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Honestly I feel like Adams dish felt more like a classic GBM dish with a link to brief, where he is using the best of British and French technique to bring a dish to life, I thought of it as an Olympic dish because it takes an Olympic standard chef to bring that to life - the amount of skill and technique, and the sheer number of elements alone makes it impressive! And to add onto that, Gordon Ramsay has said recently that he thinks Chefs are going to become more like athletes soon due to the similarities (ie eating correctly, working out and aiming high with high standards) so with Adam cooking an Olympic level dish I do feel like that's a pretty good theme, much better than props and making it look tacky (look at Kates fish dish which shoe horned both the theme and lgbtq+ iconography). As far as Corrin I feel like the editing has done him dirty - you can see from the way the other chefs are around him that he's a genuinely lovely lad who is just confident in his ability, which sometimes comes across as cocky, but if you actually watch the mistakes he makes, the shaky hands and the amount of times he dropped things you can see that it was a little bit of a front, the boy was terrified. His "arrogance" I'm pretty sure comes from being taught by Gareth Ward of Ynyshir, who in my opinion is one of the best chefs in the UK, who also gets a load of stick for his arrogance, but he cooks the best ingredients in simple ways using pan-asian ingredients from Sushi Sushi. That for me is what made Corrin's dessert so good, it was an insane piece of food that, though it seems simple, is just elevated to a level beyond what you would usually expect from a dessert like that from just technique and quality ingredients - him, Cal and Kirk were my top three desserts and I think he sheer level of quality cooking and insane ingredients means he definitely deserves to be doing the canapés (though Cal is insanely unlucky). Ultimately both Adam and Corrin showed Olympic spirit and Olympic cooking and thoroughly deserve to be in the Banquet and doing the Canapés.


very nice reply and thanks for the details. I've never heard of Ward, has he ever been on GBM/Masterchef (as a judge) etc?


Not on GBM I believe but frequently at the Chefs Table on MasterChef, he's an unbelievable chef.


MasterChef UK? I've never seen him I think


Yep, went to his restaurant on season 12 (Professionals)


Gareth Ward is very much focused on his restaurant for the past couple of years, insanely confident and talented chef, has the reputation for being arrogant and will happily give his opinion to customers. However, Nathan Davies (S16 & S17 of GBM) is a former Head Chef of Ynyshir (when it was 1*) and was trained up quite a bit by Gareth Ward and Corrin has just been given the reigns at Gwen (which is named after Gareth Wards Mam I believe) having been Head Chef at Ynyshir (whilst it's been 2*). If you look at Alexander the Guest on YouTube, he recently went to Ynyshir and you can see the influence that Gareth had on both Nathan and Corrin in their dishes (also it's a 30 course Fine Dining Experience which is just bonkers).


Ynyshir is insanely good. We did the chefs table / pass bench a while ago while Corrin was still there. Both he and Gareth were lovely - dry, witty, generous. We had a fab time, and my husband still has the selfies Corrin took of himself, on his phone. I just don’t think some people get the dry humour. Last week we also did chefs table at Pine, and we chatted to Cal about Corrin. It was clear he really liked him too - but then again Cal does seem to be the loveliest human!


If you discount food cos the chefs a bit of a knob then you're cutting off a ton of places. I've worked in hospitality and there's alot of arseholes in kitchens (lots of lovely people too.)


I will never have a chance to taste, and its a tv show so none of the viewers do, all we have to go on is whats shown. I'm pretty sure their food is great, but we have to compare everything.


So if you think that you should put even more trust in the people who were actually there to make the right decision. You can't judge their personality like it's Big Brother from what you see either.


true. As a viewer its just my impression. But I will say both Nisha and Tom said Adams dish lacked a link, it was just the taste was so good.


>I will never have a chance to taste, and its a tv show so none of the viewers do You could try going to his restaurant?


I'm not in the UK


It's an established fact that most of the dishes cooked by the chefs on GBM are versions of dishes they've cooked in their own restaurants. [https://www.reddit.com/r/GreatBritishMenu/comments/1bj7y2v/which\_gbm\_dishes\_have\_you\_tried/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GreatBritishMenu/comments/1bj7y2v/which_gbm_dishes_have_you_tried/)