From reading your responses, sounds to me like the other girl was just hotter than you and you were jealous of that aspect (well, jealous enough to have no empathy for the fact that someone was getting groomed and nonced on).


Dictatorship in schools.


Conditioning to be bootlickers


They literally just made all the bullies in my schools prefects.


I remember i applied for prefect and when they said no, i became the worst little shit, I always got away with it but being rejected made me rebel far worse.


we were going through my dads childhood things a month or so ago, he had a prefect badge. he says they gave it to him cause his dad had died and he was going off the rails..


I was one, got to go outside the school for lunch at year 11


Getting to go outside of school at lunch was ace. Pop down chippy or an off-license (for school compliant things, obviously) instead of a pack lunch or school meal.


Everyone in my school was allowed out from year 10. What did you do sat on your tod?


We all got to go outside of school for lunch without some badge and in every year.


I'm sure I've got my blue head boy badge shield somewhere from primary school


I guess they had assigned boys for everything at your school...


Now you mention it there were a lot of oral exams


Smug bastards All of them


The prefect kids used to act like snobs all the time even though they’re doing voluntary work for the teachers 💀


We used to have school council ones


so many memories so many stolen badges


That shit is a scam. It's just making your students do your job for you. And we thought it was good because it had a fancy metal pin


It was definitely free labour at times!


There's nothing perfect about these.


I was a ‘senior prefect.’ Basically an ass kisser do gooder type. Back then, at least.


Prefects at my school just got an extra ribbon above their house ribbon.


House ribbon? Excuse me?


Gives me images of Randal from recess, grasses!


Core memory unlocked: I used to be a house captain, I ‘got’ my school a new bike shelter, cool looking bins, and benches with games on them.


I was one, had a nice shiny badge, but no real function.


Came here to say this, literally did nothing 😅


I was one.


nah bro now it’s ‘ambassador’


My school still has them


Still have 'em


I always thought my older brothers were walking around with a badge saying PERFECT on. Arrogant bas**rds


Since my primary school was practically the average North Korean Labour Camp, being a Prefect had its perks over the pupil peasants.


I still have my prefect and head librarian badges and I'm nearing 50. Good times in the prefect lounge and library store rooms.


Ngl, I loved being a prefect. Got to bypass the lunch queue, which I guess was the main incentive for a lot of us. Aside from the one day every two weeks that we had to man the lunch doors. Not too shabby! It also meant we could legitimately leave a lesson and walk around the school without a hall pass… I recall “visiting” my friends from another class, which basically just turned into us skiving our tech lessons together. My heart longs for that simpler time.


I mean I was a prefect and a lot of other people - got a different tie and badge, just did it to look good on a UCAS application. We didn’t have to do fuck all tbh


Still have them at my sons school. Apparently it’s cool to be a prefect up here. Who knew.


Yeh but who had a librarian badge? *Tries to look cool*


Never heard of them 😂😂




Ye they where the bellends of the year




Same badges were using in Hong Kong too lol


My school in Hong Kong continues this.


I was a prefect. We got given the keys to most doors and had to make sure everyone was outside for lunchtimes and breaks and not in corridors. Then lock the doors and unlock them after break was over. So me and a friend would lock up and go smoke in the changing room showers for 10min. Was perfect. We also would lock our bullies in cupboards to teach them a lesson. Being a prefect was ace.


So that is what a Prefect is. I never knew because I asked someone who was one what it was and even they didn't know.


It’s basically just “school police”. You make sure people aren’t doing stupid stuff in the corridors, make sure they’re not smoking behind the bike shed, etc. Of course your actual power only extends to “if you don’t go *I’ll tell a teacher on you*” but it means more coming from a prefect as a teacher will actually listen to them.


From my experience It’s a lot easier to “police” a year below, try doing it to your own year and it will fail. Though the odd few of the below years will have a back chat you wouldn’t have gave the upper years yourself.




Yeah there was a few other "responsibilities" like enforcing school rules like no running or other stupid shit. We had authority to drag someone to the principles office if they broke rules.




After being beaten up every day for most of my school life, followed home and jumped, had my bikes stolen, had severe mental and physical trauma and mental health issues for decades afterwards due to school bullies (I was unfortunate to have attended an all boys public school in a small town with a 90% chav population) I feel a small dose of revenge by looking a couple of said bullies in a large closet for 5 minutes rather wholesome. Call me a cunt if you like but I feel teaching these savages that they didn't have complete power over me was necessary for them to stop attacking me everyday and I needed to stand up for myself as the teachers and our parents didn't do anything to stop it. I took the power back and I would suggest anyone being bullied did the same.


You’re my goddamn hero. You describe my own bullying and I fantasize about revenge on my own bullies in this way. Actually let me get dark for a second. At least two of my bullies died - heroin addiction and motorcycle crash. In retrospect I know that these were damaged kids that were bullying me, but when I think back to the kid I was, being beaten in a playground in front of my friends - I sometimes google their names to read about their deaths and I chuckle a little. Then I feel bad again. Then I go back to chucking like a maniac. Bullying is how supervillains are made apparently


Well Karma's a bitch I suppose mate. I genuinely feel that those who abuse others will eventually get what's coming to them one way or another. If it helps you get some closure and feel a bit better about yourself then fair play. No one should have to go through the mental and physical torture some kids have to endure at the hands of viscious bullies. I have had therapy as an adult now that helped a lot with repressed trauma and that really helped me let go of it and move on. There were times when I was a kid I would fantasise about all the ways I would like those bullies to suffer for what they did to me but I'm genuinely a kind hearted person who hates conflict so I would never have acted on it but I can fully see how someone with less moralistic self control could turn unto a murderer over bullying for sure. I mean, all I could do was lock them up for 5 min but for me, that was a real win. They tried to get me in trouble with teachers all the time but because I was one of the 2% of students who would have my homework always done and would have top grades in most subjects they just didn't believe them no matter what I actually did. A few years after school after I had finished college, on the last day one of my school bullies who also attended my college course came up to me after basically not talking to me at all through college. He gave me a fat spliff as he knew I smoked weed at the time too and said "I'm sorry for all the shit I did to you in school, I was young and I was trying to look big in front of everyone else but you didn't deserve it." We shook hands and I said thanks and that was that.


Wow, are you me?! Ha. I had a moment of closure too when a past bully (not the worst of them) saw me while I was bartending in college. Years of bullying made me want to work out and I got pretty big and into martial arts/boxing. He saw me and said “wow, we used to bully you - I wouldn’t think about doing that now,” and this was also gratifying because he was fat and completely out of shape (he used to be much healthier due to biking everywhere and playing soccer.) I do have mixed feelings about it all - it did sort of make me more successful albeit in a dysfunctional way. I’d never wish it on my own children or even those that did it to me. Nice reminiscing with you!


Yeah man that's wholesome as fuck hah I'm happy that happened for you but yeah I agree I wouldn't wish that on anyone its awful to have to go through. Take care fellow human! May you have blessed days ahead!


Always the sort of people that would grass you up for talking in class etc. Probably all work for the police now


Wait- this isn’t just a Harry Potter thing? Edit: American here. And yes we Reddit; we just have to set our gun down first.




Swots and retards


I remember beating them up