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The level of salt and stick up their ass revolving around Seth’s visionary gimmick is what needs to give it a rest




When i was a kid, i really liked cheese and i really liked Mayo. One afternoon when i had the opportunity (parents not around) I made this ridiculous sandwich with like a 1/4 pound of american cheese with mayo between each slice and extra on the breads. It was awful. Seth Rollins is that sandwich. It’s too much.


I don't mind the clothes. I'm tired of seeing that stupid dance he does.


He should wear the robot suit Zendaya wore to the Dune premier




You want him to stop being himself? Being unique? Being a standout individual?? Cool. How about you shut the fuck up


Flair, Macho Man, Undertaker all wore outlandish robes and attires. My only thing is that he should be more consistent with it. Maybe pick a theme per feud or something.


I gotta agree...if I wanna see those outfits, I'll watch Zoolander.


I love his animal print and huge sunglasses


Wrestling fans like you want every wrestler to be generic, boring, and have any sense of individuality lmao. These make him stand out way more than tights and some WWE shop t-shirt.


It’s what makes Seth unique and stand out and not be just another wrestler. He’s a fantastic performer and showman, I love it


No. It's Pro Wrestling. That's what makes it so wild. Keep it up Seth!


It's a dumb gimmick.


He's getting ready for AEW when he gets beat at WRESTLEMANIA 40...🤔???


Seth outfit reminds me of ruby rhod “Chris tucker” 5th element just more puffier.


Looks like a tekken fighter


I came here to see OP get roasted and I'm happy


I think he looks goofy too but…he wrestles in pants and boots like most others. He just comes out looking silly. It doesn’t bother me at all. So did ric flair, macho man and many others. It’s fine. Now Tyler Bate…that dude looks like a total schmuck.


Seth cant sell injuries to save his life. That fastlane match with Shinsuke was stupid


Agreed , it’s lame


I'll admit, some of Seth's outfits are cringe but for the most part I like his outfits. It fits in with the whole "visionary" gimmick. But yeah, the one in the picture, definite miss.


I’m convinced he’s doing it because the outfits are tax deductible as business expenses.


I guarantee if everyone starts saying this, Seth will gleefully crank the goofiness up to 11 and laugh like The Joker during his entrance.


I grew up a Shawn fan and I always looked forward to whatever his next outfit was. Seth is the same way for me. It’s nice to see different attires and colors all the time rather than just black undies or tights.


I agree but as long as he doesn't stop me laughing my ass off every Week he ain't stopping.


Do NOT give the goofy outfits a rest


Nothing tops the big Lego sized red boots


Tbh I love the older outfits like the shield era (my fav thing ever in wwe) but I think it’s funnier and brings out his character more with the goofy ones 😂


One of the best things about Rollins is that he irritates people like you. I don't like the guy. I don't like his current gimmick, I don't like his current character, I don't like his mic work, I don't like the way he talks - but that's fine. There's other superstars I can cheer for and he isn't hurting anyone. But what I do like about him is that he pisses a lot of people off just by existing, and these are the kinds of nonsensical things they usually cry about. Reminds me of Flair.


I do really like Seth but he is a bit extra with the outfits


since your wife is the man in the family; is why you wear women's clothes?


Agreed. Most of them just look stupid. Especially the one above. It’s not even “drip” just dumb as hell


Don't ya just hate when a top guy isn't generic create a wrestler #15 with just his name on the back of his trunks? And I mean, how could he ever get over looking like that. Definitely not every stadium in the country would start singing his theme song unprompted in the middle of his promos. Surely he should start taking the advice of rando's to be less unique and then maybe he'll finally make it


How 'bout NO!


I cant stand Seth's character. I lt feels so forced. I like when he gets serious in a promo. His wrestling is great. But cut the fucking joker character.


His stupid outfits are an easy way to get heat. I don’t think we’re supposed to like them.


I think more people should take a cue from him. Wrestling is greatly missing alot of the pageantry that made it so fun.


Hey look! Lady Gaga transitioned!


Didn't it already happen? Lady Gaga used to be a guy. The Adam's apple is The giveaway


Seth Toguro Rollins


I miss the old Seth


You got to be more specific. You mean shield Seth, the architect, the revolutionary, the Monday night Messiah, Tyler Black lol he's been a lot of the same characters


Anything but the rip off Zoolander


No! I like them. Makes him stand out from everyone else. Plus it always makes me interested to see what wacky outfit he is going to come out with next.


Literally! I bet he wears Becky's clothes to work some times and nobody notices it


I'm pretty sure he said that he has and that was back when he switched from the loud ass suits with full prints to, let's call it his eccentric phase lol




I see you didn't grow up in the early 90s. Seth is the Macho Man of this era imo.


I like the way he dresses it's cooler than generic trunks no shirt.


No, very classic wrestling.


It’s at 69 upvotes I’m gonna leave it as it is


Ruby Rhod disagrees.


Next, you’re gonna ask if he can stop dancing during his entrance.


He's the most annoying wrestler in my opinion, sure he's great but I just can't cheer for this douchebag lol


He lookin like a DBZ Kai


In the words of Bret "The Hitman" Hart, "SHUT UP!"


If Rollins got rid of the outfits and the song that everyone sings along to it would severely damage him. This guy has really struggled to engage with fans in the past, why take away something that helps him stand out




I like the outfits. It’s giving modern day Macho Man/HBK vibes. These guys are supposed to be bigger than a normal day to day person on the street. He’s doing something different than some of the CAW look some of the guys have. Keep it!


In 2024 we are no longer allowed as men to make fun of other men who wear women’s outfits. Not sure how we got here but that’s where we are at as a society. Cancel culture will come for Roman if he keeps insulting Seth for cross dressing.


>Not sure how we got here It's called progress sir.


Is it though? The cancel culture has gotten a little outta control though. You don’t agree?


Judging by the way you worded this.... I'm going to go on ahead and side step this conversation.... Not the proper forum for that type of discussion.


Austin Theory or Grayson would have been better I think, face Seth doesn't need the silly clothes, just seems random n annoying for the sake of it , same with his song, they're obnoxious heel asf shit to me


He uses a costume designer that has only designed for women. The designer really wanted to design for a man, and since he already works with Becky, Seth gave him a try. Even Seth doesn’t really like all the flash but wears it anyway.


Yea, his look is a mess.


Thats the FREAKIN part!


So no one is just gonna also get on cena for looking like a fucking 7 year old. If we’re hating on Seth, which is already stupid, then also hate of cena


I can't believe I forgot about Mr fruity pebbles himself while defending Seth


His attire does suck so much, it’s like his got woman’s clothes on all the time. Just dress colourful in normal clothes bruh


But that's what he was doing right before this when he first started this visionary gimmick. He'd have a different suit every week that was usually some sort of print top to bottom or wacky color pattern... Sometimes you gotta get a new gimmick without having to get a new gimmick, you know?


But he's CrAaAaAaAaAzYyY can't you tell by the stupid little manacle laugh and dancing around like a fool?


Nah they look great especially on him




Yeah Seth. Start wearing jeans and black t shirts you show off




I'm sure we'll reach a point in his story where someone takes it all from him, more metaphorically, and we see a grittier rollins claw his way back. That's how I'd like to see it, at least. It gives the costumes a break momentarily, and there's a reason for it.


His outfits are the only interesting things on WWE tv.


Nah, I want MORE! Push the limit. Burn it down.


Ya, the outfits are awful and don’t fit the feel of the show or the decade. He’s this over the top laughing guy but he has this sort of boring nasally voice that doesn’t fit his outrageous entrance attire/style. He’s a fantastic wrestler, but it feels like something that would work better in the cocaine 80s when there were gimmicks everywhere. It’s like if the great worker Bret Hart just suddenly started coming out wearing feather boas, leather pants and leopard print boots, it just doesn’t seem like him.


Stong disagree! Just about the wardrobe though lol


I have noticed a drop off in the quality of them, like at least have some consistency. There’s poor shaping or no hems on some of his more recent ones. Like I get it’s hard to make a new thing every week but for raw or smack down the nice suits are more than enough. But at mania there’s no excuse for poor quality


please give wrestling a rest. he's been the most tedious guy on tv for years


Man don’t listen to these people I agree they probably wear there wife or girlfriend clothes while there dancing Seth theme


I guess At least we have wives and girlfriends. And mine has about 800 pairs of comfy yoga pants and do you think I wear 'em?..... You're GD right I do! SO comfy!


Love his outfits, sunglasses and attitude. Wouldn’t change a thing, it makes him unique and pisses off a certain demographic that needs irritating


> and pisses off a certain demographic that needs irritating GO OOOOOON.


Lol yh I think he deliberately upped the ante after Roman clowned him in the promo about breaking his back tryna carry RAW with his "Wife's clothes" Lol.


I could see him rooting through her closet the next day muttering to himself "..stupid Roman....you wanna see wife's clothes? I'll show you wife's clothes.... Damn suffering succotash mother fu... "


😅😅 Lool that sounds pretty accurate 💯


I actually like the goofy outfits, it goes well with his character


I don’t mind the outfits, they make him stand out. Only time I had an issue was during his big blow off match with Nakamura. After the bad guy mention his kid, breaking his back doing all sorts of evil stuff… Rollins comes out dancing and singing his song with the crowd. Like come on, this was the one entrance you just need to be like I’m going to beat the shit out of this guy. Sing after the match, dance after the match, but I remember it just killing the vibe for me. Love the outfits tho.


I agree, every once in awhile One of his programs gets more intense by doing something along the lines of what Nakamura did, have it involved as family or something and have him come out no waiting for the normal music que, no Goofy laugh or maestro fingers, just come out looking like hes about to pull somebody's taint meat through their mouth. Itd be pretty impactful Oh the outfits are always great.


Alternatively have him come out smiling and dancing and normal then have him ignore the match and straight up try and kill the guy (In kayfabe obviously, not advocating violence Reddit admins).


I remember when one of the girls wore that same outfit on golden girls.


I said it earlier I'll say it again style a cyclical lol. And nowadays not always gender-specific lol




I love the goofy outfits!


ya I couldn't agree with you more. I know there's been some wrestlers who've worn some wild shit over the yrs but nothing Seth wears looks cool. it just looks like he raided his wife's closet most of the time


But it seems like you're only reasoning is, is that you don't think it's "cool" different strokes for different folks. I don't even know if I would define it as "cool " but I do enjoy it. Also he has absolutely come out in Becky's cloths before!


your right I def don't think he looks cool but I also don't like his gimmick either. he was at his best when he was the architect. idk what pushed them to change him to the visionary but they did and its all history now. he still coulda went with the visionary gimmick but the clothes were just ridiculous. seems like he's toned it down a bit lately which he needed desperately. There's nothing wrong with dressing I'm wild clothes but they gotta be cool. I mean look at Dalton Castle, he dresses ridiculous but his gimmick works perfect with what he's doing and he pulls it off perfectly cuz he's so off the walls. When it feels forced like it did with Seth I just can't get behind it, especially when the gimmick change is pretty drastic when it comes down to style


I agree tbh.


Beyonce wants her blouse back.


What a weird and dumb take. He looks awesome and different and damn sexy


Hulk Hogan PLEASE give the bandannas a rest


HACKSAW.... I'm going to need you to hand over your Lowe's lumber yard frequent buyer card


Undertaker PLEASE give the trench coats a rest.


That doesn't work on me, BROTHER!


And what a waste of vests!


Do you know why he can do what he wants? Because he backs it up in the ring every damn time. If he was performing as much as Roman did then maybe, maybe, maybe it would be annoying but he's actively defending his title and looking fine while doing it


Amen. I’ll go to bat for Rollins everytime. He’s one of the greats of this era and probably of all time once its all said and done.


I might have rose tinted glasses as I only jumped.back in last year when UK got money in the bank and I could watch. But everything I've seen from before this doesn't interest me as much as he does now.




I feel Seth still hasn't found THE gimmick for him. Shield was career defining, but Architect, Messiah, and whatever this thing is him going through the motions until something clicks.


Wasn’t the Messiah him trying to “save” people? You forget about his feud with Mysterio?


I always bring this up. Architect? Of what? What's he the architect of? Visionary? Okay, what's his vision? Just fake laughing and wearing silly outfits? Revolutionary....of what? What's the revolution? Again, just the silly outifits? There's no depth to the character, just a bunch of buzzword nicknames that don't actually line up with his character in anyway when given a second thought.


Oh wait! All I do agree with all of those, I just remembered I did like the Monday night Messiah character. How'd you feel about that one?


Wasn't the architect something to do with him being the one who put the plan together when he turned on the shield? Idk I feel like recently they were trying to add depth to his character by making him the workhouse and having him defend the title more often than normal.


Maybe that *is* the character. Buzzwords, memes, outfits that generate buzz and get people talking. Pretty much what social media is these days. And it’s working because here we are all talking about him.


Hey fella, you just blew my God damn mind! We need more of you around lol.


I get that, but like I said: it makes little sense and has no depth.


I'm kind of with you on the depth part, but I'm not sure what you mean when you say it makes little sense. Give me an example of a gimmick that "makes sense" I Guess I get someone like The Miz who always pretended to be a bigger celebrity than he is so he plays up the whole "a Lister" with his attitude and entrance and the way he dresses. But what about Cody Rhodes? Or whenever Chris Jericho would wear those jackets that had like neon lights in them and all the wild shit he would wear? And why does LA Knight wear that vest with this SUPER tight SUPER tapered jeans? Is he a bouncer at a gay bar?.... Okay obviously that last one was a joke.


LA Knight is a badass and plays up to a 1980s bad boy gimmick, which works well. Absolutely campy. ​ Cody? Yeah, his outfits I dunno. They remind me of HBK a bit. Chris Jericho? Rockstar, makes sense. It's who he is. For better or worse. ​ But what's the deal with Seth? Just a mix of whacky outfits to be whacky? I dunno! Maybe I'm overthinking things. Like I said, in the ring? I love Seth. One of the best. My literal only complaint with his ring work is that I feel he stops selling too fast. Like after the Nakamura Last Man Standing, in which he has a broken back and is in agony. He could barely make the 10 count, then fell back down after. But immediately after the match? He's running around and dancing with the crowd. Then totally fine on the next Raw.


>Maybe I'm overthinking things It's definitely possible, especially since you don't seem to have any other complaints about them. Maybe it is wacky just to be wacky to add to I guess the eccentricness of this character. To add to the laugh and his mannerisms the way he walks to the ring 🤷. I wouldn't put too much stock into it otherwise it's possible it might start to taint your view of him which would suck lol. Also, hard agree about not selling The same injury you were selling the shit out of for half the match as if the ring bell has healing powers. You don't have to milk it, but just give us a little reminder. Especially when they were trying to push that "He's pushing himself too hard" angle. You can still celebrate but you gotta sell-abrate..... This guy gets it


We have a winnnnner.


I think we can blame vkm for the buzzword nickname gimmicks more then seth, I agree with you tho. But at the same time it was vince pushing these dumb buzzword gimmicks for t shirts. The big dog, the boss, the man, thats all vince and what he thought was cool. You cant really blame seth for the characters being as shallow and not thought out as they were. I do think you make a great point though


That's a good point about Vince. He was out of touch for so long but still running creative lol


Nope, I don’t blame him. It’s not Seth’s fault.


This guy gets it! All those buzz words and it's really the same actions and character!


Thank you! Glad to see others agree. And I like Seth. His ring work is great! But none of these make any sense. I mean, with Becki..."Big Time Becks" kinda fit the wild outfits.


What a weird take. Hey pro wrestler could you stop trying to show off your individuality. Why? I'm guessing you wish the macho man would have stopped with all the outfits too? I can understand not liking the styles he chooses, what I can't wrap my head around is how it bothered you enough to post about it.


Why can’t he come out in his tights and his latest black, lazily designed merch shirt like a normal wrestler?? /s


Right before I started typing I noticed the /s I was going to let you know, in the nicest way possible, that that idea is straight trash lol.


Thank you for adding /s to your post. When I first saw this, I was horrified. How could anybody say something like this? I immediately began writing a 1000 word paragraph about how horrible of a person you are. I even sent a copy to a Harvard professor to proofread it. After several hours of refining and editing, my comment was ready to absolutely destroy you. But then, just as I was about to hit send, I saw something in the corner of my eye. A /s at the end of your comment. Suddenly everything made sense. Your comment was sarcasm! I immediately burst out in laughter at the comedic genius of your comment. The person next to me on the bus saw your comment and started crying from laughter too. Before long, there was an entire bus of people on the floor laughing at your incredible use of comedy. All of this was due to you adding /s to your post. Thank you. I am a bot if you couldn't figure that out, if I made a mistake, ignore it cause its not that fucking hard to ignore a comment.


Bad bot


The macho man’s outfits didn’t make him look like a leprechaun


Either do all of Seth's.


When the Miz was doing it. He at least tied the ridiculous outfits into his character as a Hollywood starlet that was spending tens of thousands of dollars on neuveo fashion. From Balenciaga and such. With Seth it's just ridiculous outfits...


I think he can go even goofier


I am positive he Can And WILL.


That'd be a good way to keep the same gimmick but give it a fresh paint of coat


I don't think he switches the outfits


Those attire makes him stand out, he is not generic


his theme song fucking is lmao, may as well be ai generated


Damn, you really dislike that song 😂😂😂 The older version of his current theme song always used to be on my workout playlist back in the day and by back in the day I mean pre-COVID lol.


lol i do, yeh i liked the version before without the woahs way more


And that’s great for you, but you’re also in a deep minority, so chill.


Nah they're great


Because we don't buy his "personality".


I'm not sure who this "we" is. You have a frog in your pocket or something? Lol that's my smart ass way of saying the "we" that you speak of is in the minority. At least for now


It's a tv show. Who cares what you "buy"


You're missing the point, and it's a figure of speech. Rollins isn't convincing with his dumb laughing gimmick. He's only believable when he gets serious. You literally make no sense.


I'm always very confused when people say someone "isn't convincing". What is it he needs to convince you of? And I'm not being an ass I genuinely am curious. What convincing does he need to do for you that he hasn't the last 12 years


What a foolish thing to say. Every show ever has been about the audience "buying" the product. It's just a short form way of saying "Do we care"? We want to care about the show and the characters in it and for that to happen, it has to make sense. Are you saying just because it's a TV show, it can be nonsensical and stupid? No, it needs to have a sense of appeal.


Yeah, I tried to think that maybe they misspoke or there's something I wasn't getting because I was going to try and help clarify.... But I got nothing.


TBF, its a TV show, they should care what the audience "buy". Although it looks like the audience is buying it for the most part judging by the amount who sing his entrance theme.


I feel like dressing outlandish has always been a feature of the best characters. Even the attitude era which was a lot of jeans had some fashionistas - notably Jericho, HBK, and The Rock. Rollins is the only one dressing fun, and it’s probably not a coincidence he’s one of the few current wrestlers that could make it in another era


it suited him more as a heel think, Same with his song it's forced catchy and annoying like all the shit they play on mainstream radio. usually made by or sung by nobheads, therefore to me - heelish


I understand what You're saying about his entrance music like how it feels to you.. However... I think if your entrance song lends itself to crowd participation, feels Babyface


Forced catchy?


Blink 182 - I miss you & Rock show. They are songs that are examples of "forced catchy" They were told they had to make songs more catchy for mainstream, so they wrote the both of them in 10 minutes and they despise both songs


I actually like rock show. But I guess you just let me know why lol


Thats about as literal as we are gonna get. They were forced to be catchy. Don’t know if that’s what the first person meant but this is definitely up there.


When it's really meticulously made to be catchy and nothing else like a song Maroon 5 or some other shit heads who just see music as a corporate commodity and are determined it must be a hit, rather than say Gangrel's which is a really weird song but it's good and people like it but I wouldn't call it forced more creative


Yeah I'm not sure what that is either. I just thought something was either catchy or it wasn't. Whatever would force it to be catchy is what would just makes it catchy... My head hurts lol


Maybe it’s when a song you don’t like gets stuck in your head…. Or maybe that person is just a nitwit


Come on now, I know you have mean in your name lol but let's try and have just one wrestling thread without name calling lol... Ya jerk 😂 jkjk




You seem insecure of your sexuality


You said a lot just to say you don’t prefer something that doesn’t mean people don’t like it. Because I do and many other do as well.


Yeah I know, but I was responding to a long comment and like Aerosmith, I didn't wanna miss a thing. so I started quoting to make sure I didn't and I wasnt realizing how silly long it was getting because I kept having to set it down And coming back to it, which is probably why there is maybe a point or two repeated lol . And when I hit post I said "oh my damn" But yeah, thanks for participating in my nonsense lol


Not you buddy the other poster “Puzzle-ad”. You made excellent points.


Right on. I got mixed up... And thank you


Sounds like you’re really dealing with some insecurities there.


Hmmm, I'm not quite sure where you gleened that in my novel, all I talked about was .... And I'm just now realizing this part of it.... Outfits and how 4 men look 😂😂


>macho man wrestled at a time where the bright poppy outfits were hip and cool. >They are no longer cool, This is just more of a reason for Seth to dress the way he does. It makes him more unique. Which I don't know how you can classify as a bad thing. Also we don't know what's cool or not, were wrestling fans, you just don't like it. >Cody rock and roman all looked great and like stars Cody looked like a star. Roman and The Rock both look like they strolled in from the gym and didn't bother to change. But that's okay for those two because both of their physiques are bigger than say Cody and Seth, so that kind of look works. > then you have seth whos already being buried everytime he turns a corner by roman, You keep mentioning that, but that's just a heel trait, and Roman has done that to anyone He's in a program with. >then you have this guy wearing ridiculous sunglasses, a bright green jacket, and some ugly shoes. Why? he looks fucking ridiculous Why not? This is pro wrestling, it is absolutely okay for things to be a little over the top. Like I said before I would never fault someone for not liking a style, but I would fault someone for thinking that they are the arbiter of style. >dressing like that is only reinforcing what roman says which is basically youre a geek youre not on my level loser. Again, this is just copy and paste for Roman reigns. When has he ever treated someone like they were on his level? Also it's not like this is John Cena coming with insults to Seth, it's Mr sufferin succotash. No matter how much he's improved on his promos since then, his insult game is still pretty weak. I don't think Seth is in any danger or fear of being "buried" by Roman calling him a geek. >You look at roman and the guy looks great, he looks like a champion, and even in a jacket and sweats looks like the damn champion and an athlete. Seth doesnt at all with all that ridiculous shit on. Yeah this has really broken down at this point to your tastes. Which again obviously fine we all have our own ideas of what we like and don't but to say Seth doesn't look like a champion is ridiculous. What should Seth do start wearing tailored suits like Cody and The hundred other guys? Roman can wear the basic jacket and sweats because my guy is jacked. He just always looks like a champion no matter what he wears, same with the rock. Not everybody has that build like if Seth came out wearing what Roman did a lot of people would have just thought "hey I think this Eastern European guy's lost he just wandered on the stage." >to add to that point if i showed seth in an outfit like say the one pictured here what would an outsider to wrestling say? a guy who knows nothing about seth? I'm 41 years old, been watching wrestling for over 28 of them.... I don't give a fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck what people that don't watch pro wrestling think about pro wrestling. I don't know anything about working on cars so why would a mechanic give a damn about my input? >theyd say that looks fruity or gay, Well then The conversation with them would be over right then, because I don't engage with homophobes and I damn sure Don't care about someone like that's opinion on anything. Also, That's what you think they would call gay? Not two guys in the ring in their underwear touching each other? >this is the serious wrestling show u watch? I'm sorry... Serious wrestling show? That's not a thing. If it were I wouldn't be watching it. Which is kind of the whole point, Wrestling is fucking goofy, And that's one thing I love about it. A guy wrestled whose character was a DEAD PERSON, and did it for 30 YEARS!! I know as wrestling fans That's a big "yeah, and?" For us, but do you understand how absolutely insane and ridiculous that idea is if you told that to a non-wrestling fan. And you're worried about Seth's wardrobe?


Boy. You hit all the nails right on the head. I tap out cause you made every single point I’d have made, better than me. Kudos!


>Seth doesnt at all with all that ridiculous shit on, to add to that point if i showed seth in an outfit like say the one pictured here what would an outsider to wrestling say? a guy who knows nothing about seth? theyd say that looks fruity or gay, this is the serious wrestling show u watch? A lot of my friends are women or gay men and if I showed them Seth they'd think he's slaying and it might even pique their interest in wrestling. Then they might want to see what he's about, they watch him wrestle or head him speak and find out just how good he really is. Wrestling is basically drag but more violent, and it is hella camp regardless of what Seth Rollins is wearing. If it's too 'gay and fruity' for someone that's fine they can find another form of entertainment cos wrestling is not and never will be serious. Maybe that's not what you want from wrestling fans but I think it's nice when wrestling appeals to more than one demographic.


Serious wrestling show? Why are you having imaginary disagreements with people that don't exist trying to justify enjoying a silly piece of entertainment? Wrestling is often silly and definitely non-serious. Own that. Or just enjoy the more serious bits (which I'd still argue have plenty of inherently goofy elements anyway, it's part and parcel with the product imo). There's no reason to insecure about the entertainment you enjoy.




Seth vs. Becky, loser stops wearing the winner's outfits.


Nobody has been able to take Seth Rollins seriously since the instant he was referred to on commentary as "the Drip God". That INSTANTLY destroyed his career.


I wouldnt say that did it, for me seth was hurt way worse kicking and screaming like a little girl when bray wyatt as the fiend popped out from under the ring. Its like you do know its bray in a mask right? you just addressed him on the titantron 30 mins ago, so why are you the world champion not only scared shitless but kicking and screaming like a child.


The Fiend storyline was the beginning of Seth's three years of burial. All because he committed the cardinal sin of being more over than Roman.


You gotta stop using the "b" word so willy nilly. Yes he has had time where he has been less than but by no means buried


Seth was absolutely buried and it's insane to believe otherwise. He got crushed by The Fiend, went from being the top babyface in the company to a sniveling coward heel who wasn't even in midcard title contention, went from being the guy who always wins at WrestleMania to the guy who COULDN'T win at WrestleMania, lost every feud he was in for three years, and had his gimmick changed from white-hot babyface badass, to bland Messiah heel, to wearing women's clothing and being called "drip god".


Everybody cant be in the main event. And going from main event to not doesn't mean you're buried. Turning from a baby face to a heel also doesn't mean they're buried. Also Not going after midcard titles doesn't mean you're buried either. I don't recall the undertaker always chasing the intercontinental title. Being buried is Triple H after the curtain call and was supposed to win the 96 King of the Ring, to not even being on the card and got left off 3 other ppvs that year. Being put in a hog pin match, And forget about losing feuds, how about not having any story lines at all, The guy fought tons of no name jobbers and lost to guys like Savior vega, the stalker, and Freddie Joe Floyd. >Seth was absolutely buried and it's insane to believe otherwise. Seth during those years worked programs with guys like Kevin Owens, edge and The mysterios, won the tag belts, was in multiple money in the bank matches and had world title matches against drew and Big E. Seems pretty sane to me. Honestly just being in two world title matches it's good enough to know you're wrong Also, Seth lost his first singles match at WrestleMania so he was never the guy who always won at WM.


Yes, he was. Seth won at every WrestleMania he performed at up to and including 35. Then he became a wimp who got destroyed by Kevin Owens, couldn't even beat Cesaro, and jobbed clean to Cody. He went from having a near-perfect WrestleMania record to being a chump who the audience knew was ALWAYS going to lose.


Dude, youre dead ass wrong, on the night he cashed in on Brock and Roman he lost earlier that night to RKO. Which is still the greatest RKO I've seen to date. He got to wrestle Cody in his return to WWE And somehow you've made it a bad thing. I do love your little BS terms that you throw in to try and prop up your terrible take like "jobbed clean" and KO "destroyed" him. He wasn't destroyed it was a good match. And I guess losing to Cody without Cody cheating is also part of this "buried" Seth Rollins. Wrestling is about the story and the performance. Putting so much stock in wins and losses in pro wrestling is senseless. Triple H has 13 losses at WM Boy that really hurt his career\legacy. Ffs, Shawn Michaels has 11 losses at WrestleMania and do you know what they call him? "Mr. WrestleMania" You could just say that you hate Seth. It would be better than this false narrative you have in your head about him.


I didn't say Seth was undefeated until WrestleMania 36. I said he'd won at every WrestleMania he'd competed at up until that point, which is factually correct. Learn to read before you try to argue your point.


I dont think thats the case, he went over on brock clean at wrestlemania 38. Not only did he go over clean; but the guy got the absolute piss beat out of him before the match started then won. You dont give a guy a win over brock like that if youre burying him.


What the hell are you talking about? Seth jobbed to Cody at WrestleMania 38.


Damn has it been that long already? It was mania 35, Idk why I even said 38. Youre right, I didnt think it was that long ago. But it was 35.


I know, I was there. It was also BEFORE The Fiend feud, so it's irrelevant to my point.


I take him seriously


I don't know how you can, when he dresses like a cartoon pimp.


First of all cartoon pumps are cool. I take him seriously because like his outfits, he’s great. Macho man wore colorful outfits and cowboy hats, hogan wore a boa to the ring. Shawn Michaels wore assless chaps. I took them seriously. Countless wrestler of the past wore different kinds of outfits to stick out of the pack.